

单词 徵求

External sources (not reviewed)

If the selected subject was aged below 18, the
interviewer first introduced the survey to his/her parent
[...] or guardian and soughthis/herconsent [...]
before interviewing the subject.
It has explicit authority to seek any necessary [...]
information from the employees within its scope of duties and the authority
to obtain outside independent professional advice if it considers necessary.
The Directors
[...] will continue to seeklegal advice as [...]
to the appropriate steps to protect the interest of the Company.
If reporters wish to publish the content of papers or views of presenters, pleaseask for consent from relevant parties
If you do not understand any such information, you should obtain independent advice.
本 通 函 旨 在( 其 中 包 括 )向 阁 下 提 供 有 关 建 议 授 予 回 购 授 权 及 股
份 发 行 授 权 、 宣 派 股 息 及 暂 停 办 理 过 户 登 记 手 续 、 重 选退任 董 事 及 建 议 修 订
[...] 章程细 则 的 资 料 , 以徵 求在 股 东 周 年 大 会 [...]
上 批 准 该 等 事 项 。
The purpose of this circular is to, inter alia, provide you with information regarding the proposals for the grant of the Repurchase Mandate and the Share Issue Mandate, the declaration of the Dividend and closure of register of members, the re-election of retiring
Directors and the proposed amendments to the
[...] Articles, and toseek yourapproval in [...]
connection with such matters at the AGM.
9.2.2 假若获款机构有意从某一供应商或服 务公司采购物品或服务,须事徵求处批准,并提交有关详情,包括 [...]
但不限於与该供应商或服务公司的关 系及不遵照上文第 9.2.1 段所述采购程 序的原因,供秘书处考虑。
9.2.2 In case the project applicant intends to procure goods or
services from one supplier or service
[...] provider, itshall seek prior approval [...]
from the Secretariat. In this regard, it should
submit for the Secretariat’s consideration details, including but not limited to its relationship with the supplier or service provider concerned and justifications for not following the open procurement process set out in paragraph 9.2.1 above.
假如任何项目预计会超出核准预算费,必须遵照既定机制,事徵求会 或按财委会转授的权力批准。
Prior approval must be soughtfrom FC orunder the [...]
delegated power under the established mechanism, if any of the projects
is anticipated to exceed the APE.
本 通 函 旨 在 向 阁 下 提 供
有 关 将 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 上 提 呈 之 若 干 决 议 案 之
[...] 资 料( 其 中 包 括 ),徵 求对 普 通 决 议 案 之 批 [...]
准 , 以 重 选 董 事 、 行 使 本 公 司 权 力 购 回 为 数 最
多 达 本 公 司 於 通过决 议 案 当 日 己 有 已 发 行 股 本 10 % 之 股 份(「 购 回 授 权 」)、 授 予 董 事一般 授 权 发 行 为 数 最 多 达 本 公 司 於 通过决 议 案 当 日 已 发 行 股 本 20 % 之 新 股 份(「 一 般 授 权 」), 以 及 增 加 董 事 可 根 据 彼 等 之一般 授 权 而 发 行 之 股 份 数 目 , 增 幅 为 购 回 股 份之数 目 。
The purpose of this circular is to provide you with information regarding
certain resolutions to be proposed at the AGM,
[...] amongothers, to seek yourapproval of [...]
ordinary resolutions for the re-election
of Directors, to exercise the powers of the Company to repurchase the Shares representing up to a maximum of 10% of the existing issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing the resolution (the ‘‘Repurchase Mandate’’), to grant a general mandate to the Directors to issue new shares up to a maximum of 20% of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing the resolution (the ‘‘ General Mandates’’ ) and to increase the number of Shares which the Directors may issue under their general mandate by the number of Shares repurchased.
你需要聘请一位破产律师,在申请 破产之前,建议先充徵求的意见。
You will need to consult a bankruptcy attorney. Legal advice is always recommended prior to filing.
国际会计准则委员会继续审徵 求稿原则,惟现时并不确徵求稿所载建议会否成为国际会计准则委员会的最终准则。
The IASB continues its deliberationon the exposure draft principles but it remains uncertain whether the proposals in the Exposure Draft will become the final IASB standard.
以投票方式表决之要求不应阻碍大会继续进行或阻碍处理要求投票表决事 项以外之任何事项,及徵求同意下,可於大会结束或投票表决(以 [...]
The demand for a poll shall not prevent the continuance of a meeting or the transaction of any
business other than the question on which
[...] the pollhas been demanded, and, with the [...]
consent of the chairman, it may be withdrawn
at any time before the close of the meeting or the taking of the poll, whichever is the earlier.
就涉及第三者资料的徵求者 书面同意发放资料,并请其在 30 日内回 应。
For a requestinvolving third party information, [...]
to seek written consent to release from the third party inviting a response within 30 days.
徵 求名 人 对 提 名 的 同 意 後,召 集 提 名 委 员 会 会 议,根 据 董 事 及 高 级 管 理 人 员 的 任 职 条 件,对 初 选 人 员 进 行 资 格 审 查。
With the consent of the potential candidates, a meeting of the Nomination Committee will be convened to examine the qualifications of the initial nominees based on the conditions for appointment of Directors and senior management.
