

单词 思索



think oneself to exhaustion [idiom.]


fire from the hip
act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly


rack one's innermost brains [idiom.]

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

我在此希望特區政府的代表,能小 思索 一 下各位議員所 提出的種種論點,在我們審議修正條文的時候,能夠改變初衷,支持我們的 [...]
Here, I hope the representatives of the SAR Government
[...] will carefully ponder the arguments [...]
of Honourable Members and change their mind
and support our amendments during the scrutiny of the proposed amendments.
在这种状态,他们以为他们是与神的统一,而这 思索 水 果 是pantheistic宗教的看法,发现在奥义书的表达,并留下了永久的婆罗门心中留下深刻的印象。
In this state they fancied they were united with the deity, and the
[...] fruit of these contemplations was the pantheistic [...]
view of religion which found expression
in the Upanishads, and left a permanent impress on the Brahmin mind.
當我們感受到生命的脆弱時,曾否重 思索 生 命的價值和意義?
Confronted by the vulnerability of life, have we also questioned ourselves the true merits and meaning of life itself?
在与国际政府间组织、非政府组织和国际发展合作伙伴的关系方面,一直都在就与这 些机构的合作方式进思索,以便使其与因“非洲发展新伙伴计划”的通过、非洲联盟的建 立和多国办事处的设立所带来的新的格局相适应。
With regard to relations with IGOs, NGOs and international development partners, cooperation arrangements with these institutions are the subject of ongoing reflection so that they may be adapted to the new configuration arising from the adoption of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the creation of the African Union and the establishment of cluster offices.
既然 条件估值法实际上是假设命题,受调查者可能会 忽略内容而不思索地同 意问题的观点。
Since CVM is hypothetical in nature, people may agree with questions regardless of content.
在审议议程项目 7(c)时,理事会面前 有理事会副主索姆杜思·索博伦(毛里求斯)根据非正式协商提出的题为“为使 所有国家均可最佳利用和进入联合国信息系统而对该系统进行协调和改进的必 要性”的决议草案(E/2010/L.44)。
For its consideration of item 7 (c), the Council had before it a draft resolution entitled “The need to harmonize and improve United Nations informatics systems for optimal utilization and accessibility by all States” (E/2010/L.44), submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Somduth Soborun (Mauritius), on the basis of informal consultations.
第二次世界大战的一些战胜国不 思索 地 牺牲 掉了巴勒斯坦人民。
Some of the victors of the Second World War sacrificed the
[...] Palestinian people without a second thought.
消除种族歧视委员会还 认为缔约国在 国家一级考虑土著人民问题时,可 参考《联合国土著人民权利宣言》以及国际劳 工 组织《关于土著和部
落民族权利的第 169 号公约》(CERD/C/ECU/CO/19 、 CERD/C/NIC/CO/14、CERD/C/FJI/CO/17 和
[...] CERD/C/USA/CO/6),给土著人民的概 念下定 义 ,并根 据其对国际 法的理解进一步加思索。
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also has the opinion that States parties, when considering the question of indigenous peoples at the national level, could define and further reflect on the concept of indigenous peoples in relation to its understanding in international law by taking into account the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, together with International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 169 concerning
the Rights of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (CERD/C/ECU/CO/19,
[...] CERD/C/NIC/CO/14, CERD/C/FJI/CO/17 and CERD/C/USA/CO/6).
对外关系和新闻部门助理总干事兼总干事在委员会的代表 Eric Falt 先生在其发言中强 调,圆桌会议选定的主题非常具有现实意义,他鼓励对移民问题和移民的处境进行思考,思索教科 文组织如何与其非政府组织合作伙伴开展合作,为各利益相关方找到解决办法。
In his statement, Mr Eric Falt, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information and representative of the Director-General on the Committee, stressed that the theme chosen for the Round Table was a particularly topical issue and called for reflection about migration, the situation of migrants and UNESCO’s scope for action in that field, in cooperation with its non-governmental partners, in the endeavour to provide solutions to the various stakeholders.
2007年,露西与乔治奥塔来到北京开始探索下一阶段的创作 思索 农 村 地区的水资源分配与消耗的问题,以及工业大发展,尤其是在中国这样一个面临严峻的环境污染问题的国家中的工业大发展所引发的变化。
In 2007 Lucy + Jorge Orta visited Beijing to begin the next phase of research, reflecting on the distribution and consumption of water from rural communities and the changes that are occurring due to the massive industrial development, specifically in China – now one of the countries with a worrying environmental pollution record.
经济及社会理事会副主索姆杜思· 索 博 伦 (毛里求斯)根据对决议草案 E/2010/L.10 的非正式协商结果提出的决议草案
Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Somduth Soborun (Mauritius), on the basis of informal consultations on draft resolution E/2010/L.10
在 7 月 23 日第 46 次会议上,理事会面前有题为“《2001-2010 十年期支援最 不发达国家行动纲领》的执行工作”的决议草案,该草案由理事会副主 索 姆杜 思·索博伦(毛里求斯)根据对决议草案 E/2010/L.20 的非正式协商提出,并仅用 英文以非正式文件分发。
At its 46th meeting, on 23 July, the Council had before it a draft resolution entitled “Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010”, submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Somduth Soborun (Mauritius), on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution E/2010/L.20.
