

单词 心迹

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

在报 告所述期间,委员会看到安全理事会和经济及社会理 事会的态度日趋开放和令人鼓舞的 心迹 象。
During the reporting period, the Commission witnessed a growing openness and encouraging signs of interest on the part of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council.
与钻探了两口气井 就无功而返的埃克森美孚公司不同,其它企业在勘探 上已取得更多进展,他们发现了鼓舞 心 的 迹 象。
Unlike ExxonMobil, which drilled two wells and came up empty, other firms have made greater headway in exploration, and in many cases, found encouraging signs.
委员会也表示关切的是,没有对直接参与调查和记录酷刑 心迹 象 的专业人 员以及与被拘押者和庇护申请者接触的医务人员和其他人员进行关于《酷刑和其 [...]
他残忍、不人道或辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效调查和文件记录手册》(《伊斯坦 布尔议定书》)的具体培训。
The Committee also expresses its concern at the lack of specific training to all professionals directly involved in the
investigation and documentation of
[...] both physical and psychological traces of torture as [...]
well as medical and other personnel
involved with detainees and asylum seekers on the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol).
此外,应注意的是,34 C/5 在工作重点 6(在国家政策中普遍重视文化多样性、文化间 对话与可持续发展之间的联系)项下,要求促进“南南合作和北南南三边合作,以便形成有 利于发展中国家交流合作经验的平台”,教科文组织并非要“事必躬亲”(所有奖学金、培 训课程、各类补贴都将被取消),而是“与各种专业机构合作(如国际文化财产保护与修复心、国际古迹遗址 理事会及国际博物馆理事会),以及有计划地发展若干所谓‘第 2 类’ 的机构和实施几个‘橱窗型’大型项目”。
In addition, it should be noted that under main line of action 6 (Mainstreaming within national policies of the links between cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development), document 34 C/5 calls for encouraging “South-South cooperation and North-South-South triangular cooperation so as to foster the emergence of a platform facilitating the sharing of cooperation experiences among developing countries” not by direct action in this field (fellowships, courses, subventions are to be discontinued) but rather by “cooperation with specialized institutions (for instance with ICCROM, ICOMOS and ICOM), and the systematic development of what are referred to as ‘category 2’ institutes and of some major ‘showcase’ projects”.
圣诞老人卢嘉勒医院比萨 罗马街67-56100比萨 -
[...] 电话:050993111分之992111 它是在靠近市心的奇迹,毗邻的街道主入口广场位于通过Bonanno皮萨诺的。
Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa Via Roma 67-56100 Pisa
- tel: 050 992111/993111 It 'located
[...] near Square of Miracles in the city center, [...]
adjacent to the main entrances to the street is Via Bonanno Pisano.
建议建立该中心的依据是《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(1972 年)的各项原则, 特别是缔约国应努力“促进建立或发展有关保护、保存和展出文化和自然遗产的国家或地区 培训中心,并鼓励这方面的科学研究”(第 5 条),应与本公约指定的三个咨询机构 [国际 文物保护与修复研究心(IC CROM)、国际 迹 遗 址 理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然 联盟(IUCN) ]合作(第 13 条),切实利用可由世界遗产委员会“向培训文化和自然遗产 的鉴定、保护、保存、展出和恢复方面的各级工作人员和专家的国家或地区中心提供(的) 国际援助”(第 23 条)以及缔约国“应……努力增强本国人民对本公约第 1 和 2 条中确定 的文化和自然遗产的鉴赏和尊重”(第 27 条)。
The proposed institute is rooted in the principles of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, including efforts by States Parties “to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field” (Article 5), cooperation with the three Advisory Bodies so designated under the Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN) (Article 13), effective utilization of international assistance, which may be provided by the World Heritage Committee “to national or regional centres for the training of staff and specialists in the field of identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation of the cultural and natural heritage” (Article 23) and State Party efforts to “strengthen appreciation and respect by their peoples of the cultural and natural heritage defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention” (Article 27).
同时也向国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 、 国际 古 迹 遗 址 理事会、以及世界 遗产委员会的咨询机构提交了这份文件。
It has also been given to ICCROM and ICOMOS, Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee.
