单词 | 志向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 志向noun—aspirationnambitionnless common: goaln 志向—idealSee also:志n—ambitionn aspirationn recordn
新的部门结构反 映了这种志向,并 为进一步落实计划规定了以处室间团队合作为基础的方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The new Sector structure reflects this ambition and provides for an interdivisional team-based approach for enhanced programme delivery. unesdoc.unesco.org |
决定调动检察官时还应考虑到检察官本人的意见、 志向、专长及其家庭状 况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The views, aspirations and specialization of the prosecutor and his/her family situation should be considered when deciding to transfer a prosecutor. daccess-ods.un.org |
在方案的第一 [...] 阶段,我们将制订地区一级的技能缺口评估概况,随 后将把青年人的志向与社区需求相匹配。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its first phase, we will carry out a [...] district-level mapping of skills gap assessment, [...]and then marry the aspirations of youth [...]with the needs of the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
设立志向奖的目的是鼓励普通高中、技校、职校和农校毕业班女学生进入 女生人数不超过 [...] 40%的高等院校选读科学技术课程,无论她们是在法国学校还 是法国设在海外的学校,是在公立学校还是合同制私立学校就读。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thepurpose of this Prize is toencourage [...] girls in the final year of general, technical, vocational or agricultural secondary [...]school, whether they are enrolled in a public school or a private school under contract, in France or abroad, to select a scientific or technological course of university study in which the percentage of girls is 40 per cent or less. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次会议是根据2005年在巴塞罗那举行的第10次欧洲地中海首脑会议年会期间商定的《巴塞罗那宣言》和《五年工作计划》而举行的 ,与会者重申了妇女平等参与生活的各个方面是民主政治的关键要素,除其他事 [...] 项外,实现“和平、稳定和共同繁荣的地区”取决于让妇女实现她们的抱负和志 向。daccess-ods.un.org | In the Conference, convened in accordance with the Barcelona Declaration and the Five Year Work Programme agreed upon during the 10th Anniversary Euro-Mediterranean Summit in Barcelona 2005, the participants reaffirmed that equal participation of women in all spheres of life is a crucial element of democracy and that achievement of a “common area [...] of peace, stability and shared prosperity” relies upon, inter alia, making women fulfil their [...] ambitions and aspirations. daccess-ods.un.org |
科学技术志向奖于1991 年设立,经过地区评审团对候选人进行评审,向 全国 650 名优胜者颁发 [...] 1 000 欧元奖金。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Prize, established in 1991, grants awards [...] in the amount of €1,000 to 650 recipients throughout France, the applicants [...]having been considered by regional juries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个项目以教科文组织的相关网络(尤其是联系学校网络和教科文组织《妇女与科学》 教席)为依托,致力于提高青年,特别是女青年对未来重大科学问题的认识,鼓励他们选择 学习科学的志向。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project, which will be based in the relevant UNESCO networks (including the Associated Schools Network and UNESCO Chairs for “Women and Science”), will seek to alert young people, in particular young girls, to the scientific challenges of the future and encourage them to pursue careers in science. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它们在德班会议上的优先要求包括:就《京都议定 书》之下第二承诺期达成一致、就缔结一项具有法 律约束力的文书以便解决所有国家在《公约》之下 的排放问题的清晰和明确的任务达成一致、在根据 科学提高移民志向水平以确保所有国家都能生存问 题上保持透明,以及实施“绿色气候基金”以确保 为紧急和长期适应需要提供充足资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their priorities for Durban included agreeing to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, agreeing to a clear and unambiguous mandate for the conclusion of a legally binding instrument to address emissions for all nations under the Convention, clarity on raising the level of mitigation ambition in accordance with science to ensure the survival of all nations, and operationalization of the Green Climate Fund to ensure adequate provision of finance for urgent and long-term adaptation imperatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
