

单词 怀古

See also:

怀 n

heart n
mind n


ancient adj
old adj

surname Gu

External sources (not reviewed)

今年适逢第25届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演及第60届澳门格兰披治大赛车,旅游局将结合澳门节庆活动、文化景点与现代化的旅游设施,推广多样化的主题之旅,希望吸引不同族群在不同时刻前往澳门旅游,感受澳门中西融合与时 怀古 兼 具 的情调。
This year marks the upcoming 25th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest and the 60th Macau Grand Prix. MGTO will commingle Macau festivities, cultural attractions and modern tourist facilities together, promoting diversely-themed tours to enchant visitors of different nationalities to Macau
at different times of the year so that they can experience Macau's composite aroma of
[...] East and West, trendy and antique.
人们时刻都能感到一种紧迫感,因而不再有 闲暇怀古论今 ;我们周围充斥着廉价易用的产品,这些大规模生产的产品让人们应接不暇,疲于招架, 进而变得麻木。
In contemporary experience time has become so compressed that concerns for the past and present are often eclipsed by the urgency of the now, and the glut of convenient, cheap industrialized items available to us, bombards the individual, creating oversaturation, and in turn a numbness.
Scavolini 厨具中的这一系列让人们体味优雅、尊贵与舒适,其传统 怀 旧 最迎 合 古 典 风 格的爱好者。
Simple, attractive forms, natural materials and design layouts that pay homage to the cosy feeling of the kitchens of bygone days are the key characteristics of Cora, the elegant,
prestigious, comfortable kitchen Scavolini offers for
[...] people feeling nostalgia for tradition, and lovers of classical style.
古巴不怀疑其 中许多项目有着高尚的宗旨。
Cuba has no doubt as to the [...]
noble objectives of many of those projects.
古巴代表团怀疑一 些捐助者的善意,但已经看到预算外资源已 经成为将自己的如意算盘强加于人的痛苦方法。
While his delegation did not doubt the good intentions of some of the donors, it had seen extrabudgetary resources serve as a painful method of imposing agendas.
当然,不是所有的当地购物都是关 怀 旧 的 古 董 , 您可以在美国马里兰州的无 数个购物商场找到当季的时尚服装,那些地方包括安纳波利斯海港中心和巴尔的摩画廊与港口区。
Explore current fashions and finery at any number of Maryland USA shopping malls, including Annapolis Harbor Center and Baltimore’s Harborplace & The Gallery.
两个在拉赛波里 (Raasepori)
[...] 附近,建于十七世纪的铸铁村镇,现时已是夏季的旅游胜地,当中满是优美景物、艺术设计品味 古 董 怀 旧 风 情和雅致悠闲旅馆。
Built in the 17th century near the coastal town of Raasepori, two former ironwork
villages now offer summer travellers a delightful selection of quaint
[...] scenery, art, design, antiques and idyllic accommodation.
在本届会议期间有五个空缺需要填补,因为下列 成员的任期将于 2012 年 12 月届满:穆罕默德·穆尼尔-扎赫兰先生(埃及);尼
[...] 古拉·丘尔科夫先生(俄罗斯联邦);埃旺·费朗西斯科·方丹·奥尔蒂斯先 生 (古 巴);德博拉·怀恩斯 女士(美利坚合众国)和张义山先生(中国)。
There now remain five vacancies to be filled during the current session upon the expiration of the terms of office of Mr. Mohamed Mounir-Zahran (Egypt); Mr. Nikolay V. Chulkov
(Russian Federation); Mr. Even
[...] Francisco Fontaine Ortiz (Cuba); Ms. Deborah Wynes (United [...]
States of America); and Mr. Zhang
Yishan (China) in December 2012.
一些学生学习新的乐器、语言以及武术,以達到计划中技能部分的要求,还有一些同学准备艰苦地跋涉内 古 或 在 怀 柔 露 營,作为计划中冒险旅程的一部分。
YCIS Beijing students are already in the process of the award with a few students learning new musical instruments, languages, and martial arts for the skills section of the award,
while others are planning
[...] treks in Inner Mongolia and No-Trace camping trips in Huairou as part of their [...]
adventurous journey component of the award.
对女孩教育权利和家庭成员中的平等认识不足,以及对少女的健康风险 认识不足;在性别作用方面,社区长者、地方教师和政治领导人缺乏正面的领 导;在全国学校课程中,没有有关妇女权利和性别平等的教育,而却存在在学校 里进行强迫怀孕测试或其他加强性别规范的政策;直接歧视妇女与女孩或者对 她们有极大不利影响的国家立法;造成早婚 怀 孕 的 经济压力;或上述各项综 合。
For example, if gender norms reinforce early pregnancy, there may be lack of awareness of girls’ rights to education and equality among family members and of the health risks of pregnancy for young adolescents; lack of positive leadership by community elders, local teachers and political leaders regarding gender roles; lack of education regarding women’s rights and gender equality in national
school curricula, coupled
[...] with forced pregnancy testing in schools or other policies that reinforce gender norms; national legislation that directly discriminates against women and girls or has a disproportionate adverse impact on them; economic pressures that contribute to early marriage and pregnancy; or a combination [...]
of the above.
以下发言者作了发言:佩特科·德拉加诺夫先生,贸发会议副秘书长古 巴代 表,代表 77 国集团和中国发言;尼泊尔代表,代表最不发达国家发言;孟 [...]
加拉国代表,代表亚洲集团发言;埃及代表,代表非洲集团发言;比利时代表, 代表欧洲联盟发言;多米尼加共和国代表,代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发
言;美利坚合众国代表;中国代表;土耳其代表;莱索托代表;法国代表;埃 塞俄比亚代表;泰国代表;委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表;也门代表;以及安 哥拉代表。
The following speakers made statements: Mr. Petko Draganov,
Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the
[...] representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf [...]
of the Group of 77 and China; the representative
of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union; the representative of the Dominican Republic, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of the United States of America; the representative of China; the representative of Turkey; the representative of Lesotho; the representative of France; the representative of Ethiopia; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the representative of Yemen; and the representative of Angola.
[...] 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚 古 巴 、 塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、爱尔 [...]
马耳他、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、 卡塔尔、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、南非、斯里兰卡、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭和南斯拉夫。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia,
Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria,
[...] Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech [...]
Republic, Egypt, Finland, Gabon, Germany,
Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
[...] 澳大利亚、奥地利、巴巴多斯、波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那、加拿大、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、克罗地亚古巴、 捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、埃及、法国、加蓬、加纳、格林纳达、约旦、科威特、立陶 [...]
The heads of delegations of the following Member States: Australia, Austria, Barbados,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Colombia,
[...] Comoros, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, [...]
Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Gabon,
Ghana, Grenada, Jordan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saint Lucia, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United States of America, Yemen.
[...] 力,确保所提供的每一内有或怀疑 内 有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 [...]
所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设的杀伤人员地雷 数量估计、清除过的地带、使雷区不再构成危险而采取的措施、销毁的杀伤人员
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the
information they provide on each area that
[...] contains mines or is suspected to contain [...]
mines is as comprehensive as possible,
i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 纳法索、哥伦比亚古巴、 丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 [...]
亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南
非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra,
Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina
[...] Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, [...]
Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加古建立 由联合国教科文组织赞助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性及范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.




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