

单词 怀孕

怀孕 ()

have conceived

怀孕 verb

carry v


怀孕的 adj

pregnant adj

少女怀孕 n

teenage pregnancy n

See also:

怀 n

heart n
mind n


think of
surname Huai
harbor in one's mind
conceive (a child)


pregnancy n


pregnant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这样就确保母亲怀孕前工 作的家庭与母亲不工作的家庭待 遇平等。
This ensures equal treatment to families where the mother was
[...] working before pregnancy and families where [...]
the mother was not working.
此外,委员会关注缺乏隐私基本上阻止了性虐待儿童 怀孕 青 少 年, 特别是乱伦受害者利用社会与福利服务。
Additionally, the Committee is concerned that lack of privacy
essentially prevents child victims
[...] of sexual abuse and pregnant teenagers, in particular [...]
victims of incest, from using social and welfare services.
对女孩教育权利和家庭成员中的平等认识不足,以及对少女的健康风险 认识不足;在性别作用方面,社区长者、地方教师和政治领导人缺乏正面的领 导;在全国学校课程中,没有有关妇女权利和性别平等的教育,而却存在在学校 里进行强迫怀孕测试或其他加强性别规范的政策;直接歧视妇女与女孩或者对 她们有极大不利影响的国家立法;造成早婚 怀孕 的 经 济压力;或上述各项综 合。
For example, if gender norms reinforce early pregnancy, there may be lack of awareness of girls’ rights to education and equality among family members and of the health risks of pregnancy for young adolescents; lack of positive leadership by community elders, local teachers and political leaders regarding gender roles; lack of education regarding women’s rights and gender equality in
national school curricula,
[...] coupled with forced pregnancy testing in schools or other policies that reinforce gender norms; national legislation that directly discriminates against women and girls or has a disproportionate adverse impact on them; economic pressures that contribute to early marriage and pregnancy; or a combination [...]
of the above.
学校和居民社团也举办关于家庭计划的咨询活动,家庭计划包括婚前, 夫妇间及遗传方面的指导怀孕控制 方法的咨询、不育的处理、遗传及性传染疾 [...]
Family planning includes pre-marital and genetic issues
counselling, information on birth control methods,
[...] treatment of infertility and prevention [...]
of genetic and sexually transmitted diseases.
缔约 国还提及它通过了新的立法,包括:2003 年第一百二十五 号《平等待遇法案》(2003 年 12 月 22
[...] 日通过),其中禁止 基于性别、婚姻状况怀孕进行 歧视;2004 年第一百三十 二号法案,该法案修正了 [...]
1998 年第十九号《刑事诉讼法案》 并增列了也涉及家庭暴力问题的紧急诉讼程序;2005
年第 九十一号法案,该法案修正了关于《刑法》的 1978 年第四 号法案,增列了限制令,将其作为缓刑监督官监管下的一 项行为规则;2006 年 2 月 13 日通过的关于刑事诉讼的 1998 年第十九号法案修正案,该修正案包括限制令,这是一项 新的强制措施;2004 年第一百三十六号法案,该法案修正 了关于儿童保护的 1997 年第三十一号法案,修正后的法案 把禁止虐待儿童纳入了匈牙利法律体系。
The State party also referred to the adoption of new legislation, including the Equal Treatment Act CXXV of 2003, adopted on 22 December 2003, which
prohibits discrimination based on sex,
[...] marital status and pregnancy; Act CXXXII of 2004, [...]
which amended the Criminal Procedures
Act XIX of 1998 and introduced the urgency procedure that also concerns the subject of domestic violence; Act XCI of 2005 amending Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code, which introduced the restraining order as a rule of conduct under the supervision of the probation officer; an amendment to Act XIX of 1998 on criminal procedure adopted on 13 February 2006, which includes the restraining order as a new coercive measure; and Act CXXXVI of 2004, which amended Act XXXI of 1997, on the protection of children by which the prohibition of child abuse has been incorporated into the Hungarian legal system.
这些新措施除其他外包括:为所有 CD4 细胞数低 于 350 个/mm3
[...] 抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所有确诊感染艾滋病毒的一岁 以下婴儿提供抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所 孕 妇 从 怀孕 第 1 4 周起提供预防服务以阻断母婴传播;为所有 CD4 细胞数低于 [...]
350 个/mm3 的孕妇提供全面抗逆转录病毒 治疗;把抗逆转录病毒治疗的启动分散到初级保健一 级进行。
These new measures include, among others, the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all patients with tuberculosis/HIV coinfection with a CD4 count below 350 cells/mm3; the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all infants under one year of age with confirmed HIV status; the
provision of mother-to-child
[...] prophylaxis for all pregnant women from 14 weeks of pregnancy; the provision [...]
of full antiretroviral
