单词 | 心室 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 心室 adjective —ventricular adj心室 noun —ventricle n心室 —ventricle (heart)Examples:左心室 n—left ventricle n 心室颤动 n—ventricular fibrillation n
更严重的心脏心律失常还包括房颤, 室 性 心 动 过速 和 心室 颤 动。 cn.iherb.com | More serious forms of heart arrhythmia include atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. iherb.com |
(e) 卓 亞之註 冊 辦 事 處 位 於 香 港 中 環 夏 愨 道 12 號 美 國 銀 行 中 心 1006 室 。 cigyangtzeports.com | (e) The registered office of Asian Capital is at 1006, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong. cigyangtzeports.com |
卓 亞之地址為 香 港 中 環 夏 愨 道 12 號 美 國 銀 行 中 心 1006 室 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The address of Asian Capital is at Suite 1006, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong. cigyangtzeports.com |
有大量的活动,除了滑雪场,电影院,体育与休闲 中 心 , 室 内 温 水游泳池,滑翔伞学校,登山,狗拉雪橇,甚至对巴洛克艺术博物馆在Val塞尼。 leapfrog-properties.com | There is a lot of activity aside from [...] skiing in Val Cenis with a cinema, [...] sports & leisure centre with indoor heated pool, a [...]paragliding school, mountain climbing, [...]dog sledding and even a museum on baroque art. leapfrog-properties.com |
(a) 位 於 觀塘的康樂及文化中心( 核心設施包括文娛中心、 室 內 暖水泳池和保齡球中心) ;以及 legco.gov.hk | (a) A leisure and cultural centre in Kwun Tong (with a civic centre, indoorheated pool and ten-pin bowling as the core facilities); and legco.gov.hk |
如患者並沒有潛在可治療的因素,醫生會嘗試以藥物、電擊或心導管手術糾正上 方 心室 的 心 跳 規 律。 hsbc.com.hk | When there is no treatable underlying condition, the [...] doctor may try to correct the beating [...] rhythm of the upper chambers by drugs, electrical [...]shock, or surgery carried out through a catheter. hsbc.com.hk |
对CLS起搏器开展的调查是迄今为止规模最大的一次,调查证明了这类产品在 右 心室 所 有刺激部位(顶端、中隔、流出道)表现出的卓越性能,甚至对重症心衰患者的治疗效果也非常好,与无心衰患者的状况没有区别。 tipschina.gov.cn | The RECORD investigation of CLS pacemakers is the largest to date and demonstrates [...] excellent performance in all pacing sites [...] within the right ventricle (apical, septal, [...]outflow tract), and even in advanced heart [...]failure with no difference to patients without heart failure. tipschina.gov.cn |
LA 收缩使左心室压力 快速上升,且左心房压力难 以 超过这一升高的左心 室压。 asecho.org | Atrial contraction provokes a sharp [...] rise in left ventricular pressure, and left atrial pressure hardly exceeds this elevated left ventricular pressure. asecho.org |
瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡研究所的Lars H. Lund, M.D., [...] Ph.D.及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在检查肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)拮抗剂(即血管紧张素转换酶 [ACE ]抑制剂或血管紧张素受体阻滞剂 [ARBs] )是否与射血分数(这是左心室每次 收缩时的泵血功能好坏的一个指标)得到维持的心衰患者死亡率的下降有关。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Lars H. Lund, M.D., Ph.D., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues conducted a study to examine whether renin-angiotensin system (RAS) antagonists (i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers [ARBs] [...] are associated with [...] reduced mortality in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (a measure of how well the left ventricle of the heart [...]pumps with each contraction). chinese.eurekalert.org |
