单词 | 心里有谱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 心里有谱 —have a plan in mindSee also:心里 n—heart n • mind n • chest n 有谱—have a plan • know what one is doing 有心—have a mind to • considerate • intend to • deliberately
该仪器将自动寻找选定的颗粒并从每个颗粒的 中 心 收 集 拉曼 光 谱。 malvern.com.cn | The instrument will automatically find the selected particles and [...] collect a Raman spectrum from the center of each one. malvern.de |
家人吃得是否健康完全掌握在您的手 里 , 所 以,为了您和孩子的健康,应当采用以下这 个 有 利 心 脏 健 康的 食 谱。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | How well the [...] family eats does rest in your hands, so for your children and for yourself, take this recipe for health to heart. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果担心质量守恒问题,即担心色谱 柱 存 在吸附问题,则色谱峰校正方法可在 没 有 色 谱 柱 的 条件下进行。 malvern.com.cn | As far as the conservation of mass question [...] is concerned, if one is [...] concerned about absorption on the columns, the peak calibration method can be performed with columns removed. malvern.ru |
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) [...] 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是在乡村和城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团 心里 觉 得 教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是 没 有 反 应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; (b) an emotional response of members of [...] religious communities to [...] a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; [...]and (d) the assessment [...]by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得一提 的是:波兰在欧洲是使用非接触式信用卡付款的领导者,脸 谱网在这里的使 用人数、使用频率及每次访问停留时长等数据 都非常好,波兰所有主要 电视台都在开发视频点播服务,波兰 移动网络运营商引入了移动支付,而且波兰的电子商务正蓬 勃发展。 paiz.gov.pl | It is worth mentioning that Poland is an European leader in touchless credit card payments, Facebook has great results in number, frequency and average length of visits, all of the main TV stations have been developing their video-on-demand services, mobile network operators have introduced mobile payments and e-commerce is flourishing. paiz.gov.pl |
有利于家庭心脏健康的食谱首先 包含了丰富的全谷类食物(如燕麦、糙米)和品种繁多、色彩鲜艳的水果及蔬菜。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The recipe for a heart-healthy family begins with [...] an abundance of whole grains (e.g., oatmeal, brown rice) and a wide variety [...]of colorful fruits and vegetables. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
考虑到科特迪瓦所有邻国,无论是作为生产者还是作为贸易 中 心 , 都 参与 了钻石行业,而布基纳法索和马里有 可 能在今后 12 个月中成为金伯利进程参与 国,专家组建议,西非的金伯利进程成员发展一个次区域网络,促进钻石知识和 [...] 经验的交流,以期发展能力、通信能力和渠道。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into consideration that all of the neighbours of Côte d’Ivoire are involved in the [...] diamond industry, [...] either as producers or trading centres, and that Burkina Faso and Mali are likely to become Kimberley [...]Process participants [...]in the next 12 months, the Group recommends that West African Kimberley Process members develop a subregional network to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience on diamond-related matters, with the aim of developing capacity, capability and channels of communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,委 员会关切的是,有指控 说,这种信息不向某些难民收容中心的移徙工人提供,或 不系统提供,特别是对这类收容中 心里 选 择自愿遣返的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Committee is concerned about allegations that such information is not provided to [...] migrant workers in some migrant holding centres, or not provided systematically, especially in the case of persons in such centres who opt for voluntary repatriation. daccess-ods.un.org |
