

单词 忙中有失

See also:


fail or lose (used in fixed expressions)

External sources (not reviewed)

但是供应商数据在重 复的情况,一些不再使用的供应商一直有失
However, there are still double
[...] entries in the supplier database and suppliers who are no longer used have still not been blocked.
I was trying to describe a viewer’s paradise,” says Monteith. “This
place of looking and spending time truly considering
[...] something, whichis often lostin the rushof contemporary [...]
[...] Jabra BT2045 是您外出的完美搭档,让您在完成工作并充分利用通话时间。
calling easyThe new Jabra BT2045 is the perfect way to get
[...] the most out of your busyschedule and of your [...]
calls on the go.
As a business
[...] centre Marseille has the advantage ofa busysales andlettings [...]
market and Aix-en-Provence is just as good
an investment but is much prettier and less hectic.
关于体育教育和体育运动,该领域的日程非常括一个部长级圆桌会议,该会 议提出要进一步加强体育教育,此外,还包括制定一个体育教育和体育运动国际年的可能 性,关于教科文组织制定一项反对在体育运使兴奋剂的国际文书的建议。
As regards physical education and sport, this area has hada very busyagenda,including a ministerial-level round table, which pointed the way to additional emphasis on physical education, the possibility of fixing an international year for physical education and sport, [...]
and a proposal for UNESCO to develop an
international instrument against doping in sport.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的失中的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimanthas established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
民事诉讼中没有说明在所谓失中有损失是由于教科文组织的 行为造成的。
There is no indication in the civil action suit of what
[...] percentage of the alleged loss is to be attributable [...]
to UNESCO’s actions.
第三项举措是支持在因冲突而造成四分五裂的斯里兰卡东北部推行“斯里兰卡和平建 设进程”,具体方法是制提高机构能力的预算外项目、推动建立一个自由传媒中 心,对曾在冲中失Jaffna 图书馆实行计算机化和联网以及通过教科文组织“文化间对 话”计划倡导和平生活理念。
The third initiative was to support the “Peace-building process in Sri Lanka”, in the strifetorn North East of the country, through developing extrabudgetary projects in building capacities of
[...] promotion of a free media centre, computerization and networking ofthe Jaffna library which was burnt during conflict and promotion of concepts [...]
for peaceful living
through UNESCO’s “intercultural dialogue” programme.
本年度共资助24名脑瘫儿童在广西康复中心进行物理康复训练,在康复过程中,孩子们都有着 不同程度的进步,2011年云彩资助的其中4名孩子康复理想,更可进入主流学校读书,家长感到无 比鼓励;我们更培训家长之间建立互助关系,彼此鼓励,在日常生中有与脑瘫孩 子努力地成长。
We also help the parents establish relationships of trust and mutual support with one and other, helping each other as they raise these children with cerebral palsy.
说,村民新的布雷地点,这些地雷分布在村民使用的、田 间小路、稻田附近以及河渠岸上。
According to the information,
[...] villagers are not being notified of the location of the new landmines, which are onbusy paths usedby villagers, [...]
in farm field
huts, around paddy fields and along the banks of canals.
对此,古巴代表团想知道工作组是否有关 于自由生活在美国的古巴恐怖主义者的信息,他们 的恐怖主义行动,尤其是古巴航班中失与雇 佣
In that regard, the Cuban delegation wished to know if the Working Group had information on the Cuban terrorist who was at large in the United States and whose actions, including the destruction of a Cuban airliner in mid-flight, constituted mercenary activities.
本集团的扩张计划将受本集团搬迁本集团位於中国及越南的工厂的影响 - 本集团预期将就搬迁产生下列费用:搬迁成本、可能失 中产工厂的保证金人民币500,000元(相等於约568,000港元)、支付越 南现有生产工厂的租赁协议剩余租期内的租金、可能撇销不可搬迁资产约 700,000港元(基於二零一零年一月三十一日的账面净值)及於最後可行日 期的估计遣散费约204,000港元,详情载於本文件「业务」一节「生产设施」 [...]
The expansion plan of the Group will be
effected by relocation of
[...] the existing production plants of the Group in the PRC and Vietnam – the Group is expected to incur the following expenses in connection with the relocation, the cost of relocation, a possibleloss of deposit of [...]
RMB500,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$568,000) in respect of theZhongshan Production Plant, rental
payment for the remaining term of the tenancy agreement for the Existing Vietnam Production Plant, a potential write off of immovable assets of approximately HK$700,000, based on net book values as at 31 January 2010, and estimated severance payment of approximately HK$204,000 as at the Latest Practicable Date, details of which has been set out in the sub-paragraph headed “Relocation of existing production plants” in the paragraph of “Production facilities” under the section headed “Business” in this document.
套 期 工 具 利 得 或失 中期 的 部 分,直 接 确 认 为 其 他 综 [...]
合 收 益,属 於 无 效 套 期 的 部 分,计 入 当 期 损 益。
The effective portion of the gain or losson thehedging [...]
instrument is recognised directly in other comprehensive income,
