

单词 心脏内膜炎

See also:

心脏 n

hearts pl
cardiovascular n

心脏 adj

respiratory adj


inflammation of membrane

External sources (not reviewed)

风湿性心脏病的病人发心脏内膜感 染 (称作感染 心内 膜炎)的机会增加。
Patients with
[...] rheumatic heart disease have a greater chance of getting infections of the inside walls of the heart, called infective endocarditis.
脏内科治 疗急、慢性肾功能不全、高血压、肾炎、肾小球 炎 等 肾 脏 疾 病 ,并施行血液透析、 膜 透 析 等。
Nephrology treats kidney
[...] diseases such acute and chronic renal failure, hypertension, nephritis, glomerular nephritis,etc. and conducts hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, etc.
病情严重时,患者可能会在数分内 陷 入 昏迷,甚 心脏 停 止 跳动。
In severe cases the patient may
[...] go into shock within a few minutes and the heart can stop.
超声心动图适用于评价各种儿童后天性心脏病, 诸如川崎 病(Kawasaki)、感染心内膜炎、 各类心肌病、风湿热及脏炎、 系统性红斑狼疮 心肌炎、心包炎、艾滋病毒感染,以及服用过具 有心脏毒性 的药物。
An echocardiogram is indicated for the evaluation of acquired heart diseases in children, including Kawasaki disease, infective endocarditis, all forms of cardiomyopathies, rheumatic fever and carditis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myocarditis, pericarditis, HIV infection, and exposure to cardiotoxic drugs.
膜炎环境风险技术项目框内开展的几个研究项目促使一些国家、区域和国际机构在工作中进一步利用从 师卫星得到的相关信息和工具,其中包括气象组织、各国家气象局、非洲气象 应用促进发展心、美国航空航天局(美国航天局)戈达德空间研究所和喷气 推进实验室、美国国家海洋与大气层管理局。
A number of research projects within the MERIT framework are engaging national, regional and international institutions, including WMO, national meteorological services, the African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to increase the use of relevant satellite-derived information and tools in these efforts.
膜炎和肺 炎球菌的疫苗,需向你们的儿科医生或接种 心 咨 询 ,了解在不同阶段和减少剂量次数的免疫可能 性。
For the anti-pneumococcus and anti-menincococcus vaccinations get information from your paediatrician or from the vaccination centre re the possibility [...]
of immunization at
different times and in reduced doses.
未来科学技术公用研究心的后 藤仓史教授、大学院医学系研究科现金外科的里见进教授、大学院医学系研究科肝胆胰外科的海野伦明教授等人的研究小组,针对因胰动静脉畸形引起急性 膜炎 从 而 施行 脏 全 摘 除手术的患者,通过对其施行自体胰岛移植手术成功地恢复了患者的胰岛素产生能力。
A research group led by Professor Masafumi Goto at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Professor Susumu Satomi at Division of Advanced Surgical Science and Technology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Michiaki Unno at Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has successfully increased insulin productivity by the pancreatic [...]
islet autotransplantation
for a patient after undergoing an emergency surgery to remove the whole pancreas due to acute peritonitis caused by pancreatic arteriovenous malformation.
今天,3,000平方尺的现代化心已扩 大到提供广泛的眼科服务,包括屈光手术,治疗老花眼, 内 障 手 术, 膜 移 植 ,青光眼和糖尿病反眼的筛查和治疗,年龄相关性黄斑变性的治疗,眼部管理炎症和葡 膜炎 , 视 网膜服务,oculoplastics手术,近视儿童和更多的控制程序。
Today, the
[...] 3,000 sq ft modern centre has expanded to provide a wide range of eye services, including refractive surgery, presbyopia treatment, cataract surgery, corneal transplants, glaucoma and diabete eye screening and treatments, age-related macular degeneration treatments, management of ocular inflammations and uveitis, [...]
retinal services, oculoplastics surgery,
myopia control programmes for children and more.
(v) 对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能,并将提供戒烟支持作为他们工作一部分的医务工作者需要学 习——烟草控制;尼古丁成瘾;戒烟指南;尼古丁依赖评估;可用、可获得、可负担、性价比高的戒烟药物
[...] [...] 治疗;设定一个戒烟日;行为支持;安排随访;识别尼古丁戒断症状;诱发吸烟的因素;烟草使用的奖赏行 为;相关的基本解剖学和生理学知识,尤其是大 内 涉 及 奖赏和依赖的区域, 脏 和 心 血 管 系统;证实自我 报告戒烟真实性的可行方法;治疗终点,特别是七天的时点戒烟率及持续戒烟率;保持戒烟状态,复杂病例 [...]
