单词 | 志工 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 志工noun, plural—volunteerspl志工—volunteerSee also:志n—recordn ambitionn aspirationn
它提供给中间件/日志工具开发者一个简单的日志操作抽象,允许程序开发人员使用不同的具体日志实现工具。 javakaiyuan.com | It provides the middleware/log tool developers a simple abstraction of logging operations , to allow application developers to use different tools to achievethe specific log. javakaiyuan.com |
另一种使用平台的族群为非营利组织,能藉此获取最新资讯,用於掌握各地情况,派出 志工前往 解决。 thisbigcity.net | The third group of people using the platform are nonprofit organisations, [...] which can get access to up-to-date information and use it to monitor a [...] situation and direct volunteerstowards solving it. thisbigcity.net |
本行透过员工志工行动和社区计画, 与合作夥伴紧密合作,执行可正向促进营运所在市场的社会和 经济成果的计画。 reports.standardchartered.com | Throughemployee volunteering and community programmes, [...] we work with partners to deliver initiatives that promote positive [...]social and economic outcomes for people in our markets. standardchartered.com |
最后,你还可以使用WCF Behaviors创建自己的审计工具与日志工具。 infoq.com | And third, using WCF Behaviors, you can create your own auditing facility and log anything you’d like. infoq.com |
我对兰馨会的政策和法律的了解和对於和一般事物的知识; 我熟悉外国语言, 而且最 [...] 重要的是, 我有兴趣学习新东西、新方法和发展新的志工工作. soroptimist.org | My knowledge of the policies and laws in Soroptimist area as well as in general, my acquaintance [...] with foreign languages, and above all, my interest in learning new things, new ways, and to [...] develop a new voluntary work. soroptimist.org |
诚如该协会通讯官彼得伯得利所言:「当志工救难人员出海时,确实需要一套将过程拍摄下來的设备,我们发现博世 [...] MIC 400 系列摄影机比我们预期更可靠、更能抵抗惡劣的环境。 boschsecurity.com.tw | As Peter Bradley, RNLI Staff Officer Communications, explains: “We [...] identified a requirement to record video [...] footagewhile ourvolunteer crews are at sea [...]and found Bosch’s MIC Series 400 cameras [...]can more than withstand the tough conditions we subject them to. boschsecurity.co.uk |
99 年共计 派遣长、短期志工40人,分赴友邦及友好国家服务, 在教学、资讯、中小企业、医疗及农业等各专业领域 [...] 提供海外志愿服务。 mofa.gov.tw | In 2010, a total of 40 [...] short- andlong-term volunteerswere dispatched to [...]diplomatic allies and friendly nations to provide [...]services in specialized areas including education, ICT, small- and medium-sized enterprise development, health care, and agriculture. mofa.gov.tw |
虽然制作这些物品包并不能提供与受益妇女直接接触的机会, 但这种亲自动手的 活动却可以使非会员志工很容易参与. soroptimist.org | Although creating these kits doesn’t necessarily provide [...] direct interaction with recipients, it does provide a hands-on project that can easily [...] incorporatenon-member volunteers. soroptimist.org |
以同济会全球志工网及深入社区与动员领导者的能力,加上 UNICEF 外勤人员、技术专业及 [...] 无可匹敌的供应链,我们必能成功消除母婴破伤风──已存在几世纪的残酷疾病。 sites.kiwanis.org | Kiwanis’globalvolunteer network and strength [...] in reaching communities and leaders, along with UNICEF’s field staff, technical [...]expertise and unbeatable supply chain, will help eliminate MNT— a cruel, centuries-old disease—and pave the way for other interventions. sites.kiwanis.org |
森林复育工作由“苏格兰原生林(Scottish Native [...] Woods)”非政府组织主导,并配合理论与实务宣导课程,教导儿童认识森林与 志工培训的重要性。 audemarspiguet.com | The NGO “Scottish Native Woods” managed this restoration which was accompanied by a theoretical and [...] practical programme to promote awareness among children of the importance of [...] the forest andthe trainingofvolunteers. audemarspiguet.com |
志工会与兴趣相似的学习障碍者配对,一同出席各种活动、尝试新音乐类型、一起感受热情, 志工不需具备服务残障人士的经验,但必须决心投入、懂得倾听、致力保障他人权益与福利,同时热爱现场演奏。 thisbigcity.net | You will be paired up with somebody with a learning disability who has similar interests to you, to attend events, explore new music together and share your passion. thisbigcity.net |
