单词 | 态子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 态子 —state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)See also:态 n—attitude n
对通用的命令集进行介绍,包括 IEEE488 命令、状态子命令 集和查询出错信息命令。 cn.rigol.com | Introduce the common commands includes [...] IEEE488 commands, Status subsystem commands and [...]System commands. rigol.com |
小型组织可能会选择手工或简单的自动化盘存管理体系,该系 统包含了用于样品识别的多个程序 [...] — 样品标签生成、替换标签生成、 跟踪状态变更(例如:样品贮藏状态、样品停售 状 态 ) 、 在 子 样 品和 来源样品之间建立联系;跟踪植物在密闭容器之间的转移(例如:植 物组织培养)。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Smaller organizations may select a manual or simple automated inventory-management system that includes procedures for sample identification—generation of sample labels; generation of [...] replacement labels; tracking [...] changes in status (e.g., sample in storage, sample discontinued); linking sub-samples to [...]source samples; and tracking [...]container-tocontainer transfers (e.g., for plant tissue culture). excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
理学研究科物理学专业固体统计物理学讨论的石原纯夫准教授的研究小组,与日本原子力研究开发机构、高能加速器研究机构、国际高等研究所的研究小组共同研究,开发了利用放射光X线探明物质的激 发 态 电 子 轨 迹 的方法。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Sumio Ishihara at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, and a research group led by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization and International Institute for Advanced [...] Studies have developed a method of investigating [...] distribution of excited electrons in the material using X-ray scattering. tohoku.ac.jp |
通过医疗云平台为病人建立动态电子 病 历 ,为建设当地电子病历数据库提供支持;通过音视频通讯功能和医疗云平台,偏远地区的病人可以获得大医院医疗专家的诊断服务、提高偏远地区的医疗服务水平。 zte.com.cn | Its audio and video communication functions and medical cloud platform make it possible for patients in remote areas to get diagnostics from medical experts in large hospitals, improving overall medical services. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
氘化水可实现阿基米德流控系统内的流体密度梯度,而且,为了系统的最佳运行 状 态 , 应 与去 离 子 水 进 行预混合。 malvern.com.cn | Deuterated water provides a fluid density [...] gradient inside Archimedes’ fluidics system, and [...] should be pre-mixed with deionized water for optimal operation [...]of the system. malvern.com |
数据文件存储数字信息,包括 I/O、状态和与梯形图子例程 中使用的指令 相关的其他数据。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | Data files store numeric information, [...] including I/O, status, and other data associated with the instructions used in ladder subroutines. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
通过磁偶极之间的相互作用,1H 磁化的时间演变与聚合物材料的内部 分 子 动 态 紧 密 耦合。 bruker.com | Through the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction, [...] the time-evolution of the 1H magnetization is strongly coupled [...] to the internal molecular dynamics of polymer materials. bruker.com |
通过对粪便DNA分析的研究方法、研究内容以及研究进展情况的介绍,提供了该技术不仅能用于 分 子 生 态 学 的 许多研究领域,而且还能够提供诸如种群数量估计、领域边界划定等生态学信息,这是对 分 子 生 态 学 的 重要补充。 actazool.org | Fecal DNA analysis is not only used in many areas of molecular ecology, but also might provide some ecological information, such as estimating population size and confirming [...] the boundary of territory. actazool.org |
他开始撕毁已经开始执行的历史性北南协定,夸口说他将用“实用的 尺 子 ” ,而 不是“意识形态的尺子”来 处理北南关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | He began to scrap the historic north-south agreements which had already been under implementation, blustering that he would approach the north-south relations with a “ruler of pragmatism”, not with a “yardstick of ideology”. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊朗政府的蔑 视态度以及原子能机 构、该地区其他国家和整个国际 社会随后表示的关注,迫使安全理事会考虑实施新的 制裁以努力说服伊朗进行谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | The defiant attitude of the Iranian Government and the ensuing concern on the part of IAEA, other countries [...] in the region and [...]the international community as a whole, had forced the Security Council to consider new sanctions in the effort to persuade Iran to negotiate. daccess-ods.un.org |
