单词 | 心静自然凉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 心静自然凉 —a calm heart keeps you cool [idiom.]See also:心静—tranquil 心静 adj—calm adj 自然 adj—natural adj 自然 n—nature n
你可以去杜素拉湖(Tuusulanjärvi)或乌奥萨里(Vuosaari)的海滨地带,在 大 自然 的 静 谧 之 中溜冰,也可以去市 中 心 中 央火车站附近的冰雪公园一试身手。 visitfinland.com | You can go for some of natural calm on Tuusulanjärvi lake or the sea off Vuosaari, [...] or skate in the middle of the city on [...]the Ice Park right by the Central Railway Station. visitfinland.com |
灼烧,然后镇静和拍 摄的凶器马先生,一般的美国军队的恶意,并采取“区域51”的 来 自 其 他 行星的外星人持有。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Scorch is then tranquilized and captured by General Shanker Saunderson, the malevolent general of the US Army, and is taken to “Area 51″ where aliens from other planets are held. seekcartoon.com |
然而, 这里的警察新人,可能从亚的斯亚贝巴远道而来,更何况罗马或海牙 了,听说过国际刑事法院,关心自身 的 刑事责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet here were police recruits, as far as could be from Addis Ababa, not to mention Rome or The Hague, who had heard of ICC and were concerned about their criminal liability before it. daccess-ods.un.org |
漂泊在爱尔兰的湖区和水道的中心, 平 和及 宁 静 的 感觉 犹 然 而 生。 discoverireland.com | There’s a certain [...] sense of peace and tranquility at the heart of Ireland’s lakelands [...]and waterways. discoverireland.com |
斯特朗福德湖是一个物种丰富的自然 保 护 区,其 平 静 的 岸 边拥有各种生物,比如——海狮、鹅、燕欧和野禽。 discoverireland.com | Strangford Lough, meanwhile, is an abundant nature reserve with [...] seals, geese, terns and wildfowl nestling amidst its peaceful shores. discoverireland.com |
我们位于一个不错的家庭的房子在下面叫Straža山 宁 静 和 阳光充足的地点只有几步之遥的市 中 心 , 和 布莱德湖,在那里你可以在炎热的夏 天 凉 爽 自 己。 instantworldbooking.com | We are located in a nice [...] family house on a quiet and sunny location underneath the hill called Straža, only a few steps away from the town centre and Bled lake, where you can cool yourself on hot summer days. instantworldbooking.com |
本配方中含有菊花和金银花提取物,这些成分在TCM(中药)中常用作 清 凉 、 舒 缓和 镇 静 剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | Chrysanthemum and honeysuckle flower extracts, which are [...] commonly used in TCM (Traditional Chinese [...] Medicine) for cooling, soothing and calming, are included in [...]this formulation. lubrizol.com |
然而,考虑到《联合国宪章》和主要法律文书的 精神与文字,可以这样说,联合国针对宗教的具体和 首要责任是讨论、阐明问题,并且帮助各国充分确保 在各级实现宗教信仰自由的权利,联合国相关文件确 认了这一权利,其中包括不仅充分尊重和促进根本的 良心自由,还有所有人不受限制地表达宗教信仰和开 展宗教活动的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, keeping in mind the spirit and the words of the United Nations Charter, as well as core juridical instruments, it is safe to say that the specific and primary responsibility of the United Nations vis-àvis religion is to debate, elucidate and help States to fully ensure, at all levels, the implementation of the right to religious freedom, as affirmed in the relevant United Nations documents, which includes full respect for and the promotion not only of the fundamental freedom of conscience, but also of [...] the expression and practice [...]of everybody’s religion, without restriction. daccess-ods.un.org |
从来自del mar 凉鞋 的 随意的沙滩风格到优雅高贵的heiress,这里有着为每个人准备的一切款式。 tobiasmayer.cn | With casual beach [...] style from the del mar sandal to the elegance [...]and sophistication of the heiress, there truly is something for everyone. tobiasmayer.com |