(v) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide cessation support as part of their rolea - tobacco control; nicotine addiction; cessation guidelines; assessing nicotine dependence; available, accessible, affordable, cost-effective cessation pharmacotherapy; setting a quit date; behavioural support; arranging follow-up support; identifying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal; cues that trigger urges to smoke; tobacco use compensation behaviour; basic relevant anatomy and physiology,
particularly the areas of
[...] the brain involved in reward and dependence, the lungs, and the cardiovascular system; available [...]
methods of verifying
self-reported abstinence; treatment endpoints, in particular seven-day point prevalence and continuous abstinence; maintaining abstinence, seeking advice on complex cases; and risk-benefit assessment of specific population groups.
风湿热每发生 一次心脏瓣膜的损害就会加重一些。
With each
[...] repeat attack, the heart valves become more [...]
心力衰竭患者的心肌功能会减弱 心脏内 体液增多。
When you have heart failure, your heart muscle is [...]
weak and fluid builds up.
如果一个人的心跳减弱或不规律,就会 心脏内 形 成血栓,并经过血管 流到脑部,血栓堵塞在狭窄的动脉处,使血液不能流到相应的脑组织。
If a person has a weak or irregular heartbeat, blood clots
[...] may form in the heart and travel through [...]
the blood vessels to the brain.
就在几天时内,伊 朗最高领袖称以色列是“中 心脏 的 一 颗毒瘤”,伊朗 总统呼吁“全体人类社会将以色列从人类中消灭掉”,伊朗航空部队司令威胁称 “将以色列从地图上抹掉”。
Over the course
[...] of just a few days, Iran’s Supreme Leader called Israel a “cancerous tumor in the heart of the Middle East”; [...]
its President called on
“all human communities to wipe out [Israel] from the forehead of humanity”; and the head of its Aero-Space Forces threatened to “wipe [Israel] out of the map”.
卡米洛·西恩富戈斯色素性视膜炎 国 际 中 心 发 现 无法获得用于进行电眼 刺激的设备所需的电极。
The Camilo
[...] Cienfuegos International Centre for Retinitis Pigmentosa [...]
has found it impossible to obtain the electrodes necessary
for the piece of equipment used in electro-ocular stimulation.
死亡的主要原因是:恶性疟疾、非镰状细胞性贫血 心 血 管 病、高血压 病、膜炎、其 他消化系统疾病、急性呼吸道感染、非出血性腹泻、外伤、营养 不良。
The main causes of death are: malaria, anaemia (not including sickle-cell anaemia), cardiovascular diseases, hypertension-related diseases, meningitis, digestive diseases, acute respiratory infections, non-bloody diarrhoea, injuries and malnutrition.
对严重营养不良和 包括坏疽性炎在内的儿 童疾病进行人权分析,可帮助我们理解,相对于可给予 和取得的权利以及自愿承诺而言,儿童和其他个人的权利与各国及国际组织受国 际法约束的义务居于心地位
A human rights analysis of severe malnutrition and childhood diseases, including
noma, helps us
[...] understand that the rights of children and other individuals – as opposed to privileges which can be given and taken – and obligations of States and international organizations under international law – as opposed to voluntary commitments – are centre stage.
各份体检报告均记载了对健康造成的伤害。他宣称,在监管当局拒绝为他提 供必要的医药之后,他在监管 内心脏 病 犯 发,而且在心脏病犯发了后一周仍未 得到治疗。
He claims that he suffered a stroke in the penal colony after the administration refused to provide him with the required medications and that he did not receive treatment for one week after the stroke.
常规抗生素(通常每月注射)可以防止风湿热患者进一步加深链球菌感染以及导 心脏 瓣 膜 受 损
Treating strep throat with antibiotics can prevent rheumatic feverRegular antibiotics (usually monthly injections) can prevent patients with rheumatic fever from contracting further strep infections and causing progression of valve damageThe antibiotic
