

单词 心口


心服口服 n

convince n


get one's message across
lit. convinced in heart and by word (idiom); sincerely convinced and ready concede


frank and outspoken
say what one thinks
straight speaking

External sources (not reviewed)

港府這樣「心口」, 堅持推行這「高風險」的退休金計劃,實非其㆒向穩健 的作風。
The Government, in pledging to proceed with the scheme and insisting on implementing this "high-risk" pension scheme, is actually deviating from its style of being prudent all along.
他表 示,在發生該次事件後,消防處已指令所有前線消防員日後應 透過無線電通訊向控制心口頭傳 送增援信息。
He said that after the incident, FSD had instructed that in
future all frontline firemen should send assistance
[...] messages to the control centre through verbal communication [...]
over radio.
检查并清洁混合室 “A” 和 “B” 的对撞口以及心口。
Check and clean the mix chamber “A” and “B”
[...] impingement ports a well as the center port.
But she had been
[...] suffering from some heart trouble, which caused [...]
a pain in her chest.
心口袋里 掏出一枚才,告知询问的路人准确的时间…这优雅的动作姿态对一些人来说,实在有点落伍了,但对一群醉心这类钟表的爱好者来说,他们仍然乐在其中。
Taking a pocket watch out of one’s waistcoat pocket to give [...]
a passer-by the time: this gesture, outdated for some, is still
practiced with pleasure by several watch enthusiasts.
本公司採用日本富士施樂彩色數碼印刷系統,,可極速印刷大至A3面積的紙類、膠貼、牛油紙,甚至膠片類的印刷品,最宜用於製作小量 (無最少訂貨量) 而款式內容多變的產品,例如款式一致但文字不同的證書 心口 名 片 、貼紙相、餐牌、小冊子、抽獎卷、賀卡、邀請卡、海報、相片集等,質素媲美需大量製作的柯式印刷,價錢卻更為實惠。
We use Fuji Xerox Digital Color Printing System which can produce printing products made of different materials such as paper, labels, tracing paper and transparency, etc. Product size can be as big as A3 with quality comparable to offset printing, but much faster and more flexible in design. Digital printing is especially suitable for producing products with small quantity (no minimum order quantity) and various contents.
(h) 亚洲开发银行(亚行);拉丁美洲及加勒比 口 中 心 — —人 口司(拉 丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会)(拉加经委会-拉美 口 中 心 ); 联 合国粮农及农业组织(粮农组织);国际劳工组织-童工统计信息与 监测方案(劳工组织-童工统计信息与监测方案);国际货币基金组织 (基金组织);联合国教育、科学及文化组织-统计研究所;以及世界 [...]
Caribbean Demographic Centre – Population Division (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) (CELADE-ECLAC); Food and [...]
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); International
Labour Organization-Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour (ILO-SIMPOC); International Monetary Fund (IMF); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-Institute for Statistics (UNESCO-IS); and the World Bank.
本次扩容涉及到各地市核心层和核心汇聚层的扩容工作,本期项目完成后,全省城域网 心 出 口 将 达 到1220G,很大程度上提升了IP网承载传统公众服务的能力和MPLS VPN业务支撑的能力,完善QoS部署,在城域网内提供差异化服务,同时大大满足日益丰富的新业务需求,包括目前发展前景广阔的3G业务、即将开展的IPTV业务和其他新业务,都将逐渐利用IP城域网来承载。
The project involves upgrading for municipal core
[...] layer and core convergence layer. Upon finishing the project, MAN core export of Hebei will [...]
reach 1,220G, so as
to greatly improve IP net public service capacity and MPLS VPN service support ability, perfect QoS deployment, provide diversified services on MAN, and greatly meet demands of increasingly rich new services, including current 3G service with wide development prospect, IPTV service and other new services to be carried out, which will be conducted gradually by utilizing IP MAN.
故此,我們要小心,不要被灰心所勝,也要 心 我們 的口舌,不要成為使別人心的出口。
Therefore, in our walk with God, we need to guard against the disease of
[...] discouragement, especially discouraging words that may come out of our mouth!
这种境况不但影响到了亚洲的各制造和 口 中 心, 它 还有可能影响到非洲和拉丁美洲发展中国家的原 材料及中间产品的出口。
Such a situation affected not only Asian
[...] manufacturing and exporting hubs; it was also likely to affect the exports of raw materials [...]
and intermediate
products of African and Latin American developing countries.
为了突出和加强信息中心和社区多媒体 心 的 窗 口 作 用,教科文组织与国际电联、难 民署和世界空间基金会合作,着手开展一个试验项目,在坦桑尼亚恩加拉卢科尔地区为难民 [...]
To highlight and enhance the role of
[...] information centres and community multimedia centres as access points, [...]
UNESCO initiated a pilot
project to develop telecentres for refugees in the Ngara/Lukole region of Tanzania, in cooperation with the ITU, UNCHR and the WorldSpace Foundation; a pilot distance education course on telecentre development using digital radio; and supported the establishment of an ICT-based learning centre at the Kabul University in Afghanistan.
(u) 鼓励执行其他公共卫
[...] 生方案,以满足人们对保健的需求,如健康教 育和促 进口腔 牙齿健康心理健康、预防残疾、食品 安全和营养 等。
(u) Encouraging the implementation of other public health programmes in response to the need for health of the
people such as health education and
[...] promotion, health for mouths and teeth, mental health, [...]
disability prevention, food safety and nutrition etc.
不過CITE相信,這座城市將成為新科技面世之前的重要測試站,仿造真實世界條件後,研究員要測試構想時,即不必 心 在 人 口 稠 密的市區裡,太過耗時、花費太多、風險太高,例如在長五公里的高速公路上,測試無人駕駛卡車。
Mimicking real-world conditions, CITE
will allow researchers to experiment
[...] with ideas that in populated cities would be [...]
too time-consuming, costly or risky –
like the driverless trucks planned for its five-mile long freeway.
区总部将包括为 300 人提供住宿,还将包括后勤支助心 , 涉 及 口 粮 、 燃料、水、 一般用品、设施管理物品、维修和存储设施以及与工程支助、供电、通信和信息 [...]
The sector headquarters will include accommodation for 300
personnel, and will also comprise