为配合学生不同的兴趣、能力和志向,在不同学习領域 内设立了二十个科目,供高中学生选择。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Elective subjects A total of 20 subjects in the proposed new system from which students may choose according to their interests, abilities and aptitudes. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
大范围和大规模地开展这项研究符合BIOTRONIK的远大 志向, BIOTRON IK有志通过破解心血管研究领域最重要的一些问题,来优化心血管疾病的治疗方案,从而在临床方面引领业界的发展。 tipschina.gov.cn | The massive scale and scope of this [...] undertaking hasbeen defined in line with BIOTRONIK's ambition [...]to lead the industry in clinical [...]excellence by providing answers in the most important areas of cardiovascular research and thereby optimizing therapies for cardiovascular patients. tipschina.gov.cn |
FIREBIRD拥有一批有志向、有 活力的专家,他们拥有跨行业经验,尤其擅长网上银行系统;互联网安全系统与反病毒软件;NFC及导航与位置技术;电信;WiMax;IP;广播与卫星通信系统;数字内容提供、聚合与发布系统;VoIP;能源;纳米与生物技术;消费电子;设计与出版软件;社交网络平台;iOS与安卓应用;本地化品牌拓展、市场营销与公关服务;政府关系建设;以及人力资源与企业培训。 tipschina.gov.cn | Firebird employs a host of ambitious, energetic specialists, with experience across fields andmost notable for their expertise in on-line banking systems, Internet security systems and anti-virus software, NFC and navigation and location-based technologies, telecommunications, WiMax, IP, broadcast and satellite communications systems, digital content provisioning, aggregation, and distribution systems, VoIP, energy, nano and bio technologies, consumer electronics, design and publishing software, social networking platforms, iOS and Android applications, localized brand development, marketing, and PR services, governmental relationship building, and HR and corporate training. tipschina.gov.cn |
但法兰 克福药剂师爱德华·费森尤斯博士胸 怀远大志向,自1912年成立其“化学 制药工业公司”起,就一直坚定不移 地实施着造福千万患者的目标。 fresenius100.de | Frankfurt pharmacist Dr. Eduard Fresenius had ambitious aims, which he consistently realized with his “chemical-pharmaceutical” company founded in 1912 – to the benefit of many ill people. fresenius100.de |
课程已因应学生的不同能力和志向,采用多元 化的情境、学与教策略及评估方法,藉此激发学生的学习兴趣和动机。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | The adoption of a range of such contexts together with a range of learning and teaching strategies and assessment practices is intended to appeal to students of all abilities and aspirations, and to stimulate interest and motivation for learning. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
瓦克通过WWW杂志向公众介绍各种新产品、各类技术的最新发展和具有经济价值的有效应用。 wacker.com | WACKER uses WWW to informreaders about new products, the latest technological developments, and applications of interest to business. wacker.com |
稍后,挪威王国驻华大使司文先生也会见了这些年纪小小却 志向远大的小大使们,并向他们的到来表示了诚挚的欢迎与感谢。 norway.org.cn | The Norwegian ambassador to China, Mr. Svein O. Sæther, also came to meet the young and promising, expressing his gratitude for their interest in Norway. norway.cn |
152年,她嫁给了一名志向远大的年轻律师,约翰・伯纳哈德・施皮丽(Johann Bernhard Spyri),搬到苏黎世居住。 swissworld.org | In 1852 she married an ambitious young lawyer, Johann Bernhard Spyri, andmoved toZurich. swissworld.org |
使人类摆脱战 争祸害的志向,永远是创建联合国的基础,它的《宪 章》成为国家和国际组织的行为守则,并且是建立新 的世界秩序和当前国际法制度的公认的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aspirationto free humanity from the scourge of war forever served as the basis for the establishment of the United Nations, whose Charter became a code of conduct for States and international organizations and the commonly recognized basis for the formation of a new world order and the current system of international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
Cytech拥有相同的企业理念,公司矢志向半导体产品销售系统级解决方案,我们的供应商并无分别,基本上也能达到我们的目标。 cytech.com | Cytech has the same philosophy of system level [...] solution selling for semiconductors, [...]the same suppliers and fundamentally 'get' what we are trying to do. cytech.com |
