

单词 循环小数

See also:

循环 v

cycle v
circle v
circulate v
revolve v


number between 0 and 1
decimal fraction
the part of a number the right of the decimal point (or radix point)
small figure
small amount
fractional part of a number

小小 adj

small adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在试运转期之后,连续八小时重复循环运行,在每 小 时 循环 结 束 时记录发动机功率的测 数 据。
Following this break-in period, the
cycle is then repeated
[...] over an eight hour block with an engine power measurement being logged at the end of each one hour cycle.
独立小容量样品循环装置 可减少溶剂消耗。
Stand-alone Small Volume sample circulation [...]
unit to minimize solvent consumption.
为了最合理地使用设备并使终端分离器的使用寿命能达到许可的工 循环数 , 应 每 小 时 最 多启动4次。
In order to achieve maximum lifetime of the final
separator, the operation of the compressor should be regulated so that
[...] a maximum of 4 load cycles per hour is achieved.
尤其在外部应用中,必须考 虑到水槽膨胀时的小,因为循环恒 温 器必须 同时处理外部循环膨胀时产生的液体。
Especially in the case of external
[...] applications, the size of the expansion tank must be considered, since the circulator must [...]
also take up the expansion
of the liquid in the external circuit.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分数据; 贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶 循环 ; 存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他 数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of
qualitative and quantitative
[...] disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
常驻代表咨委会听取了亚太经社会正在开展的以下各项举措和 相关活动的简要介绍:(a) 亚太经社会关于发展社区电子中心的工作,其 目的是处理贫困问题,并小数码鸿 沟;(b)《北京行动纲要》及其区域 和全球成果区域执行情况亚太高级别政府间审查会议;(c) 亚太经社会 国际减灾战略联合出版物《亚太灾情报告》;(d) 第六次亚洲及太平环 境与 发展问题部长级会议的筹备工作;(e) 改善非正规行业和非正规就业 的计量工作:区域间合作所发挥的作用。
ACPR was briefed on the following ongoing ESCAP initiatives and relevant events: (a) the work of ESCAP on the development of community e-centres to address poverty and bridge the digital divide; (b) the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and Its Regional and Global Outcomes; (c) the Asia Pacific Disaster Report, a joint publication of ESCAP and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction; (d) preparations for the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific; and (e) improving informal sector and informal employment measurement: the role of interregional cooperation.
相关的观测包括但不 限于温室气体、悬浮颗粒和空气质量 数 的 测 量及其变化情况;植被和土地利 用,毁林情况,包括森林火灾、土地退化和荒漠化造成的毁林情况;森林生物 量的变化;生物多样性的丧失;冰川后退和波动;以及海平面高度测量、降 水、云和全球循环的变化。
Related observations included, but were not limited to, measurements of and changes in
greenhouse gases,
[...] aerosols and air quality parameters; land cover and land use, deforestation, including from forest fires, land degradation and desertification; changes in forest biomass and loss of biodiversity; glacial retreat and surges; and sea surface altimetry, precipitation, clouds and global water circulation changes.
除其他外,可通过比较自开始执行氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划以来每年所使用的制冷剂数量、所报告回收和 循环 的 制冷 剂 数 量 、 接受 培训的技术员的数目以及改装后使用 HCFC-22 的设备的数量,评估执行情况报告,以此来 确定其气候影响。
The impact might be established through an assessment of implementation reports by, inter alia, comparing the levels of refrigerants used annually from the commencement of the implementation of the HPMP, the reported amounts of refrigerants being recovered and recycled, the number of technicians trained and the HCFC-22 based equipment being retrofitted.
循环次数过多 也可能会导致调用循环的子系统性能降低。
