

单词 德鲁兹

See also:

vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC) in modern day Shandong Province
surname Lu


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 预算系统大幅提高了低收入背景人口的预算额度,包括阿拉伯 德鲁兹 和 贝 多因 的学生。
The new differential budget system significantly increases the budget
granted to populations of a lower economical background, including pupils
[...] from the Arab, Druze, and Bedouin populations.
根据新的决议,到 2012 年底,包德鲁兹人和 切尔卡西亚人在内 的阿拉伯人将占到文职部门全体雇员的 10%。
According to the new Resolution,
[...] Arabs, including Druze and Circassians, [...]
are to consist of 10% of all Civil Service employees by the end of the year 2012.
提高妇女地位局近期发布了一项 声明,请来自贝多因德鲁兹和切 尔克斯的女生提交来年的申请。
The Authority recently published an announcement
[...] inviting Bedouin, Druze and Circassian [...]
women to submit applications for the upcoming year.
2007 年,文职部门中拥有学位的阿拉伯 德鲁兹 和 切尔卡西亚雇员占 46.82%, 2006 年为 43.7%。
In 2007, 46.82% of Arab, Druze and Circassian Civil Service employees had an academic degree, in comparison to 43.7% in 2006.
阿拉伯人口 的任用分配情况如下:14 名穆斯林法官――8 名是在过去十年任用的,17 名基督
[...] 教法官――12 名是在过去十年任用的,7 名德鲁兹法官――5 名是在过去十年任用 的。
The distribution of appointments within the Arab population is as follows: 14 Muslim judges – 8 were appointed in the last 10
years, 17 Christian judges – 12 were appointed in the
[...] last 10 years, 7 Druze judges – 5 were [...]
appointed in the last 10 years.
2006 年 8 月,政府决心开始实施额外两个多年期计划(2006-2009 年),以促
[...] 进北部阿拉伯住区的社会经济发展,特别是教育、住房和就业方面,这两个计划 是:关于促德鲁兹和切 尔卡西亚人口发展的第 412 号决议(4.47 [...]
亿新谢克尔(1.2 亿美元)),以及关于促进贝都因人口发展的第 413 号决议(3.18
亿新谢克尔(8 500 万美元))。
In August 2006, the Government resolved to commence on two additional multiyear plans (2006–2009) for the socio-economic development of Arab localities in the North, particularly concerning education, housing and
employment: Resolution no. 412 on the
[...] development of the Druze and Circassian [...]
populations, in the amount of 447 million
NIS ($120 million), and Resolution no. 413 for the development of the Bedouin population, in the amount of 318 million NIS ($85 million).
2005-2008 年期间,阿拉伯德鲁兹地区 工业区的活动由工业、贸易及劳工 [...]
部提供补贴,总额达 28 665 967 新谢克尔(7 543 675.5 美元)。
Between the years 2005 and 2008, activities in industrial
[...] zones in Arab and Druze localities were [...]
subsidized by the Ministry of Industry, Trade
and Labor, in sums amounting to 28,665,967 NIS ($7,543,675.5).
2000 年,以色列议会颁布了第 5760-2000 号《文职部门(任 用)(11 号修正案)法》(《文职部门(任命)法》),以确保根据少数民族和代表性不 足的群体,如妇女、残疾人以及阿拉伯人 德鲁兹 人 和 切尔卡西亚人在合格劳动 力人口中的比例,确定他们在文职部门的任职人数。
In 2000, the Civil Service (Appointments) (Amendment no. 11) (Appropriate Representation) Law 5760-2000 (the “Civil Service (Appointments) Law”), was enacted by the Israeli Knesset in order to ensure that minorities and under-represented populations such as women, persons with disabilities, and the Arab, Druze and Circassian populations are represented in the Civil Service according to their proportion in the eligible work force population.
截至 2008 年 11 月,文职部门中 6.5%的雇员为阿拉伯人德鲁兹人和 切尔卡西亚人(2007 年为 6.17%)。
As of November 2008, 6.5% of employees in the Civil Service were Arabs, Druze and Circassians (in comparison to 6.17% in 2007).
中心将包括一家研究机构、一个博物 馆和一德鲁兹遗产 、文化和历史档案室。
The Center will include a research institute, a museum
[...] and an archive of Druze heritage, culture [...]
and history.
在 88 个服务于主要由阿拉伯人德鲁兹人 、 贝都因人或切 尔卡西亚人构成的城镇和村庄的地方理事会或市政当局中,地方政府机构的雇员 [...]
In the 88 local councils or municipalities which serve towns and
villages where the population is primarily
[...] composed of Arabs, Druze, Bedouins or [...]
Circassians, the employees of the local government