在这个问题上,应该注意,世界遗产委员会第三十四届会议(2010 年 7 月 25 日–8 月 3 日,巴西,巴西利亚)通过了关于“保护巴勒斯坦文化与自然遗产”的 34 COM 11 号决
定,世界遗产委员会鼓励根据其第二十九届和三十届会议的建议,“与有关各方协调,重新 启动以色列 --
[...] 巴勒斯坦考古技术联合委员会”,并为此 [请] “世界遗产心和国际古迹遗 址 理事会进行一次考察,评估列入“可能具有突出普遍价值的巴勒斯坦遗产清单”的主要遗 [...]
In this context, it should be noted that at its 34th session (25 July-3 August 2010, Brasilia, Brazil), the World Heritage Committee adopted Decision 34 COM 11 relating to “the protection of the Palestinian cultural and natural heritage” by which it encouraged “the reactivation of the joint Israeli-Palestinian Technical Committee for Archaeology in coordination with the concerned parties”, as recommended at the 29th and 30th sessions of the World
Heritage Committee and, as such, requested
[...] “the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS to undertake [...]
a mission to assess the state of conservation
of the main sites listed in the Inventory of Palestinian Heritage of potential Outstanding Universal Value”.
近期有报道称,中国准备在海外推广人民币,到2011年甚至还可能出现首次以人民币为单位的首次公开募股,此外上海也计划建设国际证券交易 心 , 种 种 迹 象 昭 示更为辉煌的未来。
The future looks even more promising, with recent suggestions that China intends to promote its currency abroad and in 2011 it may still have its first-ever initial public offering in yuan, and also with the planned launch of the international board in Shanghai.
世界遗产委员会还要求世界遗产中心/国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 / 国 际 古 迹 遗址 理事会向该遗产地派出业务指南中所提到的被动检查组,评估在实施行动计划方面取得的进 [...]
It also requested a joint
[...] World Heritage Centre/ICCROM/ICOMOS Reactive [...]
Monitoring Mission to the property as referred to
in the Operational Guidelines to assess and advise on progress made in the implementation of the Action Plan and, in cooperation and consultation with the concerned parties, identify appropriate operational and financial mechanisms and modalities to strengthen technical cooperation with all concerned parties in the framework of the Action Plan.
例如, 建设和平包括:与世界银行和国际社会合
[...] 作,为确保对波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那的国 家古迹开展跨社区保护和重建科索沃的莫 斯塔尔桥和周边历史建筑,以及修复巴尔 干地区的历史心和宗教古迹。
Examples in peace-building include: work in ensuring inter-community protection of national monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in the reconstruction of the Mostar bridge and surrounding historic buildings, in cooperation with the World
Bank and the international community, and the
[...] rehabilitation of historic centres and religious monuments in the Balkans.
在阿塞拜疆方面采取适当措施后,亚美尼亚共和国常驻代表团迅速撤下分裂 分子的“旗子”,并心消除一切 迹。
Immediately following the appropriate measures undertaken by the Azerbaijani side, the Permanent Mission of the
Republic of Armenia quickly removed the “flag” of the
[...] separatists and carefully covered up the [...]
tracks of its existence.
基金会可与世界遗产的顾问机构(国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 、 国际 古 迹 遗址董事会和世界保护自然联盟)、其他国际和国家机构和有关团体,或者国际管理机构或国家 政府合作,使其作为基金会顾问参与具体项目。
The Foundation may associate with the World Heritage’s advisory bodies (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN), other international or national institutions and interest groups, or international or national authorities, to participate as advisers to the Foundation in individual projects.
专家委员会的组成成员包括具有耶路撒冷老城专业知识的建筑师、考古学家、博物馆 馆长、文物修复专家、建筑史学家以及结构工程师在内的 12 名国际知名专家,以及有关政 府组织和非政府组织,即国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 和 国际 古 迹 遗 址理事会的代表。
The Committee of Experts is composed of 12 internationally renowned experts including architects, archaeologists, curators, restorers, architectural historians and structural engineers with professional knowledge of the Old City of Jerusalem, as well as representatives of relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations, namely ICCROM and ICOMOS.
43.4 外聘审计员的代表在回答一位专家提出的一个问题时指出,报告第
[...] 61 段最后一句应 删除,改为:“世界遗产心与国际 古 迹 遗 址 理事会和其它咨询组织一道研究需要对规定这 [...]