於正常情況下,心臟上方及下方心室 是 同 時跳動的。 hsbc.com.hk | Normally the beatings of the upper and [...] lower chambers of the heart are synchronized. hsbc.com.hk |
由于标准单腔ICD在进行治疗决策时只使 用 心室 信 息 而无视心房事件,所以这种设备可能错误地将这些症状归类 为 室 性 心 动 过 速而进行不必要的电击。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since standard single-chamber [...] ICDs use only ventricular information and ignore atrial events to make therapy decisions, the device may misclassify these as ventricular tachycardias and [...]deliver inappropriate shocks. tipschina.gov.cn |
這種網絡又能為作戰區域、軍事基地、大學校園、高危地段、邊境、機場、會議 中 心 、 室 內 和室外體育館及其他公共和私人區域提供高速通訊。 ipress.com.hk | Wireless mesh can also be used to provide high-speed communications in war zones, on military bases and university campuses, and at [...] disaster sites, border crossings, [...] airports, convention centres, indoor and outdoor sporting [...]venues, and other public and private locations. ipress.com.hk |
即使在治療和手術區中,連接器是必需的,例如 , 心室 輔 助 裝置和醫療設備中的無線電頻率的系統。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Even in therapeutic and surgical area, the connectors are [...] required, for example, ventricular assist devices [...]and radio frequency systems in medical equipment. en.developmentscout.com |
此外,在治療和 或面積要求的連接器,例如, 心室 輔 助 裝置,並在醫療設備中的無線電頻率的系統。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Also in therapy and OR area asked the connector, [...] for example, ventricular assist devices, [...]and radio frequency systems in medical equipment. en.developmentscout.com |
多元回归分析结果表明,蟾蜍心电图中Q-T间期值对心率的影响最大,可以推断草甘膦异丙胺盐主要是通过延长蟾蜍心电活动周期中Q-T间期时值 即 心室 收 缩 期而延长心动周期,导致蟾蜍心率减慢。 actazool.org | Because the Q-T interval in ECG waveform is the period for ventricular contraction, it [...] can be deduced that the GIA solution [...] slows down the heart rate of Bufo gargarizans by prolonging ventricular contraction. actazool.org |
酒店設有健身中心、室外泳 池和高級餐廳及酒吧。 swirepacific.com | The hotel includes a gym, an outdoor swimming pool and a high quality restaurant and bar. swirepacific.com |
總而言之若是您曾經經歷過一次心室 顫 動,您快速 性心律失常已無法用藥物控制或是您有高度的風險 首次遭遇快速性心律失常,您的醫生則會建議您植 入一個去顫器。 biotronik.com | Your physician will recommend that [...] you have a defibrillator implanted for example if you have already experienced ventricular fibrillation [...]and have recovered, if [...]treating your tachyarrhythmia with drugs is not proving to be effective, or if you are at risk of suffering a first-time tachyarrhythmia. biotronik.com |
病人可以透過體外控制器操作人工心臟,將帶氧血液泵至全身,每分鐘輸出血液可達10公升,足以取代原有 左 心室 的 功 能。 hksh.com | Controlled by an external controller and powered by batteries outside the patient's body, the current model can pump up to10 litres of blood per [...] minute, taking over the pumping ability of [...] the weakened heart's left ventricle and providing long-term cardiac support. hksh.com |
本 公 司 註 冊 辦 事 處 地 址 為 Cricket [...] [...] Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman, KYI-1111, Cayman Islands;而 本 公 司 的 香 港 主 要 營 業 地 點 則 為 香 港 皇 后 大 道 中 99 號 中 環 中 心 3308-3309 室。 cre8ir.com | Ming Kei energy Holdings limited (the “Company”) is incorporated in the Cayman islands as an exempted company with limited liability under the Companies law, Cap 22 (law 3 of 1961, as consolidated and revised) of the Cayman islands. the address of its registered office is Cricket square, Hutchins Drive, p.o. Box 2681, Grand Cayman, Kyi-1111, Cayman [...] islands and its [...] principal place of business in Hong Kong is room 3308–3309, the Center, 99 Queen’s road [...]Central, Hong Kong. cre8ir.com |
