单词 | 忘却 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 忘却 —forget (esp. in writing)See also:忘 v—forget v • forgotten v • neglect v 却—but • while • however • yet • even though • nevertheless • go back 忘—overlook
异域的植被和动物、当地人从容不迫的生活节奏还有丰富多彩的夜生活,将让您和您爱人的假期难 以 忘却。 msccruises.com.cn | While exotic flora and fauna, the laidback attitude of the locals and the colourful nightlife will make your holiday [...] together really unforgettable. msccruises.com.eg |
我们的健康中心让您在巴里式按摩以及源于古罗马的水疗 中 忘却 烦 恼 ,让您从里至外焕然一新,并且精力充沛地享受游轮生活。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC wellness centres help you ease away your cares blending the magic of Balinese massage with the tradition of therapeutic waters inherited from the ancient Romans. msccruises.com.eg |
此外, 在医院上课还能让患病儿童们暂时 忘却 疾 病 的困扰, 因而有助于身体康复。 wacker.com | Classes at the hospital also distract the kids from their illness and thus aid the healing process. wacker.com |
当我们忘却一切事物的时候, 文化是唯一能够留下的东西。 soget.net | Culture is what [...] remains after we have forgotten everything. soget.com |
在儿童中心,儿童和家长可以忘却外 面 的恐怖——哪怕只是暂时的。 unicef.org | Within the walls of a children’s centre, children and mothers can forget the horrors outside, [...] if only briefly. unicef.org |
总之,酷刑经历 不能完全被“抛之脑后”,更不用说 忘却 了。 daccess-ods.un.org | In general, experiences of torture cannot be entirely “left [...] behind”, let alone forgotten. daccess-ods.un.org |
通往 民主的道路从来都不平坦,妇女往往首先 被 忘却。 daccess-ods.un.org | The path towards democracy is never easy, and women are [...] often the first to be forgotten. daccess-ods.un.org |
该举措力求向其成员提供每年开展一项与联合国任务和目标相结合的具 [...] 体活动或项目的机会,并要求其成员认同一整套被普遍接受的原则,包括致力于 促进文化间对话和理解以及通过教育 “ 忘却 ” 不 容忍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The initiative seeks to afford an opportunity to its members to align a specific activity or project each year with the mandate and objectives of the United Nations and they are asked to agree to a set of universally accepted principles, including a [...] commitment to promoting intercultural dialogue and [...] understanding, and the “unlearning” of intolerance, [...]through education. daccess-ods.un.org |
本馆位于TAN BINH 区的一条小街上,您以来都不会忘却。 vnnavi.com.vn | In spite of the location on a small street of Tan Binh District, the shop once visited [...] can make one hardly forget. vnnavi.com.vn |
有人认为,自 1998-1999 [...] 年最骇人暴行发生以来,十年已经过去,“冲突 已经结束”,设法被“湮没”在忘却 的 记 忆中,科索沃今天实现了和平,上述镇 [...]压属于过去,这样的论点在我看来即便不是无根据的,也是肤浅的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The argument that, since the utmost violence of 1998-1999 one decade has [...] passed and the “conflict is over”, somehow [...] “buried” into oblivion, and that there is [...]peace today in Kosovo and the aforementioned [...]repression belongs to the past, is in my view superficial, if not unsustainable. daccess-ods.un.org |
当来到铁地 Cu Chi 时,请不要忘却踏脚到 Hong Dao 烤区,这一定是为你在走一程充满兴趣路之后所设的一个理想地方。 langnuonghongdao.vnnavi.com.vn | If you have an opportunity to visit Cu Chi - the "land [...] of steel", do not forget to drop by Hong Dao [...]baking village - an ideal place for [...]you after a journey full of exciting discoveries. langnuonghongdao.vnnavi.com.vn |
本馆最出名菜则是Pho Xua 牛肉,品赏过此道菜的食客则不会 忘却 其 独 特味道。 phoxuacocktailbar.vnnavi.com.vn | The most famous dish oofered here is Pho Xua Beef and certainly, those who have [...] tasted it can hardly forget such a unique flavor [...]of the dish. phoxuacocktailbar.vnnavi.com.vn |
