

单词 微弱

微弱 ()


微微 noun ()

curvilinear n

See also:

one millionth part of
ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing
surname Wei


weak adj
feeble adj
young adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 著语言和文化仍然强盛,但在另一些国家中则 微弱。
In some Pacific countries indigenous languages and cultures remain strong while
[...] in others they are weak.
通过同时利用 GPS 和 GLONASS 定位系统,UC530M 能在 GNSS 卫星信微弱的情 况下或在极地地区显著提高模块的定位能力。
By utilizing GPS and GLONASS satellites in parallel, UC530M can enhance the position availability in harsh GNSS satellite visibility conditions and in the polar regions.
瑞士:对已经开展的进程,在未达成共识、仅 微弱 多 数 做出决定表示遗憾。
Switzerland: regretted the process that had taken place and that the decision was not based on consensus and that it was made with such a narrow majority.
心臟整流是藉由與心室收縮同步微弱 脈衝來完成。
Cardioversion (changing the heart rhythm) consists of
[...] the delivery of a weak electrical shock [...]
that is synchronized with the contraction of the ventricles.
有几位发言者还对本组织在一些最不发达 国家中影响过微弱表示忧虑。
Several interventions expressed concern regarding the poor visibility of the Organization in several least developed countries.
在 解释非洲地区的经济增长为何对减少贫穷的影响极 微弱 时 所 常常引用因素大致 有:人口增长率高,穷人可就业的部门创造的就业岗位不足,基础设施的投资薄 [...]
弱,自然资源丰富和资本密集的“飞地部门”未能在更大范围的经济中产生扩散 和溢出效应。
Factors usually cited to explain
why Africa is the region where economic
[...] growth has had the weakest effect on poverty [...]
reduction generally include high population
growth; inadequate job creation in sectors accessible to the poor; weak infrastructural investment; and, the failure of growth in natural-resource rich and capital-intensive “enclave sectors” to create spread and spillover effects in the broader economy.
因此,裁决机构宣称某具体嗣后惯例或嗣后协定在某项裁决 结果中发挥决定性作用的情况极少。9 但查明某嗣后协定或具体嗣后惯例是否在
[...] 一项特别裁决的推论过程中发挥了重要作用 微弱 作 用 通常似乎是可能的。
It is therefore rare that adjudicatory bodies declare that a particular subsequent practice or a subsequent agreement has played a determinative role for the outcome of a decision.9 It appears, however, often possible to identify whether a subsequent
agreement or a particular subsequent practice has played an
[...] important or a minor role in the reasoning [...]
of a particular decision.
近年来,使理论上享受发展权转为实际上 行使发展权的工作取得微弱的进 展,但如果不对 政策及其实际执行进行总体分析、不动员各有关方 面尤其是政治方面对这项工作予以支持的话,这些 进展将化为乌有。
The fragile gains made over the past few years in transforming the right to development from rhetoric to reality would be for naught if there was no action to undertake a holistic analysis of political and operational realities and to mobilize stakeholder support, particularly at the political level.
[...] 范围、面对面的交流,这样,边缘化群体和弱势群体 微弱 声 音不会被淹没,不 会被遗弃,或被置若罔闻
It is imperative that such forums remain small-sized, face-to-face
communities at every level so that the small voices of the
[...] marginalized and the weak do not get drowned [...]
out, lost or unheeded
此类包合化合物微弱的范 德华力使这两种分子不会发生变化。
The weak van der Waals forces in such [...]
inclusion compounds leave the two counterpart molecules unchanged.
大功率LED路灯与常规高压钠灯路灯不同的是,大功率LED路灯的光源采用低压直流供电、由GaN基功率型蓝光LED与黄色荧光粉合成的高效白光二极管,发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode,简写为LED)是基于半导体PN结形成的 微弱 的 电 能就能发光的高效固态光源,在一定的正向偏置电压和注入电流下,注入P区的空穴和注入N区的电子在扩散至有源区后经辐射复合而发出光子,将电能直接转化为光能。
High-power LED lights with conventional high pressure sodium lamps is different is that high-power LED street lamp light low voltage DC power supply, the power-type GaN-based blue LED and yellow phosphor synthesis of efficient white light LED, LED (Light Emitting Diode, abbreviated as LED) is based on the