全自动的仪器设计使得不论您是否具 有 丰 富的 光 谱 学 经 验,都能够深入地对其颗粒样品进行了解。 malvern.com.cn | This fully automated instrument is designed to allow both particle [...] characterization scientists with limited [...] spectroscopy experience and more experienced spectroscopists [...]to get an in-depth understanding of their particulate samples. malvern.de |
在马太写的耶稣家谱里所提 到的几位妇 女 有 什 么 共同特点? bcbsr.com | What did the women mention in Matthew's genealogy have in common? bcbsr.com |
对专门在受控环境中使用的分析设备(气相 色 谱 - 质 谱 仪和 傅里叶变换红外分光仪)则有特定 的例外之处,即温度须限制在 5 至 30°C 的范 围之内,相对湿度的幅度则为 5 至 95%。 opcw.org | for analytical equipment designed to be used within controlled environments (GC-MS and FTIR instruments), where the temperature limits are from 5 to 30°C and the relative humidity is 5 to 95%. opcw.org |
监视联 邦调查中心里的被 拘留者的工作人员需符合极其严 格的标准,包括在保护人权方面,中心本身则 拥有 值得 夸耀的先进技术和设施,以保障被拘留者的高 度安全和安保。 daccess-ods.un.org | The personnel who supervised the detainees at the Centre were held to the strictest standards, including with regard to the protection of human rights, [...] and the Centre itself boasted [...]cuttingedge technology and facilities which guaranteed highlevel security and the safety of the detainees. daccess-ods.un.org |
您可根据西村日本料理餐厅提供的以下 菜 谱 在 家 里 尝 试 制作美味。 shangri-la.com | Try these recipes from Nishimura at home. shangri-la.com |
您可以加入我们的城市游,一同了解更多关于阿加迪尔的历史,我们将带您来到老城 的 心 脏 地带——卡斯巴, 这 里有 耐 人 寻味的街道、广场和趣味十足的精品店,相信您一定可以在这里买到 称 心 如 意的假期纪念品。 msccruises.com.cn | Learn more about the history of Agadir with our city tour, which will take you to the heart of the remaining old town - the ‘Kasbah’ - with its attractive streets, squares [...] and intriguing boutiques, where [...]you are sure to pick up great holiday souvenirs. msccruises.com.au |
最近,设立了一个 [...] 委员会,其成员包括许多国内安全部队的军官。该委员会的职责是根据 OPCAT 第17 条,监测所有拘留中心里的酷 刑;进行视察以及准备建立国家预防酷刑机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recently, a Committee had been created, which included many officers of the [...] Internal Security Forces, to monitor [...] torture in all detention centres, conduct visits and [...]prepare for the creation of a national [...]mechanism for the prevention of torture in line with article 17 of OPCAT. daccess-ods.un.org |
嘴上说他们“ 随便”其实心里早有主见。 enviefashion.com | They say they don’t mind [...] but actually they have already made their [...]decision. enviefashion.com |
(d) 将永久或短暂开除的惩戒措施仅作为最后手段来使用,减少被开除的 人数,确保学校里有社会工作者和教 育 心 理 学者,以便帮助面临风险的儿童上学 接受教育 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Use the disciplinary measure of permanent or temporary exclusion as a means of last resort only, reduce the number of exclusions and [...] ensure the presence of social [...] workers and educational psychologists in school in order to help [...]children at risk with their schooling daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们死后,不要在地里找寻我们的坟墓,而要 去 有 知 识人 的 心里 去 找 寻。 unesdoc.unesco.org | When we are dead, seek not our tomb in the earth, [...] but find it in the hearts of men of knowledge. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,我们在联合国主导下本着耐心 和 真正妥协 的精神共同作出的共识决定具有永恒合法性,像专门 讨论裁军问题的大会第一届特别会议(第一届裁军特 别联大)的最后成果(第 S/10/2 号决议)这样具有里程 碑意义的文件就属这种情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is why consensual decisions, forged together with patience and a spirit of genuine compromise under the aegis of the United Nations, enjoy timeless legitimacy, as is true of such landmark documents such as the Final Outcome (resolution S/10/2) [...] of the first special session of the General [...]Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-I). daccess-ods.un.org |