bodies are almost exclusively composed of members of those minorities.
自 1974 年以来,联合国脱离接触观察员部队
[...] (观察员部队)在该区域的存在有助于稳定以色列 -叙利亚边境,同时帮德鲁兹教派 农民向叙利亚 出口苹果。
The presence of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the
region since 1974 had helped to stabilize the Israeli-Syrian
[...] frontier while helping Druze farmers export [...]
apples to Syria.
2007 年 6 月 4 日,以色列议会颁布了第 5767-2007 号德鲁兹文化遗产中 心法》,旨在促进在以色列成 德鲁兹 文 化 遗产中心。
On June 4, 2007, the Knesset
[...] enacted the Druze Cultural Heritage Center Law 5767-2007, which purpose is to facilitate the establishment of a Druze Cultural Heritage [...]
Center in Israel.
委员会欢迎建立总理公安厅下设的阿拉伯族 德鲁兹 族 和 切尔卡西亚族区经 济发展署和为之编制的相应运作预算,并颁布了少数民族地方经济发展五年计 划。
The Committee welcomes the establishment in the Prime Minister’s Office of the Economic Development Authority for the Arab, Druze and Circassian Sectors and the allocation of a consequential budget for its functioning, and the adoption of a Five-Year Plan for the Economic Development of Minority Localities.
2006 年 3 月 12 日,政府根据《文职部门(任用)法》第 15A 条做出决定(第 4729 号决议),在
[...] 2006-2008 年期间为阿拉伯人口(包德鲁兹人和 切尔卡西亚人) 安排 337 个就业岗位,以使他们逐步融入文职部门。
On March 12, 2006, the Government decided (Resolution no. 4729), based on section 15A of the Civil Service (Appointments) Law, to designate 337 employment positions
towards the integration of the Arab
[...] population, including Druze and Circassians, [...]
into the Civil Service between the years 2006 and 2008.
2007 年,在所有新招聘的阿拉伯德鲁兹 和 切 尔卡西亚雇员中,女性雇员 的比例为 39.8%,与此相比,2005 年为 37.7%,2003 年为 34.2%。
In 2007 39.8% of all recently accepted Arab, Druze and Circassian integrated employees were women, in comparison to 37.7% in 2005, and 34.2% in 2003.
第 5756-1996
[...] 号《电力供应法》(暂行令),颁布该项法案旨在解决某些阿 拉伯德鲁兹公民 的电力供应问题,他们居住在未经建筑许可建造的住房中,因 [...]
The Electricity Supply Law (Temporary Order) 5756-1996, was enacted
to solve the problem of providing
[...] electricity to Arab and Druze citizens whose [...]
houses had been built without building permits,
and were consequently not connected to the central electricity grid.
另外,2007 年进入文职部门的全体新雇员中,有 8.7%为阿拉伯人德鲁兹 人和切尔卡西亚人,与此相比,2005 年为 6.9%,2003 年为 4.26%。
Furthermore, 8.7% of all new employees integrated in the Civil Service in 2007 were Arabs, Druze and Circassians, In comparison to 6.9% in 2005, and 4.26% in 2003.
根据 2008 年 12 月收集的数据,每 586 名董事中有 47 人(8.02%)有阿拉伯血统,包德鲁兹人 和切尔卡西亚人,与此相比,2001 年为 10 人(1.7%)。
According to data gathered in December 2008, 47 out of 586 directors, (8.02%), were of Arab origin, including Druze and Circassian, in comparison, to 10 (1.7%) in 2001.
这些年里,该部共德鲁兹和切 尔卡西亚人口发展项目拨款 94 386 900 [...]
新谢克尔(25 509 972 美元),向北部贝都 因城镇项目拨款 69 652 880 新谢克尔(18 825 102 美元),向内盖夫贝都因城镇拨 款 34
790 000 新谢克尔(9 402 702 美元),以及向阿拉伯住区拨款 230 448 321 新 谢克尔(62 283 330 美元)。
During these years, 94,386,900 NIS
($25,509,972) was allocated for development
[...] projects for the Druze and Circassian [...]
population, 69,652,880 NIS ($18,825,102) for
projects in the Bedouin towns in the North, 34,790,000 NIS ($9,402,702) for the Bedouin towns in the Negev and 230,448,321 NIS ($62,283,330) towards Arab localities.
委员会还欢迎,缔约国为增强阿拉伯族 德鲁兹 族 人 口融入各公务部门采取 的平权措施。
The Committee also welcomes affirmative
action measures taken by the State party to enhance the integration
[...] of the Arab and Druze population into [...]
the civil service.
[...] 拉伯裔以色列居民的失业率明显较高,而且阿拉伯裔 德鲁兹 裔 和 切尔克斯裔居 民集中在工资较低的一些部门就业,包括农业和餐旅业部门。
The Committee is concerned about the continuing obstacles to employment by the Arab Israeli population, the considerably higher levels of unemployment rates of the Arab Israeli
