

单词 必要性

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

该代表承认,对妇女的暴力问题领域以及新西兰的土着毛 利妇女取得更多进展必要性,仍然是该国家面临的挑战。
The representative acknowledged that violence against women and the need for more progress for New Zealand’s indigenous Maori women remained challenges for the country.
[...] 信息时进行,之后再定期开展,以确保公共当局援引的拒绝交流 必要性存在。
This review should be available at the time of the initial refusal to provide information, and
then on a regular basis to ensure that the
[...] reason for the necessity that was invoked [...]
by the public authority to refuse to communicate, remains present.
可持续性,除其他外,通过影响实体经济以及为减轻危机负面影响而增加借 款。在这方面,他们呼吁各国政府推动并促进讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当
[...] 论坛内,讨论新的主权债务重组和债务解决机制必要性行性,并考虑到 债务可持续性的多个层面,及其在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展 [...]
The Ministers expressed concern that the world financial and economic crisis is still threatening the debt sustainability in some developing countries, inter alia, through its impact on the real economy and the increase in borrowing undertaken in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis, and in that regard called upon all Governments to promote and contribute to the discussions, including within the United
Nations and other appropriate forums,
[...] on theneed and feasibilityofnew sovereign [...]
debt restructuring and debt resolution
mechanisms that take into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability and its role on the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
除了这些部门之外,地方一级的企业家似乎很少加入雇主组织,其中一个原因是 对加入这类组织必要性认识。
Besides these sectors, entrepreneurs appear to rarely be
organised at local level, one of the reasons being, of course, the lack of
[...] understandingof thenecessity to be represented.
本报告突出说明了在关键的战略领域加快进展必要性说明特别代 表将特别强调研究报告中的三项最为重要建议,即在每一个国家制定关于暴 力侵害儿童问题的全面战略;在各国从法律上明确禁止所有形式的暴力;强 化各国在这一方面的数据收集、分析和传播、研究等工作。
The report highlights the need to accelerate progress in key strategic areas and the special emphasis the Special Representative will place onthree overarching recommendations of the study, namely the development in each State of a comprehensive strategy on violence against children; the introduction of an explicit national legal ban on all forms of violence; and the consolidation of national data collection, analysis and dissemination, and research in this field.
秘书处在根据第 55/2 号决定编写关于一“贷款和其他来源的额外收入的融资机制”的政策文件时,也将考虑到
[...] 该案头研究的结果,并考虑到对臭氧和气候变化二者带来的好处、及时执行各个项目,以 遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》履约时间安排必要性制定一项退出战略必要性
The results of the desk study should also be considered by the Secretariat when preparing a policy paper on a "facility for additional income from loans and other sources" as per decision 55/2, taking into account: the benefits for both ozone and climate change, the need for the timely implementation of projects in
order to adhere to the compliance schedule of the
[...] Montreal Protocol, and the need forthe developmentofan exit strategy.
在说明社会变革管理计划的潜力时,理事会一致认为,社会变革管理计划主要是要: 成为动员会员国支持本国社会科学的国际平台;成为以高度可见的方式提高决策者的需求和
[...] 议,特别是在需要政府采取行动的系统问题上;根据 36 C/5 中关于社会科学及人文科学的重 大计划 III 的工作重点 2 和 3,通过选定的一些具有全球意义的社会变革,说明社会变革管理 计划目标的公信力和相关性;以及鼓励参与进程、让民间社会参与进来,并提高对社会科必要性感认识。
In describing the potential of MOST, the Council agreed that MOST relies on, inter alia: being an international platform that mobilizes Member State’s support for social sciences in their countries; being a resource that in a highly visible way creates demand and awareness in policymakers of their need for social science research in policy formulation; having the responsibility to promote and support capacity-building initiatives, particularly on systemic issues that require government action; the illustration of the credibility and relevance of MOST’s objectives by working through a select number of globally-significant social transformations, in accordance with Main Lines of Action 2 and 3 in Major Programme III on Social and Human
Sciences of 36 C/5;
[...] and, encouragingparticipatory processes, engaging with civil society, and creating greater sensitivity to the need forsocial [...]
考虑到残疾儿童的双重弱势地位,该计划将他们列为重点关注对象,并阐述 了通过全面的考虑、以专门的方式来保护残疾儿童各项权利必要性
The plan requires care and treatment for minors to be provided in a pluridisciplinary manner; there are also a number of references in it to the need to
guarantee their rights in a specific manner on
[...] account of theirdual vulnerability- as minors and as [...]
persons with disabilities.
在此方面,许多国家强调了秘 书处继续提供能力开发援助必要性期帮助制定健全的自然资源管理政 策以及绿色增长/绿色经济政策。
In that regard, many countries underlined the need for continuous capacity development assistance from the secretariat in order to formulate sound natural resources management policies as well as green growth/green economy policies.
