

单词 快要...的

See also:

快的 adj

quick adj
swift adj

要快 adj

be fast adj

External sources (not reviewed)

半小袋米、一棵卷心菜和一快要用 完 的 食 用 油,这些就是她家储藏室里的全部物品。
A half-full 25kg bag of corn, a head of cabbage and a near empty bottle of cooking oil, make up the entire contents of her storeroom.
快要結束對香的管治 ,作為英國的代表,我深知日後㆟們在某程度㆖, 將會以這個理想、這個願望能否實現,來評定我們的功過。
As the representative of the departing sovereign power, I am well aware that we will be judged in part by whether that ambition, that hope, is satisfied.
16.44 由于公约的批准速度比预的要快, 已 经收到的提供法律咨询服务以便将公约条款列入国家立 [...]
16.44 As the rate of ratification of the
[...] Convention is faster than anticipated, more [...]
requests for legal advisory services for
the incorporation of the provisions of the Convention into national legislation have been received and even more are expected.
在議員中,“轉數”快的要算是曾鈺成,每次重要的政治辯論,民主 黨要最少兩個人前後“包抄”。
The Democratic Party must assign two persons to outflank him in any major political debates.
我 希望局長盡快 ─ 局長可能要為曾先生助選 ─ 他的要快些做好這 數方面。
I hope that the Secretary will expeditiously ― The Secretary may have to help Mr TSANG with his electioneering campaign
[...] and so, he really must do this quickly.
在“当前快捷方式”文本框里选中要删 的快 捷 方 式,然后单击“删除”可以去除不 要的快 捷 键
In the "Current Shortcut" text box to select the shortcut you want to delete, and then click "delete" to remove unwanted shortcuts.
一个答复者还提到,当紧急情况出现时,本组织 要快 速 作 出反应,例如 在伊拉克,提供教育机会仍是一个 要 应 对 的 重 大 挑战。
One respondent
[...] also mentioned the need to respond quickly to emergencies as they arise, such as the case of Iraq, where providing education [...]
still remains a major challenge to be addressed.
如果沿着过去所走的经济增长道路继续走下去,只会进一步加重对全世界资 源和自然环的压力,而这种压力已 快要 达 到不再能维持生 的 极 限
Continuation along previously trodden economic growth pathways will further exacerbate the pressures exerted on the world’s resources and natural environment, which would approach limits where livelihoods were no longer sustainable.
若發覺技不如㆟,眼見快要輸了 ,就找㆟回來加入球 賽,這便是缺乏體育精神,同時亦缺乏議員應 的 道 德
If you call in more players when you find that you are going to be beaten at the game, it is an exhibition of poor sportsmanship and it runs against parliamentary ethics.
如果要更快的固化时 间,快速密封胶固化工具包是可用的,24N985。
If faster cure time is needed, Rapid Sealant Cure Kit is available, 24N985.
如果您就本計劃對您尚未接受的藥物作出的決定提出上訴,您和(或) 的 醫 生 或其他開藥醫生將需 決定您是否要「快速上訴」。
If you are appealing a decision our plan made about a
drug you have not yet
[...] received, you and your doctor or other prescriber will need to decide if you need a “fast appeal.
我希望 政 府 切 實一點 , 對於可以 處 理的,的 要 快 點 進行處理,令 環境和 設施可以 得到真 正 的 改善;不要再令我們這 老 師 失 望 、 泄 氣 , 亦不要令學生 繼續在 這 惡劣的環境下學 習 , 以 致 不能汲 取應有 的 知 識 。
The Government should not make teachers disappointed and feel discouraged again or allow students to continue learning in adverse circumstances because they will not duly absorb knowledge that way.
於1973年成立巧新企業有限公司,以OEM型態,從事即熱式瓦斯熱水器的生產,交於國內各知名廠牌銷售,受到巿埸肯定,我們瞭解熱水器出廠後經由各銷售管道分佈於各個家庭使用,攸關人民生命財產安全,在品質方面是極為 要的 , 所 以本公司以品質第一為目 的 理 念 , 要 求 各 同仁確實做到,提高與本公司往來的客戶對本公司產品信任、交貨準時、品質優良,彼此都能長期合作 快。
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was
extremely important, therefore this
[...] company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
虽然科学界对其中一些趋势 应当如何测量,存在歧见,但是大力支持其 要 信 息 ,就是全球消费目前使用各 种(越来越是不可再生)资的速度快 过 地 球能够产生这些资源的速度,而且使用 的方式造成更多和快的损害 ,非许多自然系统所能忍受。
Though there are scientific
[...] differences on how some of these trends should be measured, there is considerable support for the central message, that global consumption is using resources (increasingly non-renewable) faster than the planet can [...]
