单词 | 快速搜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 快速搜 noun —quick search nSee also:快速 adj—quick adj • fast adj • rapid adj • faster adj • speedy 快速 adv—quickly adv • rapidly adv 搜—collect • madder (Rubia cordifolia) • hunt for
最简单的配置情况下,该数据库只是一个基于文件的Map,更复杂的配置,该数据库将使用B+树数据结构来提 供 快速搜 索 、新增和事务支持。 javakaiyuan.com | The simplest configuration, the database is a file-based Map, a more complex [...] configuration , the database will use the B-tree data [...] structure to provide fast search, adding and transaction [...]support . javakaiyuan.com |
在科技方面,部分講者投訴在網上收看節目時,有緩 衝延誤,且節目的索引方法使用時不方便,難 以 快速搜 尋欲 收看的節目。 legco.gov.hk | On technical front, speakers complained that there were [...] buffering delays when watching programmes on web, and the indexing of programmes [...] was not user-friendly for quick search. legco.gov.hk |
另外,Samsung C5180還擁有智能搜尋功能,可快速搜 尋 手機內的聯絡人、短訊息、音樂、圖片及文件檔案,甚至是網絡上的內容,使手機操控更隨心自在。 samsung.com | Besides, Samsung C5180 features with [...] Smart People Search Function, allowing users to quickly search phone contacts, [...]SMS, music, pictures, [...]document files, and even the content on the network. samsung.com |
為了使現有的藥物資訊系統更臻完善, 生署已 手為該系統引入一項 快速搜索功 能,例如以藥劑製品的名稱或註冊編號作索引。 legco.gov.hk | The DH has initiated work to improve the existing [...] drug information system by [...] introducing a quick search function, for example, searching by product [...]name or by registration number. legco.gov.hk |
通过蓝牙 [...] (Bluetooth) 无线技术连接到您的QC20-W。您也可以 快速搜 索 并 连接到其他QC20-W球杆仪上,无需考虑配置通讯端口等问题。 renishaw.com.cn | Connect, using Bluetooth wireless technology, to your [...] QC20-W. You can quickly search for and connect to [...]other QC20-W ballbars without the problems [...]of configuring comms ports etc. renishaw.com |
你可以用不同類別瀏覽 Mac app,例如遊戲、生產力、音樂以及更多 ; 快速搜 尋 你 想要的程式;查看開發者程式介紹和用家意見;以至觀看程式的截圖。 mammals.org | You can browse Mac apps by category, such as games, productivity, music, and more. mammals.org |
VC-LAN 控制器的嵌入式数据库可轻松快速地调用测试设置和数据,因为键盘 的 快速搜 索 会 将用户转到他们所需的信息。 bksv.cn | The VC-LAN Controllers’ embedded database makes [...] it quick and easy to recall test setups and [...] data, as keyword searches quickly lead the [...]user to their desired information. bksv.com |
增强)在Outlook中以及Workshare Pint用户界面中提供快速搜索功能 evget.com | FAST search functionality accessible [...] in Outlook and the Workshare Point User Interface. evget.com |
我们有一个公司的授权经销商,理光,具有一个多功能彩色激光,可以在这些盒子印刷服务,访问我们的网站和SP模式C 21 0 s f 快速搜 索 在 网站上寻找。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | We have a company that is authorized reseller Ricoh, have a multifunction color laser that [...] can serve well in these boxes printing, accessing our website and look for the [...] SP model C210sf quick search on the site. en.arteblog.net |
使用我们的快速搜索工 具(右下方),为您的设计搜寻合适的数据转换器。 analog.com | Use our Quick Search Tool (below right) [...] to find the right data converter for your design. analog.com |
用于增加使用性的分组导航控件( 快速搜 索 )。 evget.com | Group navigation control (quick search) for increased usability evget.com |
