

单词 忆及

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remember v


External sources (not reviewed)

咨询委员会就忆及,秘 书长宣布任命监察员的信将作为安 理会的文件发布,这同当前任命专家到其它监察组和专家小组任职的做 [...]
In this connection, the Committee recalls that a letter from [...]
the Secretary-General announcing the appointment of the Ombudsman
will be issued as a document of the Council, as is current practice with experts appointed to serve on other monitoring groups and expert panels.
若干代表团忆及,尽 管信托基金取得了非常积极的结果,但几年后该基金行将结 束,需要获得替代性解决方案。
Some delegations also recalled that, although [...]
the Trust Fund had given very positive results, it would come to an end in
a few years and there was a need for alternative solutions.
食典忆及,早先关于合并苦木薯和甜木薯标准的决定,可在目前的标 准草案定稿后再考虑。
The Commission recalled its earlier decision [...]
that merging the standards for bitter and sweet cassava could be considered
after the finalization of the current draft Standard.
执行局在 182 EX/44 号决定中忆及安保 工作是本组织的一项重要职能,教科文组织 [...]
By its 182 EX/Decision 44, the
[...] Executive Board recalled that security is [...]
a core function of the Organization, and that UNESCO
must comply with the norms in force in this domain and invited the Director-General to submit proposals for financing the continuation of the preliminary mediumterm security plan.
在介绍这一项目时,总干事代表(来自战略规划编制局 忆及 , 在 这一议程项目下展开讨论的目的在于 发起对 [...]
35 C/5 号文件结构和内容的辩论,重点关注 34 C/7 号文件列出的一系列相关问题。
In introducing this item, the representative of the
[...] Director-General (from BSP) recalled that the purpose [...]
of the discussions under this agenda item
was to initiate the debate on the structure and content of document 35 C/5, focusing on a range of relevant issues outlined in document 34 C/7.
履行机忆及按照第1/CP.16 号决定包括第18 段,以及缔约方会议的其它 [...]
The SBI recalled the importance [...]
of the provision of support in accordance with decision 1/CP.16, including paragraph 18,
and other relevant decisions of the COP.
在这方面, 讨论忆及 1978 年关于最惠国条款的条款草案第 14 条规定,能否行使针对受惠 [...]
国或者与之有确定关系的人或事的最惠国条款下所产生的权利,取决于是否符合 包含该条款的条约中所规定的或者施惠国与受惠国以其他方式商定的有关条款和 条件。
In this regard, it was recalled that article 14 of [...]
the 1978 draft articles on the MFN Clause provided that the exercise
of rights arising under a MFN clause for the beneficiary State or for persons or things in a determined relationship with that State was subject to compliance with the relevant terms and conditions laid down in the treaty containing the clause or otherwise agreed between the granting State and the beneficiary State.
忆及使用 多种语文在联合国工作中的重要性,必须以本组织所有正式语文印 [...]
Recalling the importance of multilingualism [...]
in the work of the United Nations and the need to issue all of the reports of
the Working Group in all official languages of the Organization
(a) 立即履行其公约义务,即防止并保护其管辖下所有人员免遭酷刑和其
[...] 他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;对此,委员 忆及 , 任 何特殊情况, 不论为战争状态、战争威胁、国内政局动荡或任何其他社会紧急状态,均不得援 [...]
(a) Immediately fulfil its obligations under the Convention to prevent and protect all individuals under its jurisdiction from torture and other cruel,
inhuman and degrading treatment or
[...] punishment; the Committee recalls, in this regard, [...]
that no exceptional circumstances whatsoever,
whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture
在此背景下,缔约忆及,瑞典政府、阿富汗政府和难民署已经缔结了一份 重新接纳阿富汗寻求庇护者的谅解备忘录,而若寻求庇护是一项犯罪,则不可能 [...]
In this context, the State party recalls that the Government [...]
of Sweden, the Government of Afghanistan and UNCHR have concluded
a memorandum of understanding on the readmission of Afghan asylum-seekers, which would not have been concluded if seeking asylum had been a criminal offence.
忆及咨询委员会关 于 2010-2011 两年期方案预算第二次执行情况报告的 [...]
报告(A/66/611),其中咨询委员会建议大会请秘书长 全面报告重计费用方法的其他备选办法,包括分析每 种办法的风险和所需资源。
He recalled that, in its report [...]
on the second performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/66/611),
the Advisory Committee had recommended that the Assembly should request the Secretary-General to report comprehensively on alternative options for the recosting methodology, including an analysis of the risks and resource requirements of each option.
专家忆及在之前的若干报告(见 S/2010/179,第 126-132 [...]
段;S/2011/272,第 232-241 段以及 S/2011/642,第 123-124 段)中建议出口国和销售公司遵守禁运决议,不得违反国际法运送军用车 辆。
The Group recalls that in several previous [...]