必要性 了在创新和创造这种复杂领域中落实成果框架所带 [...]
This need reflects the challenge [...]
of implementing a results framework in the complex area of innovation and creativity and
the imperative to respond to new priorities and the demands of WIPO stakeholders, particularly the Member States.
规划提供照料及确保永久性的工作应特别基于下列几点,从而避免分离:儿 童对其家庭属何种依恋关系,程度如何;家庭保障儿童福祉和协调发展的能力; 儿童感受身为家庭一员的需要或愿望;儿童留在所处社区和国家必要性 童 的文化、语言和宗教背景及儿童与兄弟姐妹的关系等。
Planning for care provision and permanency should be based on, notably, the nature and quality of the child’s attachment to his/her family, the family’s capacity to safeguard the child’s well-being and harmonious development, the child’s need or desire to feel part of a family, the desirability of the child remaining within his/her community and country, the child’s cultural, linguistic and religious background, and the child’s relationships with siblings, with a view to avoiding their separation.
示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就
[...] 单一办法或共同规则达成一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题必要性在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 [...]
For a number of reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may not be consensus on the need to find a
uniform solution to a particular issue, or
[...] there maybe different levels of consensus [...]
on the key issues of a particular subject
and how they should be addressed.
国际地球年”引发了政策制定者和私营部门对改进地质科学知识在规划大城市、管 理自然资源、减少气候变化的影响和评估自然灾害的作用必要性了对话。
The International Year of Planet Earth stimulated dialogue between policy-makers and the private sector on the need for improved use of geoscience knowledge in planning megacities, managing natural resources, mitigating the effects of climate change and assessing natural hazards.
咨询委 员会经询问后获悉,大会第 58/250
[...] 号决议请秘书长对简要记录进行透彻的成本 效益研究,以期评估这类记录必要性探索更有效率和效益地交付简要记录 [...]
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that in its resolution 58/250, the General Assembly had requested the Secretary-General to conduct a thorough cost-benefit study of summary records with a
view to assessing the need for them and to
[...] explore the possibility of delivering [...]
them in a more efficient and effective manner.
监测和评价高级干事在介绍报告时讲述了项目和国家 消费层次上计划进行的和已实现的淘汰结果、与 CFC-113 和 CTC 生产行业淘汰的联系及 其监测、改装合同的期限、推迟的原因和建议的补救办法、为改装无数小型溶剂用户途而 制定的创新性淘汰合以及进一步制定技术支助制度必要性
During his presentation, the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer described phase-out results planned and achieved at the level of projects and national consumption, the link to the production sector phase-out of CFC-113 and CTC and its monitoring, the duration of conversion contracts, causes of delays and suggested remedies, the innovative phase-out contracts developed to convert numerous small solvent users, and the need for further development of the technical support system.
她指出,开发计 划署也在积极处理与两性平等有关的一些挑战,包括对妇女的暴力行为以 及争取在工作和家庭生活中更好地取得平稳必要性域。
She stated that UNDP was also active in addressing challenges related to gender equality, including violence against women and the need for a better balancebetween work and family life.
哥伦比亚代表团提请食典委注意,程序规则第 XIV 条(语言)没有对食典委的语 言作任何区分,而且提请注意
[...] 2008-2013 年战略计划中关于促进成员最大限度和有效参 与的目标 5,并重申了平等使用语言以确保法典过程透明和公平必要性
The Delegation of Colombia drew the attention of the Commission to Rule XIV (Languages) of the Rules of Procedure which did not make any distinction between the languages of the Commission and to Goal 5 of the Strategic Plan 2008-2013 on promoting maximum and effective participation of members, and
reasserted the need for equal treatment in the use of
[...] the languages to ensure transparency and fairness in the Codex [...]
委员 会重 申 权力 下放 办事 处在 国 家规 划进 程中 的主 要 作用 及其
[...] 在这 方面 的 能力开发,成员国参与必要性农组织资源筹集战略与国家规划进程之间的 [...]
It reiterated the lead role of decentralized offices in the country programming process,
the development of their capacities in
[...] this regard, the necessity of the engagement [...]
of member countries, and the close linkages
between FAO’s resource mobilization strategy and the country programming process.
不同文明联盟事务秘书长高级代表曾在总结进行这种对话必要性出: “文化多样性已成为一个重大的政治问题,对现代民主、多元化、公民身份和社 会凝聚力,以及各国之间的和平和稳定提出了挑战”。
The High Representative of the Secretary-General for the Alliance of Civilizations summed up the need for this dialogue based on the fact that “cultural diversity has become a major political issue challenging modern democracies, pluralism, citizenship and social cohesion, as well as peace and stability among nations”.
