单词 | 微量的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 微量的 adjective—slight adjSee also:微量 n—trace n • minute n • breath n • drop n • suggestion n • hint n 微量—micro- • trace (element) • a smidgen 微—micro- • miniature • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • abtruse • one millionth part of • surname Wei 微微 n—curvilinear n
在泵正常运行时,常常会有微量的树 脂通过泵密封件渗 透到树脂泵轴上。 graco.com | When pumps are functioning properly, it is not [...] unusual for a trace amount of resin to seep [...]past the pump packing onto the resin pump shaft. graco.com |
这种材质带有极微量的镍金属,不会造成过敏反应。 oris.ch | This stainless [...] steel has a highly insignificant nickel vapour and [...]does not set it free, therefore it should not cause an allergic reaction. oris.ch |
最近 日本发生核灾难之后,全球监测站网络已经监测到扩 散到世界各地的最微量的放射性粒子。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the aftermath of the recent nuclear catastrophe in Japan, the worldwide network of [...] monitoring stations was able to [...] detect the smallest quantities of radioactive particles [...]as they spread all over the globe. daccess-ods.un.org |
这款3合1珠光洗发水配方采用了 微量的 C a r bo pol® Aqua SF-1聚合物和高浓度的盐,pH值较低。 cn.lubrizol.com | This pearlized 3-In-1 shampoo formula [...] uses a minimal amount of Carbopol® Aqua [...]SF-1 Polymer, high levels of salt, and has a low pH. lubrizol.com |
近期观测表明,即使微量的气候 变化也极 易社会和生态系统带来伤害,贫困国家和社区、生态系 [...] 统功能和生物多样性尤其处于危险之中。 climatecongress.ku.dk | Recent observations show that societies and ecosystems are highly [...] vulnerable to even modest levels of climate [...]change, with poor nations and communities, [...]ecosystem services and biodiversity particularly at risk. climatecongress.ku.dk |
除此餐食外,我们不能保证在我们机上或机场的餐食上不会含 有 微量的 花 生 或其他种类的果仁。 airfrance.com.cn | Aside from this meal, we cannot guarantee the [...] absence of trace amounts of peanuts or [...]other types of nuts in our meals, whether on board or at the airport. airfrance.ru |
一般来说,我们的身体在 1 到 3 个月内会排除这些微量的 汞(Pombo & Gibbons 2005)。 zeromercury.org | Generally, our bodies eliminate this trace amount of mercury over a period of 1 to 3 months (Pombo & Gibbons 2005). zeromercury.org |
李華明議員: 主席,鑒於新加坡當局在罐頭午餐肉驗出獸藥殘餘物質的 報道,食物安全中心最近抽驗了 19 個罐頭肉類樣本,在其中兩個樣本檢出 微量的硝基 喃類代謝物。 legco.gov.hk | MR FRED LI (in Chinese): President, in view of the media reports about the detection of veterinary drug residues in canned pork by the authorities in Singapore, the Centre for Food Safety [...] (CFS) has recently taken [...] 19 samples of canned pork products for testing and found a trace amount of nitrofuran [...]metabolite in two of them. legco.gov.hk |
根据转矩的检测方式,在热固性树脂的凝胶化过程中,连续记录 其 微量的 转 矩 变化。 yasuda-seiki.cn | Continuously records the transformation process and time of heat hardening resin turning into gel. yasuda-seiki.co.jp |
压电陶瓷粉料: 压电陶瓷主要由锆钛酸铅(PZT)所组成, 在氧化锆(ZrO2)、氧化铅 (PbO)及氧化钛(TiO2)等的粉末原料中,按一定比例适当添 加 微量的 添 加 物后,由多道加工程序完成陶瓷粉料制作,再利用油压机使之压缩成各种规格形状,成型后在1350 ℃ 左右温度下进行烧结,所得的成品,再以电镀的方法或者不锈钢贴片法完成电极极化工作后,就是压电陶瓷晶片成品。 great-dry.com | Piezoelectric ceramic powder: piezoelectric ceramic is mainly composed of lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) comprising, in zirconia ( ZrO2 ), lead oxide ( PbO ) and titanium oxide ( TiO2 ) and other powder raw materials, according to a certain proportion of adding trace additives, by multiple processing procedures complete ceramic powder production, recycle oil press which is compressed into a variety of shapes, after forming in 1350 degrees Celsius temperature sintering, the finished product, and then to the electroplating method or stainless steel coating method complete electrode polarization after the work is finished, the piezoelectric ceramic wafer. great-dry.com |
