

单词 微妙

微微 noun ()

curvilinear n


微妙的 adj

subtle adj
delicate adj

See also:

ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing
surname Wei
one millionth part of



tiny adj

External sources (not reviewed)

当代形式的 种族主义是微妙的,难以被察觉。
Contemporary forms
[...] of racism were subtle and difficult [...]
to detect.
不过,在它与大会的关系上,1995 年任期的执行局 有时会被非执行局会员国强烈批评,因为它趋于成为微型大会本身,而且趋于认为它向大会 提交的建议——确实总要经过冗长和详尽的讨论,至少在名义上是代表整个教科文组织成员 进行的——不得被触动(因为围绕其通过 微妙 的 妥 协)而只能被“盖上橡皮图章”,这种 态度有时在大会本身的届会期间引发了相当激烈的批评。
In its relations with the General Conference, however, the Executive Board in its post-1995 composition has sometimes been strongly criticized by States non-Members of the Board for a tendency to act as if it were a mini-General Conference of itself, and to consider that the recommendations it transmits to the Conference – indeed often after lengthy and exhaustive discussions that are at least nominally conducted on behalf of the entire UNESCO membership – should not be touched (because of the delicate compromise surrounding their adoption) and just be “rubber-stamped”, an attitude that has aroused at times quite severe comments during the sessions of the General Conference itself.
在这 两种体系之间有一微妙平衡 的共生关系42 。大专院校不仅提供了推动科学进步的学问, 而且还为私人机构提供了它们所需要的技术人才。
There was a symbiotic and finely balanced relationship between these two systems.42 The university sector provided not only the scholarship to advance the progress of science but also the skilled people required by the private sector.
执行部分中某些条款和措词似乎还在谈判。但考虑中新措施的主旨包括,除 其他外,㈠ 所有国家,“尤其是区域内各国”应严格检查在海港、机场、公海及
过境的厄立特里亚货物,“确保严格遵守武器禁运”;㈡ 禁止“在厄立特里亚采 矿业和矿产部门”新的投资;㈢
[...] 限制厄立特里亚对海外公民征收的 2%回收税, 这是厄立特里亚通微妙的尽 责规定和对厄立特里亚公民的指控而征收的;㈣ [...]
通过禁止性的银行监督和尽责规定阻碍厄立特里亚的外贸交易;㈤ 可能还包括
Although certain clauses and precise wording in the operative paragraph appears to be under continued negotiations, the gist of new measures under consideration include, among other things, (i) discretionary inspection of Eritrean cargo at seaports, airports and on the high seas and through transit by all States and “in particular States of the region to ensure strict implementation of the arms embargo”; (ii) prohibition of new investment “in the extractive industries and mining sectors in Eritrea”; (iii) curtailment of the 2 per cent recovery tax that
Eritrea collects from its citizens in the
[...] diaspora through subtle due diligence requirements [...]
and indictment of Eritrean citizens;
(iv) encumbrance of foreign trade transactions of Eritrea through prohibitive banking oversights and due diligence requirements; and (v) the possible inclusion of selected Government officials for travel ban and other measures.
我们对于阴险形式的歧视———微 妙的、面对面的互动交往和制度化的偏见——有着更 [...]
高的警惕性,我们看得到,它们的破坏性,可能丝毫 不亚于公然咄咄逼人的行为。
Our antennae are better attuned to see the insidious forms of
[...] discrimination — the subtle, faceto-face interactions [...]
and institutionalized prejudice
that can be every bit as destructive as outright aggressive behaviour.
[...] 须基于以下根基,那就是可为局势向前发展提供一 个更具实质性微妙的基 础——目前尚欠缺这一根 基。
Any approach must proceed from a foundation – currently missing – that can provide a more
[...] substantive and nuanced basis for moving [...]
苏里南承认在土著领地附近进行采掘作业的 复杂性,并意识到,必须在该行业为可持续发展提 供的机遇与尊重土著人民权利之间找 微妙 的平 衡。
Suriname acknowledged the complexities relating to extractive operations in proximity to indigenous territories and was aware that a delicate balance had to be found between the opportunities that industry provided for sustainable development and the respect for the rights of indigenous peoples.
由于必须按《宪章》的设想使各主要机关的任务实 微妙 的 平衡,尤其是使 大会与安全理事会的任务实现这种平衡,同时必须改革安全理事会,使其更具有 代表性、更加透明、更加民主,特别委员会必须开展具体工作,以履行其任务。