reports (see S/2010/179, paras. 126-132; S/2011/272, paras. 232-241; and S/2011/642,
paras. 123 and 124) it recommended that exporting countries and selling companies conform to embargo resolutions and not deliver vehicles for military use in breach of international law.
与此同时,委员会虽然目前主要关注的是投 资问题,但并不是第一次研究最惠国条款这一主题,有代表 忆及 于 此 ,表示怀 疑这一专题是否可能编纂成法,并进一步指出,这一主题十分复杂,而且同国际 法的其他领域密切相关、相互交织,特别是同属于联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸 易法委员会)和世界贸易组织(世贸组织)范围的国际私法、贸易法和投资密切相 关、相互交织。
At the same, recalling that the Commission was not taking up the subject for the first time, albeit at the present instance focusing on investment, the view was expressed doubting the viability of the topic in terms of its possible codification, noting further that the subject was complex, and closely related to and intertwined with other fields of international law, particularly private international law, trade law and investment, areas within the domain of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
她指出,关于被占领的叙利亚戈 兰的决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.16 案文与 1982 年以来使 用的相关决议草案的案文基本相同,同时强调该决议
[...] 草案旗帜鲜明地反对外国占领和吞并, 忆及 安 全理 事会已宣布了以色列关于强加其法律、管辖权和行政 [...]
Noting that the text of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.16, on the occupied Syrian Golan, was essentially the same as those that had been used since 1982, she underscored its
strong message against foreign occupation and
[...] annexation and recalled that Israel’s [...]
decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction
and administration had been declared by the Security Council.
委员忆及关于歧视罗姆人问题的第 27(2000) 号一般性建议,促请缔约国在获得 [...]
教育、住房、就业、保健和其他社会服务以及进入公共场所方面充分落实为罗姆 族通过的所有反歧视政策;在国家和地方各级密切监测和评价这些政策的落实情 况;并在下次定期报告中对已经采取的措施的影响作评估。
The Committee, recalling the general recommendation [...]
No. 27 (2000) on discrimination against Roma, urges the State party
to fully implement all antidiscrimination policies that have been adopted with regard to the Roma minority in access to education, housing, employment, health and other social services and public places, to closely monitor and evaluate progress in implementation of these policies at national and local levels, and to make an assessment of the impact of the measures already implemented in its next periodic report.
工作组忆及,犯 罪者以及组 织、默许或容忍被强迫失踪的国家或国家当局在不妨碍当事国按照国际法原则承 [...]
担的国际责任的情况下,对被强迫失踪还负有民法责任(第 5 条)。
The Working Group further recalls that enforced disappearances [...]
render their perpetrators and the State or State authorities
which organize, acquiesce in or tolerate such disappearances liable under civil law, without prejudice to the international responsibility of the State concerned (art. 5).
委员忆及,委员会曾决定 (年度报告 A/61/40) 2006 年 1 月 [...]
17 日的答复中所 载缔约国关于可否受理的意见本应在委员会审议之前列入其对来文的意见;委员 会认为缔约国的答复不令人满意,认为后续对话仍在进行。
The Committee recalled that it had decided [...]
(annual report A/61/40), that the State party’s arguments on admissibility which
it set out in its response on 17 January 2006, should have been included in its comments on the communication prior to consideration by the Committee, that it regarded the State party’s response as unsatisfactory and considered the follow-up dialogue ongoing.
我们忆及设立了数字团结基金,鼓励自愿捐款为其筹资,包括考虑 创新的筹资机制。
We also recall the establishment [...]
of the Digital Solidarity Fund and encourage voluntary contributions to its financing,
including through considering innovative financing mechanisms.
( 第六条) 忆及其提 出的关于刑事司法的运作与管理的第31(2005号) [...]
一般性建议,委员会 认为,对于没有关于种族歧视行为的申诉,不能理解为没有种族主义或种族歧 视,这可能是因为受害者缺乏对其权利的了解,害怕报复,复杂的司法程序限制 了受害者切实得到补救的可能性,对司法机构缺乏信任,或主管机构不愿进行法 律诉讼。
Recalling its general recommendation [...]
No. 31 (2005) on the functioning and administration of the criminal justice, the Committee
is of the view that absence of complaints of acts of racial discrimination cannot be understood as absence of racism or racial discrimination and that it can be the result of lack of awareness of their rights by victims, fear of reprisals, complex judicial procedures limiting the effective access to remedies by victims, lack of confidence in the judicial authorities or unwillingness of competent authorities to institute legal proceedings.
忆及不能根据案情对仲裁裁决提出上诉, 他说工作组已经致力于尽可能在最大限度上免除责 [...]
Recalling that arbitral decisions [...]
could not be appealed against on grounds of merit, he said that the Working Group had