经审议,委员会建议大会按照总干事在 35 C/8/SC 号文件的建议,修改决议草案 第 02200 1 分段,将“探索凝聚态理论、基本粒 子 物 理 学、宇宙学、地球系统物 理学以及无序和复杂系统物理学方法”作为一个新段落 1(d),将目前的 1(d) 段改为 1(e)段。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Having examined this draft resolution, the Commission recommends to the General Conference that it amend subparagraph 02200 1 adding as a new paragraph 1(d) the following wording: “to explore such avenues as condensed matter theory, physics of elementary particles, cosmology, earth system physics and the physics of disordered and complex systems” and to renumber the current paragraph 1(d) as 1(e), as suggested by the Director-General in document 35 C/8 SC. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在撤离阶 段之前,必须开展充分工作来促进可持续和平与发 展,并且让当地社区参与其中,以免造成真空 状 态, 使不良分子乘虚而入,或者使社区感到失望,看不到 希望的曙光。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exit phase must be preceded by work adequate to fostering sustainable peace and development and the involvement of the local community to avoid creating a vacuum in which undesirable elements can take over, or so that the community feels let down, with no light at the end of the tunnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们致力于实现该目标的同时,必须采取措施 减少核危险。减少意外或未经批准使用核武器所引起 的核危险,增加对使用核武器的限制,解除核武器待 命状态,防止恐怖分子获取核武器——在这方面,所 有这些措施都是相关的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Steinhübel (Czech Republic): I should like to make just a brief observation on the issue use of nuclear weapons, increasing restraints on the use of nuclear weapons, de-alerting of nuclear weapons, measures to prevent terrorists from gaining access to nuclear weapons — all are pertinent in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
工业生态学方法中一个支持需 求管理的好例子是生态城市计划,其目标是通过在工业应用中使用商业、市政和 工业废物,将地理位置临近工业和城市区所带来的经济和环境机会最大化。 daccess-ods.un.org | A good example of [...] industrial ecology approaches that supported demand management was the Eco Town Programme, [...]aimed at maximizing [...]the economic and environmental opportunities presented by the geographical proximity of industrial and urban areas, through the use of commercial, municipal and industrial waste in industrial applications. daccess-ods.un.org |
穆斯林青年中心高度依靠肯尼亚主要伊斯兰极端 分 子 的 意识 形 态 指 导 ,包括 在肯尼亚蒙巴萨的激进牧师谢赫 Aboud Rogo,众所周知他是东非基地组织成员的 [...] 同伙,主张暴力推翻肯尼亚政府。 daccess-ods.un.org | Muslim Youth Centre relies [...] heavily on the ideological guidance of prominent Kenyan Islamist extremists, [...]including Sheikh Aboud Rogo, [...]a radical cleric based in Mombasa, Kenya, a known associate of members of Al-Qaida East Africa and an advocate of the violent overthrow of the Government of Kenya. daccess-ods.un.org |
同洲电子已推出宽动态范围 小巧型半球摄像机,其中采用了 Pixim 技术,内嵌 Pixim 移动 Orca D1400 芯片组。 tipschina.gov.cn | Coship already offers Pixim-powered wide dynamic range compact [...] dome cameras -- incorporating Pixim's mobile Orca D1400 chipsets [...]-- that are being installed on buses throughout China to promote passenger safety and prevent theft. tipschina.gov.cn |
区与新开发的地区结成对子;根据生 态 状 况 及相关文化背景,制定和传播关于发展文化生态 旅游的建议;在山区的社区内开展了参与性研究和信息收集工作;加强了山区旅游管理的能 力;设立了“中亚和喜马拉雅地区文化生态旅游”网站。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 342. “Wise practices” on mountain tourism management were identified for comparable areas; twinning of these areas with new areas developed; recommendations on the development of cultural eco-tourism elaborated and disseminated, taking into account the ecological situation and related cultural aspects; participatory research carried out and information gathered within mountain communities; capacities for mountain tourism management strengthened; and a website created on “Cultural Ecotourism in Central Asia and the Himalayas”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
非经常出版物:有关下列问题的国家研究:公共行政能力和人力资源开发;电子政务, 包括移动政务和政府的知识管理;发展管理,尤其重视公民参与和利用信息和通信技 [...] 术;评价和评估关于在冲突后重组公共行政的工具包;评价和评估 电 子 政 务 就绪 状态 的衡量和评价工具;评价和评估通过公民参与进行危机管理的工具包 daccess-ods.un.org | (ii) Non-recurrent publications: country studies on public administration capacity and human resource development; electronic government, including mobile government, electronic governance and knowledge management in government; development management, with particular emphasis on citizen engagement and the use of information and communications technology; [...] assessment and evaluation of a [...] toolkit on reconstructing public administration after [...]conflict; assessment and evaluation [...]of METER; assessment and evaluation of a toolkit on crisis-management through citizen engagement daccess-ods.un.org |