正如苹果说,他不关心酷, 最酷的孩子在学校,Jamez Withazee告诉他的事实,他不希望要冷 静 , 让 他 凉 , 并请他为“岩石”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Just as Mac says [...] he doesn’t care about being cool, the coolest kid in the school, Jamez Withazee tells him that the fact that he doesn’t want to be cool, makes him cool, and invites [...]him to “The Rock”. seekcartoon.com |
来自凉爽气 候的霞多丽葡萄酒中的西柚味。 emw-wines.com | Grapefruit flavors are [...] characteristic of cool-climate Chardonnays. en.emw-wines.com |
为了在这种矿物环境中生长和繁殖,阿尔卑斯柳草发展出来不少特殊的性质:强大的地下根茎,可以吸收深藏在岩石中的水分;通过长出嫩 芽 自 我 繁殖的能力——就 像 自 我 克 隆——这种能力使其得以在 荒 凉 的 地 区开疆拓土。 clarinsusa.com | In order to grow and multiply in this mineral environment, Alpine Willow Herb has developed some very special features: powerful underground roots capable of capturing water hidden deep in the [...] rocks, and the ability to [...] reproduce itself by growing shoots – like clones of itself – which allow it to colonize such an inhospitable region. clarinsusa.com |
那些已经关心自然保 护 (出于科技、审美、文化或精神体验与原理)的 人,可能不需要采用更多观点说服他们相信大自然 [...] 的价值。 teebweb.org | Those already [...] concerned about conserving nature because of [...]scientific, aesthetic, cultural or spiritual experiences and [...]rationales, may not need additional insights to convince them of the value of nature. teebweb.org |
如果你喜欢在安静的大自然中滑 雪度假,那Espace Diamants 值得考虑。 leapfrog-properties.com | If you enjoy a quieter holiday home in natural surroundings [...] with good skiing then Espace Diamants is worth checking out. leapfrog-properties.com |
今天,我们有着很好的条件去平心静 气 并 且不偏不倚地检查俄罗 斯 自 1 9 1 7年革命至勃列日涅夫执政时期的那段停滞不前的岁月之间的历史。 project-syndicate.org | Today, good conditions exist for calm and unbiased examination of Russia’s past, [...] from the Revolution of 1917 to the days of stagnation under Brezhnev. project-syndicate.org |
Prekmurje是一个田园诗般的地区,它提供了非接触 大 自然 和 宁 静 , 骑 自 行 车 和众多 的 自 然 和 文化景点平标准杆。 instantworldbooking.com | Prekmurje is an idyllic region, which offers untouched [...] nature and tranquillity, a flat par for cycling and numerous natural and cultural sights. instantworldbooking.com |
由于这些浅表静脉只负责从腿部回流10%的血液,因此剥除之后不会引起严重的危害,深 层 静 脉 会 自 动 代 偿恢 复 心 脏 血液供给的责任。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | These superficial veins only return about 10% of the blood from the [...] legs so they can be removed without serious harm; [...] deeper veins will automatically compensate to return blood to the heart. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
(c) 除上述两个机构外,还要成立一个医疗养老院,其 幽 静 的 自然 环 境 专为行 动 不 便 的 寄宿者 设计。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Between these two facilities there will be a nursing home [...] with a peaceful and natural environment suited [...]to pensioners who have difficultly moving. daccess-ods.un.org |
我公司利用Outlast空调纤维开发的“空调弹力织物”通过了省级科技成果鉴定,开发生产了吸湿排汗系列产品,以穿着柔软舒适、回弹性良好而著称的SOMALOR纤维面料,具有蓄热保暖功能的陶瓷纤维面料,具有 天 然 冰 凉 效 果 的云母纤维面料,具有吸湿发热功能的THERMOGEAR纤维面料等舒适功能系列产品。 cnzztex.com.cn | I use the air conditioning stretch fabric Outlast air conditioning fiber developed by the provincial science and technology achievement appraisal, development and production of products of wicking fiber fabric soft and comfortable to wear, well known resilience SOMALOR regenerative thermal mica [...] fiber fabric, ceramic [...] fiber fabric, has a natural cold effect with moisture heating THERMOGEAR fiber [...]fabric, comfortable and functional products. cnzztex.com.cn |
Belvedere [...] 秉承了Scavolini 传统款式的风格,最显著地重温了旧日家居生活温馨、 宁 静 、 自然 的 情 调。 scavolini.cn | Belvedere, in the Scavolini traditional line, is the kitchen which most [...] impressively re-creates the appeal of the family life of bygone days and [...] the warmth of a tranquil, natural environment. scavolini.us |
