

单词 忙不过来

See also:


no more than
anyway (get back to a previous topic)

不过 adv

only adv
nevertheless adv


be able to take care of


there's no hurry
take one's time

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,这些律师不忙不过来,而且人们甚至根本都不 知道他们的存在。
Therefore, their assistance is unavailable and most people simply do not know about their existence.
不过,即使日程忙,他 仍然希望继续本着成员国之间的建设性精神,举行侧重 于成员国优先考虑的专题会议。
Even with such a busy schedule, however, [...]
he hoped to hold topical meetings focusing on the priorities of member States.
过来说,不存在 一贯、严重、公然、大规模侵犯人权的情况也不意味 着一个人在其特定情况下不会遭受酷刑。
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that [...]
a person might not be
subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
他建议委员会过一项 关于石油泄漏的一般 性决议,不是忙于手 头这项决议所体现的明显的 政治妖魔化行为。
He suggested that the Committee should adopt a general resolution on oil spills rather than [...]
engaging in the obvious act
of political demonization represented by the resolution at hand.
同样,手册明确规定:“秘书处的任何单位 不 应当 由于本单位专业人员及以上职级人员的工 过 分 繁 忙 而 聘用付酬合同人 来 从 事 他们的日常 工作”。
On this score, too, the Manual is clear: “A unit of the Secretariat may not entrust a fee contractor with ordinary tasks which staff members in [...]
the Professional category and above
are unable to perform because of a temporary work overload.
对当今的忙的实验室来说, 一个能够产生快速的结果和良好记录的自动化测试系统对质量管理 不 可 少
For today’s busy laboratory automated testing systems that generate rapid and well-documented results are essential for quality environmental [...]
但是我们对行政部门突然匆忙忙向 执行局通报该系统初步试验的情况感到有点儿吃 惊,因为行政部门尚未与我们的代表讨论该系统的教益,而该部门还迟 不 向 我 们提供数月来即将进行“分析”的这些数据。
We are somewhat surprised, however, by the Administration’s seemingly sudden haste to inform the Executive Board about the initial trial of the system, when it has not yet discussed the lessons learnt with our representatives and has delayed in providing us with data that have been “ under analysis” for months.
世服宏图首席运营官Marcus Moufarrige表示,“呼叫路由服务对于业务繁忙的商务人 来 说 至关重要,他们即 便 忙 于 各 种会议或在商务旅行中, 不 能 冒险 错 过 任 何一个重要的客 来 电。
Servcorp COO Marcus
[...] Moufarrige says call routing is a vital service for busy professionals who can't risk missing an important call while they are in a meeting or travelling
对于有关变相驱逐的第A条草案,他不一定反对将法文中的“变相驱逐” 短语改为在英文中词义相当的“建设性的驱逐”,这可以在仲裁裁决中找到可靠来源,不过需要 采用等效的措辞方式。
Concerning draft article A on disguised expulsion, he was not necessarily opposed to the replacement, in French, of the expression “disguised expulsion” by an equivalent of the English expression “constructive expulsion”, which was well entrenched in arbitral awards, as long as the equivalent could be found.
此外,进出的限制、定居点的扩大、隔离墙的 继续修建、对各地区的隔离、燃料和水供应的切断 以及继续对平民施加的暴力正导致经济困难和异 化,这过来又生 成极端主义活动的沃土,挑起循不止的暴力。
In addition, access restrictions, settlement expansion, the continued construction of the separation wall, the isolation of territories, the interruption of fuel and water supplies and continued violence against civilian populations were leading to
economic hardship and alienation,
[...] which in turn created fertile ground for extremism and provoked an ongoing cycle of violence.
[...] 理(尤其是总部)做辩解,针对每个问题都具体编造了些说法,如总部的专家过多,应该去 掉一些,以应对全球化的需要,或者又 过来 说 , 总部专 不 够 , 需要雇用顾问和其他合同 签约者来满足计划的需要。
In order to justify its non-management of human resources (especially at Headquarters), HRM invents specific theories for each problem: there are too many specialists at Headquarters who must be got rid of in