43.4 In response to an issue raised by an Expert, the representative of the External Auditor stated that the last sentence in paragraph 61 of the report should be deleted and
replaced with the following wording:
[...] “The World Heritage Centre is examining with ICOMOS [...]
and the other consultative organizations
the improvements it might be necessary to make to the contractual arrangement defining the services they are to provide”.
中心将与世界遗产委员会咨询机构(国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 、 国际 古 迹遗 址理事会和国际自然及自然资源保护联盟)以及其他有公认经验的外国机构紧密合作。
The Centre will work closely with the advisory [...]
bodies to the World Heritage Committee (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN), and other
foreign institutions of recognized experience.
特的考古文物(苏尔汉河州佛殿、布哈拉和撒马尔罕城墙街区、古花拉子模宫殿 群落、塔什干历史心和 Mingourik 遗迹)。
Modern techniques have been applied to protect unique monuments from different eras, including: the Buddhist temples in Surkhandarya; forts in Bukhara
and Samarkand; the palace complexes of ancient
[...] Khorezm; and the site of Mingurik, the ancient urban centre of Tashkent.
据认为这是公众对当局处理事 件的心增加的一迹象, 也是联海稳定团同海地国家警察之间合作取得成效的 [...]
That was viewed as a
[...] sign of growing public confidence in the response of [...]
the authorities and a sign of productive cooperation
between MINUSTAH and the Haitian National Police.
在第一八六届会议上,秘书处向执行局通报了总干事于 2010 年 10 月 14 日召集的一个 由以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦专家参加的集思广益讨论会的情况(186 EX/11 号文件),会议 的宗旨是重新启动行动计划,并且为世界遗产委员会在其第三十四届会议(2010 年,巴西 利亚)上要求教科文组织、国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 和 国际 古 迹 遗 址 理事会向耶路 撒冷老城派出检查团拟订一个框架。
At its 186th session, the Executive Board was informed (186 EX/11) of the initiative by the Director-General to convey a brainstorming session with Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian experts, on 14 October 2010, with the aim of reactivating the Action Plan and devising the potential framework for an UNESCO/ICCROM/ICOMOS mission to the Old City of Jerusalem as requested by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010).
使用心清除刀具迹进行 粗加工可使效率最高。
Roughing using a concentric clearance toolpath [...]
for maximum efficiency
除组织专家会议外,为了开展审查工作,世界遗产 心 还 与 国际 迹 遗 址理事会、国 际文化财产保护与修复研究中心和世界保护自然联盟这三个咨询机构合作,并与其他联合国 [...]
组织、多边与地区发展银行和机构以及专业机构和网络建立了合作伙伴关系,使他们能够为 审查工作作出贡献。
In addition to the organization of expert meetings,
for this review process the
[...] World Heritage Centre involved the three Advisory Bodies ICOMOS, ICCROM [...]
and IUCN, and established
partnerships with other United Nations organizations, multilateral and regional development banks and agencies, and professional institutions and networks for them to provide inputs into the process.
委员会感到关切的是,缔约国坚称酷刑造成的 心 伤 害 痕 迹 十 分 明显,有 经验的医疗人员不需要培训(第10条)。
The Committee is concerned about the State party’s assertion that signs
[...] of physical and psychological injuries caused [...]
by torture are so specific that
an experienced medical worker does not require training (art. 10).
执行委员会应设立咨询委员会作为咨询和建议机构,由以下人员组成:中心主任,负 责协调工作;世界遗产委员会咨询机构(国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 ( IC CROM)、 国际迹遗址 理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然联盟(IUCN))的一名代表;以及执行 委员会指定的本地区三名学术专家。
The Executive Committee shall have an Advisory Committee as a consultative
and advisory body,
[...] composed of the Centre’s Director who shall coordinate it, a representative from the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee (ICCROM, ICOMOS and [...]
IUCN) and three academic
experts from the Region, designated by the Executive Committee.