regenerate them, and using them in ways that produce more and faster damage than many natural systems can absorb.
这次大会所发 出的采取行动的呼吁突出强调了在各个任务负责人之间密切开展合 的 重 要 性, 大会的议程也提供了一个宝贵的框架,有助于采取相辅相成的行动,有助于为实 现大会上所议定的在一定时间内所达到的目标取得 快的 进 展;这些目标对于落 实研究报告中的建议也具有战略意义。
The call for action issued as part of the Congress highlights the importance of close cooperation between mandate holders, and its agenda provides a valuable framework for mutually supportive actions and accelerated progress towards the achievement of the time-bound targets agreed upon at the Congress; these targets are also of strategic relevance to the process of follow-up to the study’s recommendations.
所有主管当 局审理家庭暴力案都要快捷, 并处以更 的 罚 款和更长的刑期。
Urgency is required in domestic violence proceedings of all the authorities in charge, with higher fines and longer prison terms.
不过,在公海上方,不太要快速改 变飞行速度、方向和高度,因此固 定翼飞的速度和航程更为有利。
However, over the open sea, there is less need for rapid changes in flying speed, direction and altitude, [...]
and the speed and range of fixed-wing
aircraft are more advantageous.
14.53 在 2012-2013 两年期,为了更好地满足成员的需 要 , 特 别是在病人的医疗照射、能源生产产 生的辐射水平和影响、自然辐射源的照射以及低剂量辐射照射的影响等方面,为了应对科学发 展及全球通的快速节奏和日益增加的复杂性,将继续在 2008-2009 年期间启动的若干战略转 变,即:(a) 精简委员会的科学评价进程;(b) 加强数据收集、分析和传播的机制;(c) 改善 与其他利益攸关方基于成果的规划和协调;(d) 在决策者和公众中提高对委员会及其基本研究 成果的认识,以帮助弥合科学与政策之间的空白,确定在管理辐照的健康和环境影响领域内的 [...]
14.53 In the biennium 2012-2013, in
order to respond better to
[...] the needs of Member States (in particular with respect to the medical exposure of patients, radiation levels and effects of energy production, exposure to natural sources of radiation and the effects of low-dose-rate radiation exposure) and to the rapid pace and [...]
increasing complexity
of scientific developments and global communications, several strategic shifts initiated in 2008-2009 will continue, namely: (a) streamlining the Committee’s scientific evaluation processes; (b) enhancing mechanisms for data collection, analysis and dissemination; (c) improving results-based planning and coordination with other stakeholders; and (d) raising awareness of the Committee and its essential findings among decision makers and the public to help bridge the science-policy gap and identify any changes needed in the management of the impacts of radiation exposure on health and the environment.
如果行 动第一年的拨款总额不足以满足特派团出现的所有要求(例如,军警人员的部署 速度比预的要快),则 将向大会提出增加经费的要求供其审议。
Should the total funding appropriated in the first year of operations not be sufficient to meet all of a mission’s emerging requirements (for example, should
uniformed personnel be
[...] deployed faster than projected), a request for additional requirements would be submitted to the General [...]
Assembly for its consideration.
通过免提,您可以确切地选择:什么时候想要自己动手管理 的 智 能手机,什么时候 要快 速 轻松地访问电话、歌曲和多媒体;不用任何线缆,没有任何麻烦。
By going hands free, you choose exactly when you
want to manage your
[...] smartphone hands-on and when you want quick and easy access to your calls, [...]
songs and media without any wires or hassle.
我們要考慮 擴大豁免的範圍,或可涵蓋:(a)互聯網服務供應 商進的快取活 動;及/或(b)在任何其他情況下暫時複 製版權作品,例如在數碼器件中使用版權作品。
We would also need to consider whether the scope of the exemption should be expanded to cover: (a) caching activities [...]
undertaken by
online service providers; and/or (b) temporary reproduction of copyright works in any other circumstances e.g. in the course of using copyright works on digital devices.
Monza 4系列将业界最高的读写可靠性、扩展内存和创 的 保 密技术相结合,为 要快 速 实现射频识别投资回收和不断改进运行性能的企业提供巨大的效益。
