

单词 徽帜

See also:


emblem n
crest n

coat of arms


badge n

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2009 年 10 月举行的委员会成立大会
[...] 上,根据民族委员会的要求,确定了民族节日和符号:马其顿、罗马尼亚、保加 利亚、乌克兰、鲁塞尼亚、瓦拉几、希腊和德意志等少数民族的 徽 、 旗 帜 及节 日,以及斯洛伐克少数民族徽和旗 帜。
National holidays and symbols were recognized at the constitutive meeting of the Council in October 2009 according to the submitted requests by the national councils: the emblems, flags and holidays of the Macedonian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
Ruthenian, Vlach, Greek and German
[...] national minorities, as well as the emblem and the flag of the Slovak national minority.
答:请访问下列网站来查找联合国的一般信息:《联合国宪章》,联合 徽 记 和 旗 帜 , 联 合国概况,联合国简介,联合国历史和青少年天地。
A. Please visit the following sites to find general information
[...] about the UN: UN Charter, UN Emblem and Flag
人道主徽记和旗帜传统 上为人道主义工作人 员提供保护,现在不幸已经成为蓄意攻击的目标。
Humanitarian emblems and flags, which traditionally [...]
provided a shield for humanitarian workers, have now unfortunately become
deliberately selected targets.
图形功能包括打印方框、多种厚度的垂直线、水平线、实线和虚线、以 徽 标 和 特殊 字母数字打印功能。
Graphics capabilities include boxes, vertical and horizontal, solid and dashed lines with a variety of thickness, logos, and special alphanumeric print features.
目前,通过全球品牌数据库的查询界面,用户可以查询WIPO的三个数据库——商标国际注册马德里体系下注册的国际商标、原产地名称国际注册里斯本体系下注册的原产地名称以及受《保护工业产权巴黎公约》第6条之三保护 徽 章 、 旗 帜 及 其 他国 徽 记 以 及政府间组织的名称、缩略语和徽标——这一切现只通过一个简单、方便用户使用的界面即可以做到。
At present, the Global Brand Database search interface allows users to access three WIPO databases –  international trademarks registered under the Madrid system for the international registration of marks; appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon system for the international
registration of appellations of origin; and
[...] armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems as well as the names, [...]
abbreviations and
emblems of intergovernmental organizations protected under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property – by means of one simple, user-friendly screen.
应当 继续在和平文化的帜下, 继续支持人口基金在国 际、区域和国家一级开展工作。
UNFPA work at the international, regional and national levels should continue to be supported under the culture of peace banner.
私营军事和安保公司人员并不总是穿戴特定的制服和标 徽 章 , 并常常 驾驶配备有色玻璃、不悬挂车牌的无标志越野车,因而更加无法辨别。
Private military and security company personnel are
not always wearing distinctive uniforms and
[...] identification badges and often drive [...]
unmarked sport utility vehicles with tinted
glasses and no plates, which add to the confusion.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所述分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,在悬挂意大利帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, of 10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
这种颜 色搭配的帜并不 是白俄罗斯的国家官方标志。
Flags of this colour combination, however, are not the official State symbol of Belarus.
第 166 条 规定了对个人误用联合国帜或符 号、红十字帜或符号或类似符号、抑或其他被认可的为 保护免遭军事行动袭击而用以标示特定物体的 符号的人的处罚。
Article 166 provides for the punishment of a person who has misused the United Nations flag or symbol, the Red Cross flag or symbols or similar symbols, or other recognized symbols used for marking specific objects for the purposes of protection from military operations.
这些船携带这些帜在船 旗国国家管辖区外(即公海或其他国家的主权或 [...]
Many of the vessels carrying
[...] these flags engage in IUU fishing [...]
in areas beyond the national jurisdiction of the flag State
(i.e. on the high seas or in areas under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of other States).
在文化产业领域也付出了努力,办法是通 过卓徽章方案和其他发展传统手工艺的活动,以及实施一个发展生态旅游的项目。
Efforts in the sphere of cultural industries were also pursued, through the Seal of Excellence Programme and other activities for the development of traditional crafts, and the implementation of a project for the development of ecotourism.
帜上显示了一个统一的国家形象,而 且他们仅作为“朝鲜”参赛。
Their flag featured an image of a united country, and they competed as simply ‘Korea’.
通过系统化的使命以及通过或协 同国家对口机构执行各项活动或加强与国家委员会的沟通和协调,系统地参与所有多 国组四国的计划活动等实现了在此方面的进展。在文化领域,办事处在若干情况下制 定及调整了方法和战略,而这些方法和战略在多国组一级得到了测试,并可供其他多 国办事处复制,如教科文杰出手工艺 徽 章、 “记忆之地”、建立活的人类瑰宝的国 家宣布系统等。
Progress has been made in this sense through systematic missions, implementation of activities through and with national counterparts, strengthened communication and coordination with National Commissions, systematic participation of all countries in cluster programme activities, etc. In the field of culture, in several cases the Office developed and adapted methodologies and strategies that were tested at the cluster level and will become available for replication by other cluster offices, e.g. the UNESCO Seal of Excellence for Handicrafts, the identification of Places of Memory, and the establishment of national systems for the proclamation of Living Human Treasures.
她指出,关于被占领的叙利亚戈 兰的决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.16 案文与 1982 年以来使
[...] 用的相关决议草案的案文基本相同,同时强调该决议 草案帜鲜明地反对外国占领和吞并,并忆及安全理 [...]
事会已宣布了以色列关于强加其法律、管辖权和行政 权的决定。
Noting that the text of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.16, on the