The need to achieve the delicate balance envisaged in the Charter between the mandates of all the principal organs, and, in particular, between the mandate of the General Assembly and that of the Security Council, and the need to reform the Security Council in order to make it more representative, more transparent and more democratic in its operations, impose on the Special Committee specific tasks in fulfilment of its mandate.
由于恐怖主义犯罪 的性质一般具有强烈的政治意图和影响,也由于一般与恐怖主义有联系的人的性 质,必须在工作人员及其联系人面临真实危险的极 微妙 的 环境中展开调查步 骤。
Owing to the nature of terrorist crimes — generally fraught with political intentions and influences — and of the persons generally associated with terrorist groups, investigative steps must be pursued in an extremely delicate environment, amid real dangers for staff and their contacts.
在这方面,政府 的坚定承诺和国际社会的援助对于找到办法解决这 一复杂微妙的问 题而言至关重要,这一问题对其他 许多问题具有影响,如果持续得不到解决,很可能带 来严重的问题。
A decisive commitment by the Government and assistance of the international community in this regard will be crucial in order to find a solution for this very complex and delicate problem, which has an impact on many other issues and could generate serious problems if it remains unresolved.
在辩论期间,专家认为“优先”这一概念在耶路撒冷老城的背景下是十 微妙 的 , 因 为还要同时考虑这座老城各类遗产的保存状况、它的方方面面、风险程度、修复项目的切实 可行性及参与者等。
During the debate, it was agreed that the concept of “priority” in the context of the Old City of Jerusalem is very delicate, taking into account at the same time the state of conservation of various elements of its heritage, their dimension, the level of risk, the real feasibility of restoration projects, and the actors involved.
这个问题十微妙, 以 至于难以取得令人满意的结果;如果没有创新理 念,最好还是回避这些问题。
The issues were so delicate that it would be difficult to achieve satisfactory results; in the absence of innovative ideas, it might be better to avoid them.
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚(医生宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学为了在较广泛的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥博士教学 微妙。
Besides Scotus, the order had other highly-prized teachers, such as Alexander of Hales, Richard of Middleton, and especially St. Bonaventure (proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more
suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and often abstruse
[...] teaching of the Subtle Doctor.
他指导景教和Eutychianism之间,而不是使用复 微妙 的 区 别或论据,但准确的话,说明平原的定义。
He steers between Nestorianism and Eutychianism,
[...] not by using subtle distinctions [...]
or elaborate arguments, but by stating plain
definitions in accurate words.
在作出任何修訂之前,我促請政府發出㆒份諮詢文件,以便公眾及所有有興趣的團 體,包括本港各執法機構,能夠有機會就本局及政府如何處理這項頗 微妙 及 重 要的 任務,發表他們的意見及期望。
In this regard, before changes are made, I urge the Administration to issue a consultative paper so that the public and all interested parties, including the whole spectrum of our law enforcement agencies, can be given the opportunity of expressing their views and their expectations as to how this Council and the Administration can tackle this rather delicate and important task.
鉴于石油和天然气储藏通常位于大陆架,海洋划界问题是将此问题作为分 专题加以审议的先决条件,而海洋划界问题对于各国而言,是非 微妙 而 敏 感的 政治问题,除非双方相互商定不处理划界问题。
Maritime delimitation, which, in political terms, was a very delicate issue for the States, would be a prerequisite for the consideration of this as subtopic, unless the parties had mutually agreed not to deal with delimitation.
微妙的毒 性效应的机制——以及证实这种效应是否发生— —是非常复杂的问题,迄今为止尚未在这个非常重要的疑问上达到完全的理解(UNEP [...]
As the mechanisms of subtle toxic effects [...]
– and proving whether such effects are taking place – are extremely complex issues,
a complete understanding has so far not been reached on this very important question (UNEP 2002).
政府 认识到他们的情况仍不能令人满意,正在积极处理该问题,并继续推进与他们宽 松对话微妙途径 ,以尽量减少对有关社区的生活方式和传统造成破坏的任何做 法。
While it is acknowledged that their situation is still unsatisfactory, Government is actively seized of the matter and continues to pursue the delicate path of accommodative dialogue with them; with a view to minimizing any disruptive approaches to the lifestyle and traditions of the concerned communities.