一座被安蒂阿特拉斯山、撒哈拉沙漠 、 自然 公 园和 僻 静 的 海 滩所包围的迷人城市。 msccruises.com.cn | A fascinating city surrounded by the [...] Antiatlas, the Sahara Desert, natural parks, and secluded beaches msccruises.com.hk |
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of [...] the relocations due [...]to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
昆士兰北部的季节用湿热与干凉描述 比用夏季和冬季更为贴切。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Northern Queensland seasons are more a case of [...] hot and wet or cool and dry than of [...]summer and winter. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
让您的双足一年四季保持光滑秀丽! [...] 这款清新的足部磨砂膏内含可研磨和刺激足部肌肤的浮石,薄荷精油带来了沁 人 心 脾 的 清 凉 感 受。 cn.lubrizol.com | This refreshing foot scrub includes pumice to polish and invigorate feet, and peppermint oil to [...] provide a refreshing, cooling sensation. lubrizol.com |
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气候凉爽 宜 人,生长着茂盛的热带树木,有绿树成荫的公园和风景如画的湖泊。 shangri-la.com | The economic hub and gateway to [...] Burma, Yangon is cool and green with [...]lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes. shangri-la.com |
冬季凉爽,少风,有时阳光明媚,早晨通常有霜雾。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Winter days are cool and sometimes gloriously [...] sunny, with little wind, and often start with early morning frost and fog. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
创新的升级选件允许用户自定义 OpenPrint 静音机柜式打印机来满足专业的打印需要,包括:动力叠纸器有助于 井 然 有 序 地堆叠难以处理的纸张;后端滑出式纸张抽屉具有符合人体工程学的功能,例如,可以在整盒装入时让用户可以更轻松和更好地抓紧的升起把手;前端纸张存取适用于支持狭小空间的操作,以及扩展门盖来容纳较大纸张。 printronix.cn | Innovative upgraded options allow users to customize the OpenPrint Quiet Cabinet for specialized printing needs, including: SureStak Power stacker [...] which facilitates orderly stacking of [...]hard to handle forms; Rear Slide Out Paper Drawer with ergonomic features such as lifting handles that provide the user easier handling and better grip on full box loads; Front Paper Access which is ideal for supporting operations in confined spaces and Expanded Doors to accommodate larger forms. printronix.com |
采用技术中性原则的另一个原因是避 [...] 免出现这样的后果:对使用新技术缺乏经验和 信 心 , 自然 倾 向 于过度规范采购 中所使用的新技术或工具,或者倾向于遵循一种硬性规定办法,因此也会不必 [...]要地增加采用新技术的难度。 daccess-ods.un.org | An additional reason for applying [...] technological neutrality is to avoid the [...] consequences of a natural tendency to over-regulate [...]new techniques or tools in procurement [...]or to follow a prescriptive approach, reflecting a lack of experience and confidence in the use of new technologies, which would also make their adoption more difficult than it needs to be. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过对中国蓝的理念梳理,寻找到“蓝是一种品质和境界”,我们从中国文化中去探索其文化根基,于是将频道形象宣传定位在:中国的文化根基+蓝色的品质境界,以体 现 心 灵 之蓝、品质之蓝、蓝海之蓝、江南之蓝、星球之蓝,并表现宽容而博大、非凡而 宁 静 、 坚 韧而 淡 然 的 意 境。 3kou.com.cn | Through the concept of China Blue comb to find the "blue is a kind of quality and state", we learned from the Chinese culture to explore their cultural roots and, therefore, positioned channel image advertising: China's cultural roots and the quality of the blue realm, to reflect the soul of the [...] blue, the quality of [...] the blue, blue ocean of the blue, south of the blue, the blue planet and show tolerance rather broad, the extraordinary and quiet, tough and indifferent in mood. 3kou.com.cn |