

单词 必然












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发言还指出,那两条 并必然于武装冲突的情形,且属于一般性规则;而委员会的任务是制定一 套条款草案,作为有关此类一般性原则的特别法。
It was also pointed out that those two
[...] articles didnot necessarily apply to situations [...]
of armed conflict, and existed at
the level of general rules; whereas the task of the Commission was to develop a set of draft articles which would operate as a lex specialis in relation to such general rules.
由 於 本 集 团 国 际 业 务 比 重 的 不 断 加 大,国 际 经 济 环 境 的 波 动,本
[...] 集 团 在 经 营 过 程 中必 然面 临 着 滙 率 变 动 [...]
的 风 险。
As international businesses account for an increasing share of the Group’s operations, volatility in the
international economic environment means that
[...] the Group isinevitably subject to the [...]
risk of exchange rate changes over the long term.
欧洲社会宪章》不仅是欧洲大陆社会模式的基本政治宣 言,而且也是保护和保障社会权利和人类基本需要 必然 框架。
The European Social Charter is not just a fundamental political declaration for the continental social model, but also a
consequent legal framework for the protection and guarantee of the social rights
[...] and elementary necessitiesof the human nature.
法庭还认为,庇护 申请被驳回者的心理健康恶化是普遍现象,但不 必然 视为遣返的严重障 碍。
The Tribunal also maintains that a deterioration in the psychological health of persons whose asylum claims have
been rejected is commonplace, but that
[...] this shouldnotnecessarily be viewed as a serious [...]
obstacle to the individual’s deportation.
我不希望给您这样一个印象:建立牢固网络的唯一理由,是让 您自己的事业受益;虽然这是牢固网 必然 的重要结果之一。
I would not like to give the impression that the only reason for establishing a
strong network is to benefit your
[...] own career, although this should naturallybe oneof the [...]
major outcomes of being part of a strong network.
[...] 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保 必然 破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外的狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 [...]
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the
succession of States to be able to object
[...] to it, it wouldbe necessary that the maintenance [...]
of the reservation the territorial
scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
所有部 门、中央机构和越来越多的总部外办事处都参与了这一集体努力,它是朝着把本组织的万维 网改建成一个门户网站而迈出的一步,这也是在横向专题范围内深化及发展知识门户网站所 获经验必然
All the sectors, the central services and a growing number of field offices took part in that collective effort which was merely a step towards the transformation of the Organization’s website into a portal, the extension and logical development of the knowledge portal experiment carried out as part of the cross-cutting projects.
与会者提到一些可持续消费和生产挑战需要采取全球、跨区域的办法来应 对,因为许多供应链是全球性的,而且对可持续消费和生产实行生命周期方必 然多个区域。
It was noted that some challenges relating to sustainable consumption and production called for a global, cross-regional approach, as
many supply chains were
[...] global in nature and taking a life cycle approach to sustainable consumption and production would necessarilyinvolve multiple [...]
几个答 复者还认为,成立教科文组织的总目标 在当今甚至更有效和更有针对性。当今的环境是以 下列正在出现的倾向和全球性挑战为特点的,如:对和平与国际安全的威胁依然存在、贫困 及其造成必然--社会排斥现象加剧、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和其它传染病的蔓延、日益增 加的环境危害、不平等现象及冲突和暴力方式,包括恐怖主义的剧增。
Several also considered that the overarching goals for which UNESCO was established remain even more valid and relevant today, in an environment characterized by emerging trends and global challenges, such as the persistence of threats to peace and international security, the deepening of poverty, together with its corollariesof social exclusion, the spread of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, increased environmental risks, inequalities and aggravated forms of conflict and violence, including terrorism.
这些权利的保护机必 然 制竞争,从而可能损害消费者和破坏贸易自由,问题是该机制对研究和发明的激励 [...]
Such rightsnecessarily involve restrictions [...]
on competition which may be to the detriment of consumers and the freedom of
trade, and the question is whether these costs are outweighed by the incentives for research and invention.