The challenge, however, is subtle because it is [...]
good for Mauboussin become a brand for all, while maintaining its share of emotion.
这就需要能与医疗工作者 进行明确、坦率和无武断结论的讨论,后者应当能够有充分的训练,懂得处理这微妙的问 题,以便帮助老年人从人权的角度所设想的要求“有尊严地去世”。
This requires clear, candid and non-judgmental discussion with medical practitioners, who should be adequately trained to deal with these delicate issues in order to enable older persons to “die with dignity”, as required from a human rights prospective.
在今天的西班牙社会,不仅消除了明显的个人、工作或社会歧视,而且建 立了相应机制与微妙的歧 视作斗争,这 微妙 的 歧 视可以解释为不平等或威胁 人身自由及尊严。
In addition, there are
[...] mechanisms for combating much more subtle measures which might constitute [...]
inequality of treatment
or threats to personal freedom and dignity.
輕輕地彎曲線的情況下,撒上鑽石圍繞著輕鬆撥打這個鐘錶,這是一 微妙 的 點 點頭RAYMOND WEIL家庭層面的。
Gently curved lines of the case,
sprinkled with diamonds around easily dial this timepiece,
[...] which is also a subtle nod to the family [...]
dimension of RAYMOND WEIL.
正如 Pellis 和 Pellis(2009)对于做好动物玩
[...] 打架游戏的研究显示的,游戏能为对新的和不确定环境作 微妙 和 细 微 的 反应做好准备, 这能够促进发展,保持恢复能力和保持对付紊乱的能力。
As Pellis and Pellis (2009) demonstrate from their studies of animal
play fighting, play may prepare the
[...] ground for producing subtle and nuanced responses [...]
to novel and unpredictable environments,
which can be carried forward in development, maintaining resilience and the ability to deal with disturbance.
在他们的基本款式中寻微妙的细 节设计是每位男士为他们的衣橱所做的绝对必要的事情。
Look for subtle details in their basic [...]
styles that are essential to every man's wardrobe.
正因為這樣,我才表示我認為在豁免刑責㆘ 所作出的指控,會導致㆒個極之窘迫 微妙 的 境 況,而這種境況對個別㆟士而言,不 公平得荒誕,我肯定這是本局要體察的。
That is why I have to say that allegations made with immunity can lead to, I think, an extremely difficult and delicate position which is grotesquely unfair to private individuals and I am sure that is something which this Council will want to take account of.
我建议不要做so to,至少在这个设置在phase,因为这种环境似乎也有点 微妙 的 调 整,并没有对服务的XAMPP on运行它的方便,以停止/启动Windows任务管理器内的apps如果有什么差错。
I advise not to do so, at least in this setup phase, as this environment seems to be a little delicate to tune and without XAMPP running on services it’s easier to stop/start the apps within the Windows Task Manager if anything goes wrong.
对我而言,这部电影探讨了特定生活环境和个人主观欲念的前后文关系,人的所谓固定角色 微妙 转 换 ,时间和历史的问题,对于真实的定义,风格的问题,审美的问题,以及问题本身的问题,是一个异常精致的解构的思路,也如同摇滚乐般不由商量,确是无瑕纯净的。
For me, the film is about the narrative of an
individual’s subjective desires in a particular
[...] situation, about the subtle changes in people’s [...]
so-called fixed roles, about issues of time and history.
在这政治微妙的时 刻,在以色列新政府组成和 巴勒斯坦各派达成和解之前,我们呼吁有关各方采取 和平而非军事手段解决争端,不要采取任何有损无辜 平民和妨害以两国办法解决冲突的谈判进程的行动。
At this politically delicate juncture, pending the formation of a new Government in Israel and the outcome of reconciliation efforts among Palestinian factions, we call upon all the parties concerned to opt for peaceful rather than military means for settling their disputes and to desist from any action that is detrimental to innocent civilians and to the process of negotiations towards a two-State solution to the conflict.
這是一款明快而感性的香氛,就像使用它的女性一樣,香氛透過充滿活力而令人垂涎的水果以 微妙 的 花 香來表現女性的柔媚氣息,升華了從她身上散發出的東方情調以及迷人魅力。
This bright and sensual scent, like the woman who wears it, defines the essence of femininity through the vibration of mouth-watering fruits and delicate flowers, which sublimate the oriental and gourmand whispers that have been left on her skin.
新的战略伙伴关系追随着石油 的发展南下,而中国政府与朱巴的关系也进展迅 速,未来可能是光明的,不过事实证明这种伙伴关 系的过渡确实是微妙的平衡。
A new strategic courtship has followed the oil south, and while Beijing’s relationship with Juba is evolving fast, and the future may be bright, the transition has proven a delicate balancing act.




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