单词 | 心理学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:心理学家—psychologist 认知神经心理学—cognitive neuropsychology 完形心理学—Gestalt psychology (concerned with treating a subject as a coherent whole) See also:心理adj—psychologicaladj mentaladj psychosocialadj 心学—School of Mind 理学n—sciencen 理学—School of Principle
本校有半职社工、心 理学家、语言治疗师及读写专家帮助学生在学业和社交上稳步成长。 sfusd.edu | We have a part time [...] social worker, psychologist, speechteacher, [...]and literacy specialist to help students grow and learn academically as well as socially. sfusd.edu |
雪莉在澳洲修完心理学学位後发现,自己更希望帮助身体残疾者,所以申请了南澳大学的研究生,目前正在攻读第二门课程。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Dianna uses a single word [...] to describe thequality of the education [...]she received in Australia—superior. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
解剖学、生理学、生物化学、病理学、微生物学、药理和毒理学、心理学、膳食学 和营养学、公共健康。 hkca.org | anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, [...] pharmacology and toxicology, psychology, dietetics and nutrition, and public health. hkca.org |
为了筹备节目,11位VOY新进青年主持由3月开始进行特训,掌握了基本的节目制作知识、主持及嘉宾访问技巧、混音及剪彩窍门、青少年心理学等等。 voy.unicef.org.hk | To bring our new programme to the biggest success, our 11 newly elected VOYs have [...] undergone a series of trainings on basic production skills, interviewing skills, editing [...] techniques and youth psychology. voy.unicef.org.hk |
天主教学校必须随时注意有关儿童心理学、教育学、尤其是教理学等现代知识的发展,并要特别配合教会当局的指示。 catholic.edu.hk | The Catholic school must be alert at all times to developments in the [...] fields of childpsychology,pedagogy and [...]particularly catechetics, and should especially [...]keep abreast of directives from competent ecclesiastical authorities. catholic.edu.hk |
色彩心理学家认为橙色代表活力、自信及潮流,黑色则代表决断、优雅及主见。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Colourpsychologists regard orange as [...] active, confident and trendy, whilst black is seen as resolute, elegant and strong-minded. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
学生在完成大学与 Navitas 合办的大学预备班後,可升读 Swansea University 内相关学位课程的一年级,包括土木工程 (学系排名 #9)、航空 (#15)、化学工程 (#16)、机械工程 [...] (#24)、物理及天文学 (#32)、运动科学 [...] (#32)、电脑科学 (#33)、电子工程 (#33)、环境科学 (#33)、经济 (#39)、法律 (#39)、会计及金融 (#48)、数学(#50)、心理学(#51)、政治学 (#53)、新闻及传理 (#61)、商业研究 (#76) 等。 britishunited.net | With satisfactory completion of the foundation programme provided by Navitas, students will be able to progress on to year one of an undergraduate programme in areas such as Civil Engineering (#9), Aeronautical and Manufacturing (#15), Chemical Engineering (#16), Mechanical Engineering (#24), Physics and Astronomy (#32), Sports Science (#32), Computer Science (#33), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (#33), Geography and Environmental Sciences (#33), Economics (#39), Law [...] (#39), Accounting and [...] Finance (#48), Mathematics (#50), Psychology(#51), Politics (#53), Communication and Media Studies (#61), Business Studies (#76). britishunited.net |
同学可透过选修科"心理学课程实习"中,以实地工作考察形式去应用相关技巧及知识,同学将有机会获安排於学校、商界及社福机构进行有关活动。 ipass.gov.hk | The elective course " Psychology Internship" consists of filedwork in school,business and / or [...] social care settings and a final project. ipass.gov.hk |