[...] logistical support hubs containing rations, fuel, water, [...]
general supplies, facilities management
items, maintenance and storage facilities and equipment related to engineering support, power, communications and information technology, aviation, movement control and medical support.
总干事建立了教科文组织优先计划和改革活动的多捐助方紧急基金,以便接受弥补心经费缺口的捐助资金(见 189 EX/15 号文件第 [...]
III 部分中的详细说明)。
To receive funds
[...] to meet the gap in core funding, the Director-General [...]
established the Emergency Multi-donor Fund for UNESCO
Priority Programmes and Reform Initiatives (see detailed information in 189 EX/15 Part III).
為確保回歸過渡時期的經濟繁榮,香港實施了一套高度集中的發展策略, 將主要的經濟、社會和政治活動集中在維港兩岸,都會 心 一 帶的 人 口 繼 續膨 脹。
In a bid to maintaining the economic prosperity of the territories, the Government upholds the pre-handover territorial development strategy characterized by a development model with high concentration of economic, social and
political activities
[...] together with continuous population growth in the metro core along the two [...]
sides of the Victoria Harbour.
另一个问题是口拥挤:中心的容量是 4 004 个位置,但接待的外国人往往超 过此数。
Overcrowding is
[...] another problem: the Centre has room for 4,004 [...]
aliens, but it often accommodates many more.
(h) 为使用船只数据远程识别和跟踪,西非和中非各国应建立全国远程识别 和跟踪数据中心,或利用其他数据中心来实施《国际海上人命安全公约》的各项
[...] 规定和《国际海上搜寻救助公约》规定的义务;告知海事组织将使用哪个数据心;根据当前口吞吐量分析口国 进 行跟踪的费用;考虑在关键地区划分监测 区块,以利于沿岸国作跟踪
(h) In order to use long-range identification and tracking of ships data, West and Central African States should establish a national long-range identification and tracking data centre or utilize other data centres to meet the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea regulatory requirements and the Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue
obligations; inform
[...] IMO of which data centre will be used; analyse the cost of port State tracking [...]
based on current port traffic; and consider creating
custom polygons in critical areas for coastal State tracking
17.47 最后,本次级方案的工作和成绩,将通过更新和改进拉丁美洲和加勒比口中心网址 和数据库以提供最为区域公益物的社会人口数据、在国际活动和区 [...]
域内外相关决策者、学者和其他利益相关方参与的重要论坛广泛传播其主要出版 物和调研结果,向本次级方案的受益者广泛宣传。
17.47 Finally, the subprogramme’s work and achievements will be broadly shared with its
beneficiaries through the continuous
[...] provision of socio-demographic data as a regional [...]
public good by means of updating and
development of the CELADE website and databases, wide dissemination of its main publications and findings in international events and key forums involving relevant policymakers, academia and other stakeholders both within and outside the region.
中兴通讯全程100G承载网解决方案中的汇聚接入层,采用业界首家推出100 GE 接 口 的 核 心 交 换 机ZXR10 8900E。
In the convergence access layer, the solution uses
[...] a ZXR10 8900E core switch that has the first 100G port in the industry.
[...] 动包括:向全国农民提供技术和培训支持;向农民提供提供种子、肥料和农具; 与公共工程部合作,确定口和农业 中 心 , 以 便修建支线公路,将农业生产集中 的地区与利比里亚市场连接起来;提供独立的仓库和与技术中心相连接的仓库, [...]
为农业部工作人员提供了有关规划、收获、食品储存和渔业现代技术方面的广泛 培训。
Some noteworthy initiatives include: providing technical and training support to farmers around the country; providing seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment to farmers; in collaboration
with the Ministry of Public
[...] Works, identifying population and agricultural centers to build feeder [...]
roads connecting areas
with high agricultural production with Liberian markets; providing freestanding warehouses and warehouses connected to technology centers for the safe storage of agricultural products; and, appreciating the lack of trained personnel in all areas of the agricultural sector, extensively training Ministry of Agriculture staff in modern techniques relating to planting, harvesting, food storage, and fisheries.
[...] 是通过促进安全和建立信任,继续开展对巴勒斯坦人和以色列人都有益的合作, 并希望这种进展扩大到所有主要口 中
Welcoming the efforts and progress made in the security sector by the Palestinian Authority, calling upon the parties to continue cooperation that benefits both Palestinians and Israelis, in particular by promoting
security and building confidence, and expressing the hope that such progress will be
[...] extended to all major population centres
这些条例设定了载体问题口专业 指导 心 理 支助活动的管理、提供和财 政支助的程序和条件,确保社会所有人一律拥有平等的机会,无任何形式的专业 [...]
The Regulations set the procedure and conditions of management, delivery and financial
support of the activities of
[...] professional guidance and psychological support of the population [...]
on carrier issues and ensures
equality of opportunity for all the members of the society, excluding any form of discrimination with regard to profession and employment.
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力,打击暴力侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和口贩运 ,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 [...]
It also called on the Government to consider strengthening efforts to
combat violence against women, including
[...] domestic violence and trafficking in [...]
persons, especially women and children by,
inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws and legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.




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