单词 | 微波爐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 微波爐 noun —microwave oven nSee also:微波 n—microwave n • microwaves pl • ripple n • extractor n 微—micro- • miniature • surname Wei • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • one millionth part of • abtruse 微微 n—curvilinear n
這些兼具 微波煮食功能和燒烤加熱器的微波爐 , 能 令食物較快變得金黃香脆。 cfs.gov.hk | Food would get crispy and brown faster [...] when cooked in an oven with the combination [...]of microwave cooking and grill heater. cfs.gov.hk |
微波爐與傳統焗爐的另一分別,是 微波爐 不 能令食物變得金黃香 脆。 cfs.gov.hk | Another difference between microwave oven and conventional one is that microwave oven cannot induce [...] browning or crisping of food. cfs.gov.hk |
如 要用微波爐煮蛋,必須先把蛋殼剝掉或敲裂,並刺戳蛋黃∕蛋白數下。 cfs.gov.hk | To avoid this problem, eggs can [...] be cooked in microwave oven when the shell is [...]removed or cracked and the egg yolk / white is pierced several times. cfs.gov.hk |
一般來說,微波爐的設計是爐門打 開時便會切斷電源。 cfs.gov.hk | Generally speaking, [...] microwave ovens are specially designed [...]such that the power is cut off when the door is open. cfs.gov.hk |
一般來說,微波爐內產 生的交流電磁場會令食物中的極性分子和離 子受激、旋轉和碰撞。 cfs.gov.hk | Generally speaking, the alternating electromagnetic field generated [...] inside the microwave oven would lead to excitation, [...]rotation/collision of polar molecules and ions inside the food. cfs.gov.hk |
傳統焗爐是以其內四周的熱空氣加熱食物 , 微波爐 則 利 用交流電磁 場而把食物加熱。 cfs.gov.hk | Food cooked in conventional oven is heated by surrounding hot air whereas food [...] cooked in microwave oven is heated as a [...]result of the alternating electromagnetic field. cfs.gov.hk |
因此,食物的成分會影響其在微波爐 內 加 熱的情況。 cfs.gov.hk | Hence the composition of a food will affect how it will be [...] heated up inside the microwave oven. cfs.gov.hk |
由於微波爐內可能產生如上文第 37 段所述的電弧效應,微波煮食時應避免使用金屬容器 盛載食物。 cfs.gov.hk | Because of the potential arcing effect [...] occurred in the microwave oven as described in para. [...]37, the use of metal containers for [...]microwave cooking is therefore not recommended. cfs.gov.hk |
把一杯清水放進微波爐加熱 會使水變得極熱( 水即使極熱但表面看 來仍未煮沸)。 cfs.gov.hk | Heating of only water in a [...] clean cup using microwaves may result in [...]superheated water, i.e. water reached temperature higher [...]than the boiling point without appearing to boil. cfs.gov.hk |
市民使用蠟紙器皿前應查看有關的標籤∕包裝, 以確定是否適用於微波爐。 cfs.gov.hk | The public should therefore check the label/package of the waxed paper utensils whether they are microwave safe before use. cfs.gov.hk |
視乎食物的種類,大部分微波爐 的平均烹煮時間只為傳統焗爐的 20%,並可節省至少 [...] 20%的能源1。 cfs.gov.hk | On average most microwave oven takes only about [...] 20% of time required by conventional oven and saves at least 20% of energy depending on the food type1 . cfs.gov.hk |
把連殼的蛋放進微波爐烹煮 ,蒸汽會聚積在蛋殼內而引致爆炸。 cfs.gov.hk | Cooking an egg within its shell would lead to steam built-up inside the shell and subsequent explosion of the egg. cfs.gov.hk |
如產品並不適用於微波爐烹調,須在產品或其包裝上標示警告語句。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Warning messages should be printed on the products or on its [...] packaging if the product is not microwavable. wastereduction.gov.hk |
此外,一些特別設計的微波爐型號設有燒烤加熱系統。 cfs.gov.hk | In addition, some [...] models of microwave oven have been specially [...]designed with the addition of a grill heating system. cfs.gov.hk |
假若血壓計使用時靠近電視、微波爐 、 脈 沖 電話機、X–線或其它強電場時﹐其測量將 [...] 會受到損害。 aandd.jp | Measurements may be impaired if the device is used close to [...] televisions, microwave ovens, cellular telephones, [...]X-ray or other devices with strong electrical fields. aandd.jp |
10.3 至於聲稱可用微波爐烹調 的產品,申請人須按照其產品規格,進行有關 的 微波爐加 熱測試。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 10.3 For microwavable products, the applicants should perform relevant microwave tests according to their product specifications. wastereduction.gov.hk |
大部分家庭和食肆都有微波爐,用 來製備膳食。 cfs.gov.hk | Most of the families and restaurants would [...] install microwave ovens for meal preparation. cfs.gov.hk |