微量的反应就足以造成巨大的负面效 果。 konzern.heraeus.de | Even reactions with the smallest quantities cause extremely negative [...] effects. corporate.heraeus.com |
此次的成果则是,即使有极微量的不 纯 物,它们在界面集聚,形成的原子构造也完全变化,因此可以杜绝产品特性的变异。 tohoku.ac.jp | This study has found that an origin resulting in fluctuation of the properties is significant transformation of atomic structures by segregation of ultra-diluted impurities at/near grain boundaries. tohoku.ac.jp |
在试验中,Diosna VCC甚至能均匀地喷涂微量的活性 物质(如1毫克/核心)。 diosna.com | In trials the Diosna VCC has been able to [...] homogenously spray small amounts of active substance [...](e.g. 1mg/core). diosna.com |
所有Massoretic手稿把我们带回一个编辑器 - 可能在第二个世纪开始,并成为越来越多分钟,直到所有的记 和 微量的 文 字 文本的传统,几乎是绝对固定和神圣。 mb-soft.com | All Massoretic manuscripts bring us back to one editor -- that of a textual tradition which probably began in the second century and became more and more minute until every jot and tittle of the text was almost absolutely fixed and sacred. mb-soft.com |
尿液中有較微量的血清白蛋白,不能由傳統的尿液測紙得知,是糖尿病腎病變的早期現像,同時亦顯示血管內壁細胞功能有問題,病者患上心髒及血管病的機會增大。 hksh.com | The presence of serum albumin in urine but the concentration is not able to be detected by usual strip test. hksh.com |
种子分析诊断克服了过去的困难,它可以辅助确定将来 农作物对微量营养元素有反应的地点 和农作 物 微量 营 养 元素状 况 的 区 域 发展趋势。 fertilizer.org | Though seed analysis diagnoses past problems, it can help identify field sites where future crops will respond to micronutrient applications and regional trends in micronutrient status of crops. fertilizer.org |
同样,由于实际条件限制,作 为施加微量营养元素所产生的影响 ,几乎没有记录任何水果产 量 的 数 据。 fertilizer.org | Also, because of practical constraints, hardly any fruit yield data have been recorded as affected with micronutrient application. fertilizer.org |
熒光燈含微量水銀,破裂的燈管 如處理不當可引致健康受損。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Fluorescent [...] lamps contain a small quantity of mercury, and broken [...]lamps may present a health hazard if not handled properly. wastereduction.gov.hk |
水泥、采矿及冶金等行业中原料或给 料 的微量 污 染 造成的汞排放,可以通过末端治理减少,如果可能的 话,有时也可以用选择较低微量污染汞的原料或给料的方法(UNEP 2002)。 zeromercury.org | Mercury emissions due to trace contamination of raw materials or feedstocks such as in the cement, mining and metallurgical industries may be reduced by end-of-pipe controls, and sometimes by selecting a raw material or feedstock with lower trace contamination, [...] if possible (UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
用 于强化家庭食品的现成食疗食品和微营养粉将提供防治严重营养不良 和 微量营 养素缺乏症的有效途径。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ready-to-use therapeutic foods and micronutrient powders for home food fortification offer effective ways of combating severe malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界银行通知称,单体氯乙烯最终产品中四氯化碳的残留属于上文第 16(c)段引 述的缔约方会议关于微量物质的第 I V/12 号决定做出的澄清范围,这一问题已超出核查报 [...] 告的范围,答复秘书处提出的问题也不属于世界银行的授权范围。 multilateralfund.org | The World Bank informed, that in its view, any residues of CTC in the end product VCM would fall under the clarification provided by the [...] Meeting of the Parties in decision [...] IV/12 concerning insignificant quantities, cited in paragraph [...]16 (c) above, that this issue [...]goes beyond the purview of the verification report, and that responding to the questions asked by the Secretariat would be beyond the mandate of the World Bank. multilateralfund.org |
