

单词 心宽体胖

See also:

宽心 adj

happy adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们还是几个国家级卓越研究中心的带头机构,如光学系统超高 宽 设 备 中 心 ( CU DOS)和全天空 体 物 理 中 心 ( CAASTRO)。
Our leadership of national research centres of excellence
such as the Centre for
[...] Ultrahigh-Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) and the Centre for All-Sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) provides [...]
further opportunities
for R&D collaboration in science and technology.
不 過,攝取過量脂肪則與一些嚴重的健康問題有關,如增加患 心 臟 病胖症及某類癌症的風險。
Excessive fat intake, however,
has been linked to major health problems, such as
[...] increased risks of heart disease, obesity and certain types [...]
of cancers.
定期测量腰围是测量体总脂 肪和心性肥胖的一种简单的方法。
Regular waist measurements are a simple
[...] measure of the total fat in your body and of central obesity.
产前营养不良和出体重过低会造成 生命后期易患胖症、心脏病 和糖尿病的倾向。
Prenatal malnutrition and low birth
[...] weight create a predisposition to obesity, heart disease and diabetes later in life.
在欧洲联盟国家,非传染病的发病率相对较高, 例如癌症、糖尿病心血管病、胖 症 和 肌肉骨骼疾 病等,它们可归因于遗传和环境因素的相互作用,特 别是吸烟、酗酒、不良饮食习惯以及缺 体 力 活 动等 生活方式。
In the European Union countries, there are relatively high rates of non-communicable diseases, such
as cancer, diabetes,
[...] cardiovascular diseases, obesity disorders and musculoskeletal disorders, that can be attributed to an interaction of genetic and environmental factors, and, especially, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet and lack of physical activity.
在若干案例中, 收到的报告表明,未成年应征人员最初被该中心拒绝,但当被带到其它较偏远或 较宽松的中心时, 却被这些中心接受。
In a number of cases, reports were received that underage recruits were initially
rejected when presented to
[...] this centre, but were accepted at other more remote or less rigorous centres when presented there.
在委员会审议过的其他重要问题中,还有《世界科学知识与技术伦理委员会》 (COMEST)的工作报告和建议、教科文组织人权问题 体 战 略 的起草问题、关于反对种族 主义、种族歧视、仇心理和不宽容 现象的德班世界会议后续活动等。
Among the other important items examined by the Commission were the work and recommendations of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), the preparation of an
overall UNESCO human rights strategy and
[...] the follow-up to the Durban World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.
又关切地注意到,母婴健康与非传染性疾病及其风险因素有着密不可分的关 联,具体地说,产前营养不良和出 体 重 过低导致今后易患 胖 症 、 高血压心 脏病和糖尿病体质, 而妊娠情况,诸如孕产妇肥胖和妊娠糖尿病,也与母亲及 其子女所面临的类似风险有关联
Note also with concern that maternal and child health is inextricably linked with non-communicable
diseases and their risk factors, specifically as prenatal
[...] malnutrition and low birth weight create a predisposition to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes later [...]
in life, and
that pregnancy conditions, such as maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, are associated with similar risks in both the mother and her offspring
她教会我什么是心、忍耐、宽容和 付出。
She taught me patience, endurance, tolerance and giving.
Plus, they have the feel of a fat client with fewer maintenance issues.
[...] 和行动,支持有效的公共政策和多层面综合战略,根 据《行动呼吁》中所述原则处理胖 症 问 题,致力解 决儿童胖症问题并促进保持健体 重 ; 促进积累和 交流有关哪些项目和战略在何种情况下行之有效的 经验;提高人们对肥胖症严重影响劳动生产力,因而 [...]
康,预防和减少肥胖症;将肥胖症数据纳入慢性疾病 监测系统;监测、测量和评估降低肥胖症流行率及其 相关风险因素工作的进展情况。
In the context of this short intervention, please allow me to highlight just a few of the actions that were proposed: to commit to the fight against childhood obesity and promote healthy weight by sharing strategies and actions with and between our respective Governments, institutions and communities to support effective
public policies and
[...] multilevel comprehensive strategies to address obesity, based on the principles as described in the call [...]
for action; to facilitate