它们也是今天国际 社会纪念宽容时依旧重点关注的原则。这使我们记 [...] 起,我们为自己倡议坚持的主题:“为 了 忘却 的 纪 念, 承认悲剧并思考留存的精神财富”。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are also principles that the international community will stay focused on today in commemoration of tolerance, which brings to mind the [...] theme we have maintained for our initiative, namely “Acknowledging the tragedy and [...] considering the legacy, lest we forget”. daccess-ods.un.org |
有太多的女孩 [...] 依然在父母的压制下而少言寡语,依然遭到兄弟们的高声呵斥,依然被老师所忽 视,被政府所忘却。 daccess-ods.un.org | Too many girls are still silenced by their parents, out-shouted by their brothers, neglected by [...] their teachers and forgotten by their Governments. daccess-ods.un.org |
受困于生活的束缚中,在忙忙碌碌地追求物质的同时,我们却慢慢 地 忘却 了 人生的意义,遗失了最纯真的自我。 sunislandclub.com | So much so, we actually forgot that we are part of [...] the natural environment and we became so detached that gradually, we [...]lose the natural rhythm of life. sunislandclub.com |
近来的贸易讨论强调了一个注重于全球价值链的新理念,但贸发会议第十三 [...] 届会议上的讨论却表明,全球价值链并非万能良药,在追求包容性的发展过程中 不应忘却长期 的贸易问题,包括农业改革、商品贸易和相关的产业政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | While recent trade discourse had emphasized a new paradigm focusing on global value chains, deliberations at the thirteenth session of UNCTAD suggested that global value chains are not a panacea, and that long-standing trade issues, including agricultural [...] reform, trade in goods and related industrial [...] policies, should not be forgotten in the pursuit of inclusive [...]development. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如桑塔亚那所言,忘却历 史者定将重复历史。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it, as Santayana said. daccess-ods.un.org |
拉纳卡(Larnaca)是你的旅程的最佳起点:感受古老城市的朴实风格;在棕榈树下品尝咖啡;在土耳其手工艺品集市上讨价还价;在帕福斯(Paphos)美丽的金沙海滩 上 忘却 时 间 流逝; 拜访世界珍贵自然遗产的古代国王的坟墓;在加藤帕福斯(Kato Pafos)的俱乐部彻夜狂欢到天明;让特罗多斯山(Troodos Mountains)的户外探险活动给你一个难忘的旅行经历。 hihostels.com | Larnaca is an excellent starting point: explore the rugged town; sip coffee beneath a palm tree; barter for crafts in the Turkish quarter. In Paphos you can relax on golden beaches; soak up history at the UNESCO World Heritage Tombs of the Kings; dance ‘til dawn in the clubs of Kato Pafos; find outdoor adventure in the Troodos Mountains. hihostels.com |
我们不能也不应忘 却或抹 杀历史,但我们或许可以从中汲取教训,了 解什么情况绝不应重演。 daccess-ods.un.org | We cannot and should not forget or erase the past, [...] but perhaps we can learn a lesson from it on what should never happen again. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我 们呼吁塞尔维亚和科索沃当局忘却族 裔 背景,为了科 索沃和塞尔维亚人民的利益,与欧洲联盟开展善意合 作,并加倍努力,实践欧洲有关对话和合作的价值观。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore appeal to Serbia and Kosovo to work with the European Union in good faith and to redouble their efforts to turn European values of dialogue and cooperation into reality for the sake of the populations of Kosovo as well as Serbia, irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我要请你花时间,再次好好阅读前六天的内容及代祷事项,而且不只是为它们祷告之後 就 忘却 , 而 是要以真正的怜悯去接纳文中所提及的一两个或更多问题和相关的人。 amccsm.org | May I therefore ask you to take time to read through the six sections and [...] their prayer topics again, and not just to [...] pray for them and forget, but to embrace with [...]real compassion one or two or more of the issues and people raised. amccsm.org |
位于 Ben Van Don 街上,享有河边的通风氛围以及一个宽敞的空间,Riverside Palace 当然就成为隆重的宴会、专业的会议及难 以 忘却 的 事件之完美地点。 riversidepalace.vnnavi.com.vn | Located on Ben Van Don Street, obtaining a windy atmosphere next to the river bank and an open space, Riverside Palace is the perfect location for formal wedding parties, professional conferences and other significant memorable events. riversidepalace.vnnavi.com.vn |