如 有 需 要,本 校 /办 学 团 体 会 成 立 专 责 小 组 处 理 某 些 特 别 投 诉 个 案 , 因 应 情 况 , 小 组 可 包 括 [...] 校 董 会 成 员 及 办 学 团 体 代 表 ; 或 邀 请 独 立 人 士 , [...] 例 如 社 工 、 律 师、心 理 学家等, 及 与 个 案 无 [...]关 的 家 长 或 教 师 , 加 入 小 组 , 以 增 加 公 信 力 , 并 [...]就 专 业 问 题 提 供 意 见 和 支 援 。 deliahw.edu.hk | To enhance credibility, the school will invite [...] independent person(s) such as social [...] worker, lawyer, psychologist, parent or teacher [...]who are not involved in the case to [...]join the task force to provide professional advice and support. deliahw.edu.hk |
近年来,学生在学习上也遇到不少障碍,关乎读写的、专注力的、情绪的,琳琳种种,而融合教育的推行,使如自闭症等有发展障碍的学生,也融合到一般课堂中,加上来自破碎家庭的学童,老师要处理的,不单是教学的问题,还有各式各样的课堂行为问题,社工、教育心理学家也分担不了前线教师们的教学工作。 hkupop.hku.hk | Together with those children from broken families, teachers now need to handle not only teachingproblems, but also various kinds of behavioural problems in lessons. hkupop.hku.hk |
几个星期前,GBCSA举行年度会议,主题涵盖众多,讨论气氛也很热烈,可惜我只能参与下午的议程,不过仍享受到环保的气息,会议集结开发商、设计师、规划专家,甚至还有心理学家,共同讨论各项话题,其中有几项主要发展及构想,我长期追踪产业发展,这些构想并非新颖,但各方专家能共聚一堂,内容才会如此精彩。 thisbigcity.net | There was an eclectic mix of developers, designers, planners and evenpsychologists discussing an array of topics, however a few major developments and ideas were presented. thisbigcity.net |
会考(GCSE)及高考(A-levels)课程科目选择多元化,高考科目高达 20 科,当中包括较罕有科目如商业、法律、剧场研究及心理学等。 britishunited.net | There are more than 20 subject [...] choices in GCE A-levels, including some less common [...] subjects such as businessstudies, law, theatre studies and psychology. britishunited.net |
4 一 般 行 政 及 支 援 工 作 总 数 127 (b) 截 至 2010 年 3 月 5 日,惩 教 署 於 2009 -10 年 度 共 招 聘 了 44 名 [...] 惩 教 主 任、178 名 二 级 惩 教 助 理 、 4 名 工 艺 导 师 、 3 名 工 [...] 艺 教 导 员 、 2 名 临床心 理 学家、2 名 教 育 主 任 、 [...]2 名 助 理 教 育 主 任 和 2 名 配 药 员 。 csd.gov.hk | (b) Up to 5 March 2010, the Correctional Services Department (CSD) has recruited 44 Officers, 178 Assistant Officers II, four [...] Technical Instructors, three [...] Instructors, twoClinical Psychologists, two Education [...]Officers, two Assistant Education Officers [...]and two Dispensers in 2009-10. csd.gov.hk |
他表示,「许多能源通报工具使用方式很困难」,例如以瓩时为单位,对很多人都很陌生,开发团队内包括电脑科学家、心理学家、永续专家等,希望混合游戏、仪表板、社群网站等元素,帮助民众了解自身造成的影响,可是在佛斯特眼中,难处并非建立资料与人们的关联,而是取得资料的方式。 thisbigcity.net | Foster’s team of [...] computer scientists, psychologists andsustainability [...]experts wants to use a mix of games, dashboards and [...]social networking sites to help people understand their impacts. thisbigcity.net |
Talbott 医师於人类表现、压力心理学、以天然产品强化健康等领域为知名的专家。 xango.com.hk | Dr. Talbott is a renowned expert in human performance, stress physiology, and using natural products to enhance wellbeing. xango.com.hk |
杜克生命末期疗护研究机构的总监、医学博士理查‧佩恩(Richard [...] Payne)将谈论灵性与医学,美国国家安宁缓和疗护组织(NHPCO)的总裁兼执行长、心理学博士唐‧舒马赫(Don Schumacher)将讨论NHPCO的成员组织FHSSA的工作,并颁奖给着名的安宁疗护先驱及前FHSSA主席伯尼丝‧凯瑟琳‧哈珀(Bernice [...]Catherine Harper)博士。 zh.vitas.com | Richard Payne, MD, director of the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life will talk about Spirituality and Medicine, and Don Schumacher, PsyD, [...] president and CEO of the National [...] Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), [...]will discuss the work of NHPCO's affiliate, [...]FHSSA, and present an award to Dr. Bernice Catherine Harper, noted hospice pioneer and former FHSSA chairperson. espanol.vitas.com |