胸有成竹原指画竹子要在心里有一幅 竹子的形象。 chinesestoryonline.com | The idiom of There Are Already [...] Whole Bamboos In His Heart--Xiong You Cheng Zu is used to describe the case in which someone has a well thought [...]out plan and thus is completely confident. chinesestoryonline.com |
邻近的购物中心里有各种 数月未见的物品。 amccsm.org | An adjacent shopping mall was well stocked with items not seen for many months. amccsm.org |
欧洲卫星火星快车上安装 了俄罗斯的仪器,如行星傅里叶光谱 仪 、紫外和红外大气光谱仪、可见光和红外 矿物学测绘光谱仪、空间等离子体和高性能原子分析仪、高分辨率立体照相机以 及地表下和电离层探测用高级火星雷达, 并被用于对火星表面和大气进行一系 列范围广泛的研究。 oosa.unvienna.org | Russian instruments, such as the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer, the Ultraviolet and Infrared Atmospheric Spectrometer (SPICAM), the Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Mapping Spectrometer (OMEGA), the Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) are installed on the European satellite Mars Express and have been used to carry out a wide range of research on the surface and atmosphere of Mars. oosa.unvienna.org |
色卡上都标有各种信息,如色纸名称、产品编号、透光率,有时候 还 有光 谱透射 图,告诉我们哪些颜色或部分光谱能穿透,哪些会被吸收。 motion.kodak.com | Printed information is interleaved with the swatches that typically include filter name, product number, [...] percentage of light transmission, and [...] sometimes a spectral transmission graph that demonstrates [...]the colors or portions of the [...]spectrum transmitted and absorbed. motion.kodak.com |
当样品数量有限,参数和光谱有线性关系和参数的范围受到限制时,PLS是一个显而易见的选择。 foss.cn | PLS is the obvious choice when the number of [...] samples is limited, for systems where the [...] parameter of interest has a linear relationship [...]to the spectra and where the range of the parameter is restricted. foss.us |
建议的项目任用是为了(i) 满足本组织在总部和总部外实施由预算外资金资助的、 具有 明确 时限的项目活动范围内的中期业务需要,以及教科文组织第 I 类机构和中心里的技 术合 作活动;(ii) 符合国际公务员制度委员会的合同框架,对于定期任用人员适用相同供职条 件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The proposed PAs are designed to: (i) meet the medium-term operational needs of the Organization within the framework of the implementation of projects activities of a clearly timelimited duration financed by extrabudgetary funds in the field [...] and at Headquarters [...] and for technical cooperation in UNESCO category I institutes and centres; and (ii) fit into ICSC contractual framework by applying similar [...]conditions of service [...]to those of the fixed-term appointments. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们位于北京的姊妹医院——北京和睦家医院,在2011年开业的启望肿瘤 中 心里 设 有 中 西 医结合科,将传统中医与康复治疗相结合;联合我们在上海的理疗和康复科,为患者们提供独特的癌症治疗和康复项目;遵循国际联合委员会(JCI)的标准,确保了连贯性护理在肿瘤科、外科和康复科医护人员之间的无缝衔接。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | BJU, our sister hospital in Beijing has an Integrative Medicine department which combines Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with rehabilitation, and the New Hope Oncology Center, which opened 2011. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
房室瓣口的流 入血流频谱代表心房收 缩。心室游离壁或 主动脉的 M 型曲线、或心室流出道的脉冲 多普勒频谱、或心肌的 组织多普勒频谱曲 线均可用来确认心室收缩。 asecho.org | Ventricular systole can be identified with M-mode of the ventricular free wall or aortic valve or again, using pulse Doppler interrogation of the outflow [...] tract or tissue Doppler of the ventricular myocardium. asecho.org |
这些系统特有的新光谱范围 意味着需要采用新的网络设计和器件选择标准,从而导致系统规格与单波长系统的规格有所不同,而且在很多时候更为严格。 exfo.com | The new spectral dimension that is inherent [...] to these systems implies new criteria for network design and for the selection [...]of components, thus leading to different, often much tighter, specifications than those applicable to single-wavelength systems exfo.com |