吾等亦徵求得 贵公司确认, 其所提供之资料并无遗漏任何重大事实,且其向吾等所表达之意见在任何重大方面均无误 [...]
We have also soughtand received confirmation [...]
from the Company that no material facts have been omitted from the information
supplied by them and that their opinions expressed to us are not misleading in any material respect.
於本公司之股票於证券商营业处所交易之期间内,在不违反本章程之情况下,於本公司股东 会使用徵求书时,应适用现行有效之『中华民国公开发行公司出席股东会使用委托书 [...]
Subject to these Articles, so long as the shares are
listed and traded on Over-the-Counter
[...] Markets, the use and solicitation of proxies at [...]
general meetings of the Company shall be
in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Use of Proxies for Attendance at Shareholder Meetings of Public Companies of the Republic of China, as from time to time amended.
(Note: Arrangement to seek professional [...]
advice could be made through the Company Secretary.
然而,并非所有 原本在保密情况下提供或取得的资料都会一直保持机密:举 例来说,如有关资料其後进入香港或其他地方的公众领域,
[...] 便没有理由继续将之视作机密,如有怀疑,徵求方同 意披露资料。
Not all information originally supplied or received in confidence will remain so : for example, if the information subsequently comes into the public domain, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, there may be no reason to continue
to treat it in confidence; if in doubt the consent of the other party to disclosure of
[...] the information should be sought.
[...] 新闻简讯中的资讯相关的建议,您可以直接联系我们并告知具体问题,徵求质的专业人士的建议。
If you are seeking advice on any matters relating to information in this newsletter, you
should – where appropriate – contact us directly with your
[...] specific query orseek advice from qualified [...]
professional people.
管理层 亦会与董事会成员定期进行非正式交流,徵求会成员就其具备专业知识或经验之事项的意见。
Management also communicates informally with members of the Board on a regular basis, and may solicit the advice of the Board members on matters falling within their special knowledge or experience.
如果孩子持续吸吮大拇指或其他指头,徵 求的医生或牙医的建议。
Ask child’s doctor or dentist for advice [...]
if thumb/finger sucking continues.
依据国家财政部下发的《企业内部控制规范——基本规范》和26项具体规范徵 求稿),结合 本公司的实际情况,本公司正着手修订规范本公司及各下属企业的《内部控制规范指引》,努力 [...]
(5) In accordance with Corporate Internal Control Standards - Basic Standards and 26 specific standards (a consultation draft) issued by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC,
we are committing to revise the Guidelines
[...] for InternalControl Standards regulating [...]
the Company and its subsidiaries, so
as to improve the system of internal control standards and establishment of the re-assessment system of the Company and strengthen the examination of implementation of internal control systems, with compensation for the deficiency and elimination of potential troubles, and thus effectively control and reduce the operation risks, according to the actual circumstances of the Company.
It will receive drafts of the movement for "watches school" students, according
[...] to a promise made by Chopard three [...]
years ago.
在急病或病人昏迷的情况下,显然所有关徵求的问题均可不顾,医生将采取任何必须的行动挽救病人 的性命(不論是孩童或成人),或使病人免於终生残废 或免受不必要的痛楚及痛苦。
It is clear that in cases of emergency or, unconsciousness all considerationsregarding consent will be set aside and doctors will do whatever is necessary to save the life of a patient (infant or adult), to save him from permanent disability or from unnecessary pain and suffering.
如部分研发工作须在香港境外(内地除外)进行,必须事徵求科技署批 准,并说明理由(例如有关国家/省/市/海外科研机构已与政府或本地大 [...]
Where certain R&D tasks need to be conducted outside Hong Kong
(other than the Mainland), prior approval
[...] from ITC must be soughtwith justifications [...]
(e.g. countries/provinces/cities/overseas
research institutes which have entered into technology collaboration agreements/ Memorandum of Understanding with the Government or local universities/R&D Centres).
按照「证券及期货事务监察委员会持牌人或注册人操守准则」,因开户过程并非 阁下亲身进行,本公司有责任提醒
[...] 阁下阅读「客户协议」所列出的风险披露声 明等相关内容,提出问题及在有需要徵求意见。
According to the “Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission”, as the account opening procedure is not conducted face-to-face, please read the Risk Disclosure Statements, Disclaimers and other
relevant content on the “Client Agreement” carefully, and
[...] make an enquiryor ask forindependent [...]
advice if it is necessary.
We hope to have the government's approval [...]
of importing products in the name of SAPAR; this would help bring more benefits to the operators in Italy.




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