

单词 徵收

External sources (not reviewed)

徵收增 值税、货物或服务税或其他税项,有关「义务人」须於支付该等费用或收费时一并支付该等税项。
If any value added tax, goods and services tax or
[...] other tax is so chargeable, it shall be [...]
paid by the relevant obligor at the same
time as it pays the relevant fee or charge.
(b) 政府向每宗物业交徵收 ,以累积款项设立基 金,向管理公司支付业主拖欠的管理费用。
(b) Government could levy each property transaction to build up a fund to pay management firms that have difficultyincollecting themanagement expenses [...]
from the owners.
根据上述条例的条款,香港海关有权就处理任何查阅资料要求 徵收费用。
In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
(a) 制订新法例,进㆒步减低空气、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞击式破碎机; 增加空气污染罪行的刑罚和简化有关发出消减空气污染滋扰通知书的手续;管 制石棉的使用;管制废物处理装置的使用和维修,并订立条文规定楼宇业主将 废物排放入公共污水渠;设立㆒项收费制度,就处理工业污水,使之符合标准徵收,以及立例管制化学废物的处理, 徵收
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
本会促请政府早日落实可持续发展计划,包括制订长远环保回收工业 政策、落实“回收园”发展计划、考 徵收的环保税,以及成立 高层次的跨部门产业促进局,以高效率统筹各部门沟通合作,加强市 民对环保的认识和向他们灌输处理废物的正确态度,以期早日解决香 港日趋严重的环境污染问题,并创造商机及增加就业机会。
That this Council urges the Government to implement as early as possible a sustainable development plan, which includes formulating a long-term policyon the recycling industry, implementing the development plan of the "Recovery Park", considering the imposition of a reasonable green tax, and establishing a high-level inter-departmental industries facilitation council to co-ordinate the communication and co-operation among various departments in a highly efficient manner so as to enhance public awareness of environmental protection and instill in them the correct attitude to handling wastes, with a view to solving the aggravating environmental pollution problem in Hong Kong as early as possible, as well as creating business opportunities and increasing job opportunities.
当有法定权利将本期税项资产抵销本期税项负债,而递延所得税资产及负债与同一税务部门 对同一应缴税实体或不同应缴税实 徵收得税有关,且有意按净额将结余结算时,则可 将递延所得税资产及负债相互抵销。
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income taxes assets and liabilities relate to incometaxeslevied bythe same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is an intention to settle the balances on a net basis.
在任何情况下,如印花税署署长认为所申报的价值不足,即有权按照所转 让的物业或股票的市徵收税。
based on the market value of the property conveyed or shares transferred if he is of the opinion that the consideration is inadequate.
(d) 进行建造及建筑承包商、室内及室外装饰商、以及土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各
[...] 自之内任何产业权或权益拥有人的业务;管理屋村及物业;接受 徵收;以及按本公司 认为适当的条款与条件,就土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各自之内的任何产业权或 [...]
(d) To carry on the business of construction and building contractors, interior and exterior decorators, and owners of land and hereditaments, messuages and tenements and any estate or interest therein Hong Kong Stamp Duty $20.00 5-8-65 — 2 —
respectively, to manage estates and properties,
[...] to receive and collectrents, and to act [...]
as attorneys or factors and transact
all kinds of agency and commission business so far as regards lands and hereditaments, messuages and tenements, and any estate or interest therein respectively for any person or persons, company or corporation for such commission or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit.
此外,71%赞成预算案建议现阶段「不调整酒税、不调整差 徵收 不开徵新税项」,18%则表示不赞成。
Besides, 71% welcomed the proposed measures of "no adjustment in the duty on alcoholic beverages and rates charge, as well as no introduction of new tax items", whilst 18% did not.
根 据 这 项 计 划 , 勾 地 表 内 酒 店 用 地 的 售 卖 底 价 , 以 及 选 择 「 限 作 酒 店 发 展 」 的 土
地 契 约 修 订 / 换 地 个 案 的 补 地 价 , 会 按 照 土 地 限
[...] 作 酒 店 发 展 评 估徵 收非 该 土 地 的 最 [...]
大 许 可 发 展 潜 力 , 不 論 酒 店 用 途 是 否 该 土 地 的 最 佳 发 展 。
Under it, the reserve price of hotel sites on the Application List and the premium for lease modification/land exchange cases
opting for "hotel only" development will be
[...] assessed and chargedon a "hotel only" [...]
basis instead of their maximum permissible
development potential irrespective of whether hotel use represents the optimal development.
当且仅当拥有以净额结算当期税项资产及当期税项负债的法定权利,且递延税项资产及递延税项负债是 与同一税务当局对同一纳税主徵收项相关或者是对不同的纳税主 徵收,但在未来每一项 具有重要性的递延税项资产及负债预期结算或拨回的期间内,涉及的纳税主体意图以净额结算当期税项 [...][...]