她觉得她的儿子在这个状 态下根本不应给自己的事情作出决定。 hongfook.ca | She feels that he should not make his own decisions. hongfook.ca |
公发司与伊拉克政府和开发署合作,举行了一次评估伊拉克电子政务就绪情 况的能力建设会议,举办了一次用于电子政务自我评价的 电 子 政 务 就绪 状 态 衡量 和评价工具讲习班,并列出了一项电子政务发展战略提纲。 daccess-ods.un.org | In collaboration with the Government of Iraq and UNDP, the Division delivered a capacity-building session to assess the e-government readiness of Iraq, a METER workshop of e-government self-evaluation, and outlined a strategy for e-government development. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,它也注意到社会中持续存在的有关妇女作用的大 男子 态度、歧视和成见;询问亚美尼亚为解决这一问题采取了什么措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it noted [...] enduring patriarchal attitudes, discrimination [...]and stereotypes concerning women’s role in society, and [...]asked Armenia what measures had been taken to address that issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
电磁制动器,或是在 NC 程序下执行 NC 代码 M68、M69 指令,或是通过输入制动器释放输入指 令(CN3-18),改变 ABSODEX 驱动装置 BK+、BK- 端子上的带电状态,通过外部电源的 DC24V 电压控制其动作。 ckd.co.jp | Execute NC code M68 or M69 in the NC program or supply a brake release input (CN3-18) to open or close across the BK+ and BK- terminals of the ABSODEX driver, thereby controlling the operation under an external power supply voltage of 24VDC. ckd.co.jp |
昨日,记者从佛山知名照明品牌雪莱特(港股代码:002076)了解到,该公司与中国台湾半导体龙头台积电全 资 子 公 司 台积 固 态 照 明 正式结成策略合作联盟,双方将共同开拓中国大陆及全球LED照明市场。 jxlcd.com | Yesterday, reporters from foshan famous lighting brand snow Wright (stock code: 002076) to know, this [...] company and China [...] Taiwan semiconductor leading TSMC wholly owned subsidiary TSMC solid state lighting formally [...]establishing strategy [...]alliance, the two sides will jointly develop the mainland China and global LED lighting market. jxlcd.com |
随着最近接连推出 xDSL DC 端子 IC、功率固态继电器、高电压模拟开关和场致发光显示器驱动器等产品,Clare [...] 大幅扩充了其面向通信、电源、医疗和显示器市场的产品组合。 digikey.cn | With the recent introduction [...] of xDSL DC termination ICs, power solid state relays, high-voltage [...]analog switches, and electroluminescent [...]display driver products, Clare has greatly expanded its product portfolio for the communication, power, medical, and display markets. digikey.ca |
处置:由于PMMA骨水泥的液态单体具有挥发性和可燃性,处置时应该在通风良好的 罩 子 内让 液态单体 挥发,或用惰性材料吸收单体并将其转移到一个适当的容器中(不会与PMMA骨水泥 发生反应的容器)。 wmt.com | Disposal: Because of the volatility and flammability of the liquid monomer of the PMMA bone cement, the liquid monomer should be evaporated in a well-ventilated hood or absorbed by an inert material and transferred into a suitable container (one that does not react with the PMMA bone cement) for disposal. wmt.com |
另外,在国家层面,还没 有对于电子电气产品生态设计 方面明确的政策和企业实施生态设计的要求;还没 有设立专门针对产品生态设计的研究机构;在企业层面,绝大多数企业还没有制 [...] 订明确的生态设计战略和实施目标。 switch-china-sme.eu | Besides, at the State level, there is no policy [...] focusing on eco-design of electrical and electronic [...]products or requirements on enterprises to conduct eco-design. switch-china-sme.eu |
ADSP-BF561具有两个高性能Blackfin处理器内核、灵活的高速缓存架构、增强的 D M A 子 系 统 ,以及 动 态 电 源 管理(DPM)功能,可以执行复杂的控制与信号处理任务,同时保持极高的数据吞吐率。 analog.com | With two high performance Blackfin [...] Processor cores, flexible cache [...] architecture, enhanced DMA subsystem, and Dynamic Power Management [...](DPM) functionality, the ADSP-BF561 [...]can support complex control and signal processing tasks while maintaining extremely high data throughput. analog.com |
高光度光科学研究中心(JASRI)、东北大学与日本核能研究开发机构利用大型放射光设备SPring-8的高辉度高能放射光X线,首次在世界上成功将铜氧化物高温超导体中引发高温超导的 电 子 状 态 可 视 化。 tohoku.ac.jp | Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), Tohoku University, and Japan Atomic Energy Agency has achieved imaging of the electron state of cuprate high-temperature superconductor which results in its high-temperature superconductivity, using high-intensity [...] and high-energy X-ray by Super Photon ring-8GeV [...] (Spring-8), the large radiation facility, at the first time in the world. tohoku.ac.jp |