

单词 思想素质

See also:

思想 n

idea n
mind n

素质 n

quality n


basic essence
inner quality

External sources (not reviewed)

新 訂的第 5B 及 5C 條 旨 在修訂條例第 8
[...] 及 9 條,以 “ 罔顧” 取代現 行 “ 有 合理理由相信”思想 元 素。
New clauses 5B and 5C seek to amend sections 8 and 9 by replacing
[...] the existing mental element of "having reasonable [...]
grounds to believe" with "recklessness".
私营院舍一直协助为残疾人士提供照顾服务;但由于其服 质素 不 尽理 想,因此引起公众关注。
While private homes have been making contribution to the care for persons with disabilities, the quality of their services, which is not always satisfactory, has been a subject of public concern.
他赞扬负责法治部 门的总统团队所领导的认真和质量 的战 略 思 考 以 及使司法改革成为国家基本素需要跨越的步骤的清晰视野。
The Independent
[...] Expert welcomes the serious nature and quality of the strategy adopted by the presidential team [...]
responsible for the rule
of law and the clear vision of the steps required in order to make reform of the justice system a cornerstone for the country’s future.
言论自由、独立和多样化的媒体 思想 自 由 交流、 质 量 内容的普及、信息和通过新 技术获取知识,对于确保透明度、问责制和善政也至关重要。
Freedom of expression, independent and pluralistic media,
[...] free flow of ideas, universal access to quality content, information [...]
and knowledge through
new technologies, are also essential for ensuring transparency, accountability and good governance.
中华全国总工会,是全国各地方总工会和各产业工会全国组织的领导机关, 主要社会职能是:维护职工的合法权益和民主权利;动员和组织职工群众参加建 设和改革,完成经济和社会发展任务;参与企业的民主管理,教育职工不断提思想道德和科学技术文素质。
Its primary functions are to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers and staff as well as their democratic rights; mobilize and organize mass participation by workers and staff in construction and reform to complete the task of economic and social development; and take part in the democratic management of enterprises and bring
about continuous
[...] improvement in the ideological and moral education and scientific, technical and cultural development of workers and [...]
staff through education.
不过,冲突的动 态是一个决定因素,各方是否同意调解,可能受制于通过军事手段实现政治目标 的利益,政治思想或心理因素,或外部角色的行动。
However, the dynamics of the conflict are a determining factor, and whether parties consent to mediation may be shaped by an interest to achieve political goals
through military means, by
[...] political, ideological or psychological considerations, or by the [...]
actions of external players.
各個學習領域或科目均包含中國傳思想和文化的學習素,亦有儒 思想 和 價 值觀。
There are learning elements such as
[...] Chinese traditional thinking and culture as well as the thinking and values of Confucianism [...]
in every learning domain and subject.
委员会认为,教科文组织的发展前景是作为联合国系 统内被认可的牵头机构,要改变其整个科学活动的战略方
向,为减轻贫困与建设和平作出贡献,在此基础上,通过其 管理良好的几个适时的科学计划,体现最前沿的跨学科科学
[...] 发展,最大限度地发挥其所有财富的优势,显示其相对优 势,引入新思想,确保质量和 杰出性,吸引最优秀的科学 家,并向各国政府展示在科技方面的投入对人类、社会和经 [...]
The Committee’s vision for UNESCO is an organization recognized for its leadership role within the United Nations system, based on a strategic reorientation of its science portfolio towards contributing to poverty reduction and peace, and consisting of a set of wellmanaged timely programmes, reflecting cutting edge interdisciplinary science, taking maximum advantage of all of its assets,
demonstrating its comparative advantages,
[...] leading in new ideas, ensuring quality and excellence, [...]
attracting the best scientists,
and demonstrating to governments that investment in science and technology is vital to human, social and economic progress.
宪法》中规定的种族、民族和国家价值,人类法律文化中所有公认思 想本质上是相互联系的。
The Constitution seamlessly integrates popular, community and State values and all the generally
[...] recognized humanistic ideals of the law.
人员和财产的流动是一个不容置疑的进步 素 , 我 们必须 思想 的流动加以补充,才能使非洲人民最终进行回报率最高的投资,即智力 [...]
We already know that the movement of people and goods contributes to
progress. This needs to be
[...] supplemented by the movement of ideas, so that Africans can finally [...]
invest in the asset with the
greatest returns: intelligence.
可以避免能源冲突。交通工具使用者不必遭受燃料价 格冲击;(b) 减少交通阻塞、空气污染和噪音将对环境和人类健康产生积极影
响;(c) 通过防止城市无序扩张以及优先发展半密集混合使用居民区,减少土
[...] 地需求;(d) 提高了在建立可持续现代低碳交通系统方面引导潮流的城市能见 度和认可度,因为此种现代交通系统会提高城市竞争力和吸引力,可吸引顶级企 业公司,素质工人 和雇员到本国来;以及(e) 在未来气候变化协定达成之前, 减缓幅度超过基线想的城 市和国家将能够获得排放量证书并利用碳相关融资 办法。
