单词 | 徵发 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 征发—a requisitiona punitive expedition
1 型糖尿病患者 的病徵突发及急速恶化的原因是由於胰腺内胰 岛素的分泌细胞自我免疫反应引起。 genre.com | Thereis a sudden onsetandquick progression [...] of symptoms in Type 1, which is caused by an autoimmune destruction of insulin [...]secreting cells in the pancreas. genre.com |
- 若年幼、年老及患有长期病的家庭成员出现流感病徵,如发高热或出现其他 并发症的情况,就应即时延医诊治。 qhms.com | Seek medical advise if there is high fever, if you or your family members have chronic medical conditions, if the member of the family is very young or elderly, The best way to prevent the flu is to get an influenza vaccine (flu shot) before the flu season. qhms.com |
证监会负责实施及监控徵费触发机制的运作,并在当时适用的 徵费安排有任何改变时藉通告知会公众及市场,包括有关改变 [...] 的实施日期。 hkicc.org.hk | The SFC is responsible for implementing and monitoring the [...] operations of the levy triggering mechanism [...]as well as informing the public and [...]the market by way of a notice of any changes to the prevailing levy arrangements including the date of implementation of such changes. hkicc.org.hk |
为了施行徵费触发机制,将会采用月底经赔偿基金的核数师审 计後核实的赔偿基金资产净值。 hkicc.org.hk | A month-end net asset value [...] of the ICF which is certifiedthrough anaudit by [...]the auditors of the ICF will be used for the [...]purposes of applying the levy triggering mechanism. hkicc.org.hk |
开始时会出现感冒徵状如发烧、头痛、肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛、眼痛、休克、出疹等。 hsbc.com.hk | The illness begins with the suddenonset offlu-like symptoms including fever, headache, muscle aches and joint pain, pain behind the eyes and a faint rash. hsbc.com.hk |
有呼吸道感染徵状或发烧,应戴上口罩, 并及早求医。 www6.cityu.edu.hk | Wear a mask when respiratory symptoms or fever develop. www6.cityu.edu.hk |
出席股东发言时,其他股东除经徵得主席及发言股东同意外,不得发言干扰,违 反者主席应予制止。 compal.com | When a shareholder is givingaspeech,the other shareholders shall not interrupt unless they have obtained [...] the prior consent from [...]the chairman of the meeting as well as the said shareholder, and the chairman of the meeting may stop such interruption. compal.com |
然而,大部分的临床表徵是偶发性的,在 APS 病患中盛行率只有 5%,几乎所有器官都可能因为 APS 而受损,在某些情况下,APS 的症状可能会以不同型式表现,例如:舞蹈症、心脏腔室中的血栓、急性呼吸窘迫症候群、艾迪森氏症、Budd-Chiari [...] 症候群、骨内缺血性坏死、产妇症候群等。 immunocap.nl | However, a large [...] variety of clinicalmanifestations have been occasionally described in pateints with APS, with prevalences lower than [...]5%. Virtually any organ, [...]system or tissue of the body can be affected and the APS be manifested in such diverse conditions as chorea, intracardiac thrombus, ARDS, Addison's disease, Budd-Chiari syndrome, AVN of bone or HELLP syndrome, to name just a few. immunocap.nl |
对选定的一些变数限制使用 Webmail 和即时通讯;对使用 SSL 的连线进行解密,检查 [...] 流量是否试图入侵,并将未知档上传到 WildFire 进行分析和特徵码开发。media.paloaltonetworks.com | Limit the use of webmail and instant messaging usage to a select few variants; decrypt those that [...] use SSL, inspect the traffic for exploits and upload unknown files to WildFire™ for [...] analysis and signature development. media.paloaltonetworks.com |
针 对APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 的 行 业 应 用特徵更加明 显的发展趋势,本 集 团 研 发 体 系 根 据 营 销 体 系 的 市 场 反 馈 针 对 不 同 行 业 的 特 点 开 发 相 应 的 解 决 方 案,以 全 面 满 足 不 同 行 业 的 应 用 特 点 对APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 提 出 的 差 异 性 设 计 要 求。 evoc.cn | Heeding the more obvious development trend of APA product application industry, the Group’s R&D department developed customized solutions for different industries taking into account of the market feedbacks from the marketing department so as to satisfy different design requirements for APA products based on application features of different industries. evoc.cn |
故此,以持续推动澳门文学发展为前提,现计划继续推出《二零一二年度澳门文学作品选》,并公开徵集2012年间发表的澳门小说、散文、新诗与旧体诗词,欢迎有兴趣的本地作者由即日起至2013年2月28日递交作品。 macaucci.com | With the aim to further promote the city’s literature, the two organizations plan a sequel, the “Macao Literature Collection 2012” and thus the call for entries of Macao novels, proses, poetry (modern and traditional) published in 2012 is now open. macaucci.com |