therapy for all pregnant women with a CD4 count below 350 cells/mm3; and decentralizing antiretroviral initiation to the primary health-care level.
基于性别的 直接歧视也包括性骚扰,包括一个人因 怀孕 和 生子、为人父母、履行家庭义务 或其他涉及性别的情形而受到的较差待遇。
Direct discrimination based on sex also includes sexual harassment or
less favourable treatment of a person in
[...] connection with pregnancy and child-birth, [...]
parenting, performance of family obligations
or other circumstances related to gender.
[...] 缺勤时间,以下情况除外:由于常见疾病及职业病而休的病假,工伤或非工伤意 外怀孕、哺 乳、收养等需暂停劳动合同的行为;以及其他根据劳动法规定有权 [...]
As regards calculation of time actually worked, for purposes of application of those coefficients no account is taken of absence from work other than absences on medical grounds in respect of ordinary or occupational disease, accident - work- or non-workrelated - suspension of the
employment contract for maternity, adoption, care
[...] or risk during pregnancy; and absences authorized [...]
as qualifying for payment under
the relevant labour legislation.
[...] 费提供卫生巾和正常供水以供儿童和妇女个人护理之用,尤其是对烹制食品的妇 女怀孕、哺乳或者例假时的妇女。
The accommodation of women prisoners shall have facilities and materials required to meet women’s specific hygiene needs, including sanitary towels provided free of charge and a regular supply of water to be made available for the personal care
of children and women, in particular women involved in cooking
[...] and those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or [...]
对此,缔约国应当修改其法律,切实帮助妇女避免不希望怀 孕,并 保护妇女不至于被迫采用可能危及生命的非法堕胎。
In this regard, the State party should amend
its legislation to effectively help women
[...] avoid unwanted pregnancies and protect them [...]
from having to resort to illegal abortions
that could endanger their lives.
这项研究指出,取得进展的原因主要有四个方面:一些国家 怀孕 率 下 降、 人均收入增加、妇女受高等教育比率提高,以及基本医疗服务日益普及,其中包 [...]
The study cites four main reasons for the
[...] improvement: declining pregnancy rates in some [...]
countries, higher per capita income, higher
education rates for women and increasing availability of basic medical care, including “skilled birth attendants”.
不采取可能 会阻碍妇女获得所需的保健服务或基本健康决定因素的行动(尊重的义务),
[...] (b) 采取各项措施,防止妇女因生育 怀孕 死 亡 (保护的义务),(c) 采取法 律、行政及司法行动,包括通过尽可能动用可用资源,防止孕产妇死亡和发 [...]
In the context of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity … obligations require States (a) to refrain from taking actions that would obstruct women’s access to the health-care services they need or to the underlying determinants of health (duty to respect), (b) to take
measures to prevent women from dying
[...] in childbirth and pregnancy (duty to protect) [...]
and (c) to take legislative, administrative,
and judicial action, including through the commitment of maximum available resources to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity (duty to fulfil).
[...] 色、族裔、性别认同、性取向、政治、宗教、哲学、经济、教育或社会地位、是怀孕、父 母情况、健康状况、住所和其他条件。
The anti-discrimination law governs the implementation and compliance with the principle of equality on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, political,
religious, philosophical, economic, education
[...] or social status, pregnancy, parental affiliation, [...]
health status, domicile and others.
2000 年进行的营养调查表明,同一期间,马尔代夫全 怀孕 妇 女 的超过半 数和怀孕妇女 的近半数患贫血,这种亏损病是缺乏富含铁的食物引起的。
At the same time, a nutritional study in 2000
indicated that more
[...] than half of all pregnant Maldivian women and nearly half of non-pregnant women suffered [...]
from anaemia, a deficiency
that can be caused by the lack of iron-rich foods.
关于这一点,本地区可将其计划方面的经验 用于预防行动(预防少怀孕的性教育);职场妇女教育;赋予妇女权力;奖学金; [...]
消除教课书和教学中的陈规定型观念;教师培训并增强教师的意识;推动传统上同男 性相关的职业选择;支持妇女参与科学活动。
In this regard, the region can offer its experience in programmes for
preventive action (sex education for the
[...] prevention of teenage pregnancy); education for [...]
women for the world of work; female empowerment;
scholarships; the elimination of stereotypes in textbooks and teaching; training and awareness-raising for teachers; the promotion of career choices traditionally associated with men; support for women engaged in scientific activities.