香港環保促進會和貿易發展局已於2002年11月26日下午假香港會議展覽 中 心 ( 40 1 室 ) 舉 辦 香港環保業商機研討會。 greencouncil.org | Traders Meet for Environmental Protection Industry, jointly co-organized by [...] Trade Development Council and Green Council at Room 401, HK [...] Convention and Exhibition Centre was held on 26th, [...]Nov, 2002. greencouncil.org |
粒料在离心室或 被冷却和/或由热空气干 燥,或用水骤冷,通过 离心干燥机冷却和/或干燥。 busscorp.com | either cooled and/or dried with hot air in a centrifugal chamber, or quenched with water and cooled and /or dried with a centrifugal drier. busscorp.com |
例如,由于背侧局部放射状胶质不同于那些 衬 心室 的 横 向部分,一个可以选择只有一个单一的区域9,10 [...] electroporate。 jove.com | For example, since dorsally localized radial [...] glia differ from those lining the lateral [...] section of the ventricle, one can chose [...]to only electroporate a single region9,10 . jove.com |
在成本/效益比方面,支付$19,000美元,你的 左 心室 射 血 分数将得到6%改善。 hongkongstemcell.com | In terms of cost/ benefit ratio, you will pay $19,000 USD for a 6% [...] improvement in the left ventricular ejection fraction. hongkongstemcell.com |
由于国际交易量以及机械设备及其相关设施技术交流的增加,对行业发展和贸易的促进有很大的贡献的JIMTOF成为亚洲最大的机械设备展会,Tokyo Big Sight(东京国际展览中心,室内面 积80660平方米)挤满了世界各地的参展商和参观者。 dptechnology.com | For the contribution to the development of industry and trade promotion through increased international transactions and technical exchanges of machine tools and their related equipment. dptechnology.com |
ICD 最重要但也希望是最少出現的任務就是提早發 現可危及性命的心悸或是心室顫動 ,也就是醫學家 所說的快速性心律失常,並且藉由強大的電子脈衝 [...] 制止它。 biotronik.com | The most important and, fortunately, least frequently required task of the ICD is the early [...] detection of life-threatening rapid [...] heartbeats or even cardiac fibrillation – which [...]physicians refer to as tachyarrhythmias [...]– and to terminate these by applying strong electrical impulses. biotronik.com |
乐拿破仑”是完全有条件轻松访问所有的贸易在心脏Montgenevre的,对面的滑雪场和巨大的“前NEIGE在冬季和夏季的18洞高尔夫球场!滑雪场400公里即时访问! [...] “乐拿破仑”将包括一个Spa&Beaute的的蒙塔涅健身 中 心 , 室 内 温 水游泳池......帮助你在你的假期真正放松!所有的公寓将有露台或阳台,迷人的风景,保留的性质和当地丰富的文化遗产,采取充分利用。 leapfrog-properties.com | Le Napoléon’ is perfectly placed for easy access to all the [...] commerce in the heart of Montgenevre, [...]opposite the ski slopes and the huge ‘front [...]de neige’ in the winter and the 18 hole golf course in the summer! leapfrog-properties.com |
其它特征包括:连续最大化CRT疗法的工具,优化 左 心室 ( L V )阈 值并避免膈神经刺激,协助控制心衰(HF)进展的信息,还有一些独特技术提供了多种捕捉控制选择和 左 心室 起 搏极性选择,这一系列解决方案实现了连续、有效的双室起搏且不会引起并发症。 china.hospimedica.com | Among the other features of the device are tools to [...] continuously maximize CRT [...] therapy, features to optimize left ventricular (LV) thresholds and avoid phrenic nerve stimulation, information to help manage a patient’s heart failure (HF) progression, and unique [...]technologies that provide [...]a wide choice of capture control and LV pacing polarities as part of a range of solutions for continuous, effective, biventricular pacing without complications. hospimedica.com |