

单词 态势

态势 noun ()

situation n

态势 noun, plural ()

postures pl

See also:


attitude n


situation n
trend n
power n

male genitals
outward appearance

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动 态势 , 并 在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 [...]
家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法
武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will
consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to
[...] a more mobile posture and working within [...]
the reduced strength of the military
component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
这一不幸的真相使人们采取一种先发制人态 势;特 别是由于反应时间过短,在发生空间敌对状况时不能经过“人参与”的指 [...]
This unfortunate truth leads to
[...] a pre-emptive posture, especially since [...]
reaction times would be too short to allow “human-in-the-loop”
command and control structures in the event of space hostilities.
其他影响人权的新情况包括国家安全部的严重违法行为;目前政府和最高法 院之间的紧态势,包括在选择总检察长方面的僵局;继哥伦比亚革命武装力量 人民军在本年度上半年释放多名被绑架警察和政治家等之后难以再释放更多人 [...]
Other developments which affected human rights were serious irregularities involving the Department of
National Security (DAS);
[...] on-going tension between the Government and the Supreme Court, including [...]
the impasse in the selection
of the Attorney General; difficulties in achieving more releases after the release of, inter alia, various kidnapped policemen and politicians by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of ColombiaPeople’s Army (FARC-EP) in the first half of the year; continued disregard for international humanitarian law by guerrilla groups and their attacks on the civilian population; and the political polarization fuelled by the uncertainty around a possible referendum that could allow President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term.
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情况可能并不妥当,因为,在 这样具体层面的开支水平在整个双年度期间并不总是呈现线性运 态势 的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium.
早日就核力态势采取 行动,特别关注通过谈判尽可能解除武器的 “接到警报即发射”状态。
Early action on
[...] nuclear force postures, with particular [...]
attention to the negotiated removal to the extent possible of weapons
from “launch-on-warning” status.
特别委员会确认必须加强会员国和秘书处之间的对话,包括在这个论坛进行 对话,按照《联合国宪章》和本报告 B 节扼述的指导原则,讨论如何提高维护特 派团的实效,包括解决维和特派团的资源需求,使它能够通过作 态势 和 采 取行 动实施威慑,并讨论执行任务规定所遇到的威胁,维和人员的安全保障,以及进 行中的和平进程。
The Special Committee recognizes the necessity to intensify dialogue among Member States and the Secretariat, including in this forum, on ways and means to enhance the effectiveness of peacekeeping missions, including by addressing the requirement for peacekeeping missions to be able to deter, through the posture they adopt and actions they take, threats to the implementation of mandates, safety and security of peacekeeping personnel, and ongoing peace processes, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the guiding principles outlined in section V.B of the present report.
更有甚者,美国继续部署数百枚核武器,在军事同盟框架内计划在其他国 家部署核弹头和导弹防御系统,培训这些国家的空军投掷这些武器,美国新的《态势评估 报告》承认上述行为违反了《不扩散条约》,美国还向那些其核设施在 原子能机构全面保障监督范畴之外运行的《不扩散条约》非缔约国转让核技术与 核材料,美国的这些行为违反了《条约》第一条关于《条约》的每个核武器缔约 国都承诺不向任何国家转让任何核武器的规定,也违反了第六条关于核武器国家 作出彻底裁军承诺的规定。
Furthermore, by continuing the deployment of hundreds of nuclear weapons, planning for the deployment of nuclear warheads and defence missile systems in other countries and training the air forces of those countries to deliver these weapons in the framework of military alliances, which are violations of the Treaty confessed to in the new United States Nuclear Posture Review, and by transferring nuclear technology and materials to the non-parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons whose nuclear facilities are operating outside IAEA full-scope safeguards monitoring, the United States is in non-compliance with article I of the Treaty, which stipulates that each nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons, and with article VI, which sets out the complete disarmament commitments of the nuclear-weapon States.
这样,这些人将能够及时 了解最新态势发展 ,并从持续的联络和相互学习中受益,从而加强能力建设 活动的可持续性。
Thus, those individuals will remain abreast of new developments and benefit from continued networking and mutual learning, which will enhance the sustainability of the capacity-building activities.
45 个以上会员国出席的座谈会分为三个 部分:(一)1954 年《海牙公约》——在武装 冲突情况下保护文化财产的法律框架;(二)
[...] 在武装冲突情况下法律保护文化财产的发态 势;及 (三)在武装冲突情况下保护文化财 [...]
The symposium, attended by over 45 Member States, was divided into three parts: (i) the 1954 Hague Convention – the legal framework for the protection of cultural