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset if, and only if, a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current tax
liabilities and the deferred
[...] tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxeslevied bythe same taxation authority on [...]
either the same taxable
entity or different taxable entities which intend to either settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expected to be settled or recovered.
[...] 国家对高新技术企业的相关税收规定,本公司将在高新技术企业的有效期内享受所 得税减按15%税徵收收优惠政策。
In accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China and national tax regulations applicable to hi-tech enterprises, the Company shall be
entitled to a preferential tax policy and subject
[...] to a reduced incometaxrate of 15% [...]
during the valid term of its hi-tech enterprise status.
(d) 与在香港期货交易所买卖的期货和期权合约相关的任何交易,须受到有关市场和交易所的规则所规 限,而香港期货交易所的规则、规例和程序载有条文规定在香港期货交易所或香港证监会提出要求 时,吾等须按要求披露阁下的姓名或名称、受益人身份以及在香港期货交易所或香港证监会可能要 求提供的关於阁下的其他资料,而阁下亦同意,为使吾等能遵守香港期货交易所和香港证监会的规 则、规例及程序及有关法例,在香港期货交易所或香港证监会提出要求时,会向吾等提供该等资料; 若吾等未能遵守香港期货交易所第 606(a)条或 613(a)条规则的披露要求,香港期货交易所的行政总 裁可以要求代表阁下平仓或对阁下的持 徵收金附加费
(d) any transactions related to Exchange Contract shall be subject to the rules of the relevant markets and exchanges, and the rules, regulations and procedures of HKFE contain provisions requiring us, upon the request of the HKFE or the SFC, to disclose the name, the beneficial identity and such other information concerning you as the HKFE or the SFC may require, and you agree to provide such information concerning yourself as we may require in order for us to comply with the rules, regulations and procedures of HKFE and the SFO, and in the event we fail to comply with the disclosure requirement under Rules 606(a) or 613(a) of the Rules of the HKFE, the Chief Executive of the HKFE may require the Closing Out of position on your behalf or the imposition of a Margin surcharge on your positions
根 据 本 公 司中国法律顾问的意见,倘若未能於特定时限内出资, 可
导 致 江 苏 远 通 纸 业 的 注 册 机 关 发 出 要 求 未 能 遵 守
[...] 的 追 认 通 知;及 ╱徵 收,款 额 为 未 能 於 [...]
特 定 时 限 内 支 付 注 册 资 本 部 分 介 乎5%至15% ,倘 於 特
定 时 限 超 过 两 年 仍 未 出 资,江 苏 远 通 纸 业 的 注 册 机 关 或 会 吊 销 江苏远通纸业的营业执照。
As advised by the Company’s PRC legal advisers, failure to make capital contribution in the prescribed time limit may result in the registration authority of JYTP
issuing notice demanding ratification of such
[...] failure; and/or imposinga fine at the [...]
rate of 5% to 15% of the amount of the registered
capital that has not been contributed within the prescribed time limit and if the delay in making capital contribution shall continue for more than 2 years, the registration authority of JYTP may revoke the business licence of JYTP.
如递延税项资产及负债源自同一税务机构 徵收得税,则可予 抵销,Glencore有权并拟按净额基准同时结算其即期税项资产及负 债。
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they
[...] relateto income taxes leviedby the same [...]
authority and Glencore has both the right
and the intention to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net or simultaneous basis.
倘有法定可行使权利将即期税项资产及即期税项负债抵销,且彼等为同一税务机 徵收 得税,以及本集团 拟按净额基准结算即期税项资产及负债,则会抵销递延税项资产及负债。
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets
against current tax liabilities and when
[...] they relateto income taxeslevied bythe same [...]
taxation authority and the Group intends
to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.
The consuls also presided over the taxes raised to defend Genoa’s interests, and the judicial system necessary.
(A) 支付等同於有关可换股优先股的名义价值、面值及溢价(如有)的所有款 项时,须计及百慕达或香港或其中任何机关或彼等代表施加 徵收何 现有或未来税项、徵税、评税或任何性质的政府费用,惟不得就此作出任 [...]
而作出的任何预扣或扣减除外),惟除非法例规定须预扣或扣减该等税项 、徵税、评税或政府费用则作别论。
(A) All payments of amounts equal to the Notional Value, nominal amounts and premium (if any) in respect of Convertible Preference Shares shall be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of any present or future taxes,
duties, assessments or
[...] governmental charges of whatever nature imposed or levied byor on behalf [...]
of Bermuda or Hong Kong or
any authority therein or thereof (other than any withholding or deduction on account of any income tax, capital gains tax or other tax or duties of a similar nature) unless the withholding or deduction of such taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges is required by law.
