单词 | 心想 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 心想 verb —think v心想 —think to oneself • assume Examples:心想事成—have one's wishes come true • wish you the best! 痴心妄想—labor under a delusion (idiom); wishful thinking 中心思想 n—theme n
要心想事成 ,我们就必须反思这句老话: “陌生人者,未遇之朋友也”。 daccess-ods.un.org | To succeed in these intentions, we must reflect on the old saying, “a stranger is a friend I have not yet met”. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据圣经上的事工原则,通过研究这些运动,教会建立者 可以内心想着所要达到的结果而开始这项事工,这会大大增加影响力。 sallee.info | Through studying these movements in light of biblical ministry principles, church planters can begin with the end in mind, greatly increasing the impact. sallee.info |
我心想,若 我是个有钱人,一定会花RM50,直接冲上缆车。 4tern.com | I said to myself, If I am rich, I will definitely go for the RM 50 express lane ticket. 4tern.com |
我細心想過,若是女 兒見我與空凳交談,會嚇壞又或許把我送到奇怪的院舍。 aglow.org | I'm careful though. If my [...] daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm. aglow.org |
此外,红魔已经表现出坚定的决心, 想 尽 办 法取得最高分,尽管在他们大部分比赛中都面临零分的局面。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Furthermore, the Red Devils have shown excellent resolve, finding ways to get maximum points despite facing deficits on most of their league games. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
中国政府一心 想要保 护其国有石油公司的投资,通过股本油提 升能源安全,同时高举其传统的不干涉政策,这 几点都能帮助苏丹政权规避来自国际社会的压 力。 crisisgroup.org | The combination of Beijing’s desire to protect its NOCs’ investments, enhance energy security through equity oil and its traditional policy of non-interference have led it to insulate the Sudanese regime from international pressure. crisisgroup.org |
我 心 想 , 如 果 我們的政 府能聆 聽市民 [...] 的 心 聲 ,明白 到 香港是要 大家同 心 同 路 , 並切實 地 落實“化戾氣為 祥 和 ” , 締 造和平 、 和 諧 的 社 會, 香港便 有 福 了。 legco.gov.hk | I think if our Government [...] could listen to the voices of our people, understand that we are all in the same boat, and pragmatically [...]change hostility to harmony, make peace, and soothe conflicts in society, then Hong Kong would be blessed. legco.gov.hk |
大多数人有一些好奇心,想知道 如何举办的“混乱”的背景下,国家期刊,而威廉·邦纳讲述的Bovespa指数的变化,我们看到每天工作。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Most people had some curiosity to know how that worked "organized mess" we saw every day as a backdrop in the National Journal, while William Bonner narrated the variation of the Bovespa index. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
很多時候,如果我們真的出於真 心探訪一個地區或某些市民,我們其實是出於 真 心想 瞭 解 情況,或是 想直接聽取市民的意見。 legco.gov.hk | More often than not, when we are genuinely sincere in visiting a district or certain members of the public, we are indeed genuinely sincere in finding out about their situation or listening to the views of the people direct. legco.gov.hk |
那时,一心想让公 司改新换貌的父亲,在车间引进 了全新的计控机械设备。 glenraven.com | At that time, Dad was really reshaping the company and introducing new computerdriven machinery onto the shop floor. glenraven.com |
这是一种极度地渴求“为所欲为, 心想 事 成 ”。 12manage.com | This is "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. 12manage.com |
也门 注意到卡塔尔将人权置于全面改革的 核 心 , 想 了 解 它在保障妇女的政治权利和公 民权利方面所采取的措施,并有兴趣知道国家人权委员会是否按照《巴黎原则》 [...] 行事。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yemen noted that human [...] rights were at the heart of comprehensive reform, [...]and asked about measures taken to guarantee the [...]political and civil rights of women, and was interested to know whether the National Human Rights Committee was in line with the Paris Principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
在新的一年,FXOpen祝您和您的家人健康快乐!好运常伴!我们希望您完成所有的目标 , 心想 事成 fxopenasia.com | In the coming year we wish health and prosperity to you and your family. FXOpen hopes that luck will accompany you throughout the whole year both in your personal life and in Forex trading. fxopenasia.com |
为了对抗占领国的非法行径,使其一 心想 一 再 规 避国际社会为其规定的义务的企图不能得逞,阿尔及 利亚呼吁巴勒斯坦阵营实现团结,呼吁国际社会提供 一切必要支持,来实现这一主要目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to confront the occupying Power’s outlaw behaviour and its headlong rush to repeatedly evade obligations placed upon it by the international community, Algeria calls for unity in the Palestinian ranks and calls upon the international community to lend the support necessary to achieve this prime objective. daccess-ods.un.org |
楚王一心想得到我的宝珠,可我的宝珠已经丢失了。 chinesestoryonline.com | But I had already lost it, so I have to run. chinesestoryonline.com |