还 采取其他措施,促进文化对话和多样性,包括支持马其顿科学和艺术学院、艺术 国际文化心、国际名胜迹理事 会马其顿国家委员会、教科文组织前南斯拉夫 的马其顿共和国全国委员会和教科文组织土耳其全国委员会的若干项目。
Other measures promoting cultural dialogue and diversity included the support of several projects with the Macedonian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, the
[...] Interart Cultural Centre, the Macedonian National Committee for the International Council on Monuments and Sites, the National Commission [...]
for UNESCO of
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, and non-governmental organizations.
世界遗产委员会各咨询机构,如国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 ( ICCROM)、国 际迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)、国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)也都是基金的战略伙伴。
The Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committee
[...] i.e. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), International Council on Monuments and Sites [...]
(ICOMOS), and the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), are also strategic partners of the AWHF.
186 EX/11 号文件曾介绍,2010 年 10 月 14 日,以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦的专家在教科 文组织总部碰头,以便重启行动计划,并且为世界遗产委员会在其第三十四届会议(2010 年,巴西利亚)上要求教科文组织、国际文化财产保护与修复研究 心 和 国际 古 迹 遗 址 理事 会向耶路撒冷派出检查团拟订一个框架。
As presented in document 186 EX/11, on 14 October 2010, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian experts met at UNESCO Headquarters, with the aim of reactivating the Action Plan and of designing the framework for the UNESCO/ICCROM/ICOMOS mission to Jerusalem that had been requested by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010).
第 61 段,删除最后一句,并加上:“世界遗产 心 与 国际 古 迹 遗 址理事会和其它咨询 组织一道研究需要对规定这些组织提供服务的合同条款作哪些改进。
Paragraph 61, delete the last sentence and replace
it with the following sentence:
[...] “The World Heritage Centre is examining with ICOMOS [...]
and the other consultative organizations
the improvements it might be necessary to make to the contractual arrangement defining the services they are to provide”.
为了支持少数民族文化心,文化和 迹 保 护 部开展了一 个特别方案,目的是协助少数民族保护和宣传他们的文化,并将其纳入更宽广的 [...]
Rights and freedoms to effectively enjoy equal
[...] participation in cultural life are also guaranteed. [...]
The Ministry of Culture and Monument
Protection runs a special programme to support cultural centres of national minorities, designed to assist national minorities in the preservation and dissemination of their cultures and in their integration in the larger Georgian cultural sphere.
秘书长认为归功于实施全球外勤支助战略的其他成就包括:秘书处有能力 加快建立联利支助团,与其实务组成部分相比,特别是由于全球服务 心 提 供支 持,因而产生的外来迹较少 (A/66/679,第 78 段);通过一个相对小型、产生 外来足迹较少的特派团支助结构为联阿安全部队提供特派团支助服务,利用了区 域服务中心和南苏丹特派团的能力和设施(同上,第 79 段)。
Other achievements attributed by the Secretary-General to the implementation of the global field support strategy include the ability of the Secretariat to expedite the establishment of UNSMIL with a lighter footprint for support functions as compared with its substantive component, owing in particular to the support provided by the Global Service Centre (A/66/679, para. 78), and the delivery of mission support services for UNISFA through a relatively small mission support structure with a light footprint, drawing on the capacities and facilities of the Regional Service Centre and UNMISS (ibid., para. 79).
教科文组织支持开展了一系列文化活动,即:(i)第 4 届巴勒斯坦文化和教育论坛,
由巴勒斯坦教育、文化及科学全国委员会主办;(ii)通过巴勒斯坦非政府组织 Riwaq 建筑
[...] 保护中心与伦敦圣马丁建筑学校合作开展竞赛对比尔宰特 迹 遗 址 核 心 地 区 进行修复; (iii)首次在巴勒斯坦被占领土展出毕加索的一幅画作(《女人半身像》,1946 [...]
年,借自荷 兰埃因霍温的范阿贝博物馆)。
A number of cultural events were supported, namely: (i) the 4th Palestinian Cultural and Educational Forum organized by the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science; (ii) the rehabilitation of the historic core of Birzeit
through an architectural competition
[...] organized by the Palestinian NGO Riwaq – Centre for [...]
Architectural Conservation – in cooperation
with the School of Architecture of St. Martin in London; (iii) the display of one of Pablo Picasso’s paintings (Buste de Femme, 1946, from Van Abbe museum in Eindhoven) in the occupied Palestinian territory for the first time.




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