此外,多個國際組織和規管機構已訂 定 微波爐 安 全 標準( 包括微波爐可洩 漏的微波量),確保微波爐在良好狀況和妥善運作的情況下,只會洩漏極 微量甚至偵察不到的微波。 cfs.gov.hk | On the other hand, various international organisations and regulatory authorities have [...] laid down safety [...] standard for microwave oven, including the amount of microwaves that can leak out from the oven, such that there [...]will be little or no [...]detectable leakage of microwaves if the oven is in good condition and operates properly. cfs.gov.hk |
陶瓷本身適合微波煮食,但把鍍有金屬邊的陶瓷容器放 進 微波爐煮 食,便會產生電弧,引起火花。 cfs.gov.hk | Ceramics itself is suitable for microwave cooking. cfs.gov.hk |
因此,在設計微波爐和編寫微波煮 食程 序時,必須顧及微波煮食的加熱過程和特點,確保以足夠溫度烹煮食物, [...] 從而殺死微生物1。 cfs.gov.hk | Therefore, during [...] the design of microwave oven and microwave cooking [...]instructions, the heating process and characteristics [...]of microwave cooking have to be taken into account to ensure that adequate temperatures are reached to kill microorganisms1 . cfs.gov.hk |
現今微波爐的設 計已有改善,加熱不均勻 的情況已盡量減少。 cfs.gov.hk | Nowadays, there have been improvements in the design of microwave oven such that the problems [...] of uneven heating are minimised. cfs.gov.hk |
血壓計使用時若靠近電視、微波爐、 行 動電話、X 光或其他具有強力電磁場的 設備,則可能影響測量值的準確性。 aandd.jp | Measurements may be distorted if the device is used close to [...] televisions, microwave ovens, cellular telephones, [...]X-ray or other devices with strong electrical fields. aandd.jp |
不過,英國在一九八六年進行的研究發現, 食物在微波爐內烹 煮時,從聚氯乙烯保鮮紙釋出並進入食物的 [...] DEHA 分 量在某些情況下可能較高,因此該研究建議不應使用聚氯乙烯保鮮紙鋪 碟或包裹食物1。 cfs.gov.hk | However, a study conducted in the UK in 1986 found [...] that DEHA migration from PVC films to [...] food cooked in microwave oven might be higher under [...]certain conditions and considered [...]that it might not be appropriate to use PVC films for lining dishes or wrapping foods in a microwave oven1 . cfs.gov.hk |
以下是回應者建議列入該計劃的電力產 品:微波爐和焗爐(180)、手提電話和固網電話(118)和煮食爐具(102)。 susdev.org.hk | The following are the electrical appliances that respondents [...] suggested should be covered under [...] MEELS: microwave ovens and conventional ovens (TU=180); [...]mobile phones and fixed-line telephones [...](TU=118); and cooking stoves (TU=102). susdev.org.hk |
爐門和阻塞門構造特別, 可防止微波經由爐門和 烹煮室之間的縫隙洩出。 cfs.gov.hk | The door and choke are specially engineered [...] that they prevent microwaves from leaking through [...]the gap between the door and the cooking cavity. cfs.gov.hk |
傳統焗爐內的熱空氣一旦外泄,爐內 的熱力便減弱, 而 微波 煮 食時 熱力在食物內產生,損失的能量較少。 cfs.gov.hk | Inside the [...] conventional oven, heat is lost when the hot air inside the oven escapes to [...]the outside, whereas for microwave [...]cooking, heat is produced inside the food and there is less energy loss. cfs.gov.hk |
微波一般可穿透塑膠、紙張、 玻璃及陶瓷等物料;但有些物料會吸 收 微波 的 部 分能量,食物可吸收的 能量因而減低。 cfs.gov.hk | Nevertheless, some of them may absorb certain amount of microwave energy and hence reduce the amount of energy [...] to be absorbed by food. cfs.gov.hk |
我們會向東區區議會匯報重建工程的進展及新火 化 爐 投 入 運作後 有關設施的運作情況。 legco.gov.hk | We will keep EDC informed of the progress of the reprovisioning works as well as the operational situation of the facilities after the new cremators have been put into operation. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 新火化爐亦會設有高温第二燃燒室,確保火化過程可 達致完全燃燒的效果,並有廢氣淨化裝置系統,以過 濾火化爐所排放的微粒及廢氣。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the new cremators would also be fitted with high temperature secondary combustion chambers to ensure complete combustion during the cremation process, and a flue gas filtering system to filter out particles and waste gases in the emissions from the cremators. legco.gov.hk |
如動物焚化爐的排 放對鄰近居民造成空氣污 染,經環境保護署調查屬實後,該署可根據《空氣污染管制條 例》,對其擁有人發出法定通知,要求改善空氣污染物排放的 情況。 legco.gov.hk | If the emission from an animal cremator causes air pollution to the neighbourhood, the Environmental Protection Department can, upon verification through investigations, issue a statutory notice to its owner under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance requiring him or her to mitigate the emission of air pollutants. legco.gov.hk |