occupied Syrian Golan, was essentially the same
[...] as those that had been used since [...]
1982, she underscored its strong message against
foreign occupation and annexation and recalled that Israel’s decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration had been declared by the Security Council.
维捷布斯克区法院得出结论,提交人在一公共场所积极地参与了一场群众活 动,特别是与群众活动的其他参与者一起,在一个停车场长时间举着展开的帜 和一 个十字架,从而公开表达了自己的个人利益和其他利益。
The Vitebsk District Court concluded that, by actively taking part in a mass event in a public place and, in particular, by holding unfurled flags and a cross for a long period of time on the parking lot with the other participants at the mass event, the author publicly expressed his personal and other interests.
努美阿协议签署方委员会建议在开始进行另外两种 身份符号,国旗和国名的工作之前,卡纳克民阵的 帜 将 与 法国国旗并排悬挂; 这一建议在 2010 年 7 月 17 日成为正式规定。
The Committee of Signatories of the Nouméa Accord had recommended that, pending the initiation of work on the two other identity symbols, the flag and the name of the country, the FLNKS flag should be flown side by side with the French flag; that had become official on 17 July 2010.
中西太平洋渔委制定并实施 了公海登船检查程序,包括针对悬挂非成员 帜 的 船只实施这一程序。
WCPFC has developed and implemented procedures for boarding and inspection on the high seas, including in respect of vessels flagged to non-members.
梅蒂斯旗”是集不同国家形象于一体的万花筒。仿佛透过棱镜的过滤一般,这面 帜 将 所有国家的颜色汇集成为一束光芒。
The Metisse Flag is a kaleidoscope of different nations, as if through the filter of a prism, the flag concentrates all the national colours into the sum of light.
巴勃罗·聂鲁达(1904--1973 年)智利人,拉丁美洲诗人,社会主义理想的颂扬者, 是诗人、外交家、政治家、剧作家、评论家、教授,他全身心地捍卫和承认美洲印第安文 明,在人与自然的关系的信念上独树 帜 , 积极促进民主和不同的文明对话。
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), eulogist of Latin America and of socialist ideals, Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, diplomat, politician, playwright, essayist and professor, fully committed to the defence and recognition of Amerindian civilizations, with a profoundly unique vision of humankind’s place in nature, of democracy and of the dialogue among civilizations – all of them equal.
邦特兰部队展示了黑色青年党帜, 更 重要的是,展示了青年党用于制造无线 电控制简易爆炸装置的 11 个摩托车保镖防盗装置(见下文四.C 节个案研究)。
Puntland forces displayed a black Al-Shabaab flag and, more importantly, 11 bodyguard motorcycle alarm devices of the kind used by Al-Shabaab to construct radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (see case study, paras. 136-144 below).
大多数国家报告了为加强对悬挂其 帜 的 船 舶的有效管制而采用立法机 制和其他监测、控制和监督工具的情况,但是一般没有明确说明自审查会议以来 已实行的措施。
Most States reported on legislative mechanisms and other monitoring, control and surveillance tools used to strengthen effective control over vessels flying their flag, but there was generally no clear indication of the measures that had been introduced since the Review Conference.
Analena 女士(工作人员-管理当局协调委员会副 主席)代表非洲经济委员会、拉丁美洲和加勒比经济 委员会、亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会、西亚经济社 会委员会、联合国内罗毕办事处和维也纳办事处、卢 旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭、 联合国儿童基金会、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处
和联合国大学的工作人员发言,她表示,这些在总部 和外地工作的工作人员将援助送到需要者手中,帮助 那些生活在冲突地区的人,支助弱势群体并确保将犯
[...] 下战争罪行的人绳之以法,他们在联合国的 帜 下提供服务时常常面临着困难及健康和生命方面的危险。
(Vice-President, Staff-Management Coordination Committee), speaking on behalf of the staff of the Economic Commissions for Africa and for Latin America and the Caribbean; the Economic and Social Commissions for Asia and the Pacific and for Western Asia; the United Nations Offices at Nairobi and Vienna; the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; the United Nations Children’s Fund, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and United Nations University, said that those staff, working both at headquarters and in the field, brought aid to people in need, helped those living in conflict zones, supported the less privileged and ensured that the perpetrators of war crimes were brought to
justice, often facing hardships and risks to their health and their
[...] lives as they served under the United Nations banner.
此外,这位发 言者回顾了南美洲国家联盟关于前往群岛船只某些航行问题的合作宣言,具体而 言,南美洲国家联盟成员承诺采取适当的管制措施,防止挂有非法的马尔维纳斯 群岛帜的船 只进入本国港口,而且一旦有携带用于在阿根廷大陆架上进行非法 的油气和(或)开采活动的货物的船只或海上装置前往群岛时就知会阿根廷政府。
Furthermore, the speaker recalled the UNASUR Declaration on cooperation with regard to certain movements of vessels travelling to the Islands, in particular the commitment of UNASUR members to adopt appropriate regulatory measures to prevent the entry into their ports of “vessels flying the illegal flag of the Malvinas Islands” and to inform the Argentine Government about any vessels or marine structures travelling to the Islands with cargo to be used for illegal hydrocarbon and/or mining activities on the Argentine continental shelf.
我们已日益整合在联 合国帜下开 展的各种努力,而且我们终于明白, 在支持国家主导的优先事项方面,我们只有与其他 关键国际行为体密切合作才能成功。
We have increasingly integrated the various efforts carried out under the United Nations flag, and we have come to understand that we can succeed only if we work in close partnership with other key international actors, in support of nationally owned priorities.
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