为农业部门确立的目必然农业部门改革的继续、基于市场经 济原则的现代法规和制度框架的建立、农业和食品加工行业竞争力不断增强、对 [...]
Thus, the objectives set for theagricultural [...]
sector had to do with the continuation of the reforms, creation of a modern
legislative and institutional framework based on market economy principles, increase of competitiveness of the agricultural and food processing sectors, support of agricultural producers and promotion of agricultural products on external markets.
僵 局也意味着停靠在苏丹港的成本高昂的石油运输必然原计划的装船时间。
The impasse
[...] also meantoil tankers docked at Port [...]
Sudan waited, at considerable cost, well past their scheduled loading dates.
对这种冲突受害者的尊必然含承认其权利和确定责任的适当司法程序,以及为流离失所者实现和解和达成持 久解决方案的强有力的政治意愿。
Respect for the victims of such conflict also implies a proper judicial process recognizing their right and determining responsibilities, as well as a strong political will to achieve reconciliation and durable solutions for displaced persons.
由于 资金来源和支持有可能构成一个位于世界不同地区的意识形态盟友的国际网络, 调必然杂的。
As the sources of financing and support might constitute an
international network of ideological allies, located in various parts of the world,
[...] investigationsare necessarily complex.
本 集 团 为 客 户 提 供 全 方 位 的 通 信 解 决 方 案,在 业 务 发 展 过 程 中必 然不 同 的 客 户 群 体,客 户 的 不 同 信 用 状 况 会 对 本 集 团 的 业 务 发 展 带 来 一 定 的 影 响。
The Group will encounter differing customer groups in developing its business of providing onestop communications solutions, and its business will be affected by the varied credit profiles of these customers.
实现索马里的安全可能并不容易必然很多 资源,但是,这项努力是值得的,并且我们必须作出 这项努力——不仅为了索马里,而且为了区域的和平 [...]
与安全,并且实际上以及在非常真实的意义上,是为 了世界的安全。
Securing peace in Somalia may
[...] not be easy andwill certainlydemand considerable [...]
resources, but it is an effort worth of
making, and one that we must make — not only for Somalia, but for peace and stability in the region, and indeed, in a very real sense, for world security.
构成了 Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws(加州民法第 1542 条以及南达科他州法典第
20-7-11 条)规定
[...] 的弃权声明,这两个条款均规定「普通豁免不包括在执行豁免时债权人不知情或怀疑其存在 的索赔,如果当时该债权人知情的话 必然影响其与债务人的和解」;并构成了任何其 [...]
他州或适用管辖地的任何类似规定、成文法、规章、规则、法律原则或平衡法所规定的弃权 声明。
This release … constitutes a waiver of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, each of which provides that “[a] general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not
know or suspect to exist in his favorat the time of executing the release,
[...] which if known byhim must havematerially affected [...]
his settlement
with the debtor,” and a waiver of any similar provision, statute, regulation, rule, or principle of law or equity of any other state or applicable jurisdiction.
如果认为基于配额的渔业管理系统 始终必然争性渔业管理系统更安全,则过于简单。
It is overly simplistic to argue
that quota-based fishery management systems
[...] are always or necessarilysafer than competitive [...]
fishery management systems.
他指出,这将促使人们坦率必然地 承认以往侵犯人权行为的事实。
He noted that this would entail undertaking an
[...] honest and inevitablypainful acknowledgement [...]
of the truth for past human rights violations.
但两个案文之间存在着两处不同:㈠ 国际法学会的决议只涉及武装冲突各
方之间有效的条约的命运,委员会的草案则应涵盖条约缔约方与武装冲突当事方 之间、以及冲突单一当事国与“第三”国(即未参与冲突的条约缔约国)之间的武 装冲突的影响;㈡
[...] 国际法学会的案文使用了“当然”的说法,而委员会所拟定 的第 3 条草案用“自动”、再用必然以取代。
However, there are two differences between these two provisions: (i) whereas the Institute’s resolution is concerned only with the fate of treaties in force between the parties to the armed conflict, the Commission’s draft is intended to cover the effect of armed conflicts either between parties to the treaty that are also parties to the armed conflict, or between a single State party to the conflict and a “third” State, that is, a State party to the treaty which is not a party to the conflict; (ii) the Institute’s text uses the term “ipso
facto”, whereas, in the Commission’s draft article 3, that term was replaced by
[...] “automatically” and,later, necessarily”.