1其他 弱势群体包括怀孕或哺乳妇女,她们患急性营养不良 和 微量 营 养 素缺乏 症 的风 险更大。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other vulnerable groups are pregnant and lactating women, who are at greater [...] risk of acute malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在管理局 2009 年 12 月于金斯敦举办的克拉里昂-克利珀顿区多金属结核的 [...] 形成的地质模型(见第十六部分)项目成果讲习班上,一些专家建议管理局委托开 展一项面向市场的研究,以帮助国际社会评估海底矿床中所 含 微量 元 素 的 经 济潜 力。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the Authority’s workshop on the results of the project to develop a geological model of polymetallic nodule formation in the Clarion-Clipperton zone (see part XVI), held in December 2009 in Kingston, a number of experts recommended that a market-oriented study be commissioned [...] to help the international community to assess the [...] economic potential of trace elements contained [...]in sea floor deposits. daccess-ods.un.org |
透過聯合國兒童基金會網站展開的匹配捐助活動以及老撾1000天項目等計劃,有關合作旨在傳播鋅及其 他 微量 元 素 的 益 處 ,以預防慢性腹瀉造成的死亡,以及在兒童早期發育階 段 微量 元 素 缺乏帶來的終身影響。 minmetalsresources.com | Through a matched giving campaign via the UNICEF website, and programs such as the Lao 1000 Day project, the partnership aims to [...] distribute the benefits of [...] zinc and other micronutrients to prevent the deaths associated with chronic diarrhea and the life-long impacts of micronutrient deficiencies [...]in early childhood development. minmetalsresources.com |
灭菌”与“消毒”有别于“无 害处理”。“无害处理”系指旨在降低设 备 的微 生 物 含 量的 一 种 清洁程序,它不一 定能够消除所有的微生物的传染性或存活能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Disinfection' and 'sterilization' are distinct from 'sanitization', the latter referring to cleaning procedures designed to lower the microbial content of equipment without necessarily achieving elimination of all microbial infectivity or viability. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国儿童基金会致力于扩大并继续保持其目前在项目领域的强有 力 的 营 养 干预影响:(1)婴幼儿喂养;( 2 ) 微量 营 养 素;(3)紧急状况 下 的 营 养 安全;以及(4)营养与艾滋病问题。 unicef.org | UNICEF is committed to scaling up and sustaining coverage of its current high-impact nutrition interventions in the programme areas of: (1) Infant and Young Child Feeding; (2) Micronutrients; (3) Nutrition Security in Emergencies; and (4) Nutrition and HIV/AIDS. unicef.org |
由于人民的食物不足,尤其是在幼童、孕妇和 授乳妇女当中造成普遍缺少微量营养 素 的 情 况,使他们易于染上传染病、生理和 心理发展障碍,劳动生产力差和增加过早死亡的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The inadequacy of the people’s diet also translates [...] into widespread micronutrient deficiencies among [...]young children and pregnant and lactating [...]women in particular, making them susceptible to infectious diseases, physical and mental development disorders, poor labour productivity and an increased risk of premature death. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 缔约方会议第 IV/12 号决定解释说,“由于制造过程中的疏忽大意或偶然事 故而从未反应的原料中产生的、或者因用作加工剂作为微量杂质出现在化学 物质中的、或者在生产、制造、或处理过程中排 放 的微量 管 制 物质,都不应 被视为属于《蒙特利尔议定书》第 1 条第 4 款所述受控物质的定义范围”。 multilateralfund.org | (c) Decision IV/12 of the Meeting of the Parties clarifies “that insignificant quantities of controlled substances originating from inadvertent or coincidental production during a manufacturing process, from unreacted feedstock, or from their use as process agents which are present in chemical substances as trace impurities, or that are emitted during product manufacture or handling, shall be considered not to be covered by the definition of a controlled substance contained in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Montreal Protocol”. multilateralfund.org |
该省的土壤质 量、农业习惯和作物症状都表明,该省生长的许多农作物和落叶水果广泛存在严 重 的微量 营养 素缺乏,特别是锌、硼和铁。铁缺乏的确切程度还未知,因为对铁的土壤测试和植物分析效果 较差。 fertilizer.org | Accurate extent of Fe deficiency is not known because soil testing and foliar analysis are less effective for Fe. fertilizer.org |