The problem was nobody ever
[...] told me about pregnancies or where babies [...]
came from,” said Olga.
[...] 提供便利,其中应考虑到以往的受害情形 怀孕 妇 女 以及有子女妇女的特殊需要 以及她们的不同文化背景。
Prison health services shall provide or facilitate specialized treatment programmes designed for women substance abusers, taking
into account prior victimization, the
[...] special needs of pregnant women and women [...]
with children, as well as their diverse cultural backgrounds.
怀孕期间,一定不要更换健康保险 公司。
It is important to stay with the same health insurance
[...] company while you are pregnant.
在这方面,我们还敦促联合国会员国再次承诺实现关于普遍获得生殖健康的 千年发展目标具体目标,其中包括:根据知情选择理念,提供可获得、廉价、适 当、优质的生殖健康服务,尤其在初级保健方面;提供关于性健康和生殖健康(包
括计划生育)的教育和资料;提供有重点的切实产前护理;提供孕产妇营养方案; 控制传染性疾病;提供充足的分娩协助,以避免过度采用剖腹产、外阴切开手术、
[...] 使用催产素及其他医疗程序,提供妇科紧急护理; 怀孕 、 生产和堕胎并发症提 供转诊服务;产后护理和计划生育。
In this connection, we also urge UN Member States to reaffirm their commitment to achieving the MDG target on universal access to reproductive health, which includes, based on the concept of informed choice, the availability of accessible, affordable, appropriate and high-quality reproductive health services, particularly in the context of primary health care; appropriate education and information on sexual and reproductive health, including family planning; focused and effective prenatal care; maternal nutrition programs; control of infectious diseases; adequate delivery assistance that avoids excessive recourse to Caesarean sections, episiotomy, administration of oxytocin, and other medical procedures, and
provides for obstetric emergencies;
[...] referral services for pregnancy, childbirth and [...]
abortion complications; and post-natal care and family planning.
的表达形式怀孕,其 中密西拿曾编纂Halakhoth精确简洁作出他们的解释是必要,而工作的诡辩特点是诡辩发展,以进一步刺激。
The precise brevity of
[...] expression and the pregnant form in which the Mishna [...]
had codified the Halakhoth made an interpretation
of them necessary, while the casuistic features of the work were a stimulus to further casuistic development.
委员会建议缔约国采取所有措施使该法一旦通过适用于所有的行政和司法 诉讼程序,同时开展提高认识方案,对从事儿童工作的所有专业人员进行培训,
[...] 从而使儿童的隐私和自尊得到更大的尊重,特别对性虐待儿童受害者和青少怀 孕者的 隐私和自尊得到更大的尊重,确保他们获得机密咨询服务的权利。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all measures to render the Act, once adopted, applicable in all administrative and judicial proceedings and launch awareness-raising programmes and trainings for all professional working with and for children so as to offer children greater respect for their privacy and
dignity, in particular child victims
[...] of sexual abuse and pregnant teenagers, inter alia, [...]
by ensuring their right to confidential
advice and counselling services.
委员会敦促各国政府 保护和促进充分尊重人权和基本自由,而不论年龄和婚姻状况,包括消除针对女
孩和妇女的一切形式歧视,强调须加强保健制度,确保保健制度优先普及性信息 和生殖信息及保健服务,包括计划生育、产前护理、安全分娩和产后护理,以消
[...] 除可预防的孕产妇死亡率和发病率,且在各级采取行动消除性健康和生殖健康不 佳、意怀孕、不 安全人工流产引起的并发症以及孕产妇死亡率和发病率等相互 [...]
The Commission urged Governments to protect and promote full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms regardless of age and marital status, including by eliminating all forms of discrimination against girls and women, and stressed the need to strengthen health systems and ensure that they prioritized universal access to sexual and reproductive information and health-care services, including family planning, prenatal care, safe delivery and post-natal care, in order to eliminate preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and to take action at all levels to address the interlinked root
causes of sexual and reproductive ill
[...] health, unintended pregnancy, complications [...]
arising from unsafe abortion and maternal mortality and morbidity.
劳动法》禁止直接和间接歧视求职者和受雇者,不论他们的性别、出 身、语言、肤色、年龄怀孕、健 康状况和/或残疾、民族隶属、宗教、婚姻状 [...]
况、家庭义务、性倾向、政治或其他见解、社会出身、财产状况、政治组织和工 会成员或其他个人特征。
The Labour Law prohibits direct and indirect discrimination of persons seeking employment, as well as those employed,
regardless of sex, birth, language,
[...] colour of skin, age, pregnancy, health care and/or [...]
disability, national affiliation, religion,