会议强调了提高农业生产和生 产率必要性要为农产品开发出口市场,以及合作社在可持续的农业生 产中的作用。
The need to increase agricultural production and productivity and develop export markets for agricultural products, and the role that cooperatives play in sustainable agricultural production were highlighted.
表示注意到当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为问题 特别报告员向人权理事会第四、六、九和十二届会议提交的报告,9 其中特别报告 员强调指出了诽谤任何宗教的严重性质以及强化法律战略必要性次申明特 别报告员呼吁所有国家开展有系统的运动,打击煽动种族和宗教仇恨行为,在维 护世俗主义与尊重宗教自由之间维持一种谨慎的平衡,并承认和尊重包括《公民 及政治权利国际公约》在内各项国际商定人权文书所列一切自由的互补性
Taking note of the reports of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance submitted to the Human Rights Council at its fourth, sixth, ninth and twelfth sessions,9 in which the Special Rapporteur highlighted the serious nature of the defamation of all religions and the need to complement legal strategies, and reiterating the call of the Special Rapporteur to all States to wage a systematic campaign against incitement to racial and religious hatred by maintaining a careful balance between the defence of secularism and respect for freedom of religion and by acknowledging and respecting the complementarity of all the freedoms embodied in internationally agreed human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
任何加诸居民权利上 的最终限制措施,应考虑措施施行必要性度性和适当性,及符合法律的基 本原则。
Any eventual restrictive measures
on residents’ rights should observe the
[...] criteria of necessity, proportionality [...]
and suitability for the intended objective
and abide by the general principles of law.
最后,她强调指出了贸易作为减贫和创造就业机 会的重要性,强调了及早完成多哈回合必要性及最不发达国家有必要得到免关税、免配额的市场准 入,随后她说,即将举行的联合国可持续发展问题会 议将为发现现有的可持续发展框架中所存在漏洞再 一次提供机会。
Finally, after stressing the importance of trade as a means of eradicating poverty and creating employment and the need from early conclusion of the Doha Round and for duty-free, quota-free market access for the least developed countries, she said that the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development would provide another opportunity for identifying gaps within existing sustainable development frameworks.
我愿 指出,在 2004 年讨论阿拉伯世界发展与现代化问题 时,伊拉克曾强调,必须启动阿拉伯联合系统的机制, 加强民主基础并扩大民众对于政治事务和国家决策 的参与,继续开展经济改革,以提高阿拉伯国家生活 水平,保障社会正义,强调妇女在社会中发挥作用的 重要性及支持妇女权利和提高妇女地位必要性及很多其它重要问题。
I would like to point out that, during the 2004 discussions relating to development and modernization in the Arab world, Iraq emphasized the importance of activating the mechanisms of the joint Arab system to deepen the foundations of democracy, expand the participation of the masses in the political sector and in the taking of national decisions, continue economic reforms to raise the living conditions of Arab nations, ensure social justice and underscore the importance of women’s role in society and the need to support their rights and to empower them,as well asmany other important matters.
任何这类重大政治改革无可避 免要经受严峻考验,但缅甸政治精英们就根本性变 革必要性成广泛共识,这意味着局势逆转的 风险较小;同时心怀不满的民众没有结成有组织的 团体,因而也无力阻挠改革进程。
Any such program of
[...] major political changemust inevitablyface serious tests, but the broad consensus among the political elite on the need for fundamental change [...]
means that the risk
of a reversal appears low; there is no coherent group of disaffected individuals with the power to undo the process.
还讨论了在世界贸 易组织建立服务产品豁免必要性 便更加优惠和有利地对待来自最不发达国 家的服务产品和服务供应商。
The need to adopt a Services waiver at the World Trade Organization that would allow for more preferential and favourable treatment of services and service providers from least developed countries was also discussed.
规 则 117 至 119
[...] 试图在有关不公开检察官或被告方掌握的保密资料的来源或确切内 容的规定与确保充分尊重另一方权利的公平审判必要性达成一种平衡。
In rules 117-119, an attempt has been made to strike a balance between the requirement not to disclose the source or the exact content of confidential information in the possession of the
prosecution or the defence and the need to ensure a fair trial that is fully
[...] respectful of the rights ofthe other party.
观察员在总结中重点阐述了与食典的长期合作关系、重视食典与国际标准化组织 之间工作互必要性加强食典与国际标准化组织秘书处、各法典委员会与国际 标准化组织各技术委员会以及食典成员与国际标准化组织成员之间关系必要性
The Observer concluded his presentation by highlighting the long-standing collaboration with
Codex, the need to
[...] focus on the complementarity of work between Codex and ISO and strengthen relations between the Codex and ISO Secretariats, between the Codex Committees and the ISO Technical Committees,and between Codex and ISO Members.




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