

单词 怒目而视

怒目而视 ()

glare at

See also:


with glaring eyes


glower (at sb)
cast an angry look

怒视 n

glare n



External sources (not reviewed)

在诸多情况下,各族群不与警察配合,不肯提供情 况,因为担心遭民怒斥,而且一 旦他们帮助受害者,就会 视 为 巫 魂附身。
In many cases communities do not cooperate and are
reluctant to give
[...] information to the police due to fear of mob rule and of being accused as co-sorcerers if they [...]
assist victims.186 111.
苏丹政府告知专家组,它不认为这些飞机受第 1591(2005)号决议管辖,因为这些 飞机仅为视目的而部署,没有在武装冲突中使用。
The Government of the Sudan informed the Panel that it did not consider those aircraft subject
to resolution 1591 (2005) because they were
[...] deployed for surveillance purposes only and were not used [...]
in armed clashes.
可惜現時的政策往往只是回應了成年㆟的 怒 ,而 忽略了兒童,甚至名義㆖是幫助他們,而實際㆖卻加深對他們的傷害。
Unfortunately, the existing policy has too often
[...] reflected only the anger of the adults and [...]
neglected the children, and it has even
aggravated their plight in the name of helping them.
調查的其中一條目為「以0至100分 怒 程 度 計,你『 怒 』 程度達到幾多分,才會上街抗議?
One of the survey questions is:"Using a
[...] scale of 0 to 100, at what level of "'anger" would you begin to demonstrate on street?
輸入勞工是㆒個敏感目,往往觸怒 那 些 關注本港工㆟利益的㆟ 士。
Importation of labour is a sensitive topic that often raises the hackles of
[...] those concerned with our workers' well being.
在這份報告公布後,公眾透過多個民調和電 台的phone-in節目清楚表達了他們的 怒 , 而 公 眾的要求和意向,似 乎跟專責委員會的建議,特別是議事堂內議員的立場,存在很大的差 距。
After the Report was released, people have explicitly expressed their resentment through
various opinion polls and
[...] phone-in radio programmes, and their demands and aspirations seem to be are in stark contrast [...]
to the recommendations
of the Select Committee and, in particular, to the stance of Members in this Chamber.
他们不 仅对袭击者经常不分军目标与 平民感到 怒 , 而且 对国际社会首先长期听任围困、然后听任战争发展感 到不愤怒。
There is rage against the attackers for often
failing to distinguish
[...] between military targets and civilians, and there is also resentment against the international community for having allowed first [...]
the siege and then the war to go on for so long.
私 营部门的潜在作用也常被视,而私 营 部门不仅是有效的利益攸关者,拥有知识、 经验及其活动数据,而且还能够开发自己的活动能力。
The potential role of the private sector is also often overlooked, as they are [...]
not only effective stakeholders who possess
knowledge, experience and data regarding their activities, but their own capacity can also be developed with regard to their activities.
这些杀戮不仅令受害者家属和社区深感痛心和 怒 , 而 且 影响了全体巴勒斯 坦人民,他们饱受以色列在巴勒斯坦城镇和村庄不断升级的,甚至针对非暴力和 平示威者的军事行动和暴力的骚扰,再次认识到了占领国的残暴和对其占领下的 生命的完全视。
These killings have not only deeply grieved and angered the victims’ families and communities, but have affected the entire Palestinian population, which has been disturbed by the escalation of Israel’s military raids and violence in Palestinian towns and villages, including against non-violent [...]
and peaceful demonstrators, and has been reminded anew of the brutality and absolute disregard for life by the occupying Power against the civilian population under its occupation.
莫禮時教授承認,黃博士沒有發表, 或參與任何活動,而觸怒羅太
Professor Morris admitted that Dr Wong had neither published articles nor taken part in activities that would have offended Mrs Law.
鉴于上述,经济及社会理事会不妨(a) 确认联合国系统内外各组织为保护人 权防止可能为视目的滥用遗传资料所采取的各项举措的多样性;(b) 承认必须 促进国际合作,加强各国应对遗传科学及其应用引起的伦理挑战的能力;(c) 请 机构间生物伦理委员会继续定期讨论遗传隐私权和不歧视问题,以确定需要进行 一致或共同努力的领域,以及为加强这一领域合 而 应 处 理的主要缺陷和限制。