注册教育心理学家彭智华博士指出:「父母与子女一起玩耍,对子女的成长和发展相当重要。 hkupop.hku.hk | Parent playing with children is key to a child's growth and development. hkupop.hku.hk |
Jackie为婴幼儿心理发展协会的辅导服务总监及辅导心理学家,曾在十多间美国及本港大型机构担任过心理学家职位,现任香港树仁大学、香港城市大学、香港浸会大学、香港公开大学、及英国索尔福德大学心理学讲师及临床督导,多次接受过电视、电台、报章、杂志等媒体邀请分享心理学专业知识,近年透过心理治疗、辅导、培训及教学所影响的人数超过千人。 cpda.com.hk | For years Jackie has been practicing professional psychologyin many local and overseas mental healthagencies. His clinical work duties include providing children, teenagers, young adults, couples and families with counselling, consultation, psychotherapy, psychological assessments, court psychologicalreport, trainings, seminars and workshops, and [...] conducting clinical research. cpda.com.hk |
透过中心内一群拥有丰富经验的儿童发展学家、教育及社会工作者的专业,加上资深儿童心理学顾问的意见,我 们设计的一系列课程均能照顾儿童於任何发展阶段中不同的需要。 classplus.hk | With a professional team of child development experts, educators, and social [...] workers, backed up by an experienced [...] consultant clinical psychologist, we provide a [...]series of courses catering for the various [...]needs of children at different developmental stages. classplus.hk |
2005年於理工大学修读多媒体硕士,毕业作《优生人》跻身第11届IFVA单萤幕互动组最後十强;2007年於香港大学修毕心理学深造文凭後,去年於中文大学完成体育硕士。 allaboutus.hk | His multimedia work, EUGENiCANS, a thesis project of his master degree at the Hong KongPolytechnic University, was selected in the finalist works of the 11th ifva's Single-screen Interactive Category. allaboutus.hk |
由30多位中外康复服务专家和相关学者,包括在自闭症和特殊教育领域享负盛名的美国学者 Gary Mesibov 和 [...] Serena Wieder,以及儿科医生、教授、临床心理学家、言语、职业和物理治疗师、校长、社工等,他们就其专业范畴撰文,由协康会结集成书。 heephong.org | Over 30 experts and scholars in the rehabilitation service sector around the world, including Gary Mesibov, [...] Serena Wieder, paediatricians, [...] professionals, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, [...]occupational therapists, physiotherapists, [...]principals and social workers, contributed articles to the book to cover the rehabilitation development in four decades. heephong.org |
今年小学校长高峰会主题为「从『心』出发」,香港中文大学医学院内科及药物治疗学系副教授江碧珊医生、香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系系主任曾洁雯博士,分别就儿童肥胖与饮食、心理学与儿童饮食作深入浅出的探讨。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Two keynote speakers, Prof. Alice KONG (Associate Professor of Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK) and Dr Sandra TSANG (Head of Department of Social Work and Social [...] Administration, HKU) talked about intricate relationship [...] between psychology, eating behavior, obesity and heart health. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
香港中文大学心理学系副教授梁耀坚博士表示,长期受压令身体分泌压力荷尔蒙皮质醇,用以分解蛋白质和身体脂肪组织去转换成葡萄糖,长期提供大量能量以面对压力。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr. Leung Yiu Kin, [...] Associate Professor, Psychology Department,The [...]Chinese University of Hong Kong, expressed that prolonged [...]exposure to high level of stress triggers the release of a stress hormone called cortisol. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们建立了一团热心的专业伙伴(包括临床心理学家,儿科医生,精神科医生,视光师(视觉行为),职业治疗师),提供团队支式支援,确保资优人仕在健康、心理,情绪及社交上的发展都得到适切的培育。 classplus.hk | Our Center is currently run by a group of [...] enthusiastic and dedicated professionals, including [...] clinicalpsychologists,social workers, academic coaches and [...]pediatricians. classplus.hk |