此舉旨在為各 局/部門的人力資源管理人員和一般讀者,提 供快速搜尋所需資料的參考指引。 psc.gov.hk | It is intended to provide HRM practitioners in bureaux/departments and general readers with a [...] ready guide for a quick search of the required information. psc.gov.hk |
Savvio 硬碟機無與倫比的功能組合 (包括較小尺寸、較低耗電量、快速搜 尋 時 間及業界最高可靠性),讓它成為高 [...] I/O 密度硬體平台 (包括全新伺服器、儲存陣列及刀鋒伺服器) 的最佳儲存解決方案。 seagate.com | The Savvio disc drive's unmatched combination of [...] features including its smaller size, lower [...] power consumption, fast seek time and the [...]industry's highest reliability, make it [...]the ideal storage solution for high I/O density hardware platforms, including new servers, storage arrays and blade servers. seagate.com |
從主畫面,點選 > 設定 > 快速 搜尋。 garminasus.com | From the Home screen, [...] touch > Settings > Quick Search. garminasus.com |
机场代码程序允许您快速搜寻无论是机场代码或城市。 cn.moba-app.com | The Airport Codes app [...] allows you to quickly search by either the airport [...]code or city. moba-app.com |
允许在任何计算(工程里)用递送工具“搜索计算” 来 快速搜 索。 mitcalc.com | Enables fast retrieval of any calculation (project) using the delivered tool "Search calculation". mitcalc.com |
您不需要更高的场级权限就可以执行管理任务,如对所有Web部件实例进 行 快速搜 索 和过滤,确定这些Web部件用在哪些地方以及有谁在使用,对Web部件的属性如UI元素或皮肤进行批量更新。 questsoftware.com.cn | You can perform administrative [...] tasks without elevated farm-level [...] permissions, such as quickly searching and filtering on [...]all web part instances to discover [...]where they are being used and who's using them, and making bulk updates to web part properties such as UI elements or skins. questsoftware.es |
强大的多标准搜索引擎允许用户按标准、参考号或产品代 码 快速搜索 traceparts.com | Powerful [...] multi-criteria search engine featuring a quick access by standard, [...]reference or product code traceparts.com |
SpeedyWiki的特点包括:内置WYSIWYG页面编辑器;开/关账号注册 ; 快速搜 索 ; 定制RSS Feed;完整的修订系统;支持多种UI主题。 javakaiyuan.com | SpeedyWiki features include : built-in WYSIWYG page editor ; on/off account registration ; quick search ; custom RSS [...] Feed; complete revision [...]system; support multiple UI themes . javakaiyuan.com |
快速搜索让 您直达结果,但是如果您有其他特别的需求 – 您可能需要小型课程,或者除了英语之外还需要其他课程 [...] – 您可以使用高级搜索。 englishuk.com | The quick search will give you a good [...] start, but if you have special requirements - perhaps you want a really small class, [...]or want to study English plus another subject - use the advanced search. englishuk.com |
操作功能也經過大幅改良,您可以 快速搜 尋 電腦或NAS 中的音樂檔案,也可以瀏覽網路廣播電台。 dpaudio.com.hk | The operability has also been greatly improved [...] to allow you to quickly search for the music files [...]in a computer or NAS or browse Internet radio stations. dpaudio.com.hk |
这作业上的弹性能快速的搜寻到 制作的任何一点。 motion.kodak.com | This flexibility allows quick navigation to any [...] point in the production. motion.kodak.com |
与网络存储一样,索引型数据库是简单的键值映射,但它又像关系型数据库一样支持索引,因此 能 快速搜 索 匹 配某个特定字段的对象;您无需人工遍历存储中的每个对象。 html5rocks.com | Like Web Storage, it's a straightforward key-value mapping, but it supports indexes [...] like those of relational [...] databases, so searching objects matching a particular field is fast; you don't have [...]to manually iterate [...]through every object in the store. html5rocks.com |