The Monza 4 family combines the industry's highest read and write reliability, expanded memory and innovative privacy technology to deliver significant benefits for businesses desiring fast RFID investment [...]
payback and ongoing operational improvements.
长久保留,快速检索:IT 分析师 George Crump 在一篇
[...] 文章中指出(来源:云存储是医疗保健行业的天作之合),基于传统存档到磁带模型的数据存储解决方案不适合医疗保健组织,这些组织随着医疗记录数字化不仅需要巨大存储容量,更 要快 速 和 实时数据检索以便紧急情况下能够找出病 的 信 息
Long retention, quick retrieval: IT analyst George Crump pointed out in an InformationWeek article (source: Cloud Storage A Good Match For Healthcare) that data storage solutions based on a traditional archive-to-tape model are not viable for healthcare organizations, which not only need huge
storage capacity
[...] as medical records go digital, but also need quick and instantaneous data retrieval so that a patient’s [...]
can be pulled up during an emergency.
表 3 显示,1994 年至 2009
[...] 年期间,包括当地资源在内的对发展方面业务活 动的捐款按实值计算比经合组织/发援会报告的官方发展援助总额和经合组织/ 发援会国家的官方发展援助(两者均不包括债务减 免 ) 的 增 长 要快 ( 分 别为 4.6%对 3.4%和 3.1%)。
Table 3 shows that between 1994 and 2009, contributions to operational activities for development, including local resources, grew faster in real terms than both total ODA and ODA from OECD/DAC countries
(both excluding debt
[...] relief), as reported by OECD/DAC (4.6 per cent versus 3.4 per cent and 3.1 per cent, respectively).
a) 本的批准程序处于何阶段快要批 准、积极准备批准、目前没有考虑或中长期 都没考虑批准); b) 本国完成这一批准程序遇到的障碍或困难(法律、政治性问题或在实际做法上) 和解决的方法; c) 联合国教科文组织可提供什么帮助来完成这一批准程序; d) 说明本国负责保护文化财产或文化遗产的委员会、主管机关或机构; e) 保护文化遗产所采取的任何其它措施。
(f) describe the measures taken to control the import of cultural property (for example prohibition of the import of inventoried cultural property stolen from a museum or a religious or secular public monument or similar institution in another State Party to the Convention and exported illicitly after the entry into force of the Convention for the States concerned, or any arrangements made to prohibit the import of cultural property exported illegally from its country of origin)
如果您要快速数字化 和在办公室之间以及遍布世界各的 网 络 上共享重要文档, 的 柯达 100/120EX 智能网络扫描仪将会迅速成为贵公司不可或缺的工具。
If you need to digitize and share important documents quickly, across the hall, across the country or around the world, your Kodak [...]
Scan Station 100,
100 Plus or 120EX will quickly become an indispensable tool in your organization.
(1) 采用针对特定语法写的低级专有DFA解析器解析,试验表明比使用通用抽 的 B N F 语 法体系解析(Java中一般用JavaCC或A nt L R ) 要快 , 因 为BNF为了通用,考虑了太多因素,导致其效率降低,当然,BNF在处理复杂语法(比如要解析C/C++/Java等语法时)很有优势,但CommonTemplate的语法非常简单且统一,所以使用专有的低级解析器是比较好的选择。
(1) using a specific syntax to write low-level proprietary DFA parser , tests showed that
using a common
[...] abstraction than the BNF grammar parsing system (Java in general use JavaCC or AntLR) to be fast, because the BNF for [...]
GM, taking into account
many factors , resulting in reduced efficiency , of course , BNF in dealing with complexComplex syntax ( for example, to parse C/C/Java syntax , etc. ) have the edge , but CommonTemplate syntax is very simple and uniform , it uses a proprietary low-level parser is a better choice.
他们要求军队各组成部分之间进行协调并 形成合力。军队要快速加 强,以使治安执法部队能 够更有效保护人民和财产,保障行动自由,混 的地 区实现安宁。
They have called for coordination and synergy among the various
components of the army, which will need to be strengthened rather quickly to allow the forces of law and order to more effectively protect people and property, guarantee free movement and pacify lawless zones.




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