Loops which iterate too many times may also cause performance issues for the subsystem that [...]
invokes them.
该信息等级包括IP地址和用户访问该网站的计算机的域名、被请求资源的地址(URI)、请求的时间、被用来指向请求网站服务器的方法、文件获取作为响应的尺寸 小 、 数 字 代 码包括由网站服务器提供的响应状态(成功、错误等)以及其它有关操作系统和用户 的 I T 环 境 的 参数。
This class of information includes the IP addresses or the domain names of the computers of users visiting the website, the addresses of requested resources (in URI, Uniform Resource Identifier format), the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the web server,
the size of the file
[...] obtained as response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response provided by the web server (successful, error, etc…) and other parameters relative to the operating system and to the user’s IT environment.
在 2014-2015 两年期期间,本次级方案将继续:(a) 推动使用统数据进行循证决策;(b) 支持人口、经济、社会环境统 计发展;(c) 推 动采用现有的和新的国际标准,包括新的经济和社会分类和经过修订的 国民核算体系;(d) 支持各相关国家统计系统的以下能力开发工作:根 [...]
据国际商定的标准和良好做法收集、编制、传播和使用相关的统计数 据;(e) 加强区域和区域间级别的统计合作和信息交流。
During the biennium 2014-2015, the subprogramme will continue to:
(a) promote the use of
[...] statistics for evidence-based decision-making; (b) support the development of demographic, economic, social and environmental statistics; (c) [...]
facilitate the implementation
of existing and new international standards, including the new economic and social classifications and the revised system of national accounts; and (d) support the development of the capacity of national statistical systems to collect, produce, disseminate and use statistics in accordance with internationally agreed standards and good practices; and (e) strengthen statistical cooperation and information exchange at the regional and interregional levels.
青年党每月通过一个经过协调的贸 循环 获 得 数 百 万 美元的收入,这一 循环以出口木炭为基础,通过出口木炭获取进口食糖的资金,而进口的食糖大 部分随后作为违禁品走私到邻国,尤其是肯尼亚。
Al-Shabaab generates millions of dollars of revenues each month through a coordinated trading cycle built upon the [...]
export of charcoal,
which in turn finances the import of sugar, much of which is subsequently smuggled across as contraband into neighbouring countries, particularly Kenya.
[...] VM技术的高粘度指数液压液让该机器的运行速度平均提高近9%,同时每个作 循环 所 用燃 料 数 量 平均减少近4%。
The high VI fluid containing Asteric
VM allows the unit to perform approximately 9% faster while using
[...] approximately 4% less fuel per work cycle, on average.
测试驱动开发(TDD)是一种软件开发技巧,它基于重复的 小 的 开 发 循环 : 开 发人员首先写一个失败的单元测试,这个测试定义了期望的功能改进或者新的功能,然后开发人员写代码让这个测试通过,最后根据标准重构新的代码。
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development technique
that relies on the repetition of a
[...] very short development cycle: first the developer [...]
writes a failing unit test case that
defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces code to pass that test and finally refactors the new code to acceptable standards.
使用循环水池可以节约很多水。材料的类型和质量 使 循环 泵 的声 音 小 , 运行时间长,且能保证高流速(22L/min)。
The type and quality of the materials used make the instrument extremely quiet and long-lasting, and guarantee a high flow rate (up to 22 l/min).
个别组织已经单独寻求临时解决办法,比 如诉诸某些多环境协议的建议、 循 东 道 国的法规、以及在 数 情 况下 遵 循国 际标准组织和国际电工委员会的标准。
Individual organizations have sought ad hoc solutions in isolation, resorting to the advice of certain MEAs, following host country regulations and, in a few instances, ISO and IEC standards.
之后,重复两次进行小时循环运行和四小时浸泡,然后在最后一次 小 时 循环 运 行 后结束测试。