玛泽为德国工商商会会员及北京德意 志工商中 心租户提供税务及会计培训。 chi.mazars.cn | Mazars will provide a Tax & Accounting Training to the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry members and the German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing tenants. mazars.cn |
我们的怜悯事工协调员说:“这是忙碌的一年,但是看到透过我们的同工和 志工的双手和足迹,孩子们的生命被触摸和改变,实在令人大得激励。 amccsm.org | It's been a busy year, but so encouraging seeing how children's lives are being [...] touched and changed through the hands and feet of our [...] co-workers and volunteers," reportsour mercy [...]ministry co-ordinator. amccsm.org |
担任志 工、上班和上大学都让他学到更多技 能,交到更多朋友。 brcenter.org | Volunteering, work andcollege [...] have given him a great deal of skill and friendships. brcenter.org |
联合国志愿人员组织与世界公民参与联盟(简称“CIVICUS”)和国际志愿工作协会(通常被称为“志工协会”)合作发布了“志愿服务和社会行动:参与人类 发展的途径”。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNV partnered with the World Alliance for Citizen Participation – known as CIVICUS – and [...] the International [...] Association for VolunteerEffort – known more commonly as IAVE – to publish Volunteering andsocial [...]activism: pathways for [...]participation in human development. daccess-ods.un.org |
在写作之时,我们的怜悯事工包括三处养护公寓、“新兵训练营”、两处照顾智力和生理残障者的中心、大约廿五位中国员工、八位来自海外的同工、许多来自不同国家,前往我们的公寓和怜悯团队一同事奉的 志工,还有住在怜悯事工家庭中约125个孩子(其中75%有定期的赞助者)。 amccsm.org | At the time of writing, our mercy ministry includes three foster apartments, ‘boot camp', two centres caring for the intellectually and physically challenged, around 25 local Chinese [...] staff, eight co-workers from overseas, [...] manyindividual volunteers coming fromvarious [...]countries to help in our homes and [...]mercy teams, and around 125 children in our mercy ministry family (75% of whom have regular child sponsors). amccsm.org |
很快他就变成图书馆和社区游 泳池的固定志工了。 brcenter.org | Soon he was a regular volunteeratthe library [...] and neighborhood swimming pool. brcenter.org |
在全球一级,经济合作与发展组织开发了“两性平等标志”工具,用于追踪官方发展援助捐款是将两性平等作为“首要”目标,还是 作为“次要”目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the global level, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s “gender marker” has beendeveloped to track ODA contributions to gender equality as “principal” or “secondary” objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了能温故知新,培训老师所展现出来的爱心与耐心也大大激励了所有参与的 志工与家长。 reachsegamat.com | They were not only very happy with the support and guidance given by staff and teachers of REACh Penang but also came home highly motivated. reachsegamat.com |
他们希望看到两性 平等标志体系如何使比较不同专题领域取得的进展成为可能,并鼓励开发署进一 步与其他机构讨论两性平等标志工具以实现与其他机构和利益攸关方使用的类 似工具的可比性。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also look forward to seeing how the gender-marker system would enable comparison of progress made in different thematic areas and encouraged UNDP to discuss the gender-markertool further with other agencies in order to achieve comparability with similar tools used by other agencies and stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
贵为德国百灵牌(Braun)的灵魂人物,Dieter Rams的哲学秉承「德」意志工艺风 格,提倡的实而不华整洁美学对後来者的影响无远弗届。 think-silly.com | As the core figure of Braun, Dieter Rams’s minimalist design philosophy is hugely influential. think-silly.com |
之后她移居到以色列,于1970年才回到美国,并开始在《滚石》杂 志工作。 catwalkyourself.com | She lived on an Israeli kibbutz [...] for some while before returning to the USA in 1970 where she began working for the [...] then up-coming magazineRollingStone. catwalkyourself.com |
