单词 | 怠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 怠—idleless common: negligent careless Examples:倦怠adj—exhaustedadj 倦怠—dispirited worn out 懈怠—slack remiss
这一努力有助于教育部和卫生部应对本国日益突出的教师倦怠现象。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This effort served the ministries of education and health to tackle an increasingly important phenomenon in the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本㆟对政府怠慢的态度万分遗憾,并且要求政府今日确实回覆何时公布新 政策,不要再砌词推搪。 legco.gov.hk | I find the [...] Government’s slightingattitude most deplorable, and I demand that the Governmentshould not make any [...]more excuse in its [...]reply today and to say for certain when the new policy will be announced. legco.gov.hk |
工作倦怠是可以 避免的——或者至少是可以推迟的。 asiacatalyst.org | Burnout canbe avoided – or at least, slowed down. asiacatalyst.org |
(a) 在从俄罗斯联邦起飞时,机组人员可能企图通过上报 ZZZZ 目的地,隐 瞒飞行目的地(当然,这可能是出错或懈怠的缘故) daccess-ods.un.org | (a) By filing a ZZZZ destination, the crew may have attempted to conceal its destination upon departure from the Russian Federation (this could, of course, be attributable to error or idleness) daccess-ods.un.org |
通常被忽视的冲突的间接成 本是:旷工、消极怠工(即来上班却不工作)、请病假、 调动频繁,以及士气低落和生产力低下。 daccess-ods.un.org | The indirect costs of conflict, which were often overlooked, were absenteeism, presenteeism (which meant coming to work but not working), sick leave, high turnover, and low morale and productivity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在办事处实施的其他活动 中,还包括研究教师职业倦怠问题,这个问题是在巴拿马城举行的专题研讨会上提出的,而 且也受到媒体的广泛宣传。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the other activities the Office carried out was a study on teachers’burnout that was later presented in a seminar held on this topic in Panama City and that was widely publicized in the media. unesdoc.unesco.org |
关於车辆排放的废气,事务委员会欢迎当局建议强制规定长怠速欧盟前期重型柴油车辆必须安装减少排放物器件,以及实施资助计划,鼓 励车主早日更换污染较大的车辆,但强调亦有需要实施非鼓励性的措施,以阻止 车主继续使用造成污染的车辆。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of vehicular emissions, the panel welcomed the proposals to make it mandatory for long idling pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles to be retrofitted with emission reduction devices and to introduce incentive schemes to encourage early replacement of more polluting vehicles, but stressed the need for disincentives to deter the continued use of polluting vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
(2) 如文书应於提交法院前,先予以送达者,负责送达之机关收受该文书时,但 以原告就使其文书提交於法院,依规定应采行之步骤,嗣後并未怠於采行者为限。 cl-ip.eu | (2) if the document has to be served before being lodged with the court, at the time when it is received by the authority responsible for service, provided that the plaintiff has not subsequently failed to take the steps she/he was required to take to have the document lodged with the court. cl-ip.eu |
但是,实现这两个刚刚懈怠了整 整一天后,他收回他的决定,骂他们的工作。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, after realizing that the two just slacked off the entire day, he takes back his decision and yells at them to work. en.seekcartoon.com |
对于该问题的一个解决方案是偏心补偿离合器从动盘, 它允许从动盘轮毂产生微小径向位移,因此消除了怠速以及低负载范围时的潜在径向力的影响。 schaeffler.cn | One solution to this problem is the displacement correction clutch disc, which enables radial displacement of the hub and thereby prevents potential radial forces in idling and low load ranges. schaeffler.us |
拥有许多领导者的 好处有很多:您的组织会更强壮;组织可持续发展能力更强,所以如果某位领导者出了什么问 题(或者某人已经感到倦怠)工作还可以继续;而且因为更多的人担当领导角色,也可以为组 织开发新的机会。 asiacatalyst.org | The advantages of having many leaders are many: your organization is stronger; the organization is more sustainable, so that if something happens to one leader (or if someone burns out) the work can continue; and you develop new opportunities for the organization as more people take on leadership roles. asiacatalyst.org |
在这些情况中,懈怠的选举委员会和警方没能注意或者忽略了这些警示性的征兆。 crisisgroup.org | In these cases, lax election commissions and police missed or ignored the warning signs. crisisgroup.org |
但是,因为那段时间太久远了, 很多人像倦怠的孩 子般几乎忘记了那句话 的重要性,他们仿佛要在自己的呼喊中死 去。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | But, like drowsy children, because the time was long, many have almost forgotten the import of the words that now seem to die upon their lips. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
这嘉宾勒泰尔姆路易米歇尔党就会怠慢 MR和假定的从金刚,未来比利时政府政策的合法性下列6月13日 到2010年的选举中,您们Dewever巴特(北越军队)和DI汝婆(注)已是大赢家,他们本来不会走。 iloapp.congogate.org | That gentlemen Leterme, Louis Michel and the party would snub MR and presume the legitimacy of the policy from the Kongo, the Future Belgian government following the elections on June 13, 2010, you gentlemen Dewever Bart (NVA) and DI RUPO (PS), are been big winners, they would not otherwise take. iloapp.congogate.org |