while the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in profit or loss.
但是我们对行政部门突然匆忙忙行局通报该系统初步试验的情况感吃 惊,因为行政部门尚未与我们的代表讨论该系统的教益,而该部门还迟迟不向我们提供数月 以来即将进行“分析”的这些数据。
We are somewhat surprised, however, by the Administration’s seemingly sudden haste to inform the Executive Board about the initial trial of the system, when ithas not yet discussed the lessons learnt with our representatives and has delayed in providing us with data that have been “ under analysis” for months.
令人极大关注的 是,脆弱就业情况增加,在业穷人人数上升,在正规经中失作的人日益转 到非正规经济谋生,收入微薄,很少得到或根本
Of great concern have been the rise
[...] vulnerable employment and the number of working poor, aspeople who losttheirjobs in the formal economy have increasingly moved to [...]
the informal
economy where jobs are poorly paid and offer little or no protection.
然而,美国商业部 长骆家辉(Gary Locke)在总统科学技术顾问委员会的讲这样评论:“美国的创新生态系有失,从而不能有效地激 励人们或者分配资源去产生新的创意并在这些创意的基础上进行 [...]
However, as Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, remarked to the President’s Council of
Advisors on Science and
[...] Technology, “America has a broken innovation ecosystem that does not efficiently create the [...]
right incentives
or allocate enough resources to generate new ideas; develop those ideas with focused research; and turn them into businesses that can create good jobs.
[...] 1907(2009)号决议第 4 段中要求厄立特里亚提供关于 2008 年 6 月 10 日至 12 日冲突以来在作中失吉布提战斗人员的信息,以便面确定吉布提战俘的存在和状况。
In paragraph 4 of its resolution 1907 (2009), the Security Council demanded that Eritrea make
[...] information pertaining to Djiboutian combatants missingin actionsince the clashes of 10 to [...]
12 June 2008 so that
those concerned may ascertain the presence and condition of Djiboutian prisoners of war.
如果因申请人无法提供材料而导致保险人无法确认理赔申请的 真实性,则保险人不应承担失中确认部分的赔偿责任: a. 理赔申请表; b. 保险单或保险凭证; c. 申请人合法身份证明; d. 医院签发的医疗收据(紧急治疗医疗费用收据应的紧急治疗印章)、原始诊断证明和医疗记录; e. 医疗转运方面,应出具由保险人认可的合法救援组织签发的书面证明文件; f. 与损伤性质、原因和程度的确认等相关的其他支持文档和信息。
a Claim application form; b Insurance policy or policyholder’s certificate; c Applicant’s legitimate identity certificate; d Medical receipts issued by the hospital (emergency treatment stamp of the hospital is required for medical expense receipts for emergency treatment), original diagnosis certificate and medical records; e For medical evacuation, a written documentary proof issued by the legitimate rescue organisation recognised by the insured should be provided; f Other supporting documents and information related to confirmation of the nature, cause and degree of injury, etc
本报告含有关于大会对失 踪人员所采取的行动的资料;2008 年 9 月 22 日在人权理事会第九届会议上举行员问题的小组讨论会;家属了解其据报在武装冲中失亲人下落 的权利;向各国提供的援助,以及红十字国际委员会、失踪人士问题国际委员会 和欧洲理事会最近为处理涉及到失踪人员的问题而采取的措施。
The present report contains information on the action by the General Assembly on missing persons;
the panel discussion on
[...] the questionofmissing persons held at the ninth session of the Human Rights Council, on 22 September 2008; the rights of families to know the fate of their relatives reported missingduring armedconflicts; [...]
and the assistance
provided to States and recent measures taken to address issues relating to missing persons by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Commission on Missing Persons and the Council of Europe.
For government leaders and some scholars, Hong Kong people are economic animals; they are apathetic towards politics; they think and act based upon calculation of concrete
material interests rather than abstract
[...] principles;theyare busywiththeir work; and [...]
they solve their own problems with individual
rather than collective actions.
澳门,2013年3月11日)– 金司与澳门生态学会合作于星期六上午假路凼城生态保护区举行导赏团,为金沙中国关怀大使及公司的绿色行动团队成员提供珍贵的机会,于忙中亲身感受大自然的美丽及观赏本澳的多个鸟类品种,并藉此提高他们对本地濒危动植物的知识。
in collaboration withthe Macau Ecological Society, organised a visit to the Cotai Ecological Protection Zone Saturday morning, where a group of Sands China Care Ambassadors (SCCA) and Green Action Team members were given an exclusive opportunity to observe different species of birds and witness the vast beauty of nature, enhancing their knowledge of the endangered fauna and flora in Macao.
But this is not just about one boy its about raising societies awareness for Orphans
and remembering that
[...] they are apart of us and not matter how busy our lives become we can take the time [...]
out in many different
ways to be apart of helping them.




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