会长黄再猛医生在简单的赠送仪式上对所有老师、家长、 志工及赞助人的协力配合表示由衷的感谢,因为有他们共同的努力才有中心今天丰硕的成绩。 reachsegamat.com | Dr. Ng Chai Bing gave a talk during the presentation to thank all the [...] teachers, parents,volunteers and donors for [...]making such a big effort in making the centre a success. reachsegamat.com |
为鼓励全民参与外交及国际合作发展业务,国合会 於 85 年 12 月派遣第一批海外志工,并 於 94 年起结合 各大专院校及企业界人士,扩大参与层次。 mofa.gov.tw | To encourage citizens to get involved in diplomatic and international cooperation and development [...] work, TaiwanICDF dispatched its first [...] group ofoverseas volunteers in December1996, [...]and in 2005 started to involve colleges [...]and businesses in such operations, expanding the scope of participation. mofa.gov.tw |
透过YWCA年轻女性的领导力,正如同我们的名称、信念与宪章所展现者(年轻女性於所有理事及委员会中,应至少占25%之名额,我很荣幸地表示我们世界女青年会理事会中55% 的成员为年轻女性),我们认为新生代从事 志工的内容会与母亲那一辈不同。 ywca.org.tw | Through the leadership of young women in the YWCA, to which we are by name, conviction and Constitution committed (at least 25% of all boards and committees must be comprised of young women, I'm proud to say our World movement elected young [...] women as 55% of our World Board), we recognise that younger [...] generations will do volunteering differentlyfrom [...]their mothers. ywca.org.tw |
於2012年10月5日下午,在董事长陈尚仲先生的率领下,近100名ATEN有薪 志工前进 福隆海滩进行大清扫,长约360米的海岸区域清理出153.4公斤的人为废弃物,还原福隆东兴海岸线的美丽样貌。 aten.com | On October 5, [...] nearly100 ATEN volunteersgathered to clean [...]Fulong Beach, located on Taiwan's Eastern coast. The beach is [...]around 360 meters long, and ATEN colleagues worked to clean up almost 155 kilograms of waste and garbage. aten.com |
基金会基於环境保护、生命关怀、地球永续等环境友 善理念,为促进人与环境共生之美丽家园未来,本基金会将来致力赞助能够开创环境友善具 [...] 体行动,并且长期推广环境教育活动,另外更透过培育环境友善人才发挥绿色思潮影响力, 更号召员工及眷属参与志工服务长期大规模投入社会公益。 taya.com.tw | The Foundation will sponsor eco-friendly activities and promote environmental education. It will also exert the influence of green thinking through [...] cultivation of eco-friendly talent, and call for more employees and their [...] familiesto becomevolunteers forpublicwelfare. taya.com.tw |
同济会及其分会──包括由大学生 组成的国际同圆社(Circle K International)、14–18 岁学生组成的同青社(Key Club)、11–14 岁学生组成的同少社 [...] (Builders Club)、6–12 岁学生组成的同幼社(Kiwanis Kids),以及成年残障人士组成的同济行动会(Aktion Club)──每年募款金额超过 1.07 [...] 亿美元,并奉献 1,800 万个以上的志工小时提供社区支援及儿童服务。 sites.kiwanis.org | Kiwanis and its family of clubs—including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14–18, Builders Club for students age 11–14, Kiwanis Kids for students age 6–12 and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities—annually raise [...] more than US$107 million and dedicate more [...] than 18 million volunteer hoursto strengthen [...]communities and serve children. sites.kiwanis.org |
友达光电与明基友达集团员工与眷属,於中科后里友达厂区,共同参与为期二天的「Green Party 绿色嘉年华」,四千名企业志工种植二万棵树苗,包括光腊树、樟树、兰屿乌心石、以及台湾肖楠等;明基友达基金会也安排后里当地农民的「绿色市集」,在嘉年华会中品嚐安全洁净的在地农产品,以实际行动支持当地农民及手工艺品业者,降低食物里程(food [...][...] mileage)所产生的碳足迹,聚集团员工的力量,具体实践节能减碳行动。 auo.com | The employees and their families from AUO and BenQ Group joined the two-day "Green [...] Party Carnival" held in Taichung [...] Houli, Taiwan. 4,000 volunteersplantedatotal [...]of 20,000 trees including the Formosan [...]trees, camphor trees, Lanyu Michelia and Taiwan Incense Ceda, etc. BenQ Foundation also arranged the "Green Market" to sell safe and clean local crops to support the local farmers and craft industry, reducing the carbon footprints generated by food mileage. auo.com |