order to deal with globalization,
[...] or, on the contrary, there are not enough specialists at [...]
Headquarters and consultants and
other contractors must be employed in order to meet the needs of the programme.
两个总部地点的四名接待人员来就 工作 繁 忙 , 但 为了共享资源,也兼顾了某些安 全保卫工作,但是他们首先是要履行本职工作。
In an effort to share resources, a security component has been added in part to the duties of these staff members, but they are required first to perform their priority duties.
过渡联邦机构的腐败不仅阻碍安全部队的合并,还腐蚀最高层的政治凝 聚力,排除与过渡联 邦政府当局(如邦特兰、Gaalmudug 和“先知的信徒” 组织)的真正分享权力,并使部长和其他高级官 不忙 公 务,而是忙于追逐利 润丰厚的商业机会和援助项目。
Corruption in the transitional federal institutions not only prevents consolidation of the security forces. It also corrodes political cohesion at the top, precludes genuine power-sharing with non-Transitional Federal Government authorities (such as Puntland, Galmuduug and [...]
ASWJ), and diverts ministers
and other senior figures away from their official functions into the pursuit of lucrative commercial opportunities and aid projects.
不过,由于工作忙,他 可能选择请他的一名高级顾问代其对填补某一职位 的短名单上的三名候选人进行面试。
However, due to the demands on his schedule, he may choose [...]
to request one of his senior advisers to interview, on his behalf,
the three candidates shortlisted for a particular position.
最后,当地区组自不能 就 它们各分地区多国办事处的选择达成一致的时候,最后决定权还是落到了总干事肩上。过一段紧张忙的外 交活动(常常在最高层次进行)时期,特别是针对那些已经决定关闭 设于其领土上的已有办事处的国家的政府展开外交活动后,直到 2001 年春季,总干事才最 终可以向执行局和工作人员宣布,教科文组织非集中化体制重组方案除个别之处已经全部定 稿。
It was only by the Spring of 2001 that the Director-General was able to announce the finalization of the reorganization of the decentralized structure, in all but a few instances, to the Executive Board and to the staff.
秘书长指出,减灾战略秘书处目前完全由预算外资 源供资,秘书处已采取若干措施,通过扩大捐助群体和增加不指定用途的资金来提高资金的可预测性不过,由 于预算外资源的性质,这种资源无法保证减灾 战略秘书处核心活动和经常活动的供资具有必要的可预测性和稳定性(同上,第 27.42 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates that the Strategy secretariat, which is currently funded exclusively through extrabudgetary resources, has taken a number of measures to
increase the
[...] predictability of funds through the expansion of the donor base and the increase in unearmarked funds; however, by their nature, extrabudgetary resources do not ensure the [...]
necessary predictability
and stability of funding of the core and recurrent activities of the Strategy secretariat (ibid., para. 27.42).
如果不同形式的结构性暴力现象重 不 够 , 就很容易忽视 一些权利是如何被赋予特权而优于其他权利的,以及这如何又 过来 对 妇 女产生 负面影响的。
When insufficient
[...] attention is paid to different forms of structural violence it is easy to ignore the ways that various rights are privileged over other rights, and how this, in turn, negatively impacts women.
过去的一年对于The Airplane Boys来说是忙碌的 一年,他们几乎演遍了美国大大小小的音乐节。
This past year, The Airplane Boys have performed at major North [...]
American music festivals including Coachella (Indio, CA),
SXSW (Austin, TX), Osheaga (Montreal, CN), and Catalpa (New York, NY).
拥挤加剧了恶劣的物质 条件,对在监狱中生活或工作的每个人造 不 利 影 响;它们使狱中的紧张局势增 加,囚犯之间和囚犯与工作人员之间的关系恶化,这 过来 又 增 加了虐待的风 险。
Poor material conditions are exacerbated by overcrowding and adversely affect everyone living or working
in prison; they contribute to the
[...] tensions in custody and to the deterioration of relations among prisoners and between prisoners and staff, which in turn increases the risk of ill-treatment.
我们当前的任务主要是两个方面:一方面是如何通过创新的具体行动落实这些价值观, 另一方面是过不断灌输和不断重申 来 传 播 这些价值观念,特别是传递给子孙后代。