针对地址搜索者的免费在线地址目录具有关键 词 快速搜 索 功能并包含了地址数据,例如涉及垃圾堆放、垃圾堆场的当前供应商,这个免费在线地址目录是有效的辅助工具。 industrystock.cn | As a recognized forum [...] to the supplier search, thousands of companies [...]are registered in our enormous address data bank. industrystock.net |
雷鳥給你的IMAP / [...] POP支持,內置的RSS閱讀器,支持HTML郵件,強大 的 快速搜 索 , 保存的搜索文件夾,先進的信息過濾,郵件分組,標籤,回執,智能地址簿LDAP地址後,進口工具,並且能夠管理多個電子郵件和新聞組帳戶。 download.yallagroup.net | Thunderbird gives you IMAP/POP support, a [...] built-in RSS reader, support for HTML [...] mail, powerful quick search, saved search folders, advanced [...]message filtering, message [...]grouping, labels, return receipts, smart address book LDAP address completion, import tools, and the ability to manage multiple e-mail and newsgroup accounts. download.yallagroup.net |
此外,中心亦不停研發比現有設備更適用的新產品,其中包括:(一)測試新款的無縫石摸讀地圖,替代因長時間暴露於戶外陽光下而燙手的不銹鋼地圖;(二)研發在摸讀地圖的發聲裝置中,把路線指引分置在多段不同錄音聲帶中,讓視障人士可按其需要 更 快速 地 搜 尋 所 需的指引或資訊;(三)嘗試在地圖摸讀標示下安裝發聲按鈕組件,讓視障人士更快速地辨別地圖上所顯示的設施及其位置。 hksb.org.hk | On top of the provision of consultancy service and Barrier-Free Access (BFA) products, BFATSC also researched and developed new products with useful applications: trial testing of Corian tactile maps that are tolerant to the sun’s heat, which ultimately can replace the current stainless steel ones; the introduction of an audible system that has separate sound tracks for the vocal descriptions to allow the visually impaired users to switch to different tracks more easily when accessing the required information; the development of an audible system prototype installed in the tactile maps with push button activated audio information. hksb.org.hk |
舉例來說,您可以使用 [搜尋] 快速鍵來搜尋市集中的新應用程式,或是在「連絡人」應用程式中尋找某個連絡人。 content.dell.com | For example, [...] you can use the Search charm to search for a new app [...]in the Store or for a contact in the People app. content.dell.com |
动态显示缩略图可以用于在一个分组 中 快速 可 视 化 搜 索 照 片。 javakaiyuan.com | Dynamic display of thumbnails can [...] be used in a quick visual search in group photos . javakaiyuan.com |
如果要投影機自動搜尋訊號,請確定信號源功能表中 的 快速 自 動 搜 尋 功 能是設為 開啟。 viewsoniceurope.com | Be sure the Quick Auto Search function in the SOURCE menu is On if you want the projector to automatically search for the signals. viewsoniceurope.com |
河马读书提供了逼真的读书体验和人性化的考虑,包括真实的翻书效果、羊皮纸阅读效果、舒服的阅读配色;自动保存书签、自由调节行间距及文字大小、背景模式可调、当前阅读的章节记录、阅读省电设计等等;在阅读杂志和漫画时,用户可以保存喜欢的图片作为手机背景,或者将图片作为彩信发给好友;同时河马读书拥有 最 快速 的 T X T 搜 索 功 能,同时支持ANSI、UTF-8、UTF-16、UNICODE等各种TXT编码格式,随你畅读。 peopeo.de | Hippo Reader provides a vivid reading experience and humane considerations, including the real effects of page flipping, the parchment texture effect, comfortable reading color options; automatically save bookmarks, free to adjust line spacing and text size, background mode adjustable, records of current reading chapter, battery saving design, etc.; in reading magazines and comics, the user can save favorite pictures as backgrounds for mobile phones or sent to friends as an [...] MMS picture; while Hippo Reader [...] provides the most rapid TXT search function, supports [...]ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UNICODE encoding [...]and many other TXT format etc.. peopeo.de |