

单词 急剧

急剧 adverb ()

sharply adv
rapidly adv


急剧下降 v

slump v

See also:


rapid adj
urgent adj
desperate adj

make (sb) anxious


drama n

External sources (not reviewed)

令人尤其担忧的是,2010 年最后一个季度,记录到东耶路撒冷 Silwan 社区 发生的逮捕幼儿案急剧增多
Of particular concern is the sharp increase in the last quarter of 2010 in the documented cases of arrest of young children in the Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem.
还有报告称出现强迫劳动、没收土地、强 迫修建农业种植园、商品价急剧上 涨 的现象。
Forced labour, land confiscations, the forced construction of agricultural plantations and sharp rises in
[...] commodity prices have also been reported.
咨询委员会获悉,不可能在现有资源内支持 这急剧增加的活动。
The Committee was informed that it was not possible to support such surge activities from within existing resources.
无足够 的蒸发空间、微小的温度上升能导致液体膨胀并使压急 剧升高
Without enough vapor space, a small temperature increase can cause the liquid to expand and increase the pressure dramatically.
中方注意到,秘书长报告(S/2009/149)特别提 及,去年自愿回归科索沃的少数民族人 急剧 下 降, 我们对此表示关切。
China has also noted that the report of the Secretary-General (S/2009/149) mentions in particular a sharp decline in the number of voluntary returns of members of minority communities.
尽管在入学率方面有所进展,但是教育系统仍面临重大挑战:向被排斥在教 育系统之外的人们提供支持;内部效率低下,导致难以把儿童留在学校;教学质
[...] 将这些投入转化为成果的能力较弱;对学校、校长、教师的监督不足,原因是学 校和教师的人急剧增加 ,而学校督导员的人数几乎没有增加;专业培训和学习 [...]
Despite gains in enrolment, the education system continues to face major challenges: support for those who are excluded from the system; poor internal efficiency, which leads to difficulty in keeping children in school; poor quality of instruction; unsatisfactory administrative and instructional management, resulting in an allocation of human, material and financial resources that is inconsistent with goals and relatively weak capacity to transform those inputs into results; inadequate
oversight of schools, principals and
[...] teachers owing to a dramatic increase in [...]
the number of schools and teachers coupled
with virtually no increase in the number of school inspectors; and ill-defined approaches to the provision of professional training and learning and literacy programmes.
孟 加拉国庞大的非正规教育部门、各级私人教育提供者数量 急剧 增 加 、数量众多且层次不同 的正规教育机构(利用自己的课程)已经迫使同等教育成为另一个优先领域。
The huge non-formal education sector in Bangladesh, the very rapid growth in the number of private education providers at all levels, the many and different levels of formal educational facilities with their own curriculum have made it urgent that equivalency education be another area of top priority.
由于情况发生 的这急剧变化 ,几名军官放弃了原来准备逃脱这一运动的决定。
As a result of these radical shifts, several officers decided to reverse previous decisions to desert the movement.
此外,维和行动的数量、范围和规模以及对这种 行动的需急剧上升,也暴露出各种问题,例如如何 [...]
更好地进行调和,使地方维持和平、预防和解决冲突、 预防性外交、缔造和平与建设和平融汇于防止冲突再 次爆发和确保向持久和平、安全与可持续发展顺利过 渡的集体框架。
Furthermore, the abrupt surge in the number,
scope and size of peacekeeping operations
[...] and in the demand for them has also exposed [...]
questions such as how to better reconcile
the confluence of local peacekeeping and conflict prevention and resolution, preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peacebuilding within the collective framework of preventing the recurrence of conflict and ensuring a smooth transition to durable peace, security and sustainable development.
然而,无节制的快速城市化可能常常导致社会和空间的四分五裂以及城市及周边农村地区 环境急剧恶化
Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, however, may frequently result in social and spatial fragmentation and in a drastic deterioration of the quality of the urban environment and of the surrounding rural areas.
(a) 叙利亚当局不急剧升级的大规模、有组织的严重侵犯人权和基本自 [...]
由行为,如任意处决、过度使用武力,杀害和迫害抗议者、难民、维权人士和记 者,包括最近叙利亚记者和外国记者的死亡,任意拘留、强迫失踪、酷刑和虐 待,包括对青少年和儿童此种行为
(a) The sharply escalating widespread, [...]
systematic and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms perpetrated
by the Syrian authorities, such as arbitrary executions, excessive use of force and the killing and persecution of protesters, refugees, human rights defenders and journalists, including recent deaths of Syrian and foreign journalists, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, torture and ill-treatment, including of adolescents and children