委托书格式内容应 至少包括(a)填表须知、(b)股东委托行使事项及(c)股东、受托代理人及徵求人(依公开发行公司规则徵求任何其他股东之委托书以受指派为代理人代理參加股东会,并於股 东会上行使表决权之股东、经股东委托之信托事业或股务代理机构)(如有)之基本 资料等项目,并与股东会召集通知同时提供予股东。 apex-intl.com.tw | The form of proxy shall include at least the following information: (a) instructions on how to complete such proxy, (b) the matters to be voted upon pursuant to such proxy, and (c) basic identification information relating to the relevant Member, proxy and the solicitor (any Member, a trust enterprise or a securities agent mandated by Member(s), who solicits an instrument of proxy from any (other) Member to appoint him/it as a proxy to attend and vote at a general meeting, pursuant to the Applicable Public Company Rules) (if any). apex-intl.com.tw |
曾患有一般或严重的急性疾病,不论有或没有发烧的徵象。 qhms.com | People with a moderate to severe acute illness, with or without fever. qhms.com |
如拟聘用专责人 员,学校可向所属的高级学校发展主任徵询意見。 language-education.com | For advice on appointmentof specialist staff, schools may approach their respective Senior School Development Officers. language-education.com |
根 据 这 项 计 划 , 勾 地 表 内 酒 店 用 地 的 售 卖 底 价 , 以 及 选 择 「 限 作 酒 店 发 展 」 的 土 地 契 约 修 订 / 换 地 个 案 的 补 地 价 , 会 按 照 土 地 限 作 酒店发展评估及徵收,而 非 该 土 地 的 最 大 许 可 发 展 潜 力 , 不 論 酒 店 用 途 是 否 该 土 地 的 最 佳 发 展 。 devb.gov.hk | Under it, the reserve price of hotel sites on the Application List and the premium for lease modification/land exchange cases opting for "hotel only" development will be assessed and charged on a "hotel only" basis instead of their maximum permissible development potential irrespective of whether hotel use represents the optimal development. devb.gov.hk |
徵集资料团队用有效和独特的 解决方法去配合美国景气复 苏与再投资法案 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) 的需要﹐不但使到环境 保护局成为首个发放刺激金机 构之一﹐亦使环境保护局成为 其他联邦政府机构在发展和徵集与刺激金有关的资料上学效 的模范。 napca.org | The effectiveness and the unique approach of the solution that the ICR Team developed to meet the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act reporting requirements not only made the EPA one of the first agencies to disburse the Stimulus funds, but also made EPA the primary model other federal agencies referred towhen developing their Stimulus funds-related ICRs. napca.org |
(cc) 除上文(aa)段另有规定外,在不影响下文(dd)段规定的情况 下,本公司可发出通函徵求股东在股东大会上批准,重新厘 定一般计划上限,惟可能因行使根据购股权计划及本集团任 [...] 何其他购股权计划授出的全部购股权而发行的股份总数, 不得超过批准更新上限当日已发行股份的10%。 embryform.com | (cc) Subject to (aa) above but without prejudice to (dd) below, the Company may issue a circular to its shareholders and seek approval of its shareholders in general meeting to refresh the General Scheme [...] Limit provided that the total number of [...] Shares whichmay be issuedupon exercise of all [...]options to be granted under the Share [...]Option Scheme and any other share options scheme of the Group must not exceed 10% of the Shares in issue as at the date of approval of the refreshed limit and for the purpose of calculating the refreshed limit, options (including those outstanding, cancelled, lapsed or exercised in accordance with the Share Option Scheme and any other share option scheme of the Group) previously granted under the Share Option Scheme and any other share option scheme of the Group will not be counted. embryform.com |
我们会继续与深圳当局磋商河套地 区的规划及发展事宜,并会徵询聯合专责小组的意見,然後才在第二阶段公众參 与活动中就建议发展大纲图再次谘询公众。 devb.gov.hk | We will continue to discuss with the Shenzhen authorities on the planning and development of the Loop and seek views from the JTF before consulting the public again on the Recommended ODP in the Stage Two PE. devb.gov.hk |
国际会计准则委员会於二零一零年七月已就保险会计第二阶段刊发徵求意見稿,对根据《国际财务报告准则》编制账目的保险实体的法定申报引入重大变更。 prudential.co.uk | In July 2010, the IASB published an Exposure Draft for its Phase II on insurance accounting, which would introduce significant changes to the statutory reporting of insurance entities that prepare accounts according to IFRS. prudential.co.uk |