property in the event of armed conflict; (ii)
[...] the development of the legal protection [...]
of cultural property in the event of
armed conflict; and (iii) the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict: institutional questions.
在朝欧洲-大西洋一体化迈进出现积 态势 的 同 时,不幸的是民族主义的政态势也继 续存在并且一些方面已准备挑战《和平协定》,特别是挑战国家的主 权和领土完整。
Unfortunately, in parallel with the positive dynamic of movement towards Euro-Atlantic integration, there also continues to be a dynamic of nationalist [...]
politics and a readiness
by some to challenge the Peace Agreement and, in particular, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.
本报告概述了全世界生产和贩运非法药物 态势 , 目 的是帮助各国有关当 局更有效地打击生产和贩运非法药物的活动,并改进它们在次区域和区域的行 动协调。
The purpose of the overview is to assist national authorities in their efforts to combat illicit drug production and trafficking more effectively and to improve coordination of their action at the subregional and regional levels.
工作组注意到,根据行动小组的建议,美国航天局近地天体观测方案主管 与欧空局空态势感知 近地天体部分的负责人邀请各空间机构的代表在科学和 [...]
技术小组委员会第四十九届会议间隙重点讨论飞行任务规划和运营小组的职权 范围草案初稿,以便为减缓近地天体威胁总体系统的规划做准备。
The Working Group noted that on the recommendation of the Action Team, the
NEO Observations Program Executive of
[...] NASA and the Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment [...]
Manager of ESA had invited representatives
of space agencies to discuss, in particular, the first draft terms of reference for a mission planning and operations group, on the margins of the forty-ninth session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, in preparation for planning an overall NEO threat mitigation system.
为了在选举期间保持强有力和有威慑力 态势 , 联科行动将与联利特派团就 特派团间安排进行协商,并探讨,在不妨碍联利特派团执行任务和不断缩编的前 [...]
提下,以军事和空中能力支助的形式,在紧靠选举前、选举期间和之后等一段有 限时间内进行灵活部署增援的可能性。
In order to maintain a robust
[...] and deterrent posture during the elections, [...]
UNOCI will consult with UNMIL on inter-mission
arrangements and explore, without prejudice to the implementation of UNMIL’s mandate and ongoing drawdown, the possibility of flexibly deploying reinforcements for a limited period of time immediately before, during and after the elections, in the form of military and air capability support.
全球经济发展持续保持稳健、积 态势 , 但 将受到若干全球事件的影响,包括日本地震海啸及核电厂危机、中国的利率攀升、中东冲突、欧洲债务危机及美国政府财政预算赤字。
Global economic growth remains solid and positive, but will be negatively impacted by many global issues – including the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan, China interest rate hikes, Middle East conflicts, the European debt crisis, and the U.S. government budget deficit.
东南亚市场呈现强劲增态势, 而且扮演着越来越重要的角色”, 瓦克分销管理负责人Jürgen [...]
The markets in Southeast Asia are
[...] experiencing dynamic growth and becoming [...]
more and more important to us,” stresses Dr.
Jürgen Frisch, head of Distribution Management at WACKER.
鱼及水产品是世界范围内最重要的贸易商品之一,其贸易量及贸易额 均在2011年创出新高,并预期将继续保持增 态势 , 其 中发展中国家在全球 出口量中占较大份额。
Fish and fishery products are among the most traded food commodities worldwide, with trade volumes and values reaching new highs in 2011 and expected to carry on rising, with developing countries continuing to account for the bulk of world exports.
第四,关于该国的经济恢复,尽管存在某些关切, 但多数专家对科特迪瓦经济出现良好的恢 态势持 乐 观看法,因为科特迪瓦人民富于智慧,科特迪瓦农 业部门基础稳固,包括布雷顿森林机构在内的国际社 会愿意与瓦塔拉总统领导的政府合作。
Fourthly, with regard to the country’s economic recovery, despite some concerns, most experts bank their optimistic views for a positive economic recovery in Côte d’Ivoire on the resourcefulness of the Ivorian people, the fundamental robustness of the Ivorian agricultural sector and the willingness of the international community, including the Bretton Woods institutions, to cooperate with the Ouattara Administration.
[...] 括美国与俄罗斯联邦缔结新的裁减武器条约,以及 最近发布的《美国态势评估 》;也包括在哥伦比亚 特区华盛顿举行的核安全问题首脑会议,会议的成 [...]
果将推动《不扩散条约》所有缔约国更加灵活地行 使和平利用核能这一不容剥夺的权利。
Important recent developments had been the conclusion by the United States and the Russian Federation of a new
arms reduction treaty and the latest
[...] United States Nuclear Posture Review; they had also [...]
included the Nuclear Security Summit
held in Washington, D.C., whose results would promote more flexible exercise of the inalienable right of all States parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
目标是通过旨在预防暴力、恢复安 全和福祉以及促进文化和社会融合的方案和行动计 划,缓和导致暴力的社态势。
The goal was to temper social dynamics that led to violence through long- and shortterm programmes and plans of action to prevent violence, restore security and well-being, and promote cultural and social cohesion.
