单词 | 念 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
为何选择在澳洲念书? studyinaustralia.gov.au | Why study in Australia studyinaustralia.gov.au |
当然,任何概念经过约定俗成之後,意义可能有所改变。 hkupop.hku.hk | Of course, the meaning of every concept may be changed after some kind of conventional setting. hkupop.hku.hk |
每年有超过 280,000 位来自大约195 个不同国家的国际学生到澳洲念书。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | More than 280,000 international students from about 195 countries study in Australia each year. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
由於女儿去了Dunedin大学念书,房间就空了出来。 4tern.com | That’s why the room is empty for the time being. 4tern.com |
他们聊到他的目标, 发现 Nick 希望念完大学、找一份好工 作,有个不错的地方可以住。 brcenter.org | They talked about his goals and found out Nick wants to finish college, get a good job, and have a nice place to live. brcenter.org |
剑桥中高级(FCE)英语认证课程,是专门设计给想要学习更多英文、找到更有趣的工作或是想要在欧洲念大学的学生。 zh.inlinguavancouver.com | The FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) program is designed for [...] students who want to learn a lot of English, want a more exciting career or enroll [...] at a European universityor college. es.inlinguavancouver.com |
年轻人念书很认真,想要出人头地,只要获得机会就心存感激。 amccsm.org | Young people studied hard, wanting to make something of themselves, and were grateful for opportunities given. amccsm.org |
2005年,当Aster Data公司开发副总裁Mayank Bawa和产品管理与市场推广副总裁Tasso Argyros 还在美国史丹福大学念书时 ,就预见大数据分析将成为分析业务的下一个焦点,并开始对大数据分析进行研究。 ipress.com.hk | The Next Big Thing in analytic business foresight began in 2005, when Mayank Bawa and Tasso Argyros were students at Stanford. ipress.com.hk |
博子在他的中学名册?找到他在北海道的小樽市念书时的地址,情不自禁地写了一封信给他,不料却竟收到他的回信! 回信的其实是一个也叫藤井树的女子(中山美穗分饰)。 buyoyo.com | Among his things left she finds his hometown address, to which she writes a love letter because she can not help thinking of him. buyoyo.com |
提供7-9年级学生广泛课程及学术机会和体会,有利他们在10及11年级GCSE及IGCSE课程的表现,除了英语数学及科学课,也鼓励学生念至少一门人文学科,一门外语及一门创意科目。 ukeas.com.tw | Beyond the core curriculum of English, Maths and Science, our students are strongly encouraged to study at least one humanity, one foreign language and a creative subject at this level. ukeas.com |