Resource conflicts can be avoided and transport users will not have to suffer from fuel price shocks; (b) reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and noise will have a positive impact on the environment and human health; (c) reduced land demand by preventing urban sprawl and giving preference to semi-dense mixed-use neighbourhoods; (d) enhanced visibility and acknowledgement of cities that demonstrate leadership in establishing sustainable and modern low-carbon transportation systems that increase the
competitiveness and
[...] attractiveness of cities and attract top business corporations, highly qualified workers and employees to the country; and (e) cities and countries that [...]
achieve mitigation
beyond baseline scenarios will be able to gain access to emission certificates and carbon-related funding schemes, pending future climate change agreements.
我 們考慮 到 “ 罔顧” 亦屬行之有效思想 元 素,在香港和其他司法管轄 區 ,現行 的 刑 事法例亦時有採用, 因 此 ,我們 採 納 了 法案委員會的建 議,以 “ 罔顧” 取代了條例有關條文中 “ 有 合理理由相信”思想 元 素。
Taking into account that "recklessness", a
[...] well-proven mental element, has been in use in Hong Kong and other jurisdictions, and that it is frequently adopted in the existing criminal legislation, we have accepted the proposal of the Bills Committee to replace the mental element of "having reasonable grounds to believe" in the relevant provisions of the Ordinance with "recklessness".
在过去 20 年
[...] 里,新自由思想占主导地位,要求国家不提供住房资 金,我们不得不承认,一些国质疑 了这 一 思想 ,提供资金建设适足住房给那些承受不了市场价格的人 群。
After at least two decades dominated by new liberal thinking according to which the State should not provide funds for housing, it
was worth acknowledging that some
[...] countries had challenged that thinking and provided funds [...]
to build adequate housing for
those who could not afford market prices.
正 如 我 較 早 前 動 議修正 條例草案第 6 條,有關禁止為恐怖分子集 團 招募 等 條文時提到 ,我們 接受了法案委員會的建 議,以“罔顧”
[...] 取代條例的罪行 條文中 “ 有 合理理由相信”思想 元 素。
As mentioned by me earlier, when proposing to amend clause 6 in relation to provisions on prohibition on recruitment to terrorist groups and so on, we have accepted the proposal of the Bills Committee and replaced the
mental element of "having reasonable grounds to believe" in the criminal provisions of the
[...] Ordinance with "recklessness".
同 時 ,政府亦建 議 把
[...] “有合 理理由懷 疑 ” 這個犯思 想 元 素,應用於未有 披露的可疑 交 易 罪 [...]
In addition, the Government also proposes
[...] to apply the mental element of "has reasonable [...]
grounds to suspect" on offences related
to undisclosed suspicious transactions.
法案委員會認為應收 窄第 7 條的涵蓋範圍,
[...] 使 條文所指的 罪行和所需思想 元 素 均 緊 貼 安理會第 1373 號決議 [...]
第 1(b)段 的 擬定方式。
The Bills Committee considered it necessary to narrow the scope of section 7 to enable
the offences specified therein and the
[...] necessary mental elements to follow closely [...]
the drafting of paragraph 1(b) of the UNSCR 1373.
香港的中小學課程的各個學習領 域現時均包含中國傳思想和文化的 素 , 包 括儒 思想 和 價 值觀在 內。
Traditional Chinese thinking and cultural elements, including Confucian thinking and values, [...]
are incorporated into various
learning areas of the primary and secondary curricula of Hong Kong.
未来十年,随着中国私家车数量增多,消费者对价格会变得不那麽敏感,而是更为注重产 质 量 , 届时阻碍家得宝、百安居和 思 买 的 许多 素 可 能 会消失,这对於这些大型零售商而言,或许是在中国取得成功的良机。
As Chinese car ownership increases over the next decade and people become less price
sensitive and more focused on
[...] product quality, it’s possible that many of the factors that hindered Home Depot, B&Q and Best Buy will disappear [...]
and perhaps these
big names will have a better chance of success in China.
该厅将加强与会员国、各部、外部组织和其他联合国实体的协作,实施外 联和征聘战略,并物色素质的候 选人,特别强调为外地行动的职位找到最佳候 [...]
选人;将全面推出 Inspira,总结从完成 Inspira 稳定阶段中获得的经验教训, 并将与外勤支助部外勤人事司协作,为用户提供培训和情况介绍;协助秘书长制
订包括总部与外地之间人员流动的秘书处人员流动综合政策,以便促进总部与外 地行动之间的工作人员一体化和知识共享;支持发展一支随时准备应对本组织不 断变化的任务的全球工作人员队伍。
The Office will implement outreach and sourcing strategies through strengthened collaboration with Member States, departments, external
organizations and other United Nations entities, and
[...] identify high-quality candidates, with [...]
particular emphasis on finding optimal
candidates for positions in field operations; will implement the global roll-out of Inspira and conclude lessons learned from the completion of the stabilization phase of Inspira, and will provide training and orientation for users in collaboration with the Field Personnel Division of DFS; will assist the Secretary-General in developing a comprehensive mobility policy for the Secretariat, including between Headquarters and the field with the aim of fostering integration and knowledge-sharing of staff between Headquarters and field operations; and will support the development of a global workforce, ready to respond to the evolving mandates of the Organization.
