

单词 德意志


German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch")



Deutsche Bank


Federal Republic of Germany
former West Germany 1945-1990, now simply Germany


German democratic republic (former East Germany), 1945-1990


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

See also:







External sources (not reviewed)

彼曾德 意志之全资附属公德意志亚洲有限公司任职高层管理人员。
She was a senior management of DeutscheSecurities Asia Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary ofDeutsche Bank AG.
In 1950, he returned toGermany and soon became one of the leading architects of the newly founded GDR.
德意志 共和国:对确认适用的国际法以及这些规定的建议表示欢迎,这些规定当 时已被认为是源自 1907 年海牙公约(IV)“陆战法规和惯例公约”附件 [...]
第 46 (2) 和 56 (2) 条 所载的保护概念,后来这些规定又在 1954 年《关于在武装冲突情况下保护文化财产的公
FederalRepublic ofGermany:welcomes theconfirmation [...]
of applicable international law and this recommendation of provisions
which at the time were already regarded as deriving from the concept of protection contained in Article 46 (2) and Article 56 (2) of the Annex to the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907 and which were later dealt with more specifically in the 1954 (First) Protocol to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
在不影响德意志共和国政府签署的《总部协定》给予《公约》秘书处、 《公约》干事、一个或多个缔约方、个人、官员及成员代表的法律地位和豁免的 情况下,作为本议定书缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议应审查在本议定书下设 立的机构任职的个人的豁免问题。
Without prejudice to the legal status, immunities accorded to the Convention secretariat, officials, a Party or Parties, persons, officials, representatives of Members by the Headquarters Protocol with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall examine the issue of immunities for persons serving on bodies constituted under this Protocol.
荷兰王国不接受保加利亚人民共和国德意志共和国、蒙古人民共 和国、乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟、白俄罗 [...]
斯苏维埃社会主义共和国和也门民主共和国就公约第 11 条第 1 款作出的声 明。
The Kingdom of the Netherlands does not accept
the declarations by the People’s
[...] Republic of Bulgaria, the GermanDemocraticRepublic, [...]
the Mongolian People’s Republic, the
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen concerning article 11, paragraph 1, of the Convention.
欧洲联盟驻香港及澳门办事处与法国教育中心(Campus France)德意志交流中心(DAAD)及欧洲各领事馆联手於2013年3月9至10日,假铜锣湾香港中央图书馆举办「欧洲高等教育展览2013」。
The Office of the European Union to Hong Kong
and Macao in cooperation
[...] with Campus France, GermanAcademic Exchange [...]
Service (DAAD)and European Consulates General will
hold the European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2013 on 9th and 10th March 2013 at the Hong Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay.
因此,德国重申其关于对没有能力表示同意的人所进行的研究的立场,并批准《生物伦 理宣言》,同时明确指出,确定不同于德国法律的最低国际标准并不会使德意志共和国有 理由背离更严格的德国法律标准。
Germany thus reaffirms its position on research on persons lacking the capacity to consent and approves the Declaration on Bioethics with the express note that the determination of international
minimum standards that
[...] differ from Germanlegislation does not give the Federal Republic of Germany any cause to deviate from the stricter German legalstandards.
被告国意大利提出的辩诉状第七章中提及《法院规则》第 80 条,“德意 志部队严重违反人道主义法行为的意大利受害人应得到的赔偿问题”提出反 [...]
诉(见 2009/10 年度报告)。
In chapter VII of the counter
[...] memorial filed byItaly,therespondent, [...]
referring to article 80 of the Rules of Court, made
a counterclaim “with respect to the question of the reparation owed to Italian victims of grave violations of international humanitarian law committed by forces of the German Reich” (see annual report 2009/10).
1.1 本资料摘要旨在提供有关法兰西共和国(法国)德意志共和国(德国)、美利坚合众国(美国)、联合王国(英国)、新加坡共和国 [...]
(新加坡)、美国新泽西州(新泽西州)及英国苏格兰等地挑选国家元首/ 地方首长及政府首长的资料。
1.1 Thisinformation noteaims at providing [...]
information about the selection of head of state and head of government in the
French Republic (France), the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), the United States of America (US), the United Kingdom (UK), the Republic of Singapore (Singapore), the State of New Jersey (New Jersey) of the US and Scotland of the UK.
德意 志共和国基本法及其他条款规定,高等教育机构致力于人权并确保基于民主 原则框架内的教学与研究自由。
In accordance with the
[...] Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germanyand otherprovisions, [...]
higher education institutions
are committed to human rights and to ensuring the freedom of teaching, learning and research within a framework based on democratic principles.