(i) 本集团收取之管理费乃按本集团与关联公司签订协议内 徵收
(i) The management fee
[...] income was chargedat rates pursuant to the agreements [...]
entered into between the Group and the related companies.
所有外币签账将按有关国际信用卡组织於适用之兑换日,根据国际货币市场提供之之价范围所选择之之率或政府规定之 ñ率,并於上述各各率加上本徵收分率(已包括由有关国际信用卡组织向向 徵收关费用)兑换为港币。
Foreign currency transactions will be converted into Hong Kong Dollars at a rate selected by the relevant Card Association from the range of rates available in wholesale currency markets for the applicable conversion date or the governmentmandated rate in effect for the applicable conversion date, in each instance plus an additional percentage leviedby the Bank (inclusive of the reimbursement charge leviedby the relevant Card Association on Hang Seng).
从你的雇主收取资産有三个主 要的渠道:1) 你可徵收行账户;2) 你也可徵收意进帐;3) 你还可以 没收其公司资産。
Three main procedures exist for obtaining assets from your
employer: 1) you can levy the
[...] business bank account, 2) levyagainst the business receipts, or 3) seize the business assets.
我 们 在 目 前 阶 段 提 及 这 些 条 款 , 仅 因 部 分 作 出 评 论 的 人 士 对 有 关 问 题 表 示 关 注 , 认
[...] 为 根 据 这 些 条 款 而 到 期 偿 还 的 款 项 , 亦徵 收利 息 。
We only mention them at this stage because of the concern
expressed by some commentators that money due under such the
[...] clauses shouldnot beexemptedfrom bearing statutory interest.
美国、加拿大和墨西哥於1992年签订北美自由贸易协定(於1994年生效),取消向大部分来自成员国的产 徵收
NAFTA was signed in 1992 (entered into force in 1994) by the U.S., Canada and Mexico and eliminates tariffs onmost goods originating in these member countries.
分摊费用包括下列三种付款的任意组合:(1) 计划在承保服务或药物徵收付额;(2) 计划要求在获得特定服务或药物时支付的任何固定「共付 额」;或 (3) 计划要求在获得特定服务或药物时支付的任何固定「共同保险额」,亦即服务或药物总费用的 百分比。
Cost sharing includes any combination of the following three types of payments: (1) any deductible amount a plan may impose before services or drugs are covered; (2) any fixed “co-payment” amount that a plan requires when a specific service or drug is received; or (3) any “co-insurance” amount, a percentage of the total amount paid for a service or drug, that a plan requires when a specific service or drug is received.
如赔偿基金的资产净值跌至 10 亿元以下,便徵收的投资 者赔偿徵费。
The current investor
[...] compensationlevies will beimposed [...]
if the net asset value of the ICF falls below $1 billion.
随着印度於二零一二年实施财政法案後,本集团须於若干源於印度 徵收,截至二 零一二年十二月三十一日止年度,本集团因而须向若干客户收取额外收入为 [...]
311,233,000 港元 (二零一一年:无)。
For the year ended 31 December 2012, a total amount
of HK$311,233,000 (2011: Nil) was recorded
[...] as the additional revenue from certain customers [...]
following the enactment of the
Finance Act in India in 2012, which imposes tax on the Group for certain Indian sourced revenues.
[...] 是应设定延迟还款期上限,成员意見不一;收入低於某一个 水平的贷款人可申请延迟还款;延迟还款 徵收 费用。
Other views: there are diverse views as to whether the repayment period may be flexibly and suitably extended if required or there should be a maximum deferment period; loan borrowers with income below a
certain threshold should be able to apply for deferment of loan
[...] repayment; and extra chargesshould beincurred [...]
on deferments.
至於向能源效益较低的电器及汽车买卖交 徵收费用方面,四地民众认为政府应该者有48%至55%不等,平均比率较世界平均数高4个百分比。
With regards having an extra charge for the purchase of models of appliances and cars that are not energy efficient, people of GCR regions favoring this range from 48% to 55%, and the GCR average is 4 percentage points higher than the world average.
[...] B4330G6 HR“巴斯夫:的特殊塑料PBT家族达到了很高的标准, 徵收塑料中的应用炎热和潮湿的地区,保留其材料性能,如高强度,弹性和耐冲击性在长期研究85°Ç和85%。
The housing of the controller consists of the most hydrolysis "Ultradur
B4330G6 HR"BASF: The special
[...] plastic used in the PBT family meets the very highstandards that [...]
are imposed on engineering
plastics in hot and humid areas of application It retains its material properties such as high strength, elasticity and impact resistance during long-term study at 85 ° C and 85%. relative humidity at.




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