在过去的二十年中,老挝 人民民主共和必然了拆弹、风险教育和受害 者援助方面的大量经验,并且见证了多边合作在减 [...]
Over the past two
[...] decadesit had ofnecessity acquiredagreat [...]
deal of experience in bomb clearance, risk education and
victim assistance and had seen how effective multilateral cooperation was in reducing casualties and making communities safe.
当前的 经济和金融危机是新自由主义资本主义模式不可避 免的矛盾必然,该模式多年来试图强制推行 市场是唯一权威的观点,这种观点受到某些国家及 其国内名誉扫地的金融机构的青睐,这些国家和机 构现在被迫承认它们迫切需要进行彻底改革。
The current economic and financial crisis was a logical consequence of the inevitablecontradictions of the neoliberal capitalist model, which had for years attempted to impose the idea of the market as sole authority, an idea defended by certain countries and their discredited financial institutions, which were now forced to admit their urgent need of radical reform.
他强调,管理局通过的标准和措必然 用来保护海 洋环境不受国家管辖范围内的海底活动的有害影响的国家措施提供基准,尤其是 [...]
He stressed that the standards and measures it had
[...] adoptedwouldinevitably provide a benchmark [...]
for national measures to protect the
marine environment from the harmful effects of seabed activities subject to national jurisdiction, particularly for those countries having insufficient legislative framework.
3.4.8 深层隧道方案所需填海规模看来不必要地过大,考虑到终 审法院的裁决必然以下结论:由於深层隧道方案所 需的塡海范围较其他可用隧道方案为大,而且无论如何, 深层隧道方案均逊於明挖回填式隧道方案,因此,并无理 [...]
3.4.8 The reclamation required
for the deep tunnel
[...] option appears unnecessarilyextensive; in the light of the CFA ruling, itmust be concluded [...]
that, as the deep tunnel
option will result in a greater area of reclamation than an alternative available tunnel option, and as in any event the deep tunnel option does not perform as well as the alternative cut-and-cover tunnel option, there is no justification or overriding need to pursue this deep tunnel option.
当然,有人争论说这是为专利制度的激励作用付出 必然 ,并且可通过采取专利许可 证战略来减少负面作用中最恶劣的部分。
Of course, it is argued by some that this situation is a price that needs to be paid for the incentive effect of patents and that licensing strategies can be pursued to mitigate the most serious adverse effects.
一些 代表团指出,应该探讨一切可能的措施,包括改进工作方法,但是一 必然论是需要给该委员会提供更多的资源,用于审议年年日益增加的呈件。
Some delegations pointed out that, although all possible measures, including improved working methods, should be explored, it was an inescapable conclusion that more resources would be required for the Commission to consider an increased number of submissions each year.
主任指出,高级监测和评价干事的职能独立于秘书处之外,秘书处没有进行提议的 评价的能力,而且,如果秘书处进行这种评价, 必然利益冲突。
The Chief Officer pointed out that the function of the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer was independent of the Secretariat and that the Secretariat neither had the capacity to undertake the proposed evaluations nor could do so without entering into a conflict of interest.
一些学者,如威廉爵士琼斯宣称,这是一个拙劣的伪造现代帕西神父,和这个问题是有争议的半世纪之前,事先研究报告中提出的梵文和比较语言学决定此事,并证实了真实性的圣经和价值安克蒂尔的工作,虽然他的翻译,作为第一次尝试, 必然 完善在许多方面。
Some scholars, like Sir William Jones, declared that it was a clumsy forgery of modern Parsee priests, and the question was disputed for half a century until the advance made in the study of Sanskrit and comparative philology decided the matter and vindicated the genuineness of the
scriptures and the value of
[...] Anquetil's work,although his translation, as a first attempt,was necessarily, imperfect in many [...]




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