endeavoured to exclude liability to the extent possible in order to avoid the possibility of collateral challenges and attacks against arbitrators.
履行机忆及第三 十三届会议的结论,其中承认观察员组织参与的范围和 [...]
价值是多样的,广泛的和丰富的,观察员组织的作用和贡献应在《气候公约》政 府间进程中予以加强。
The SBI recalled the conclusions [...]
from its thirty-third session recognizing that the range and value of observer organization
engagement is diverse, broad and rich, and that the role and contributions of observer organizations in the UNFCCC process should be enhanced.
委员忆 及在关于缔约国初 次报告的结论性 意见中就这 方面提出的建议 (E/C.12/1/Add.87,第58段) [...]
,建议缔约国按照宪法和现有法律的规定,尽快完成 土著人民土地的划界和分配进程。
The Committee recalls the recommendation [...]
made in its concluding observations on the State party’s initial report in this
regard (E/C.12/1/Add.87, para. 58) and recommends that the State party expeditiously complete the process of demarcation and allocation of indigenous land in accordance with the Constitution and existing laws.
15 岁女儿构成实际的个人风险,提交者本人因母亲反 对未遭受割礼,需再忆及的是 ,在大多数情况中,母亲是否反对割礼起决定性 作用。
The essential question is whether, taking into consideration all the information provided, the particular circumstances of the case could constitute a real and personal risk for the author’s daughter, who is 15 years old and whose mother is not excised, thanks to her own mother who opposed excision, recalling once again that a mother’s opposition to excision is a determining factor in most cases.
忆及进一 步执行喀布尔进程各项规定的重 要性,并期待着就国际货币基金组织的国别方案达成 [...]
协议,而不达成协议将对阿富汗的重建和社会-经济 发展产生不利的影响。
I also recall the importance of [...]
moving ahead with the implementation of the provisions of the Kabul process, and look forward
to agreement on the International Monetary Fund country programme, the absence of which would adversely affect the reconstruction and socio-economic development of Afghanistan.
又回顾 关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲
[...] 领的毛里求斯战略执行情况高级别审查会议的成果文件 ,3 忆及自 1 992 年以来,太平洋小岛屿发展中国家的脆弱性日益令人关注,而 [...]
因为气候变化、气候变异和海平面升高的压力增加所致,而国际燃 料、粮食和金融多重危机又使得这种局面变得更加复杂, 回顾 大会第 65/2 号决议,其中大会重申小岛屿发展中国家 特有和特别的脆弱性,呼吁采取更多更好的措施,并呼吁在所有各级 采取协调、均衡和统筹的行动,以进一步执行《毛里求斯战略
Further recalling the outcome document of the High-level Review Meeting on the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the
Sustainable Development of Small Island
[...] Developing States,3 recalls since 1992, the vulnerability [...]
of Pacific small island developing
States has become of increasing concern while their capacity to cope had not, and that this was due in no small part to the additional pressures of climate change, climate variability and sea-level rise, which had been compounded by the international fuel, food and financial crises, Recalling General Assembly resolution 65/2, in which the Assembly reaffirmed the unique and particular vulnerabilities of the small island developing States and called for improved and additional measures, and for coordinated, balanced and integrated actions to be taken at all levels to further implement the Mauritius Strategy
在这方面,我们必忆及,不 仅本区域的阿拉伯国家和阿拉伯国家联盟一 直在呼吁巴勒斯坦统一,而且国际社会也在呼吁,特别是安全理事会第 [...]
1860(2009) 号决议和四方声明中的呼吁,包括 2010 年 3 月 19 日的莫斯科声明。
In this regard, we must recall that the calls for [...]
Palestinian unity have been consistently made not only in the region by
the Arab countries and the League of Arab States but also internationally, particularly as called for by the Security Council in resolution 1860 (2009) and in Quartet statements, including the statement of 19 March 2010 in Moscow.
该代忆及,在 主题为“为子孙后代保 护大气层”的研讨会上已经强调控制氢氟碳化合物的重要性,因此也表示强烈 [...]
Recalling that the importance [...]
of control of HFCs had been underscored during the seminar on protecting our atmosphere for
generations to come, the representative also expressed strong support for maintaining the proposed amendments on the agenda and discussing them in a formal contact group.
法罗群岛研究中,这个BMD水平是导致子宫内暴露的儿童中 神经学行为表现异常(注意力、非文字 忆及 语 言 的发育延迟)的5%流行程度加倍的95%置信区间下 限。
This BMD level is the lower 95% confidence limit for the exposure level that causes a doubling of a 5% prevalence of abnormal neurological performance (developmental delays in attention, verbal memory and language) in children exposed in-utero in the Faroe Islands study.




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