

单词 必经之路

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External sources (not reviewed)

的确, 过渡固然令人期待,而且必经之路 , 但 是外国 部队从阿富汗撤出所带来的经济影响却需要审 [...]
Indeed, while transition is both desirable
[...] and inevitable, the economic effect of the [...]
withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan
needs to be managed carefully.
核裁军是保护地球母亲必经之 路。
Nuclear disarmament was essential in order to preserve Mother Earth.
天津市联琪盛世电子商务有限公司的姊妹公司Well Mount
[...] N.V.(比利时佳峰股份有限公司)坐落于比利时安特卫普市,处于荷兰、德国通往比利时、法国 必经之路 且 拥有1600平米的展厅以及8000平米的仓储,地理位置优越。
The city of Tianjin Lianqi spirit electronics Business Company sister company Well Mount N.V. ( Belgium Jia Feng Limited by Share Ltd ) is located in the Belgian Antwerp, in
Holland, Germany to Belgium, France and
[...] the only way which must be passed with 1600 [...]
square meters exhibition hall and 8000square
meters of storge, the geographical position is superior.
Jukka-Pekka自豪地说:”除了加快应用速度之外,我们还关注已完成测试产品的大批量生产,量产也是让永磁发电机在风电行业中得到广泛应用 必经之路。
In addition to the speed of deployment, our interest lies in making this technology available
to the industry at large and by mass producing the
[...] products we already have tested [...]
in turbines,” Jukka-Pekka challenges.
外聘审计员提请注意,完全落实有关采购政策和程序的各项建议 是加强本组织内部监督必经之路。
The External Auditor has pointed out that the strengthening of the Organization’s internal controls requires the full implementation of all of the recommendations relating to procurement policies and procedures.
年旅游业下降了5.5% ,而且预计2010年将
[...] 进一步衰退。此外,该国岛屿位于穿越大西洋的热带风暴、飓风和龙卷风 必经 之路,这 一地理位置加剧了该国在上述自然灾害面前的脆弱性。
Moreover, the geographical location of the
[...] islands, being in the path of tropical storms, [...]
hurricanes and cyclones that crossed
the Atlantic Ocean, increased the State’s vulnerability to those natural disasters.
对于许多太平 洋小岛屿发展中国家而言,要走上绿 经 济 之路 , 就 要实现绿色增长,而这 将可确保能保护具有全球重要性的宝贵的生态多样性。
For many of the Pacific small island
[...] developing States, the path to a green economy required achieving [...]
green growth, which would ensure
the preservation of valuable biodiversity of global significance.
无论在此刻 结果是多么不明朗,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民 经 让 他 们的国家走上了不可逆转 的变之路,我 们有责任帮助他们以和平方式实现变革。
However unclear the outcome is at this point,
the people of the
[...] Syrian Arab Republic have placed their country on a path of irreversible change, and we have [...]
a responsibility to
assist them in implementing change in a peaceful way.
加强抵御能之路涉及 采用多部门参与的做法,并需要采取一项 注重整体的战略,以促进采用适宜的宏 经 济 和部门政策,加强国家 的防范能力,加强体制机制能力和法律基础,并建 必 要 的 公共和私 营管理结构,包括基于社区的结构,以便建立高效的早期应对、适应 和处理机制。
The road to resilience involves multi-sectoral approaches with a holistic strategy that promotes appropriate macroeconomic and sectoral policies, enhances national preparedness with institutional capacity and legal foundations, and puts in place the necessary public and private [...]
governance structures,
including community-based structures for efficient early response, adaptation and coping mechanisms.
本着这一路,发言者强必须将 提高农业部门生产力作为重 之 重 ,但 为了之有效 ,还要同时作出配套努力,包括提供必要的有形和通信基础设施; 加强农业部门对技术改良的吸纳能力,特别是为高产及新颖和创新农作物提供必 要支持;重振农业推广服务,确保包容性接入和可持续能力;以及改善特别是妇 [...]
In this vein, speakers stressed that increasing productivity in the agriculture sector had to be a top priority, but that, for it [...]
to be effective,
complementary efforts needed to be simultaneously implemented. These included providing necessary physical and communications infrastructure; strengthening absorptive capacity of the farming sector for technological improvement, especially in providing the necessary support for both higher yields and new and innovative crops; reviving agricultural extension services to assure inclusive access and sustainability; and improving financial access and legal tenure rights, especially for women.
无论 选择何种路,必须支持国内和国 之 间 以 及今世和后代以公平方式获得自然资 源,以确保包容性和可持续的增长。
Whichever paths were pursued, equitable access to natural resources must be supported [...]
to ensure inclusive and sustainable
growth, among and within countries, and for both current and future generations.
在这方面,我国在妇女地位委员会各届会议期间组织和发起了一系列会外活 动,包括 2008
年的“两性平等和赋予妇女权力的资金筹措”;2008 年的“立即为 妇女和儿童提供服务”;2009
[...] 年与孟加拉国和坦桑尼亚联合共和国共同举办的经 社理事会 2009 之路:慢性病与妇女健康”;以及 2009 年与泛美卫生组织共同举 [...]
In that connection, our country organized and sponsored a series of side events during sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women, including “Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women” in 2008;
“Deliver now for women and children”
[...] in 2008; “On the road to ECOSOC 2009: Chronic diseases and [...]
women’s health”, held jointly
with Bangladesh and the United Republic of Tanzania in 2009; and “The health of women and men in the Americas”, held jointly with the Pan American Health Organization in 2009.
1960 年 12 月 14 日,当《联合国宪章》驱动的非殖民化进程 经 势 如破竹时, 联合国大会通过了关于《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的第 1514(XV)号决议, 该决议宣布,“有迅速无条件终止各种形式之殖民主 之必 要 ” ,并规定了指导非 殖民化进程的两项基本原则:自决和领土完整。
On 14 December 1960, when the decolonization process driven by the Charter of the
United Nations was already well under way, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 1514