近些年起到决定性影响的是商品价 急剧 上 升 以及导致数十年来第一次全 球衰退的全球金融和经济危机。
Recent years have been dominated by sharp increases in commodity prices and by the global financial and economic crisis that led to the first global recession in decades.
委员会意识到,由于人口和经济不断增长、以及气候条件不断恶 化急剧变化 ,因此需要更加紧迫地在农业部门进行投资,以便确保 粮食安全、同时亦实现减贫和可持续发展目标,为此建议同步地在其 他各经济部门创造各种增长机会,以期增加全面的经济生产力并减少 收入分配方面的差距。
Aware that increasing populations, economic growth and adverse and volatile climatic conditions have increased the urgency of enhancing investment in the agricultural sector for the purpose of ensuring food security while also achieving poverty reduction and sustainability goals, the Committee recommends that growth opportunities be created simultaneously in other sectors of the economy in order to increase overall economic productivity and decrease disparities in income distribution.
[...] 反应器内的介质主要是水,它处于加压过热状态,而且反应器气相部分的器壁发生了裂口,这使反应器内压 急剧 下 降 ,造成反应器内的水骤然气化和体积膨胀,正是由它造成了反应器的爆炸"在当时已了解到蒸汽锅炉也有类似事故发生,进一步的研究还发现液化天然气即使在不加热的情况下,也会发生类似的现象"为了与其他的爆炸加以区别,将它称之为"BLEVE"。
In 1957 the U.S. insurance industry along with three staff survey taken by the system and phenol formaldehyde phenolic resin reactor explosion, after careful investigation, that also found no traces of burning and explosion "results show, the reason is: reactor the medium is mainly water, it is pressurized thermal state, and
part of the reactor wall of gas had cracks,
[...] which makes a sharp decline in the [...]
pressure within the reactor, causing a sudden
water reactor gasification and volume expansion, it is It is caused by the reactor explosion "in the steam boiler was already aware of similar incidents have occurred, further research also found that LNG is not even in the case of heating, a similar phenomenon will occur" in order to explode with the other distinction, it would be called "BLEVE".
出现这些偏差的原因,包括海关干事训练不足,与津巴布韦臭氧办公室缺乏沟通 (2011 年,该国未获得臭氧办公室的必要批准或许可,却允许进口甲基溴项;但情况
[...] 早已经矫正),外加一个种植者人 急剧 增 加 的产业需要进一步培训;在埃及,化学替 [...]
为了能用磷化氢处理谷物,调整适应筒仓也需要更多时间;在摩洛哥,甲基溴主要用于 生产青菜豆,这是一个新兴行业,在不断扩大,只在最近才对该行业实施替代做了研究, 7 该行业可用的化学替代品登记的很少。
Reasons for these deviations include insufficient training of customs officers and lack of communication with the Ozone Office in Zimbabwe (imported MB was allowed into the country in 2011 8 without the required validation or permit from the Ozone Office, but situation has since been corrected), plus a requirement for
further training in an industry where the
[...] number of growers has increased dramatically; [...]
in Egypt, a slow and difficult registration
process for chemical alternatives (as described in the corresponding case study); in Kenya, delays in project implementation and additional time needed to make adjustments to silos so grain can be treated with phosphine; in Morocco, MB is mainly used in the production of green beans, a new and expanding sector where research on the implementation of alternatives has only been conducted very recently and for which few chemical alternatives are registered.
[...] 生计活动特征、总体上高度暴露在自然灾害下、生 急剧 变 化以及气候变化的影 响。
This is because of their location, the characteristics of their livelihood
activities, and their overall high levels of exposure to natural
[...] hazards, livelihood shocks and climate change [...]
然而,在修订的管理框架之下,在政府的鼓励下,注册的非政府组织数急 剧增加(现在总数为 1 069 个),它们注册所需的平均时间为 15 天。
However, under a revised regulatory framework and with encouragement by the Government, the number of NGOs that are registered has increased dramatically (total figure now being 1069) and the average time required for their registration is fifteen days.
过去二十年,淡水鱼类份急剧增加 , 主要受埃及尼罗罗非鱼和其他物种养殖快速发展的驱动。
The share of freshwater fishes has increased dramatically in the past two decades, driven largely by rapid development in Nile tilapia and other species in Egypt.
在许多方案国,关键用品短缺的情形已经减少;与生殖健康商品配合的国家政策 和预算已经到位,而且承诺为这些商品提供国家资金;配备了训练有素工作人员 的计算机化供应管理职能部门也已设立;并且使用现代避孕方法的夫妇数 急剧 增加,帮助降低了未获得满足的需求。