In light of the foregoing, the Economic and Social Council may wish to (a) recognize the diversity of existing initiatives undertaken by various organizations within and outside the United Nations system geared towards safeguarding human rights from the potential misuse of genetic information for discriminatory purposes, (b) acknowledge the importance of promoting international cooperation for enhancing national capacities to address the ethical challenges arising from genetic science and its application, and (c) invite the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics to continue to regularly address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in order to identify areas calling for concerted or joint efforts, as well as major gaps and constraints that need to be addressed for enhanced cooperation in the field.
严重关切残疾人常常受到多重或严重的 视 , 而 且 在 落实、监测和评价千年 发目标过程中有可能被基本忽略
Gravely concerned that persons with disabilities are often subject to multiple or
[...] aggravated forms of discrimination and can be largely invisible in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals
约翰王子绝望和被驱动到一个目的 愤 怒 时 , 爵士希斯指出,他的母亲的城堡是火。
Prince John despairs and is
[...] driven into a blind rage when Sir Hiss points [...]
out his mother’s castle is on fire.
12.28 在這些情況下,陸教授拒絕發表聲明,進一步 怒 李 教而更甚的是,教院曾在五月發表聲明,支持申訴專員在優先聘用期一 [...]
12.28 In these circumstances,
[...] Professor Li was further angered by Professor Luk’s [...]
refusal to issue the statement; more so,
because HKIEd issued one in May to support the Ombudsman’s position on PAP.
在这方面,我们欢迎哈萨 克斯坦指出它在担任欧安组织主席期间打算进行的 优先事项。我们尤其注意到,它对平衡处理欧安组织 任务的所有三个方面——政治和军事、经济和环境以 及人的方面——予以视,目的是不仅解决与安全有 关问题的表象而且也解决其根源。
In this context, we welcome the priorities outlined by Kazakhstan for its OSCE chairmanship, and we note in particular the importance attached to a balanced approach to all three OSCE baskets — political and military, economic and environmental, and human — with a view to addressing not only the symptoms but also the root causes of security-related problems.
50微米过滤器, 定目视检查 以及在无尘车间中进行灌装和包装保证了产品具有最高级别的纯度。
Each batch is produced, inspected and documented in accordance with WACKER’s Clean
Operations Standard, with 50 micrometer
[...] filtration, regular visual inspections and [...]
cleanroom dispensing/packaging processes
guaranteeing the highest possible levels of product purity.
然而,在设计全球升温潜能值时没有考虑具体的政目 标,而视具体的政策目标如何,采用替代指标也许是可取的; (c)以100 年时间跨度为依据采用全球升温潜能值评估短寿命温室气体排 放对气候变化的影响存在的限制。
(c) The limitations in the use of GWPs based on the 100-year time horizon in evaluating the contribution to climate change of emissions of greenhouse gases with short lifetimes.
(b) 将该目视为本组织的最优先事项之一,秘书处可在现有资源范围内暂 [...]
时满足这些要求,其后在 2014-2015 年预算中拟订一个提案提交大会。
In considering the project as one of the [...]
highest priorities of the Organization, the Secretariat may temporarily meet those
requirements from within existing resources and subsequently define a proposal for submission to the General Assembly in the context of the 2014-2015 budget.
秘书处最近对计划管理周期做出的调整以及新的 C/5 和 C/3
[...] 的编制方 式就是要确保采用更加注重战略和政策以及更加 视目 标 、 成果和影响指标的方法。
The recent revision of the programme management cycle by the Secretariat as well as the new C/5 and C/3 presentations were designed
to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach, with
[...] added emphasis on objectives, results and [...]
impact indicators.