凡属 巴克莱亚洲有限公司,
[...] 瑞士信贷(香港)有限公司, 大和资本市场香港有限公,德意志香港分行, 经济通有限公司, [...]
麦格理资本证券股份有限公司,荷兰合作银行香港分行,法国兴业证券(香港)有限公司,香港上海汇丰银行有限公司, 苏格兰皇家银行及瑞士银行伦敦分行所提供并印有"Powered
By" 之资料(「 资料」),乃由恒生银行有限公司(「本行」)在日常运作过程中再转送予阁下并只供参考之用。
Information (the "information") which is "Powered By" Barclays
Capital Asia Limited, Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited, Daiwa Capital Markets Hong
[...] Kong Limited, Deutsche Bank AGHong Kong [...]
Branch, ET Net Limited,
Macquarie Capital Securities Limited, Rabobank International Hong Kong Branch, SG Securities (HK) Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. and UBS AG London Branch re-transmitted by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") in the ordinary course of business to you for information and reference purpose only.
版权所有© 2012 TÜV德意志亚太有限公司。
All rights reserved © 2012 TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
逃犯(德国)令》(第 503章,附属法例X)根据《逃犯条例》 (第 503章 )第 3条制定,指示就香港德意志共和国("德国")於 2006年 5月 26日签订的移交逃犯双边协定而言,香港法例第503章 中的有关程序在该两个司法管辖区之间适用,但须受该协定所载 的限制、约束、例外规定及约制所规限。
The Fugitive Offenders (Germany) Order (Cap. 503 sub. leg. X) was made under section 3 of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap. 503) to direct that the procedures in Cap. 503 shall apply as between Hong Kong and the Federal Republic of Germany in relation to the bilateral surrender of fugitive offenders agreement signed between the two jurisdictions on 26 May 2006, subject to the limitations, restrictions, exceptions and qualifications contained in it.
On 21 August 1968, following the invasion of Czechoslovakia by
troops from the USSR, Poland, Hungary,
[...] Bulgaria and the GermanDemocraticRepublic, [...]
a meeting of the Security Council was
requested to consider the situation.
Nowotny 的演讲之后是第一天的专家小组讨论会,带来了一长串有意思也有启发的讨论:奥地利国际银行董事会顾问、SWIFT 监事会成员 Günther Gall德意志银行支付与结算系统总监 [...]
Jochen Metzger、德国商业银行首席信息官、德国 SWIFT 全国会员组主席 Stephan
Müller 以及奥地利国民银行行长、欧洲中央银行 (ECB) 治理委员会成员 Ewald Nowotny 参加了由 SWIFT 欧中非地区中东欧总监 Christian Kothe 主持的一项讨论,议题为“新金融格局”。
The panel discussion that followed Nowotny’s speech on the first day opened up a long string of interesting and informative discussions: Günther Gall, Advisor to the Board of Raiffeisenbank International and Supervisory Board Member of SWIFT,
Jochen Metzger, Head of Payments and
[...] Settlement Systems at Deutsche Bundesbank, Stephan [...]
Müller, Chief Information Officer of
Commerzbank AG and Chairman of the SWIFT National Member Group for Germany, as well as Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB, participated in a discussion moderated by Christian Kothe, Head of Central and Eastern Europe EMEA at SWIFT, on the topic, “The new financial landscape.
然而﹐ 应该注意的是德意志大利的统一是这两种力量互相交织的产 物﹐因为这两国同时争取统一﹐以及摆脱奥地利的统治。
But one should be reminded
[...] that the unifications of Germanyand Italy were a [...]
product of the interaction of these two forces
as they desired to get unification and independence from Austrian control at the same time.
本次活动特别邀请到德国VDA-QMC中国区总经理 MR ROBERT FRANK,由他本人亲自对VDA6.2 的最佳实践及在中国的前景展望作了介绍; TÜV德意志 南中国区VDA项目经理蔡志勇先生讲解了如何提升汽车服务业的质量管理系统VDA6.2;来自香港生产力促进局制造科技部顾问周汉荣先生深入分析了借鉴VDA [...]
Mr. Robert Frank, General
[...] Managerof Germany VDA-QMC China, introduced the best practices and the prospect of VDA6.2 in China; Mr. Cai Zhiyong, V SÜD [...]
China VDA project manager,
explained how to improve the quality of automotive service management system VDA6.2; Mr. Zhou Hanrong, Manufacturing Technology Advisor from Hong Kong Productivity Council gave deep analysis on how to upgrade the professionalism level of Shenzhen car services with reference to VDA 6.2 standards.
德国苏斯微技术公司(SUSS MicroTec)德意志所技术股指数成分股)是面向半导体行业及相关市场的微加工设备与工艺解决方案的全球领先供应商。
SUSS MicroTec (listed
[...] on TecDAX of DeutscheBörse AG)is a leading [...]
supplier of equipment and process solutions for microstructuring
in the semiconductor industry and related markets.
在 商 业 和 贸 易 问 题 等 共 同 利 益 上 ﹐ 它 打
破 了 一 些 敌 对 的 强 大 堡 垒 ﹐ 为 发 展 政 治 上 的 民 族 性 舖 路 ﹕ 它 清 除 了 一 些 地 方 上 的 感 情 和 习 惯
[...] ﹐ 取 而 代 之 的 是 更 广 更 强德 意 志元 素 。
By the community of interests on commercial and trading questions it had broken down some of the strongest holds of alienation and hostility and its has paved the way for a political