[...] (XV) on the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which proclaimed “the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations” and set out two fundamental [...]
principles that should guide the process of decolonization: self-determination and territorial integrity.
如未进行调解或调解无效,《联合国海洋法公约》第十五部分有关解决争端的条 款经必要修 改后,可适用于本公约缔约 之 间 在 解释或实施本公约中出现的任何 争端,无论这些缔约国是否也是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约国。
If mediation is not undertaken or if there is no settlement by mediation, the provisions relating to the settlement of
disputes set out in Part
[...] XV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea apply mutatis mutandis to any dispute between States Parties [...]
to this Convention
concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, whether or not they are also Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
伯爵广场青年旅舍(YHA Earls
[...] Court)位于伦敦市中心,气氛活跃,位置方便,是往返希思罗和盖特威克机场 必经之 地。
YHA Earls Court is a lively hostel in central London, conveniently located en-route from Heathrow
and Gatwick airports and close to Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, The
[...] Natural History Museum and the Royal [...]
Albert Hall....
广州作为广东省的省会,在唐代(618-907C.E.)就是海上丝绸 路 的 起 点,两千多年里,一直是世界通往中国的门户,今天则是所有美国领养家庭回国时 必经之 地 , 因为要由美国驻广州总领事馆给所有收养自中国的孤儿发放移民签证。
Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong, has been a gateway to China for more than 2,000 years—from its days
as the starting point
[...] of the Maritime Silk Road during the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) to its role as the one city all adopting American families must pass through en route [...]
back to the U.S.  Guangzhou
is where the US Consulate's General Guangzhou adoption unit issues all immigrant visas to adopted orphans from China.
The main avenue is accessed via Mutton Street.
此外,必须和公路管理 部门联系,以便该地 区能与公路连接。
Furthermore, connection to
[...] the public road must be agreed with the office managing the roads.
瑙鲁海洋资源还保证设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航 必经 的 公认航道的地 点或捕鱼活动集中的区域,并保证在开始勘 之 前 , 将与国际海底管理局和赞助 国合作,制定一项培训方案,提交国际海底管理局批准。
It is also ensured that no installations will be established where
interference is caused to
[...] the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity, and that [...]
prior to the commencement
of exploration a training programme will be drawn up in cooperation with ISA and the sponsoring State, and submitted to ISA for approval.
经社会指出,太平洋小岛屿发展中国家采取的其他举措还包括美拉尼 西亚绿经济路线图 和蓝碳倡议、以及对实现可再生能源目标作出的重要承 诺。
The Commission noted that other initiatives being undertaken by Pacific island developing
countries included the consideration of a
[...] Melanesian green economy road map and a blue carbon [...]
initiative, as well as significant
commitments to renewable energy targets.
这些人为保护森林和森林生物多样性做出了 巨大牺牲,他们为此期望国际社会能够提出抵消措 施,帮助他们走经济可 持续发展的唯一 路 —— 绿色增之路。
They made great sacrifices to preserve the forest and its biodiversity, and therefore expected offsetting
measures from the international community
[...] enabling the, to embark on the only sustainable economic path — green growth.
走绿经济道路必须特 别是在里约各项原则的 范畴内考虑到共同但有区别的责任的原则
The green economy approach should take [...]
into account the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, in particular,
in the context of the Rio Principles
不幸的是,我国正好位于飓必经之 地 , 飓 风带来了泥石流和水灾,造成破坏;我们还靠近导致 地震和灾害的危险地质断层带;我国濒临海洋,而海 水上涨可能引发海啸;我们受到各种恶劣气候条件的 影响却无能无力,这些情况妨碍了播种作物并导致作 物被毁。
It is unfortunate that we are located right in the path of hurricanes that cause destruction in the form of landslides and floods; that we are close to dangerous geological faults that cause earthquakes and cataclysms; that our country is bathed by waters that could rise up as tsunamis; and that we are at the mercy of inclement climatic variations that hinder the sowing of and destroy our crops.
直接谈判是一必经之道,使当 事方能够达成解决方案,以解决所有问题,了结各项要 求,并建立一个与安全的以色列国毗邻共存的、有生存 能力的巴勒斯坦国,这是以色列及其所有邻国之间建立 全面和平的一个关键部分。
Direct talks are the path for the parties to reach a solution that resolves all issues, ends all claims and establishes a viable State of Palestine alongside a secure State of Israel as a key part of a comprehensive peace among Israel and all of its neighbours.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當 必 須 (a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團之間得 到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 [...]
藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開
支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in
generally considered
[...] that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution [...]
of funding resources amongst
arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
在摩洛哥王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支 经 济 和 一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了一张摩洛哥地方电子政务 路 线 图,目 的是清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。
As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by the Government of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to
the programmes being
[...] implemented by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs in the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco [...]
with a view to collecting
information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.




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