the accumulation and exchange of knowledge on which projects and strategies have proved effective and in which settings; to increase awareness that obesity has a significant impact on labour productivity, and therefore on the social and economic development of countries; to invest in health promotion to prevent and reduce obesity; to incorporate obesity data into chronic disease surveillance systems; and to monitor, measure and evaluate progress made to reduce the prevalence of obesity and its associated risk factors.
35 体重过重或胖增加心血管 疾病(主要是心脏病和中风)、糖尿病、关节炎和一些癌症的风险。
Levels of obesity typically rise with advancing [...]
age, reaching a peak in the late 60s to late 70s, depending on the country.35Being
overweight or obese leads to increased risks from cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke), diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.
很多經過處理的食品會導致胖、糖 尿病心 臟病,以及其他患者日漸增加的疾病。
Many processed packaged products
[...] contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart problems, and other [...]
growing health problems.
健康飲食能促進學生健康成長及預防 胖 、 心 臟 病 、癌症及糖尿病等與飲食有關的健康問 題。
Healthy eating is essential for the growth of
school-aged children and prevention of diet-related health
[...] problems including obesity, heart disease, cancer [...]
and diabetes.
[...] 革、预防青年暴力、保护物质和非物质文化遗产、增强更好地管理和开发水资源的国家能 力、促进文化间对话和文化多元性、构建民主、和平 宽 容 的 各项国家倡议,尤其是有关国 家体发展 目标和实现千年发展目标的倡议。
In the context of a biennium marked by pre-electoral, electoral and governmental transition phase, UNESCO managed firmly to position itself supporting national initiatives designed to achieve considerable national progress in the education reform, prevent youth violence, safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, strengthen national capacities to better manage and develop water resources, promote intercultural
dialogue and cultural
[...] pluralism, build democracy, peace and tolerance, especially in relation to overall national [...]
development objectives
and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
关于使用招标书采购方法的试点项目,秘书长表示,由于供应商缺乏兴趣, 采购远宽体客机 的招标工作没有成功(A/66/679,第 [...]
92 和 102 段)。
With respect to the pilot project using the request for proposals procurement methodology, the Secretary-General
indicates that the bidding exercise to procure
[...] a long-range widebody passenger aircraft [...]
was unsuccessful owing to a lack of
vendor interest (A/66/679, paras. 92 and 102).
大多数飞往索马里宽体货机 始发于阿拉伯联合酋 长国,也常常转道穆卡拉国际机场(亦称瑞恩-穆卡拉或瑞安国际机场)以及也 [...]
Most wide-body cargo flights to Somalia [...]
originate in the United Arab Emirates and are often routed via Mukalla International
Airport, also known as Ryan-Mukalla or Al-Ryan International Airport, and Aden International Airport in Yemen.
(原)北京网通公司于2004年即已建宽 带 流 媒 体 服 务 系统,主要功能是为宽带接入(ADSL、LAN等)用户提供服务,对PC终端用户提 宽 带 流 媒 体 视 频 点播、直播和下载服务。
The former China Netcom
[...] Beijing built broadband streaming media service system in 2004, with main functions of providing services for broadband access (for ADSL, LAN, etc.) users, and offering broadband streaming media VOD, live broadcast [...]
and download service for PC terminal users.
X 轴 和 Y 轴均会被缩放,这样多边形的体宽 度 和 高度即可填满矩形。
The x- and y-axes are scaled such
[...] that the overall width and height of the [...]
polygon fill the rectangle.
此外,调度科(调度科)计划 对现有联合国战略飞机、短期包机、世界粮食计划署的空运能力和长 宽体 喷气 式客机进行最佳组合,以便执行战略空运和部队轮换以及实现提高整体支出效率 的目标。
In addition, the Movement Control Section plans
to utilize an
[...] optimum combination of existing United Nations strategic aircraft, short-term charter aircraft, WFP capacity and a long-term wide-body passenger [...]
jet aircraft to execute
strategic airlift and troop rotations and realize efficiency gains in the overall spend.
关切地注意到孕产妇和儿童的健康与非传染性疾病风险及相关的危险因素 有着千丝万缕的联系,特别是有鉴于产前营养不良和低出 体 重 会 造成日后易患胖、高血压心脏疾 病和糖尿病;诸如产妇肥胖和妊娠糖尿病等情况,也会引 起患非传染性疾病的风险增加