深信促进文化多样性、不同文化和文明间的宽容和对话,将有助于各民族和 各国努力通过知识思想、道德和 质 成 就的互利交流,丰富其文化与传统
Convinced that the promotion of cultural pluralism and tolerance towards and dialogue among various cultures and civilizations would contribute to the efforts of all peoples and nations to enrich their cultures and traditions by engaging in a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and intellectual, moral and material achievements
会议建议,缔约国思考如何使各方能够就请求 开展必要的深入分析和讨论,以确保提出 质 量 的 请求仍然是规范做法。
It was suggested that
[...] the States Parties reflect on how they can enable the necessary in-depth analysis and discussion of the requests in order to ensure that high quality requests continue [...]
to be the norm.
这些成就是勇敢的公民和公民社会团体努力的结果,他们挑战占主导地位 思想 , 质 疑 权 威,并要求美国面对不光彩的事实。
These gains came as a result of the efforts of brave citizens
and civil society groups who challenged
[...] prevailing thought, questioned authority, [...]
and demanded that America deal with unflattering truths.
非政府组织的参与促进制定推广和保护两性平等的政策、确保资源分配的透 明度,并提高服务质素。
The participation of NGOs in the CCWA enhances the policy process on
the promotion and protection of gender equality, ensures transparency on allocation
[...] of resources and quality of services.
當局最初在《聯 合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例草案》第
[...] 11 條提出同一項有合理理由懷疑的 犯思想元素,以 實施打擊清洗黑錢財務行動特別組織就披露懷疑為恐怖分 [...]
At the beginning, the Administration put forward the same mental element of having reasonable grounds to suspect in clause 11 of
the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism
[...] Measures) Bill, with a view to implementing the [...]
Special Recommendation on the disclosure
of suspected terrorist property made by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF).
(三 ) 就 擬定有關罪行的條文方面,我們
接受了法案委員會的建 議,在 條例第 8、 9 和 10 條 當中,以“罔顧”
[...] 取代原來“ 有 合理理由相 信 ” 這思 想 元 素 ;並修訂了 條例第 7 條,以及修正 [...]
條例草案第 3A 和 3B 部,使 條文更 貼近安理會第 1373 號決議,以
及 3 項 國 際 公約和議 定 書 有關規 定 的 擬定方式; (四 ) 在 執 法 權力方面,我們 同意法案委員會的意見, 將 執 法人員清 晰 訂明為 警 方、海關、入境 事務處 和 廉 政 公 署 的人員,而 執 法 權力 的 運 作機制 將 會 完 全 跟 隨《 有組織及 嚴重罪行條例》中 現 有 已 確 立的模 式 。
(3) in respect of drafting the offence provisions, we have accepted
the proposal of the Bills Committee
[...] to replace the mental element of "having reasonable [...]
grounds to believe" with "recklessness" in sections 8, 9 and 10.
这就要求必须提高学校各方面人士的能力,以便找出 质 疑 人 们 思想 中对 差异所持的根深蒂固的“ 欠缺” 观点,即认为某些类型的学习者“ 有缺陷” 。
This involves developing the capacity of those within schools to reveal and challenge deeply entrenched ‘deficit’ views of difference, which define certain types of learners as ‘lacking something’.
我想要看到,教育塑造年轻质疑、思想和技 能,找到有意义的⼯作并在 家庭、社区和国家中发挥建设性作用。
I want to see education that empowers young people to question, to develop their minds and skill sets, to make choices, to find meaningful employment and to play constructive roles in their families, their communities and their nations.
在预算执行情况报告和关于拟议预算的报告中,秘书长都提到,达尔富尔混 合行动由于生活条件艰苦、任务区与世隔绝以及安全局势动荡等原因,在招聘和 留住素质的工 作人员方面遇到了很多困难(该行动的一些区仍然处在第四阶 段)(见 A/65/631,第 17 段,以及 A/65/740,第 28 段)。
In both the performance report and the report on the proposed budget, the Secretary-General alludes to the difficulties experienced by UNAMID in terms of the recruitment and retention of qualified staff owing, inter alia, to the harsh living conditions and isolation in the mission area, as well as the volatile security situation (some sectors of the Operation remain in phase IV) (see A/65/631, para. 17, and A/65/740, para. 28).
所有形式的私营企业,无论是从事国内市场、对外投资还是国际贸易,都需 要一个有利于增长和发展的作业环境,包括和平、稳定、法治、附有问责和透明 制度的善治、无腐败、适足基础设施、 素质 的 劳 动力队伍、清晰产权、以及可 强制执行的合同。
All forms of private enterprise — domestic markets, foreign investment and international trade — require an operating environment conducive to growth and development, including: peace and stability, the rule of law, good governance with accountability and transparency, the absence of corruption, adequate infrastructure, an educated workforce, clear property rights and enforceable contracts.




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