

单词 心脏移殖

See also:

心脏 adj

respiratory adj

External sources (not reviewed)

生命科学中心将与世界领先的科学中心联合进行器 移 植 、人 工 心脏 和 肺、 干细胞和长寿药物等领域的研究。
The Life Sciences Centre will conduct research jointly
with the leading world scientific centres in the
[...] sphere of organ transplantation, artificial hearts and lungs, stem [...]
cells and the medicine of longevity.
来自殖 鱼内脏的油也是水产饲料欧米加 3的潜在来源。
The use of oil from farmed fish offal is also a [...]
potential source of omega-3 for farmed fish.
与位移相比,应变和应变率(SR)的重要优点 是它们反映的局部心肌功能不心脏 位 置 移 动 的 影响。
The important advantage of strain and SR over displacement is that they reflect regional function independently of translational motion.
社会发展部将家长和儿童推介给国家儿童委员会以接受治疗,并由青年健康心 为其提供殖健康咨询。
The Department refers parents and
children to the National Child Council (NCC) for therapy and to
[...] the Youth Health Centre for reproductive health counseling.
食物及生局副秘書長( 生)2 負責監督一般與提供醫護服務及醫療改
[...] 革有關的政策及策略,包括制訂進一步改革公共安全網的建議;處理 有關拓展基層醫護服務的政策事宜,包括公營普通科門診服務、公營 中醫診所及基層醫療措施、發展基層醫療項目和社區健康中心;監督 涉及非政府機構及私營界別提供醫療服務的各項措施的制訂、推行和 評估;監督兒童專科和神經科學專科卓越醫療 心 的 成 立;監督控煙 政策、人體器官捐贈移植、人類 殖 科 技 、預設醫療指示/預設臨 終照顧計劃及安樂死政策。
DS(H)2 is responsible for overseeing policies and strategies for healthcare service delivery and healthcare reform in general, including development of further reform proposals for public safety net; handling policy matters relating to the development of primary healthcare services, including public general out-patient services, public Chinese medicine clinics and primary care initiatives, development of primary care projects and community health centres; overseeing the development, implementation and evaluation of various initiatives in healthcare delivery involving non-government organisations and private
sector; overseeing the
[...] establishment of medical Centres of Excellence in Paediatrics and Neuroscience; overseeing tobacco control policies, human organ donation and transplant, human reproductive technology, advance [...]
directives/advance care planning and euthanasia.
作为这些政策的一部分,以色列于 1980
[...] 国际社会的承认),没收了巴勒斯坦人拥有的数千块土地,建造了数以百计的定 居点,将数千名以色列定居者移到 被 占领土,通过大规模的非 殖 民 运 动,心建立 了歧视性的“绕行路线”,将这些非法定居点连接起来,后来还发展到隔 离墙。
As part of these policies, Israel unilaterally annexed occupied East Jerusalem in 1980, an unlawful annexation which is not recognized by the international community to this day, confiscated thousands of tracts of land owned by Palestinians, constructed hundreds of settlements, transferred thousands of Israeli settlers to the Occupied Palestinian Territory and built an elaborate and discriminatory system of “bypass routes” to connect these illegal settlements in a massive, illegal colonization campaign, which later also came to
include the Wall that
[...] continues to be unlawfully constructed by Israel in the West Bank in deviation of the 1967 Green Line, [...]
in grave breach
of international humanitarian law and in flagrant defiance of the 9 July 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.
法院因此驳回了申诉人关于海地的医疗机构不具备更换 心脏 起 搏 器电池 的条件的论据。
The Court consequently rejected the argument that the health services in Haiti were not equipped to replace the complainant’s pacemaker batteries.
4.其他:胆管癌患者除了伴随有黄疸、腹痛等症状,还会出现诸如 心 、 呕 吐、消瘦、尿色深黄如酱油或浓茶样、大便色浅黄甚至呈陶土色等症状,晚期肿瘤溃破时,可出现胆道出血,黑便、大便隐血试验呈阳性,甚者可出现贫血等症状;有肝 移 时 可 出现 脏 肿 大、肝硬化等症状。
Other symptoms: besides the above mentioned symptoms,
there are some other symptoms