The current challenge is dual: to translate them into reality through concrete [...]
action and to re-instil and regularly reaffirm
these values, especially in succeeding generations.
Compliance with mandatory requirements is a prerequisite to any private-sector certification,
[...] but the reverse is not true.
这种自愿机制应切实有 效,并应着眼于调动稳定而可预测的资源,这些资源应补充而不是取代传统的资 金来源,应根据不发达国家的优先事项发放,而 不 会 给 这些国家 来过 重负 担。
Such voluntary mechanisms should be effective and should aim to mobilize resources that are stable and
predictable, which should supplement and not be a substitute for traditional sources of finance and
[...] be disbursed in accordance with the priorities of least developed countries and not unduly burden them.
然而,从所提交的报告不够清楚并 有遗漏这一问题中明显可以看出,在编写和考 过 程 中 出现 不 必 要的 匆 忙。
However, it is evident from the lack of clarity and the lacunae in the presentation of the report that the process has resulted in a more rushed preparation and consideration than should have been necessary.
如果维和人员在尚未为可持续和平打 下基础的情况下就忙撤离,那来 之 不 易 的 进展就 会迅速化为乌有。
Hard-won progress can unravel swiftly if peacekeepers depart precipitously without leaving behind the foundations for a sustainable peace.
一名中国制衣厂工人告诉维泰团队,由于生产线的工作非常 忙 , 他 过 去 整 整一个月内 没有一天休假,工人甚至加班至半夜3、4点。但在维泰进行审核前,厂方透过厂内的 广播系统指导员工,要向维泰审核员的提问给予标准答案,就是 来 都 没 有很多加班, 下班时间约在傍晚7时。
A worker at a garment factory in
China told the Verité team that he did not have a day off for the whole month
[...] because the line was extremely busy, and the section even worked overtime until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. Before the Verité audit, workers were told by the factory’s public address system to give standard answers to our auditors, saying they never work lots of overtime, and [...]
that they end work around 7:00 p.m.
做出相对较少的投资,提供可提升生活质量和活动能力、协助老年人进行洗 澡、烹饪、打扫、洗衣等日常活动的辅助设施 不 仅 能 帮助脆弱的老年人保持独 立,还能减过于忙碌的 照顾者的负担。
Relatively small investments in the provision of assistive equipment to improve quality of life and mobility and assistance with daily activities such as bathing, cooking,
cleaning and laundry, can help
[...] frail older persons to remain independent and can also lessen the burden of overstretched caregivers.
卡塔尔代表表示,关于立即采取行动的要 过 于 突 然和 忙 , 使 该组织没有 机会说服委员会的许多成员其各项目标符合《联合国宪章》第十条和经社理事会 第 1996/31 号决议规定的标准。
The representative of Qatar said that the request to take immediate action was sudden and hasty, and deprived the organization of the opportunity to persuade many members of the Committee that its aims and objectives are in conformity with Article 10 of the Charter of the United Nations and the criteria set out by Council resolution 1996/31.
英国聚乙烯工业公司 (BPI) 在过去十年来不断发 展 壮大,成功的策略让它成为了全球聚乙烯薄膜产 品的最大生产商之一,产品广泛应用于日常生 活中;公司的回收工厂负责重新处理英国境内工 业、商业、农业和其他来源的废料。
British Polythene Industries (BPI) has developed over the last decade to strategically become one of the largest producers of polythene film products worldwide which are used in everyday applications and its recycling plants reprocess waste from industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic source across the UK.
但在继续征聘剩余职位 的同时,已聘用了两位临时专业人员( 过 限 期 任用合同 来 帮 忙。
However, two temporary Professional staff (through Appointment of Limited Duration contracts) were recruited to provide the required support while the recruitment of the remaining posts is being completed.




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