

单词 思考者

See also:


reflect on
ponder over

思考 pl

reflections pl


think v

External sources (not reviewed)

思考者 他们 积极主动地以批判性和创造性的方式运用思考技能来识别和处理复杂的 问题,并做出理由充分、合乎伦理的决定。
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
劳动者队伍的教育:越来越需要中等教育机构招收和培养更多的学生,他们的课 程设置目标是培养“能从事劳动 思考者 , 和 能进 思 考 的 劳动者”。
Workforce education: There is a deepening need to enrol and graduate more
students in secondary education, whose curricula should
[...] have as a goal to create “Thinkers who work and workers who [...]
[...] 中通識教育科的課程設計旨在幫助學生成為獨 思考者 , 能 夠適應環境 的轉變而構建知識,也注重幫助學生培養終身學習的能力,以及建立正 [...]
面的價值觀和積極的人生態度,使他們成為對社會、國家和世界有認識 和負責任的公民。
Among them, the design of Liberal Studies under the Senior Secondary
curriculum aims to assist students to
[...] become independent thinkers who are able to [...]
adapt to the environmental changes and
build up their knowledge. It also places importance on assisting students to cultivate lifelong learning ability, build up positive values and take an active outlook on life, so that they can become responsible citizens who know about their society, the country and the world.
成立于1983年, 作为马来西亚私立教育的先锋, 伯乐 学院 不断的引领创新,成为了马来西亚第一家SMART 学院,也成为马来西亚 SMART 领导者.通过它的SMART 动机, 伯乐定位于提供更好的学习体验,培养学生成为独 思考者 和 终 生学习者。
Established in 1983, and a pioneer in Malaysian private education, KDU College has continued to be an innovative leader in being the first SMART college in Malaysia.
它通过三个方式来实现这一目标:即为中国银行业的所有群体提供具有针对性的前沿洞察;与决 者 和 思考者 就 创 新性解决方案进行建设性讨论;与中国银行业的高管层分享国内外最佳实践、业内趋势以及新机遇,为客户引进BCG全球银行业战略专长。
It does so through development of leading edge insights tailored for all segments of the banking industry in China, through
engaging in constructive dialogue with
[...] decision makers and thinkers on innovative solutions, [...]
and through sharing local and
international best practices, trends and opportunities in banking with banking executives in China and providing them with a window to BCG's global expertise in banking strategy.
个人领导风格 领导者有各种不同风格:行动者喜欢快速行动 思考者 喜 欢 分析每一 个选择,愿景者常常产生非常有才华的新想法,照顾者会确保每个人都参与并且听到 [...]
Leaders can come in
[...] different kinds: doers who like to move quickly to action, thinkers who like to [...]
analyze every option,
visionaries who come up with brilliant new ideas and caretakers who make sure that everyone is included and heard.
如果上一张专辑《哀伤》让人记住的是对中国的情感与思考还有独特的音乐形式,那么这张专辑不仅呈现的是一个有情感 思考者 , 确 定着Lonely China Day的不可复制性,更在”中国”的基础上将仅属于他们的音乐实验性发挥到极致。
If the previous album”
[...] Sorrow” shows the unique musical genre and [...]
strong affection to China, this new album will continue
and determine the particular “Lonely China Day” Genre and develop it to a topper tier.
任何时候只要我们能够让战者暂停 一天或一周 思考 并 反省他们正 在对自己的人民和环境所做的一切,就伟大的成就,我会百分之百地支持它。
Any moment, where there is a day or
[...] a week that we can give the combatants to pause, to think and [...]
reflect on what they are doing
to their own people, and to the environment, would be a great achievement, and I would support it a hundred per cent.
从教学的角度来说,该介者指出 ,气候变化教 育应以儿童为中心,应具有参与性,促进批判 思考 和 解 决问题的能力,并发展 适应能力和抗御能力。
From a pedagogical
[...] perspective, the presenter stated that climate change education needs to be child-centered and participatory, promote critical thinking and problem-solving [...]
skills, and
develop adaptive capacities and resilience.
此类禁令的执行手段需要仔考虑, 但应严 格限制这类人员给新的追者灌输激 进 思 想 的机 会。
Enforcement of such a ban
[...] needs careful consideration, but the opportunities for these men to indoctrinate a new set of followers should be tightly [...]
这次务虚会可能 是首次完全包括所有行为者和代表集团的聚会,就受 者 援 助问题进行一些“大 相思考。
The retreat was possibly the first time that a fully inclusive and representative group of actors have come together to do some “big picture” thinking on victim assistance.
與因時/地制寸的情況下,設計師得以參與室內空間Programming /
[...] Designing完整過程,因此命題Ordering與設計Designing之間,可以有更敏銳而深入的契合,甚至啟發使 者 ( 業 主 ) 思考 自 身 定位與外在環境(社會)的互動關係。
Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more
sensitive and deeper fit, and even
[...] inspire users (owners) thought about their own position [...]
and the external environment (social) interaction.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由; 者 的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件思考和指 导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of
expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
本 文的不同部分都包括了一些问题,以帮助 者思 考他们国家的情况。
Questions are included in different parts of the document to help the reader reflect on the circumstances in his/her country.
在問題中提及的一些項目,例如大學教職員的資歷和學術研究表現、校長的領導能力和洞察力等,都是屬於協助被 者 全 面 思考 的 附 加提示,既無誤導成份,亦沒有在實踐過程中碰到問題,反而可以沖淡院校的名牌效應。
Items mentioned in the questions, such as qualification of the universities』 teaching staff, academic research performance, leadership abilities and vision of Vice-Chancellors/Presidents/Principals,
in fact were just
[...] hints to assist the respondents to give comprehensive thoughts to the questions, [...]
as well as diluting the
「labeling effect」 of the universities.
然而,规定应代表监管者使用的语言和监 者思考的 方 式,以免在监管界与贸易界之间造成差距。
Provisions should, however, represent the language that regulators use and the way that regulators think, in order to avoid creating a gap between regulatory and trade communities.