[...] 两地与 10 月份市政选举有关的紧态势正在日益加 剧,我们呼吁各党派和族裔团体的领导人避免发表加 [...]
剧紧张的分裂性言论,相反要为所有人的利益服务, 并推动和解。
We also note the
[...] rising tensions related to municipal [...]
elections in October, in particular in Srebrenica and Mostar, and
call on leaders from all parties and ethnic groups to refrain from divisive rhetoric that increases tensions and instead serve the interests of all people and promote reconciliation.
朱巴希望一 些合同条款也许能对南北会谈态势 产 生 对其有利 的影响,包括通过充分利用石油公司和新合同来制 [...]
约喀土穆,或者通过为石油公司提供掩护来反对喀 土穆。
Juba hoped that some contractual clauses
[...] might influence the dynamics of North-South [...]
talks in their favour, including by either
leveraging companies and new obligations against Khartoum, or providing the companies cover.
倘若 CDIP 在项目评估之后扩展专题项目,将撰写更多专 态势 报 告 来满足发展 中国家的需要。
Subject to the extension of the thematic project by the CDIP after the evaluation of the project, more PLRs would be produced in response to demands from developing countries.
因此,非洲国家在中短期内须处理的关键问题之一,是如何遏止这种非工 业态势,提高制造业和现代服务业在经济中的比重。
Therefore, one of the critical issues that African countries have to address in the short-to-medium term is how to halt this process of deindustrialization and increase the role of manufacturing and modern services in the economy.
另外,国外的活动——尤其是2008年10月一个后来被称为西巴布亚国际国会议员(IPWP)的小型组织的成立——也鼓舞了激进的活动家,促使他们相信更多的国际支持可以改变国内的政 态势。
It was also because activities abroad – particularly the establishment in October 2008 of a then tiny group called International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) –
encouraged the militant activists to believe that more international support could
[...] change the political dynamics at home.
也将探索其他功能,如引文提取、专 态势 直 观 化/分 析、图像相似性检索、专利族分类、化学和基因信息提取。
Other functions such as citation extraction, patent landscape visualization/analysis, image similarity searching, patent family grouping, chemical and gene information extraction will also be explored.
在欧洲,复苏可能呈现类似的重新平 态势 , 但 条件是正在出 现的复苏将带来财政刺激措施的逐步淡出,而私营消费和投资需求从 2011 年起 再度回升。
In Europe, the recovery may show a similar pattern of rebalancing, assuming that an ongoing recovery will induce a phasing out of the fiscal stimulus while private consumption and investment demand will pick up again from 2011.
鉴于全球升温潜能值大大低于 HFC-410A
[...] 的 HCFC-22 替代品目前的发态势,并 且预计今后几年此类配方所需成分和 [...]
专门技术越来容易获得,秘书处认为,作为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段的一部分,多边 基金不应对 Lematic s.a.l.的技术转换提供支助。
Given ongoing development of alternatives for [...]
HCFC-22 with substantially lower GWP than HFC-410A, and the increasing availability
of components and know-how necessary for such systems being expected in the next years, the Secretariat is not convinced that the conversion at Lematic s.a.l. should be supported by the Multilateral Fund as part of stage I of the HPMP.
[...] 尽自己的力量共同努力可以取得的成果的具体例子 包括,2010 年 4 月划时代核安全峰会、《美国态势 评估 报告》、美国行政当局声明打算咨询参议院并请 参议员同意批准非洲和南太平洋无核武器区条约议 [...]
定书,2010 年 5 月成功举行的不扩散核武器条约缔约 方审议大会,以及最近 2011
年 2 月 5 日美国与俄罗 斯联邦新裁武条约生效。
Specific examples of the success that can be achieved when nations commit to doing their part and working
together include the April 2010
[...] groundbreaking Nuclear Security Summit, the United States Nuclear Posture Review, the United [...]
States Administration’s
stated intent to transmit to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification of the Protocols to the African and South Pacific nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties, the successful Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in May 2010, and most recently, the 5 February 2011 entry into force of the New START treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation.
造成贸易赤字的因素众多,如:内需的拉动力不足,国际油价在近几个月 来的回落,以及欧元区主要国家在经济疲软的情况下仍维持着出口增长 态势。
Diverse factors have contributed to the trade deficit, including the lower momentum of domestic demand, the decline in international oil prices in recent months and the continuing growth of exports, despite the sluggishness of the major euro zone economies.
[...] 化,体现在手机设备五大主要操作系统的持 续增态势,新 兴国家的应用程序新市场不 断演化发展,以及高端和入门级智能手机与 [...]
This base is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, reflecting the continued strength of the
five main operating systems for mobile
[...] devices, the evolution of new apps markets [...]
in emerging countries, and the widening capability
gap between high-end and entry-level smartphones and tablets.




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