[...] like nausea and vomiting, weight loss, deep yellow urine like soy sauce or strong tea, light yellow stool shaped like pot clay and so on; tumor may collapse in late stage, then bile duct bleeding shall be found and concealed blood test of stool or black stool is positive; this may even cause severe symptom like anaemia; patients with hepatic metastasis may suffer from [...]
liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis and so on.
目前,全国共有三家妇女卫生保健中心(分别位 于基希纳乌自治市、Drochia 市和 Cahul 市)和 40 家医疗机构内部设置的殖健 康中心在提 供计划生育和生殖保健服务。
Presently in the country the activity of the three
[...] Women Healthcare Centres is ongoing (in the municipality of Chisinau, city of Drochia and Cahul), 40 reproduction health centres [...]
within the medical institutions.
随着渔民从捕捞移到水殖以及类似产品在同一市场竞争,渔业和水产养殖互相影响的强度越来 越大。
Fisheries and aquaculture interact with increasing [...]
intensity as fishers shift from fishing to aquaculture and by competing
in the same markets with similar products.
倘漁獲資訊、活魚貿易之貿易資訊、 移 資 訊和 養 殖 資 訊 等節不完整, 且倘適用時為無效的,養殖CPC不應簽核BCDs。
The farm CPC shall not validate BCDs where the CATCH INFORMATION, TRADE INFORMATION FOR LIVE FISH TRADE, TRANSFER INFORMATION and FARMING INFORMATION sections are not completed and, where applicable, validated.
因為 只有被揚起的泥土,才會有機會移 至 養 殖 場。
This is because only sediment stirred up
during jetting and deposited on the surface next to the pipeline can possibly be
[...] dispersed and drifted to the pearl farm.
明尼苏达大心脏移植主 任廖康雄医生在最近的美国新闻周刊的评选中荣获美国最佳1%心胸外科医生称号,以褒奖廖医生 心脏移 植 手 术方面所取得的成就。
Dr. Kenneth Liao, director of the heart transplant program at University of Minnesota has been ranked by US News & World Report as one of the top 1% cardiothoracic surgeons in the US.
医生 说,即使医院没有对特定型号的美敦力起搏器进行检查的必要设备,也可以通过 普通的手机进行远程检查,手机可以将任何美敦 心脏 起 搏 器与位于别处的恰当 检测设备相连。
The doctor added that even if the hospital did not have the necessary equipment to perform a check-up on a specific Medtronic model, it would be possible to do so by remote interrogation using an ordinary mobile phone, which would connect any Medtronic pacemaker to appropriate testing equipment located elsewhere.
Ernst博士解释说:“辐射照射对于心脏病介入治疗专家而言,仍然是一种职业健康危害,最新研究表明,随着时间的 移 , 心脏 病 专 家有可能受到更严重的遗传损伤危害。
Radiation exposure remains an occupational
[...] health risk for interventional cardiologists and recent research [...]
shows that cardiologists may suffer from an increased
risk for genetic damage over time," Dr. Ernst explains.
他向他们解释说,他是应法院秘书的邀请进来的,是来见一位法官的, 他心脏病,但他们根本不听。
They ignored his explanations that
he was invited inside by the secretary of the court, that he had come to see a judge
[...] and that he had a heart condition.
我们推广健康的生活方 式,以降低糖尿病心脏病等 非传染性疾病不断带来的保健 [...]
We are promoting healthy lifestyles to reduce the growing health burden caused by non-communicable diseases
[...] such as diabetes and heart disease.
一些进展由以下因素推动:国内零售业的需求;向殖的物种转移;加 工外包;事实上发展中国家的加工商越来越多地与国外公司 联系以及由其协调。
Some of these developments are driven by demand in the domestic retail industry, by a shift in cultured species, by outsourcing of processing and by the fact that producers in developing countries are increasingly being linked with, and coordinated by, firms located abroad.
一些患有慢性病的证人,例 如糖尿病心脏病患者,药品遭以色列士兵没收,不能按需要服药。
Some witnesses who suffer from chronic medical conditions,
[...] such as diabetes or heart conditions, were [...]
not provided access to their required medicines,
which were taken by Israeli soldiers.
不 但天幕本身難以保養,天幕改變了大自然的生態平衡,將來天幕下的微生 物、草木、昆蟲和鳥獸的滋長、殖 、 移 徙 和 死亡,都可以成為新的環保 問題。
It contradicts all principles of environmental sustainability (The Hannover Principles) and will definitely become a health hazard when insects, birds and animals die and decay under its coverage.