population, and the concentration of
[...] members of the Arab, Druze and Circassian [...]
population in some sectors characterized by
low wages, including agriculture and the hotel and restaurant sector (art. 6).
2008 年上半年,该部拨付了 5 220 万新谢克尔(1 400 万美元)的预算资金, 用于发展市内基础设施,其中 780
万新谢克尔(210 万美元)投向内盖夫的贝都因 地区,1180 万新谢克尔(319
[...] 万美元)投向北部贝都因地区,610 万新谢克尔(164 万美元)用德鲁兹和切 尔卡西亚地区,以及 2 640 [...]
万新谢克尔(713 万美元)用于 阿拉伯住区。
During the first half of 2008, the Ministry allocated a budget of 52.2 million NIS ($14 million) towards the development of intra-municipal infrastructure, from which 7.8 million NIS ($2.1 million) for Bedouin localities in the Negev, 11.8 million NIS ($3.19 million) for Bedouin
localities in the North, 6.1 million NIS ($1.64
[...] million) for the Druze and Circassian [...]
localities and 26.4 million NIS ($7.13 million) for Arab localities.
需要所有叙利亚人— —阿拉维派和基督徒与逊尼较派 德鲁兹 教 派携手, 阿拉伯人与库尔德人并肩——共同努力,才能确保新 叙利亚推行法治;尊重和保护每位公民的普遍权利, 无论其属于何种族裔或教派;打击阿萨德政权标志性 的普遍腐败现象。
It will take all Syrians working together — Alawis and Christians hand in hand with Sunnis and Druze, side by side with Arabs and Kurds — to ensure that the new Syria is governed by the rule of law, that it respects and protects the universal rights of every citizen, regardless of ethnicity or sect, and that it takes on the widespread corruption that has marked the Al-Assad regime.
有人建议,罗马和叙利亚最初使用相同的礼仪,而且为了我们的佳能备受争议的问题可能是Kanons解决重建它根据叙利亚使用 德鲁兹 , 祖 尔Entstehungsgeschichte德)。
It has been suggested that Rome and Syria originally used the same liturgy and that the much-disputed question of the order of
our Canon may be solved by reconstructing it according to
[...] the Syrian use (Drews, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte [...]
des Kanons).
2007 年 2 月 4
[...] 日,政府合并了一项补充性多年期计划,以促进并协助建造 和开发阿拉伯德鲁兹、切 尔卡西亚及北部贝多因住区的排水系统基础设施(第 [...]
1140 号《政府决议》)。
In February 4, 2007, the Government consolidated an additional multi-year plan to promote and assist in the
construction and development of sewage
[...] infrastructure in Arab, Druze and Circassian [...]
localities, as well as Bedouin localities
in the North (Government Resolution no. 1140).
人权与国际团结问题独立专家穆罕 德 · 鲁 迪 · 里 兹克 的报告
Report of the independent expert on human rights and international solidarity, Rudi Muhammad Rizki
人道主义组织对阿富汗和国际军事部队在 德 吉 斯、 乌 鲁兹 甘 省和瓦尔达克省卫 生设施的行为表示谴责。
Humanitarian organizations denounced national and international military forces regarding their conduct in health facilities in Badghis, Uruzgan and Wardak provinces.
根据这些,玫瑰十字兄弟会是由一 德 国 贵族,基督教罗森 鲁兹 ( 13 78年至1484年),前和尚,谁同时通过大马士革,耶路撒冷和非斯旅游已经开始进入阿拉伯学习(魔术),谁在1408年审议一antipapal基督教,色彩与神智,他的宗教理想。
According to these, the Rosicrucian brotherhood
[...] was founded in 1408 by a German nobleman, Christian Rosenkreuz (1378-1484), [...]
a former monk, who
while travelling through Damascus, Jerusalem and Fez had been initiated into Arabian learning (magic), and who considered an antipapal Christianity, tinged with theosophy, his ideal of a religion.
虽然不稳定局势继续阻碍在南部 和西南部的根除毒品运动,但禁毒部和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室业已核实, 巴达赫尚、法拉、赫尔德、赫 拉特、喀布尔、卡比萨、拉格曼、楠格哈尔、尼鲁兹、塔哈尔和鲁兹甘等 11 个省根除了 2 316 公顷罂粟地。
The Ministry and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime verified 2,316 hectares of fields in 11 provinces —
Badakhshan, Farah,
[...] Helmand, Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, Laghman, Nangarhar, Nimroz, Takhar and Uruzgan — where poppy had been eradicated, but instability continued to [...]
hamper eradication
campaigns in the south and south-west.




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