如果没有后者,您会发现,虽然获得了自己想要的职业,却无法乐在其中,并且会反 思索 其 中 的原因。
Without the latter you may find yourself in the career you wanted but not enjoying it and asking yourself, why?
隨著㆗國及東南亞其他㆞方的發展,而本㆞的經 濟日漸萎縮,我們必須認思索㆒㆘,我們是否要提出更多要求,加劇經濟的萎縮。
With the development of China and other parts of Southeast Asia, our economy is on the decline, and it is important for us to consider whether we want to cause further decline by making more and more demands.
十 年过去了,今天,在当前以过渡为特点、然后是十年 转型期的形势下,我们也思索联合国任务授权和工 作的新构架。
After a decade, today we are also looking into a new framework for the United Nations mandate and work, in a situation characterized by transition, followed by the transformation decade.
391 提出保留的一方只是在经过签约日期到批准、正 式确认、接受或核可日期这思索期 间 之后,放弃了这项保留。
If, for example, a third State, by acceding to the second treaty, acceded also to the first, the impact of the reservation would be fully felt in that State’s relations with the reserving State.
小组委员会认为应该由各国自思索 其防 范机制,有时,各国只需加强其现有的机制, 并为该机制提供充足的资金,最主要的就是达到所 建议的标准。
It believed that it was for the countries to decide on the kind of mechanism they wanted and that sometimes it was enough for them to reinforce an existing body and allocate sufficient resources to it, the essential being to satisfy the recommended criteria.
观赏者因此进一步以我们所居住的地球运行的观点,更深入 思索 时 间的意涵,再延伸到时间的宇宙观。
The viewer thus thinks of a deeper sense of time in which our Earth is bound up in the processes that extend far beyond into a cosmic sense of time.
开罗行动计划》及其与千年发展目标的关系,重新诠释了依据人权概念提 出的普遍享有生殖保健思索涉及 人口、环境和消费模式、家庭、国内和国际移 [...]
徙、预防和控制艾滋病毒/艾滋病、信息、教育和通信、技术、研究与发展等更 具全面性的问题。
The Cairo Plan of Action, and its relations with the Millennium Development
Goals, redefines the universal access to
[...] reproductive health based on the concept [...]
of human rights, contemplating more comprehensive
issues related to population, environment and consumption patterns, family, internal and international migration, prevention and control of HIV / AIDS, information, education and communication, technology, research and development.
经济及社会理事会副主索姆杜思· 索 博 伦 (毛里求斯)根据非正式协商提出的 决定草案
Draft decision submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Somduth Soborun (Mauritius), on the basis of informal consultations
全球化是无可否认的,但这并不意味 着不思索和无可作为地接受技术改造和市场扩张所产生的一切后果。
Globalization is a fact, but this does not mean that everything that arises as a consequence of technological transformation and market expansion must be accepted without reflection and without answer.
这种程序必定是国家和地方共思索 的 结 果。
Such processes must be the result of national and local reflection.
确定各国在批准或加入多边条约 时所作的往往是复杂的声明的真实性质是需要精 思索 的 , 必须通过普通的解释 规则来解决”。
Discerning the real substance of the often complex statements made by States upon ratification of, or accession to, a multilateral treaty is a matter of construction and must be solved through the ordinary rules of interpretation.
参看《申命记》29:29)因此,如果 我们把自己严格地控制在《圣经》范围内, 避免无用思索,我 们就会处在安全的范 围之内。
(Deut. 29:29)
[...] Therefore, if we confine ourselves strictly to the Word of God, and avoid idle speculation, we [...]
are on safe ground.
正 如 K. Perry所 言 ﹐ 民 族 尊 嚴 在 帝 國 主 義 時 代 發 揮 了 極 大 的 作 用 。 以 法 國 為 例 ﹐由 於 法 國 政 府 受 到 民 族 復 仇 的 精 神 所 影 響 ﹐便 毫思 索 地 接 納 了 甘 必 大 的 觀 點 ﹐ 即 「 要 維 持 大 國 的 地 位 ﹐ 或 者 要 成 為 大 國 ﹐便 要 取 得 殖 民 地 」。
Cite France as example, under the national spirit of revenge the government accepted, often uncritically, the words of Gambetta that “to remain a great nation or to become one, you must colonize.
以大家生活中司空见惯的交通灯为例,“红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯亮了等一等”的观念早就深入人心,因此把这种颜色所包含的特殊寓意借喻到GUI设计中并加以合理利用,有时就会显得很贴切,让用户可以不 思索 、 得心应手的使用。
The concept of “Red for stop, green for go and yellow for wait” is already deeply rooted in people’s minds, so implanting the special meaning of the different colors of the traffic lights in the GUI design is just a case in point and users can utilize them readily and instinctively.
但 是,这些案件并不多见,同时还必须认识到,法官、律师和其它许多做决定的人处理起经 社文权利事务来,也许不过是不 思索 地 例 行公事而已。
These cases are rare, however, and it is equally important to recognize that judges and lawyers and many other decision-makers deal, perhaps unreflectively, with issues of ESC rights on a routine basis.
本次会议的目的是让所有与会者能够更好地 了解这些相互关联的国际金融和经济问题,并在约 瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨教授的指导下 思索 适 当 的对策。
The purpose of the current meeting was to enable all the participants to understand better those interrelated international financial and economic issues and to think about appropriate policy responses, under the guidance of Professor Joseph Stiglitz, who would share with them his insights and perspectives.




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