marital status, family obligations, sexual orientation, political or other opinions, social origin, property status, membership in political organizations and labour unions or another personal characteristic.
(j) 与社区和宗教领袖、传统助产士、媒体、广播电台、有影响力的公众人 物和决策者合作,对妇女和男子、女孩和男孩、社区、决策者和保健专业人员进 行如何预防和治疗产科瘘的教育,使人们更多了 怀孕 妇 女 和女孩的需要,包括 她们享有能达到的最高标准健康的权利,支持对医生、助产士、护士和其他保健 工作者进行产科抢救护理培训,将瘘管修补、瘘管病治疗及护理方面的培训列为 保健专业人员培训的标准课程
(j) To educate individual women and men, girls and boys, communities, policymakers and health professionals about how obstetric fistula can be prevented and treated; to increase awareness of the needs of pregnant women and girls, including their right to the highest attainable standard of health, by working with community and religious leaders, traditional birth attendants, the media, radio stations, influential public figures and policymakers; to support the training of doctors, midwives, nurses and other health workers in lifesaving obstetric care; and to include training on fistula repair, treatment and care as a standard element of the training curricula of health professionals
几年来,在幸运土猫 TNR
[...] 项目中,社区志愿者支付的绝育费用一直维持在 30-100 元之 间(根据猫咪性别怀孕与否 以及医院的不同而有不同)。
Over the past years, the expenses for de-sexing operations for community volunteers in the
Lucky Cats TNR program have been maintained between RMB 30-100
[...] (differs in cat gender, pregnancy status, and hospitals).
间歇假定性治疗包括为妊娠期妇女 怀孕 三 个 月之后的每次预定产前检查时,不管是否有感染疟疾的症状,都提供至少两服抗疟疾药物,目前使用周效磺胺-乙胺嘧啶(SP)。
Intermittent preventive
[...] treatment involves providing pregnant women with at least [...]
two doses of an anti-malarial drug, currently
sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), at each scheduled antenatal visit after the first trimester, whether they show symptoms of infection with malaria or not.
虽然青年党 发言人 Ali Mohamud Raghe 公开否认对爆炸事件负责,但监察组听了在线论坛,
[...] 青年党领导人声称这一自杀攻击是一个胜利,并告知参加论坛者,炸弹手的妻子 也接受了自杀行动训练,只是在最后一刻 怀孕 被 叫 停,但会接受未来的机会。
Although the spokesman for Al-Shabaab, Ali Mohamud Raghe, publicly denied responsibility for the blast, the Monitoring Group has listened to online forums at which Shabaab leaders have claimed the suicide attack as a victory, and informed participants that the bomber’s wife, who
is also trained for suicide operations, was held back at the
[...] last moment due to pregnancy, but for a future [...]
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何女子( 包括残 疾女子 )流产( 不论该女子是怀孕) 而非法向其施用或导致其服用任何毒药或其他 有害物品,或非法使用任何器具或任何其他方法以遂同样意图,均属犯可循公诉 [...]
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person
who, with intent to
[...] procure the miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), whether she is or is [...]
not with child, unlawfully
administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母亲是纯粹的毒药,它杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你 怀孕 的 需 要,不可能是一个懦夫,不担心别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为,我敢肯定,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的母亲感到非常自豪,无论情况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的生命,不论父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills even her mother is pure poison, which kills a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill,
morer should not make a difference,
[...] all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, [...]
do not worry about others, live
your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
人道主义活动是由联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)和世界粮食计 划署(粮食规划署)主导的,粮食规划署每月提供 125 000 份一般口粮,供西撒哈
[...] 拉难民食用,过上正常生活;还有学校向 5 岁以下营养不良的儿童怀孕妇女和 哺乳母亲提供餐食和补充营养。
With regard to humanitarian activities and efforts led by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Food Programme (WFP), the provision by WFP of 125,000 monthly general feeding rations to Western Saharan refugees continued, along with school
feeding and supplementary feeding for malnourished children under five
[...] years old and for pregnant women and nursing [...]




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