In many programme countries, stock-outs of critical supplies have been reduced; national policies and budget lines for reproductive health commodities are in place with national funds committed to commodities; computerized supply management functionswith trained staffare also in place; and the number of couples using modern methods of contraception is increasing dramatically, helping to drive down unmet need.
相比之下,若干国家的经常账户赤字则有所减少, 这是多种因素造成的,其中包括突尼斯汇款和旅游业收入反弹;肯尼亚和南非进急剧收缩;加纳、马里和坦桑尼亚联合共和国黄金出口收入剧增。
In contrast, current account deficits declined in a few countries owing to a varied set of factors, which included the resilience of remittances and tourism earnings in Tunisia, the severe contraction in imports in Kenya and South Africa and buoyant gold export earnings in Ghana, Mali and the United Republic of Tanzania.
这可以归因于人口老龄化、预期寿命增长、和婴儿死亡率 急剧 下 降
This can be attributed to an ageing population, increased life expectancy, and the dramatic decline in infant mortality.
关于需求从发达国家转移到新兴经济体,专家们指出,2009 年的石油价格
[...] 回升部分原因是中国和印度需求的恢复,这抵消了经合发组织国家需求 急剧减 少
Regarding the demand shift from developed countries to emerging economies, experts noted that the oil price recovery in 2009 was
partially due to a recovery in demand from China and India,
[...] offsetting a sharp reduction in [...]
demand from the OECD countries.
[...] 响了当地儿童,使他们常常亲历和遭受暴力侵害、 得不到受教育机会以及身心健急剧 恶 化
Israel’s blockade was having a grave impact on children, who were frequently exposed to, and were victims of,
violence, lacked opportunities and access to education and
[...] experienced rapidly deteriorating [...]
physical and mental health.
智利规定将严厉处罚制造丢弃 物、使得总可捕急剧下降的船只的船主。泰国与许多利益攸关方合作,实施“绿 翅计划”,回收渔网、捕笼和碎片,使珊瑚礁、人工鱼礁和海滩更加清洁。
Chile imposed severe penalties on owners of vessels that made discards, amounting to steep cuts in their total allowable catch, and Thailand implemented a “Green Fin Programme”, in cooperation with a wide range of stakeholders, to collect fish nets, fish traps and debris for cleaner coral reefs, artificial reefs and beaches.
阿尔及利亚的缉获量遵循 了与摩洛哥类似的趋势,2009 年急剧上升到 75 吨,随后在 2010 年下降到 23 吨。
Seizures in Algeria followed a trend similar to that in Morocco, with a sharp rise to 75 tons in 2009 followed by a drop to 23 tons in 2010.
这些违误时间表 的现象之所以出现,是因为海关干事训练不足,种植者人 急剧 增 加 的行业需要进一步 培训,调查采取替代品的基础设施和后勤需要更多时间,还有新生产行业的扩大。
Reasons for these deviations from schedule include insufficient training of customs officers, requirement for further training in sectors where the number of growers has increased dramatically, difficulties in getting chemical alternatives registered, additional time needed to adjust infrastructure and logistics for adopting alternatives, and expansion of new productive sectors.
本届双年展意在对迅速推进的都市化进程,以空前的深度和广度改变着中国面貌的新型城市建筑所导致的原有文化格局和生活形态 急剧 变 化 进行探讨。
The theme of this Biennial focused on the fast development of urbanization process: the new city buildings have been changing China’s landscape with unprecedented depth and universality, resulting into the profound transformation of the previous cultural situations and living conditions.
现在,社交媒体所导致的传播急剧 变 化 迫使人们必须立即理解发出的信息的影响:它发生了什么,对它的反应是什么,如何利用它评估未来的消息并制定战略?
The rapid changes in communications [...]
as a result of social media now make it imperative to immediately understand the impact
of outbound messaging: What happens to it, what's the reaction to it, and how is it used to evaluate and strategize future messages?
自索马里和厄立特里亚问题监察组 2011 年 7 月报告(S/2011/433)以来,青 年党的运急剧逆转 ,将索马里南部大部分领土让给非索特派团、肯尼亚和埃塞 俄比亚的部队及其索马里地方盟友。
Since the report of the Monitoring Group of July 2011 (S/2011/433), Al-Shabaab’s fortunes have declined dramatically, ceding much of southern Somalia to the forces of AMISOM, Kenya and Ethiopia, and their local Somali allies.
新一轮欧元区危机是春季产生严重金融压力的原因, 急剧 增 大 了风险规避,从而将 新兴市场的资金流入推迟到夏季欧洲央行和联邦储备银行采取大胆行动之后。
A new episode of the EMU crisis was behind severe financial tensions in the spring, sharply increasing risk aversion and, thereby staving off capital inflows into emerging markets until bold actions were adopted by the ECB and the Federal Reserve in the summer.




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