恐 怖主义分子仍一心想破坏我们已取得的进展,使阿富 汗回到暴政和压迫时代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Terrorists are still intent on jeopardizing our progress and are trying to take Afghanistan back to the days of tyranny and oppression. daccess-ods.un.org |
我心想,其 他蘋果品種都沒有如此的待遇,Pink Lady的來頭一定不小,而且應該也是一種不是每一家包裝廠都有本事包的蘋果,不然大家也不會刻意來個慶典吧。 4tern.com | I was wondering, why Pink Lady [...] and not other apples? Obviously, Pink Apple must be an exquisite kind of apple, or not every [...]pack house is qualified to pack it. 4tern.com |
至於驅力呢!我心想這是 我必須照料的一塊土地,是我的責任,別人不會來這裡為這些樹澆水。 hk.marinabaysands.com | And the trigger was ok, this is my [...] piece of earth to care for, my responsibility, [...]and no one else is going to come here and water these trees. marinabaysands.com |
我們相信此款腕錶將是他在未來演奏會上的美好伴侶,並預祝 其 心想 事 成,凡事完滿喜悅。 oris.ch | We are sure that it will be the perfect companion for him during his concerts in [...] the future and wish him many happy [...]returns. oris.ch |
心想:特 首改選,交棒也好,連任也好,總會經一事,長一智,一切重新開始。 hkupop.hku.hk | To me, I couldn't care less whether the Chief Executive would be re-elected [...] or replaced. hkupop.hku.hk |
高成长性、持续创新的优势企业吸引了大批杰出的人才加入宏源,并且为宏源的每个阶段的突破与发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,尤其是在无极灯的诞生后,宏源人更是满怀 信 心 , 想 要 抓 住机遇与公司一同成长、共创辉煌。 cn.lvd.cc | Its growing development and sustained innovation attract a large batch of talents to join Hongyuan and make great contributions to the breakthrough and development on every stage. en.lvd.cc |
斯里肯邦安世纪学院讲师同时也是活动顾问Miss Maria Valantine Rao为学生们诚心想要协助流浪动物的心意表示祝贺。 systematic.edu.my | Miss Maria Valantine Rao, SEGi College Seri Kembangan (SCSK) lecturer and advisor of the project, congratulated the students for being committed to sincerely helping the stray animals. systematic.edu.my |
日本如果真心想成为 国际社会中负责任的一员, 就应该对其过去所犯罪行真诚道歉,并给予赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | If Japan genuinely wishes to be a responsible [...] member of the international community, it should sincerely apologize and make [...]reparations for the crimes it committed in the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
前殖民主義政權爲當地人民設定的教育水準和類型大大地9影響了當地人民的競爭能 [...] 力,而與此不同的是,華人總是雄心勃勃, 一 心想 讓 他們的子女受到教育超過上一代。 wcec-secretariat.org | 2) The extent and type of education made available to the local population by the former colonial power had a great influence on the local [...] population's ability to compete with the [...] chinese whose ambition was always to [...]have his children achieve a level of education higher than his own. wcec-secretariat.org |
在夏令营的最后一天,尽管Alex感到右腹诡异的疼痛,仍 一 心想 和 Vera一起爬山。 festival-cannes.fr | Alex insists on going to the mountain with Vera although he feels a weird pain on the right side of his belly. festival-cannes.fr |
我甚至擔心,一心想要學一口標準美式英語的我,但最終學到的 可能是夾雜世界各地口音的雜語,因爲在美國,人們是那麽地不忌諱,或者說是自然地操著 [...] 帶有各自濃重母語口音的所謂英語,儘管他可能移民 17 年、20 年或更久。 wcec-secretariat.org | I was once even worried that for all my wish to acquire a standard [...] American English accent I might end up taking a mixture [...]of accents in some miscellaneous English. Because in the United States, immigrants are so reckless that they naturally speak a so-called English mixed with a strong accent of their mother tongue, although they might have been in the United States for seventeen, twenty years or even longer. wcec-secretariat.org |
他们的决心、想象力 和毅力很快为他们赢得了令人瞩目的成功。 hautehorlogerie.org | Their determination, imagination and discipline [...] were soon to earn them noteworthy success. hautehorlogerie.org |
赫爾(Hugh Herr)在青少年時因為一次攀岩意外,膝蓋以下雙腿截肢,若各 位 心想 , 「 好可憐,不知他如何度過? thisbigcity.net | Hugh Herr lost both his legs below the knee as a teenager when a rock-climbing trip went awry. thisbigcity.net |
它說神聽見、神記念、神 [...] 看顧、神知道!這裡所形容的絕非一位無感情的神,乃是 一位滿心想念祂子民的神。 lordsgrace.ca | This is not a picture of a God who does not care, but [...] a God whose heart yearns for His people. lordsgrace.ca |
有一天,弈秋同时教两个人下棋,其中一个专心致志,只听弈秋的话;另一个虽然也在听,但心里面却老是觉得有天鹅要飞来, 一 心想 着 如 何张弓搭箭去射击它。 chinesestoryonline.com | One day, when Yi Qiu was teaching two students to play Go, one of them was fully concentrate on his lesson, listening carefully to every word that Yi Qiu said, while the [...] other, though, pretended to be [...] listening, he was actually imagining that a flock of [...]swans would be flying towards him and [...]that he would get a bow and arrows ready to shoot. chinesestoryonline.com |