斯洛文尼亚还指出,劳动法禁止基于性别的 视, 目前有各种方案处理歧视情况。
It added that labour legislation prohibited discrimination based on gender and noted the existence of various programmes address cases of discrimination.
宪法》第 141 条缺乏视目 的,这不影响行为本身的归类。
The omission in article 141 of the Criminal Code of any
[...] reference to the purpose of discrimination does not affect [...]
the definition of the act itself.
任何人假 如當時曾經怒哀樂 過 的而 今 天 卻 好像甚 麼也忘 記 了 , 甚 至 忘 記 了 [...]
這 件事,那麼他 的 血 性 可 能已經 消 失了, 或是已 經 出 賣 了 。
For a person
[...] who did experience joy, anger, sorrow and happiness [...]
at that time but appears to have forgotten everything today
or even forgotten about this incident, his sense of righteousness might have disappeared or have been sold.
但行內和行外卻有很多傳 聞,說是由於穆士賢敢於批准法援給㆒些在香港的越南船民,挑戰政府拘留他們的合 法性,而激怒了政府高層。
But speculations have been rife within and without the legal profession that Mr MOSS had infuriated the government top brass in granting legal aid to some Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong to challenge the legality of their detention by the Government.
将仔细筛选和训练这 20 个新员额的任职人员,他们将负责在观察团在苏呼
[...] 米的所有房舍进出点提供安保护卫; 目视 、 金 属探测器和 X 光设备等手段检查 [...]
所有进入房舍的人员、包裹和汽车;搜查和暂时保管武器,防止武器被带进房舍; 在观察团总部各处巡逻;控制观察团总部内的汽车交通;向安保管制中心报告所
The incumbents of the 20 new posts, who would be carefully screened and trained to provide the required level of security
services, would be responsible for the
[...] provision of security coverage at entry points [...]
throughout Mission premises in Sukhumi;
screening of all personnel, packages and vehicles entering the premises through visual inspections, metal detectors and X-ray equipment; identification and temporary custody of weapons prior to entry into the premises; conduct of patrols throughout Mission headquarters; control of vehicular traffic in Mission headquarters; and reporting of all security, fire and safety violations to the security control centre.
兩隻狗因為被最信任的主人拋而發 出 來的 怒 、 淒 涼的 吠聲,是我永世難忘的。
I can never
[...] forget the dogs barking angrily and miserably because [...]
they had been dumped by their owner, whom they trusted most.
根據《基本法》的規定, 香港的政制發展必須循序漸進,問責制是現有政制下最有效的行政方式,如 果因為對政制的不滿而遷怒於問 責制,對所有盡心盡力為市民服務的主要官 員,是並不公道的。
If you project your anger onto the Accountability System just because you are dissatisfied with the political system, then it is most unfair to the principal officials who have been working with great devotion to serve the people of Hong Kong.
我覺得那羣同事可能因為政府、財政司司長接納了部分議員的意 見,修改預算而感到憤怒,我 希望他們能從宏大的角度來看。
I think that maybe, that group of Honourable colleagues were angry because the Government and the Financial Secretary had taken on board the views of some Members, but I hope they can look at this matter from a wider perspective.
政府的立場朝令夕改( 例如為甚麼政府忽然放棄了審慎理財的原 則,以近700億元來建26公里的鐵路),無視小市民的慘況,把利益及資
[...] 源重點傾向大企業或大商家,這一連串的不公義現象,實在使富有正義 感的青少年感到怒,繼而激起了跟社會抗爭意念。
A series of unjust phenomena, such as the Government's caprice (For instance, the Government has suddenly abandoned its principle of prudent financial management and decided to spend almost $70 billion on constructing a 26 km railway), its indifference to the plight of the ordinary people and its funnelling of
benefits and resources to large corporations
[...] and tycoons, have enraged the righteous young [...]
people, and in turn aroused their protest against society.




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