nationality- it has subdued much local feeling and habit and replaced themby a wider and
[...] stronger element of German nationality.
德意志 共和国认为缅甸联邦就《儿童权利公约》第 15 和第 37 条提出的 保留不符合该公约的目的和宗旨(第 [...]
51 条第 2 款),因此对这些保留提出反 对。
The FederalRepublic ofGermany considers that the [...]
reservations made by the Union of Myanmar regarding articles 15 and 37
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention (article 51, paragraph 2) and therefore objects to them.
在过去的140年里,TÜV 德意志 已经在德国建立了良好的品牌声誉并成为了优秀的安全及检验服务提供商。
Over the past 140 years, TÜV SÜD has built a sterling brand
[...] reputationin Germanyas the premium [...]
provider of safety and inspection services.
缔约国在批准《任择议定书》时作出如下保留:德意志共和国对第五条第 2 款(子)项作 出保留,即委员会的职权不适用于以下来文:(a) 已被另一国际调查或解决程序审查;(b) 所 申诉的侵权行为是《任择议定书》德意志共和国生效以前发生的事件所引起的;(c) 所 申诉的违反[上述《公约》 ]第二十六条的行为,涉及上述《公约》所保障范围之外的权利。
(a) to the effect that the competence of the Committee shall not apply to
communications (a) which
[...] have already beenconsidered under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, or (b) by means of which a violation of rights is reprimanded having its origin in events occurring prior to the entry into force of the Optional Protocol for the Federal Republic of Germany, or (c) by means of which [...]
a violation of article
26 of the [said Covenant] is reprimanded, if and insofar as the reprimanded violation refers to rights other than those guaranteed under the aforementioned Covenant.
Before this, Mr. Murray has been the Executive Chairman of Asia
[...] Pacific for the Deutsche Bank Group.
在此之前,他德意志全球企业融资团队任副总裁,曾为很多企业提供重要咨询服务并参与了很多资本市场交易,如 [...]
AES Corp 对中国投资公司 (China Investment Corporation, CIC) 的私募股权配售、CIC 对 PT Bumi Resources 的策略投资、AB-InBev 对
KKR 出售 Oriental Brewery、海尔集团 (Haier Group) 的资产重组、建议中国华能集团 (China Huaneng Group) 收购澳大利亚煤炭项目、建议凯雷集团 (Carlyle Group) 投资徐工机械 (Xugong Group Construction Machinery),还为香港特区政府提供金融策略咨询服务。
Before joining Blackstone in 2010, Mr. Chen workedas a Vice President in the global
[...] corporate finance teamofDeutsche Bank AG, HK, at which [...]
he'd been involved
in many significant corporate advisory and capital market transactions such as the equity placement by AES Corp to China Investment Corporation (CIC); CIC's strategic investment into PT Bumi Resources; the sale of Oriental Brewery to KKR by AB-InBev; the asset restructuring of Haier Group; the proposed acquisition of an Australian coal project by China Huaneng Group; the proposed investment into Xugong Group Construction Machinery by the Carlyle Group; as well as strategic financial consulting for the HKSAR Government.
A career diplomat, Mr. Wu had been serving, since
2009, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of
[...] China to the Federal Republic of Germany.
在 2007 年加入
[...] Blackstone 之前,Sawhney 先生德意志金融赞助部担任常务董事,负责管理公司与 [...]
Blackstone 以及其他几个大型私募股权投资公司的关系。
Before joining Blackstone in 2007, Mr. Sawhney worked
as a Managing Director in the Financial
[...] SponsorsGroup at DeutscheBank, where he [...]
was responsible for managing the firm’s
relationships with Blackstone and several other large private equity firms.
德国政府德意志随后将自动 正式调整财务主任和世界银行的账户。
Subsequently, the
[...] Government ofGermany and the Bundesbankautomatically [...]
formalize the adjustments to the accounts of the Treasurer and the World Bank.
关于委员会德意志 共和国第四次定期报告所提出的建议,以及涉及治 安措施的建议,联邦政府指出,通过联邦警察和地区警察服务站,德国已经采取 了广泛措施来抵制贩卖人口和贩卖妇女的活动,并打算在未来进一步加强在这一 领域的工作。
Asregardsthe Committee’s recommendations in relation to the Federal Republic of Germanys fourth periodic report [...]
regarding police
measures, the Federal Government points out that Germany has adopted extensive measures to combat trafficking in persons and in women, deploying the police services at both federal level and the level of the Länder, and also intends to adopt tougher measures in this area in the future.
2011 年期间,作为短期投资,法庭资金分别以美元和欧元形式存在 JP 摩根 大通银行德意志,根据《法庭财务细则》细则 109.1,短期投资是为期不 [...]
到 12 个月的投资。
During 2011, the Tribunal’s funds were kept in JP Morgan
[...] Chase Bank and Deutsche Bank in United [...]
States dollars and euros as short-term investments,
which are investments made for less than 12 months according to rule 109.1 of the Financial Rules of the Tribunal.




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