semiconductor PN junction
[...] formed with the weak energy efficient light-emitting solid-state light [...]
source can, in a certain
forward bias voltage and injection current, the injection into the P region of the hole and electron diffusion region N active zone to be issued by the radiative recombination photons, the energy directly into light.
微弱的证 据表明,自从《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》达成 问题的核心 在于缺乏足够的引导私营领域向有关研发活动投入资源的市场动力。
There is some weak evidence related [...]
to an increase in indicators of research activity in malaria since TRIPS was agreed,
but the relation between cause and effect is not at all clear.26The heart of the problem is the lack of market demand sufficient to induce the private sector to commit resources to R&D. Therefore, we believe that presence or absence of IP protection in developing countries is of at best secondary importance in generating incentives for research directed to diseases prevalent in developing countries.
14 这些裂缝之下是更大的归属认同问题、偏见和歧视,这关联于并反映了历来存在 的根源问题:性别歧视、共同的过去之维 微弱 、 传 统价值的丧失以及家庭的崩 溃。
This division can also be seen in other root causes identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: centralization of Government and ethnic discrimination.14 Underlying these rifts are larger identity questions, prejudice and discrimination, which relate to
and reflect additional root causes:
[...] gender discrimination, weak historical narrative, [...]
loss of traditional values and family breakdown.
IT530以小尺寸,低功耗和先进的干扰抑制功能确保在 GPS 信微弱的环境下也能实现最佳性能。
The IT530 is characterized by a small foot print, low power consumption, and sophisticated interference suppression, ensuring maximum performance even in GPS-hostile environments.
前刚果武装团 体整合编入刚果民主共和国武装力量(刚果(金)武装力量)的进展仍 微弱 , 有 些 刚果(金)武装力量部队,大多是由新近编入人员组成的部队,不顾政府禁令,继 续采矿活动。
The integration of
[...] former Congolese armed groups into the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) remained tenuous, and some FARDC units, [...]
mostly those composed
of recently integrated elements, continued mining activities despite the Government’s mining ban.
府,而后者会使用作为往昔残余的镇压办法;可能发 生属于族裔或宗教性质的原始争斗,这不只违背容 忍、共存和团结等当代价值观,而且潜在地可能迅速
[...] 波及整个区域;从积极方面说,阿拉伯国家联盟觉醒, 它早早地评估了风险的重要性,并在其运动中找到了 应对挑战的能力,尽管这种应对 微弱。
It includes several ingredients: grassroots movements rebelling against authoritarian Governments in the old mold, while the latter use methods of repression that are vestiges of the past; the threat of ancestral rivalries of an ethnic or religious nature that not only run counter to contemporary values such as tolerance, coexistence and solidarity, but also have the potential to rapidly spread throughout the region; and, on the positive side, the awakening of the League of Arab States, which assessed early on
the importance of what was at stake and found in its movement the capacity
[...] to respond — albeit weakly — to the challenge.
假若您的心臟跳微弱或不規律時, 血壓計很難測到您的血壓。
If you have a very weak or irregular heart [...]
beat, the device may have difficulty determining your blood pressure.
就算是您的心臟只是出現輕微的過緩、過速或不規 律的跳動,ICD
[...] 也能夠立刻察覺並且大都能透過大 部分病患無法感覺微弱電子 脈衝阻止更嚴重的情 況發生。
Even when your heart is beating a little too slowly, rapidly or irregularly, the ICD will sense this and, in most
cases, be able to prevent worse from
[...] happening by delivering weak electrical impulses, [...]
which most patients don't even notice.
失去知觉, 恶心, 瞌睡或头晕眼花, 头疼, 失明或视力下降, 呼微弱, 意识不清, 代谢酸毒症, 呼吸碱毒症及昏迷.