英国伦敦商业金融学院承诺确保通过其申请政策的实施,根据学生的需求、 志向以及 对成功机会的想法将其招入合适的课程。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | London School of Business & Finance (LSBF) undertakes to ensure that through the implementation of its application policies, all students are recruited into the appropriate courses, according to their needs, aspirations and that they are mindful of their chances of success. lsbf.edu.sg |
巴黎公约》依靠的是其伙伴国家的承诺和 志向,与联合国毒品和犯罪问 题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)协商开展工作,并充分遵守三项国际药物 管制公约和 2009 年 3 月麻醉药品委员会高级别部分会议通过的《政治宣言和行 动计划》。 daccess-ods.un.org | It relies on the commitments and ambitions of its partner countries working in consultation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and in full conformity with the three international drug control conventions and the Political Declaration and Plan of Action adopted by the high-level segment of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
共同的志向即是丰富多彩的生活世界,而所有公民均可乐享其中。 teebweb.org | A commons is the plurality of life worlds to which all citizens have access. teebweb.org |
亚洲卫星提供优秀的培训机会和回报,助你追求 志向和建立事业基础。 asiasat.com | Pursue your aspiration and your career cornerstone at AsiaSat where excellent career development opportunities and attractive remuneration package are available. asiasat.com |
在中文文本第 6 段中,应删除“联合国气 候变化会议”,并以“联合国气候变化会议”来代 替“使”后面的“会议”一词;如此一来,该段应 改为:“鼓励会员国对哥本哈根抱有宏大 志向、本着乐观精神并下定决心,以期使联合国气候变化会 议取得成功”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 6, the words “United Nations Climate Change Conference in” should be deleted and the words “United Nations Climate Change Conference” should replace the word “it” after the word “making”; the paragraph would then read daccess-ods.un.org |
戏剧专业将细致的课堂学习同演出相结合,可激发出 严肃认真的学生对娱乐行业的职业志向。 mcts.edu | The Theatre program combines intensive classroom study and performance to challenge the serious student with career aspirations in the entertainment industry. mcts.edu |
她表示,如今美国有超过4,000所大学,同学有很多选择,因此,“要选择那些符合自己学业 志向和个人追求的大学,为未来的成功作铺垫。 ycis-bj.com | She said that with over “4,000 universities in the USA” students had a wide range of choices. ycis-bj.com |
为推动学员多表达对个人训练和活动的需要,在二零零五年年初,社工队为学员进行了『我的兴趣和工作意愿』调查,在接受访问的大部份学员中,大多表示他们最喜欢音乐和社区活动;工作意愿方面,有百份之十六的学员喜欢任乐队成员,另有些学员之工作 志向是成为速递员或售货员;针对学员之个人喜好及工作意愿,中心提供了相应的机会让他们获得类近之工作体验及实践所学。 hksb.org.hk | During the year, the Social Work Team conducted a face-to-face survey with our trainees to find out their work preferences and leisure interests. hksb.org.hk |
的确,以色列新政府对巴勒斯坦权利、财 产和合法的民族志向采取公开的敌对政策,已经进一步鼓励了以色列非法定居者 对巴勒斯坦人民的敌视和狂热。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the new Israeli Government’s openly hostile policies towards Palestinian rights, property and legitimate national aspirations have onlyfurther emboldened the hostility and fanaticism of the illegal Israeli settlers towards the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
求主帮助基督徒,能有心志向住在 中国城市中的众多不同民族族群传福音──无论是少数民族(例如藏族人、维吾尔族人)或社经族群(外地工人、富有企业主、中产阶级等等)。 amccsm.org | Pray that Christian believers will [...] have a heart for reaching the many different people groups nowliving inChina's [...]cities - whether that [...]be minority people groups (such as Tibetans, Uighurs, etc) or socio-economic people groups (migrant workers, rich entrepreneurs, middle-classes, etc). amccsm.org |
所有这些志向和我 们的经验都已经应用到了我们在中国的第一个项目:SOHO·尚都的设计和目前正在进行的开发中,它的形状和空间是受到水晶的形状和结构的启发而设计的。 soho-shangdu.com | All of these aspirations and our experience [...] have been applied to the design and ongoing development of our first project [...]in China: SOHO Shangdu, whose forms and spaces have been inspired by the shapes and structures of crystals. soho-shangdu.com |