因 此 , 我們思 考 這些問題時 , 要 考慮這 不 單 止 純 屬 一 個 服 務 問題, 而是要整 體看 看 如 何 推 行 整個政 策 , 以 盡 量令者 獲 得最好的 服 務 。
Therefore, when we deliberate
[...] these questions, we must consider it not as a service alone, we must look at the complete picture to see how the whole policy is implemented with a view to giving the elderly people the best services.
根據教師持者問卷顯示,超過 80%教師表示於課堂上經常向學生提問不同層次 的問題,約 90%學生表示老師的問題具啟發性,能幫助他 思考。
The teacher and stakeholder questionnaire has indicated that over 80% of the teachers have often raised questions of different levels to students in class, and about 90% of the students believed the teachers’ questions were enlightening and could help them understanding the concepts mentioned in the lectures.
[...] 急性,他通过重新审视艺术界不再有效或合适的共同实践方式,来促使艺术家、项目规 者 与 推 广人 重思考他们的行为,以便推动文化生产向更富有创意的新模式发展,建立新型的工作方式和生产手 [...]
Through this argument Jan wanted to draw attention to this urgent global problem in the context of reviewing established practices which may no longer be effective or appropriate, providing a
motivation and opportunity for
[...] artists, programmers and presenters to rethink what they do, and [...]
evolve cultural production imaginatively
by developing new templates to create new work and new producing environments in which that work can happen.
这种关切在上世纪九十年代期间因“疯牛病”和“二恶英危机”而恶化, 这些食品安全问题迫使规则制者重 新 思考 食 品安全战略,整合价值链的不同部 分,并引进追溯性要求。
This concern was exacerbated during the 1990s by “mad cow disease” and the “dioxin
crisis”, and these food safety problems
[...] forced regulators to rethink food safety strategies, [...]
integrating the various components
of the value chain and introducing traceability requirements.
介入冲突后国家的国际行者应当重 新 思考 安 全 的概念,要认识到其与广泛 公众参与的必要联系、地方政府的战略重要性,以及建立对能力建设和技能发展 技术方案的信任的必要性。
International actors intervening in post-conflict countries should rethink concepts of security [...]
to recognize its necessary
link with broad public participation, the strategic importance of local government, and the imperative of building trust in technical programmes for capacity-building and skills development.
这场危机表明,需要重思考向发展中国家 指出的发展道路,包括国有银行的作用,在具有较高波动影响的脆弱金融体系中 这似乎增加了消者的信心。
The crisis had
[...] revealed the need to rethink the development paths prescribed to developing countries, including the role of state-owned banks, which seemed to provide more confidence to consumers in more fragile [...]
financial systems
with higher volatility impacts.
会议建议,缔约国思考如何 使各方能够就请求 开展必要的深入分析和讨论,以确保提出高质量的请求仍然是规范做法。
It was suggested that the States Parties reflect on how they can enable the necessary in-depth analysis and discussion of the requests in order to ensure that high quality requests continue to be the norm.
通过第一次非正思考,得 出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
[...] 是狭隘地关注财务内容,而是有能力认识和寻求机会获得财富并做出正确决定, 也就是具有分思考能力 ,这需要具有良好教育(正式或非正式)和适当的人力 [...]
Economic empowerment is not narrowly focused on the financial component but rather on having the ability to recognize and exploit opportunities to make wealth and to make the right
decisions, which means having the capacity
[...] for analytical thinking – and this boils [...]
down to having a good education (formal
or informal) and appropriate human capacity development.
在现有的实践发生实质性变化时,社会和政治利益就会受到挑战与以前无联系的问 题就会交织在一起,这需要作相当多 思考 和 努力,以建立对行动的广泛支持。
Where existing practices have to be substantially changed, social and political interests challenged, and previously unconnected issues brought together, considerable thought and effort may be required, building support for action across a range of agents.
本着这思路,发言者强调 必须将提高农业部门生产力作为重中之重,但 为了行之有效,还要同时作出配套努力,包括提供必要的有形和通信基础设施; [...]
加强农业部门对技术改良的吸纳能力,特别是为高产及新颖和创新农作物提供必 要支持;重振农业推广服务,确保包容性接入和可持续能力;以及改善特别是妇
In this vein, speakers stressed that increasing [...]
productivity in the agriculture sector had to be a top priority, but that,
for it to be effective, complementary efforts needed to be simultaneously implemented. These included providing necessary physical and communications infrastructure; strengthening absorptive capacity of the farming sector for technological improvement, especially in providing the necessary support for both higher yields and new and innovative crops; reviving agricultural extension services to assure inclusive access and sustainability; and improving financial access and legal tenure rights, especially for women.
[...] 腊、拉脱维亚、墨西哥、罗马尼亚和美利坚合众国)经过了培训,以鉴别和保护出口和进口的文 化财产,尤其是博物馆的文化财产 者考 古 性质的文化财产,打击非法贩运这些财产的行为(荷 [...]
Most of the reports submitted highlight the fact that specialized police units (Belgium, Burkina Faso, Colombia, France, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Lithuania, Romania and United Kingdom) and customs units (Canada, China, Ecuador, Greece, Latvia, Mexico, Romania and United States of America) have been trained to identify and protect cultural property that is
imported and exported, particularly that of
[...] museums or of an archaeological nature, and [...]
to suppress trafficking (Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Viet Nam).




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