(benzathine penicillin G) most often used is off-patent and can be administered
[...] through basic primary care for just cents
肺结核、黄热病、麻疹、霍乱、 膜炎 是 流行性疾病,而疟疾和艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病是该地区的流行病。
In the region as a whole, tuberculosis, yellow fever, measles, cholera and meningitis are epidemic diseases and malaria and HIV/AIDS are pandemic diseases.
灌气有缩回组织, 围绕在手术视野的效果, 主要是因为它把横膜和腹 壁往上推同时移 内脏 器 官 .这样可以方便器械的移动及放入.
Insufflation has the effect of
retracting tissues around the operative field as it
[...] pushes up the diaphragm and abdominal wall, and displaces the viscera.
目前正在向内盖夫的贝都因社区提供专科医师服务,其中包括:小儿科、 普通内科、神经内科、家庭医学科、皮肤科、妇产科、耳鼻喉科、眼科、整形外 科、消化道科心脏内科、 外科和创伤科、小儿外科、小儿胸腔内科等。
Specialty physician services are being provided to the Bedouin community in the Negev, including: Pediatrics, General Internal Medicine, Neurology, Family Medicine, Dermatology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ear, Nose and Throat, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Surgery and Trauma, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine.
已经做出了关于发展心脏外科学,特别是所谓产前或内 心脏外科学的重要决定。
A major decision has been taken to
[...] open a unit for heart surgery, with a [...]
particular focus on prenatal (intrauterine) cardiosurgery.
据1月23/30日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在大约3百万名因 心脏 衰 竭 、 心 肌 梗 塞或 炎 而 住 院的有医疗保险的患者中,他们在出院后的整个30天中常常会重新住院,他们因各种各样的诊断而再次住院,且这些诊断常常不同于其首次住院的原因。
Among approximately 3 million Medicare patients
[...] hospitalized for heart failure, heart attack, or pneumonia, readmissions [...]
were frequent throughout the
30 days following the hospitalization, and resulted from a wide variety of diagnoses that often differed from the cause of the index hospitalization, according to a study appearing in the Jan. 23/30 issue of JAMA.
世卫组织还在其针对特定疾病的方案中利用地球空间信息,如里 夫特裂谷热、膜炎、黄 热病、霍乱、瘟疫和细螺旋体病,以开发决策支助工 具,并为当前的疫苗战略提供信息依据。
WHO also uses geospatial information in its programmes for specific diseases, such as Rift Valley fever, meningitis, yellow fever, cholera, the plague and leptospirosis to develop a decision-support tool and inform the current vaccination strategies.
在太平洋诸岛,严重的风湿性心脏病患者必须被送至海外接受价格昂贵 心脏 瓣 膜 手 术,这就给当地政府分配给风湿性心脏病的预算造成了巨大的负担。
The funding required is minimal and in some cases successful control could be achieved by re-prioritizing existing budgets," continued DrCarapetis"In the Pacific Islands,
severe RHD patients have to be sent
[...] overseas for costly heart valve operations which [...]
places a significant burden on the
local government budget assigned to RHDHowever, it would be possible to run a coordinated control program to prevent progression to severe RHD for only a fraction of the costs of these operationsThis would prevent children and young people from getting the heart damage in the first place.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32
LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农
[...] 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食 内脏 、 苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 [...]
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for
carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole
[...] (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; [...]
dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce;
malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.




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