that maternal and child health is inextricably linked to the risk of non-communicable diseases and associated risk factors, specifically given that prenatal malnutrition and low birth weight create a predisposition to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes later in life and that conditions such as maternal obesity and gestational diabetes are also associated with an increased risk of contracting non-communicable diseases, that cervical cancer kills around 250,000 women each year, many of childbearing age, and that the vast majority of the deaths and suffering could be averted with highly effective and low-cost screen and treat approaches and through vaccination against the human papilloma virus
运动 项目,如跑步、骑自行车、游泳和有氧运动对于控制 胖 和 管 理 体 重 至 关重要, 需要得到持续鼓励。
Sports activities such as running, cycling, swimming and aerobics
[...] are essential for obesity control and weight [...]
management and need to be continuously encouraged.
睡眠不足可能导致许多疾病,包括 胖 、 心 脏 病和认知损伤,但是把睡眠和健康联系起来的分子机制在很大程度上仍然难以捉摸。
Sleep deficiency can lead to a host of
[...] conditions including obesity, heart disease, and cognitive [...]
impairment, but the molecular
mechanisms linking sleep to health remain largely elusive.
[...] 目的是教育人民如何做一个公民,实现其想法,支持公民主动精神和竞争意识、 对待人生的积极态度宽容及决心。
The non-profit organisation Civic Training Centre (http://www.kodanikukoolitus.ee/ index.html) was established with the aim to teach people how to be a citizen and
implement their ideas, to support civic initiative and competitiveness, positive attitude to
[...] life, tolerance and determination.
数据站将数据集中放到一 个网站上,这些数据给出了 Sevier
[...] 河上每一个关键位置处全天候的信息,从犹他州南 部高原一直到北部 225 英里宽广沙漠中心的干枯河床,西到河流源头以西。
There, it is amassed on a website that gives a round-the-clock snapshot of what is happening at every key point on the Sevier River’s journey from a
high plateau in southern Utah to a dry
[...] lake bed in the middle of a broad expanse of desert [...]
225 miles north and west of the river’s headwaters.
根据对 环境数据、种群分布、种群扩散能力和距离、生态替代变量的详细审议结果,已 确定每个环境特受关注区应有一个至少长宽 200 千米的心区,也就是说,核 心区面积应足够大,使可能局限于 CC 区某一分区域的物种能够维持最小可存活 种群数,并包括某一分区域内所有各种生境变异性和生物多样性。
Based on a detailed consideration of environmental data, faunal distribution, faunal dispersal capabilities and distances, and ecological
proxy variables, it was
[...] determined that a core area of each area of particular environmental interest should be at least 200 km in length and width, that is, large enough [...]
to maintain minimum
viable population sizes for species potentially restricted to a subregion of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, and to capture the full range of habitat variability and biodiversity within a subregion.
學校自動售賣機最受歡迎的首三款飲品及出售該等飲品的學校數目 健康飲食能促進學生健康成長及預防 胖 、 心 臟 病 、癌症及糖尿病等與飲食有關的健康問 題。
Healthy eating is essential for the growth of
school-aged children and prevention of diet-related health
[...] problems including obesity, heart disease, cancer [...]
and diabetes.
在推廣健康飲食方面,衞生署於 2006-2007 學年聯同香港胖醫 學會、香心臟專 科學院、香港營養學會及學界多個相關組織, [...]
在全港小學全面推行“健康飲食在校園”運動,為年青一代營造 一個鼓勵及支援健康飲食生活習慣的環境。
On the promotion of healthy diet, the DH has rolled out
[...] the "EatSmart@school.hk" Campaign in collaboration with [...]
the Hong Kong Association for the
Study of Obesity, Hong Kong College of Cardiology, Hong Kong Nutrition Association and relevant professional bodies in all primary schools in Hong Kong in the 2006-2007 school year, so as to create a living environment that encourages and supports healthy diet among the young generation.
今年小學校長高峰會主題為「從『心』出發」,香港中文大學醫學院內科及藥物治療學系副教授江碧珊醫生、香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系系主任曾潔雯博士,分別就兒童 胖 與 飲食 、 心 理 學與兒童飲食作深入淺出的探討。
Two keynote speakers, Prof. Alice KONG (Associate Professor of Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK) and Dr Sandra TSANG (Head of Department of Social Work and Social
Administration, HKU) talked about intricate relationship between
[...] psychology, eating behavior, obesity and heart health.




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