此外,还在总部举办了三场展览:即柏林“恐怖刑场” 基金会在德国政府支持下与波兰罗兹国家档案馆合作策划的“贫民窟形象: 1940-1944 年罗兹贫民窟犹太摄影师图片作品”、纪念大屠杀死难者和救难英雄管 理局 Yad Vashem 策划的“善举丰碑:大屠杀期间儿童的梦想与希望”,以及“大 屠杀——无法忘却的记 忆”,该项目是大屠杀教育、纪念和研究国际合作工作队 与纳粹浩劫纪念馆、Yad Vashem、以色列公共外交和侨民事务部、欧洲纳粹浩劫 遗产研究所和联合国外联方案合作举办的,展示了“学生海报设计竞赛”的 16 幅最佳海报 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, three exhibits were opened at Headquarters: “The face of the ghetto: pictures taken by Jewish photographers from the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-1944”, curated by the Topography of Terror Foundation in Berlin in cooperation with the National Archives in Lodz, Poland, and with support from the Government of Germany; “A monument of good deeds: dreams and hopes of children during the Holocaust”, curated by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority; and “The Holocaust — keeping the memory alive”, which featured the top 16 posters of a design student poster contest, a project of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research in partnership with Mémorial de la Shoah, Yad Vashem, the Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs of Israel, the European Shoah Legacy Institute and the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme daccess-ods.un.org |
我们因为过份专注于坏消息,有时 却忘 记 了 科索 沃和巴尔干地区的生活还在继续。 daccess-ods.un.org | Being so preoccupied with the bad [...] news, we sometimes forget that life continues [...]in Kosovo and the Balkans. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008年8月 [...] 许多电子邮件营销人员一直在追求让他们的电子邮件看起来既活泼又有趣 , 却忘 记 了顾虑到预览的样式看起来如何。 benchmarkemail.com | August 2008 Many email marketers, in their ongoing quest to make their emails dynamic [...] and appealing, forget about the preview pane. benchmarkemail.com |
然而,一 [...] 些会员国认为,公民权利和政治权利比经济、社会和 文化权利更重要,却忘记了民主在很大程度上取决于 满足公民的基本需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, some Member States considered civil and political rights to be [...] more important than economic, social and [...] cultural rights, forgetting that democracy rested [...]largely on meeting citizens’ basic needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
但他们却忘了医 疗卫生系统的建立需要几个世纪,这样的医疗卫生系统不仅仅涉及医疗及医药方面的事情 [...] ,而更需要一个法律的框架体系监督治疗和药物等方面的事情,以及在全球范围内医院和医务人员分配的均 等。 traditionsdavenir.info | This is to forget that it required centuries [...] to set up a health system including not just medical and pharmaceutical aspects [...]but also a legal framework, the surveillance of treatments and medicines, the geographical distribution of health professionals and hospital, and so on. traditionsdavenir.info |
拟编列 204 500 美元,用作与进行以下活动的技术支助有关的差旅费:在 西班牙瓦伦西亚建立一个二级运行状态电信设施,监督工程工作、场地施工,建立 [...] 数据中心和实施信通技术系统,会见机场管理层、政府官员和西班牙国防系统工程 公司(106 800 [...] 美元);在乌干达恩德培建立一个后勤中心,就拟议的谅解 备 忘 录与外交部和其他政府官员举行会议,现场审查各特派团的计划,以确保可达到目标的 [...]一致性,会见安全评估小组,审查其最后报告,提供反馈和意见(97 700 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | An amount of $204,500 is proposed for travel resources in connection with technical support for the following: the establishment of the secondary active telecommunications facility in Valencia, Spain, to oversee the engineering work, construction of the site, the establishment of the data centre and the implementation of ICT systems, and to meet with airport management, Government officials and Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España, S.A. ($106,800); the establishment of a logistics hub in Entebbe, Uganda, to meet with Ministry of Foreign Affairs [...] and other Government officials regarding [...] the proposed memorandum of understanding, [...]to review plans with various missions [...]onsite to ensure consistency of deliverables and to meet with the security assessment team to review its final report and provide feedback and comments ($97,700). daccess-ods.un.org |