Intoxication, nausea, drowsiness or dizziness, headache, lost or impaired vision, shallow breathing, unconsciousness, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis in concert with preceding, coma.
[...] 利,但在同一遗传资源或传统知识由多国共享的情况下,其关于跨界合作的条款构成了对绝 对国家主权的侵蚀(尽管微弱)。
As noted by Kamau et al, ‘Although the Protocol reaffirms sovereign rights of parties over their genetic resources, its provisions on transboundary cooperation, in case the same genetic resources or
traditional knowledge straddle national boundaries, constitute
[...] a kind of, though weak, derogation of absolute [...]
state sovereignty.
2009 年,妇女微弱多数(占所有艾 滋病毒感染者的 51%和撒哈拉以南非洲艾滋病毒感染者的 60%)。
In 2009, women
[...] represented a slight majority (about [...]
51 per cent of all people living with HIV and about 60 per cent of all
people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa).
这些器件能够精确地放大存在着很大的共模电压之中 微弱 电 压 信号,提供宽带宽以及电平移动和双向功能。
These devices accurately amplify small voltages in the presence of large common-mode voltage, provide high bandwidth, as well as level shifting and bidirectional capability.
新松下 TZ30 (美国的 TS20) 是紧凑的旅行这次推定为 20 倍光学变焦 (四更多比的模型,用于在目录中替换) 和签署的徕卡 OIS 电源系统和新 CMOS 传感器 14.1 万像素确保日本相机的处理器,联手他们减少噪音 微弱 的 光 线的照片。
the new Panasonic TZ30 (TS20 in USA) is a compact travel this time presumed 20 x optical zoom (four more than the model that replaces in the catalog) and signed by Leica with the Power OIS system and a new CMOS sensor's 14.1 Megapixels ensure the Japanese working together with the processor of the camera, they reduce noise in pictures taken in poor light.
[...] 2009 年经历了严重的经济衰 退,但微弱复苏的带动下,在 2012 年勉强达到了 [...]
2008 年本来可预期实现的收 入水平;因此该地区由于金融危机损失了四年的增长。
North America experienced a severe downturn
[...] in 2009 but, with a weak recovery, managed [...]
to attain in 2012 the income that might
have been expected in 2008; the region therefore lost four years of growth owing to the crisis.
但是,实际上,这些努力仍然 是对威胁作出微弱反应;因为有关国家中几乎没有 任何一个拥有超过离海岸 [...]
100 海里以外的足够的海上 监督和武力投射能力。
The reality, however, is that those
[...] efforts remain but feeble responses to the [...]
threat, as hardly any of the States concerned
can boast enough maritime surveillance and force projection capability beyond 100 nautical miles off the coast.
菌落在CYA上25℃培养7天,直径38-55mm,具放射状皱纹或平坦,偶有分离物的埋伏型菌丝超越气生菌丝约2mm;质地绒状;分生孢子结构大量产生,分生孢子面蓝绿色、暗绿色和灰绿色,近于叶绿色、林肯绿色、紫杉绿色和暗橄榄灰色;菌丝体白色;通常无渗出液,偶有分离物产生;反面绿褐色,黄褐色或微褐色,灰褐色;可溶性色素通常缺乏 微弱。
In CYA 25 ℃ colony training seven days, 38-55 mm in diameter, with radial wrinkles or flat, I have separate matter ambush type hyphae beyond gas hyphae about 2 mm born; Quality of a material of cloth with soft nap; Conidium production of large Numbers of structure, conidium face, dark green and turquoise, to green leaves, Lincoln, the yew green and dark green olive gray; Mycelia white; Usually without exudate,
accidentally have separate matter produce; Opposite green brown and tan or light brown, beige; Soluble
[...] pigment often lack or weak.
叶无柄或具叶柄达1毫米;叶片卵形或椭圆形到长圆形椭圆形, 2-6 * 1.1-2.9 厘米,除了不具白霜近革质,背面浅; 片状腺体小圆点,突出; 背面的腺体无; 主要侧脉1或2配对,上面形成的边脉,第三级网脉非 微弱 的 或 看不见; 基部楔形到圆形,先端近尖到圆形。
Leaves sessile or with petiole to 1 mm; blade ovate or elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 2-6 × 1.1-2.9 cm, subleathery, abaxially paler but not glaucous; laminar glands dots, prominent; abaxial glands absent; main lateral veins 1- or 2-paired, the upper forming intramarginal vein, tertiary reticulation very faint or invisible; base cuneate to rounded, apex subacute to rounded.




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