(v) 对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能,并将提供戒烟支持作为他们工作一部分的医务工作者需要学 习——烟草控制;尼古丁成瘾;戒烟指南;尼古丁依赖评估;可用、可获得、可负担、性价比高的戒烟药物
[...] 为;相关的基本解剖学和生理学知识,尤其是大脑内涉及奖赏和依赖的区域, 脏 和 心 血 管 系统;证实自我 报告戒烟真实性的可行方法;治疗终点,特别是七天的时点戒烟率及持续戒烟率;保持戒烟状态,复杂病例 [...]
(v) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide cessation support as part of their rolea - tobacco control; nicotine addiction; cessation guidelines; assessing nicotine dependence; available, accessible, affordable, cost-effective cessation pharmacotherapy; setting a quit date; behavioural support; arranging follow-up support; identifying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal; cues that trigger urges to smoke; tobacco use compensation behaviour; basic relevant anatomy and physiology, particularly the areas of the
brain involved in reward and dependence,
[...] the lungs, and the cardiovascular system; available [...]
methods of verifying self-reported
abstinence; treatment endpoints, in particular seven-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence; maintaining abstinence, seeking advice on complex cases; and risk-benefit assessment of specific population groups.
将于 11 月 2 日召开的伊斯坦布尔阿富汗问题会 议,将是一次重要的聚会,我们希望这一会议将给聚 集在伊斯坦布尔的该地区代表提供机会,来启动各项
[...] 措施以建立人们所说的良好区域秩序,阿富汗及其邻 国将在这种秩序中相互保证将建立一个稳定和繁荣 的亚心脏地带
The Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan, to be held on 2 November, will be an important rendezvous that we hope will represent an opportunity for representatives of the region to gather in Istanbul with the intent of setting in motion measures to establish what is being defined as a benign regional order, one in which
Afghanistan and its neighbours will exchange mutual assurances aimed at creating a
[...] stable and prosperous heart of Asia.
罗文大学库珀医学院(美国新泽西州库珀大学医院)的医学教授Andrea Russo博士介绍了关于植入心脏除颤 器(ICD)疗法在女性患者中使用的优势的研究成果。
Dr. Andrea Russo, Professor of Medicine at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (Cooper University Hospital, New Jersey, USA), presented findings about the benefits of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy in women.
实验研究结果显示,长期摄取某几类邻苯二甲酸酯,即邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯和邻苯二甲酸正辛酯,可能会危及健康,包括对 脏 、 肾 脏 、 生 殖 系 统 和发育生长造成毒性损害。
Studies have shown that chronic exposure to some phthalates, namely diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP), di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), may result
in adverse health effects, including toxicity to
[...] the liver, kidney, as well as the reproductive and development [...]
他表示,1974 年土耳其军队占领塞浦路斯的一 部分领土,导致当地人民的人权受到侵犯,比如土 耳移殖民的非法存在,窃取或非法使用塞浦路斯 希族难民的财产,破坏文化和宗教遗产。
He recalled that the occupation of part of Cyprus by Turkish troops in 1974 had given rise to human rights violations, including the unlawful presence of Turkish settlers, the usurpation and illegal exploitation of property belonging to the Greek Cypriot refugees and the destruction of their cultural and religious heritage.
為了加強這方面的工作,漁護署已於本年 中在打鼓嶺設立實驗育苗場設施,開展魚苗孵化及培育技術 的 研 究,並 於 9月與“亞太水產殖中心網絡 ”於上址合辦石斑 魚苗孵化培訓班,向本地養魚戶、漁民及有意從事魚苗孵化 和培育研究和發展的人士提供有關知識和技術,以進一步推 動本地魚苗孵化及培育的發展。
In September 2008, it organized a training course on grouper hatching jointly with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific at Ta Kwu Ling to provide the necessary knowledge and techniques to local fish farmers, fishermen and people interested in the research and development of fish fry hatching and breeding, so as to further promote the development of fish fry hatching and breeding in Hong Kong.




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