在使用双质量飞轮和刚性离合器从动盘的方案中, 该偏差可引起怠速噪音,增加在恶劣工况下花键的磨损。 schaeffler.cn | In conjunction with rigid clutch discs for the dual mass flywheel, this displacement can cause idling noises and increased profile wearing in critical cases. schaeffler.us |
1997 年就 同样的问题向联合国提交报告的一个独立专家提出的意见是,条约体系“之所以 能够运转,仅仅是因为各国的大规模懈怠” (见E/CN.4/1997/74,第 48 段),这 一意见今天仍然适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The observation, made by an independent expert reporting on the same issue to the United Nations in 1997, that the treaty system “can function only because of the large-scale delinquency of States” remains true today (see E/CN.4/1997/74, para. 48). daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而,恰恰相反 的是,伊斯兰以 “真主仆 人[每个人 ]的权利”为基本概念,因为对真主权利的懈怠,要比侵犯仆人权利的行 为更易纠正。 daccess-ods.un.org | servants of God [human individuals]” since remissness in regard to the rights of God is easier to remedy than violations of the rights of His servants. daccess-ods.un.org |
怠惰:如果你不按照他们的行动图 - 即使你不明白是什么意思 - 如果不学习 技术分析 只买纸,坐在上面,总是会在很大程度上取决于你的经纪人作出决定。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Laziness: If you do not follow the charts of their actions - even if at first you do not understand very well what they mean - if not studying technical analysis and only buy the paper and sit on top, always will depend largely on your broker to make decisions. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
禁止出于政治目的的罢工和闭厂、声援罢工和闭厂、占领工作场所、怠工、降低产量和其他阻挠行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Politically motivated strikes and lockouts, solidarity strikes and lockouts, occupation of work premises, labour go- slows, and other forms of obstruction are prohibited. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何懈怠都是对我们竭力维 护的本组织的嘲弄。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anything less would make a mockery of the very Organization we seek to uphold. daccess-ods.un.org |
调查》 发出了一个强烈讯息,即:面对这个问题,国际社会 承担不起懈怠的后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Survey sends a strong message that the international community cannot afford to be lethargic in the face of that problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
在传送操作之外,新开发的怠速系统SSL大大降低了耗油量。 voith.com | Outside delivery operation, the newly developed idle system SLS significantly reduces fuel consumption. voith.com |
由以上分析得出:如果在初始状态下(怠速),前皮带轮的直径增大,那么在摩托车发动机工作的各个速段,前皮带轮的直径都相应变大,后皮带轮的直径都相应减小,从而减小了各速段的传动比,即在发动机转过相同的转数下,改进后的车辆应行驶更多的路程即节油。 hwcylinder.com | By the analysis on the initial conditions, if (idle), before the diameter increases, so fit in the work of the various motorcycle engine speed, the diameter of the pulley is before and after the large diameter were decreases pulleys, thus reduce the speed of the engine, transmission is the same number of turn round, improvement of vehicles running after the journey that should be more fuel-efficient cars. hwcylinder.com |
勤于使用,某些区域能够变 大、变密;怠于使 用,也可能变小、变疏。 deloittetmt.com | Certain regions can become larger or denser through increased use, or become smaller or less dense through lack of use. deloittetmt.com |
在努力宣布 2010 年代为第四个裁军十年方面,我们切不可有丝毫懈怠,因为这无疑是一个重要目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should in no way relent in our efforts to declare the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade, a goal of unquestionable importance. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天的汽油保存期限相对较短,并且易发生氧化和快速胶结,从而导致启动性能差、怠速不良、发动机沉积物增多、燃油滤清器堵塞,甚至使发动机停止运转。 cn.lubrizol.com | Today’s gasolines have a relatively short shelf life, and can oxidize and gum up rather quickly, resulting in poor start, rough idle, increased engine deposits, clogged fuel filters and even engine seize. lubrizol.com |
整机装配同行业、同机型最大容量电瓶,保证了挖掘机在冬季或寒冷地域的正常启动,同时也为GPS严重耗电提供强有力的保证;采用了先进的CAN总线通讯、当今潮流的集成液晶显示、油门自动怠速控制以及故障诊断和存储等技术。 wxlida.cn | Machine assembly with the industry, the same type of maximum capacity of battery, ensure the excavator in winter or cold area start, at the same time as the GPS serious power to provide a strong guarantee; using advanced CAN bus communication, the current trend [...] of integrated liquid crystal display, [...] automatic throttleidle speedcontrol [...]and fault diagnosis and storage technology. wxlida.cn |
对于在购买、销售或分销“公司”的产品而引起的任何和所有索赔、 诉讼、裁决、命令、罚金和罚款,“分销商”同意对“公司”予以补偿,并使“公司”不受上述法律程序 的伤害,除非此种索赔完全由“公司”的疏忽或有意的不当行为或懈怠所致。 xinda.com | Distributor agrees to indemnify Company and hold it harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, proceedings, judgments, orders, fines or penalties arising in connection with the purchase and sale or distribution of Company's products in , except for such claims arising out of Company's sole negligent or intentional wrongful acts or omissions. xinda.com |