The eight hour cyclic running and four hour  soak is then repeated twice more, followed by a final eight hour cyclic running period.
我们希望在 ECOVC 活动中获得更多的供应商及物 流合作伙伴的协助,从而使削减温室气体和循环型制造(资源投入量 的小化、循环利用、非石油产品材料的替代,等等)与成本合理化 得以同时实现。
We urge more suppliers and logistics partners to support ECO-VC activities in the
aspect of GHG emissions
[...] reduction and recycling-oriented manufacturing (minimizing the total amount of resources used, promoting recycling and substitution [...]
of petroleum-based
materials, etc.) so that cost rationalization can be realized.
因此,应始终循环参数对照 特定高压灭 菌器的高压灭菌器制造商书面说明和所使用的 [...]
Cycle parameters should therefore always [...]
be verified against the autoclave manufacturer’s written instructions for the specific
autoclave and load configuration being used.
可以通过评估执行报告,特别是比较从 氟氯烃淘汰管理计划实施以来每年使用的制冷剂数量、上报的制冷剂回收和 循环数 量、 培训的技师人数和改装的 HCFC-22 设备来确定气候影响。
The impact might be established through an assessment of implementation reports by, inter alia, comparing the levels of refrigerants used annually from the commencement of the implementation of the HPMP, the reported amounts of refrigerants being recovered and recycled, the number of technicians trained and the HCFC-22 based equipment being retrofitted.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供 小 时 的 医疗支助, 而不是目前的小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI
headquarters clinic, which is
[...] now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
作为一个小数字和 知识鸿沟的重要工具,提高媒介与信息素养的重要性不言自喻, 发达国家和发展中国家对媒介与信息素养的重视程度与日俱增。
The importance of MIL is noted as a key
[...] instrument for narrowing both the digital and knowledge [...]
divides, and increased importance
is being placed on MIL by both developed and developing countries.
聚合物锂电池充放电次数放电电压性能标准是聚合物锂电池在20±5℃条件下聚合物电池电池按0.5C 充电,当聚合物锂电池电压达到4.2V 时改为恒压充电,直到充电电小于 或 等于聚合物电池容量0.01C时停止充电,静置0.5h 后,再以0.5C 放电至3.0V 的方式进行循环,当连续三次放电容量<初始容量80%时寿命为终止,要求聚合物锂电池充放电 数循环 寿 命 ≥300次.
Polymer lithium polymer battery cells under the conditions of
20 ± 5 ℃, according to
[...] 0.5C charge changed to constant voltage charging, when the polymer lithium battery voltage reaches 4.2V, until the charge current is less than or equal to polymer battery Capacity 0.01Cstop charging stand for 0.5h, 0.5C discharge to 3.0V way cycle life when
其中包括:媒体工作人员培 训;在边远地区通过社区多媒体中心 小数 字 鸿 沟;本地内容制作以及利用知识促进可持续 发展;小数字鸿 沟;利用信息与传播计划和电子空间的多语言使用;支持建设和平、解决 冲突和对话;学校的媒体扫盲和媒体教育; 文献遗产,包括音像资料;促进信息与传播技 术为可持续发展服务;改进媒体政策的伦理标准;支持国际传播发展计划和全民信息计划之 间的协调。
Respondents proposed many additional “other
[...] priorities” for MP V. These included training of media workers; bridging the digital divide through community multimedia centres in remote areas; local content production and the utilization of knowledge for sustainable development; reduction of the digital divide; use [...]
of ICTs and multilingualism
in cyberspace; support to peacebuilding, conflict resolution and dialogue; media literacy and media education in schools; documentary heritage, including audiovisual material; promotion of ICTs for sustainable development; enhancing ethical standards in media policies; and support for coordination of the IPDC and IFAP programmes.
数字和模拟传感器数百万次的循环 测 量仍可保持其卓越的高重复性和低于 0.1 µm 的分辨率。
The Digital and Analogue sensors can maintain their [...]
exceptionally high repeatability and resolution of  less than 0.1 µm
over millions of measurement cycles.
正版 音像制品销量受到挤压之后,使平摊到每张(盒)音像制品中的版税成本无法降低,致使正 版音像制品的价格无法降低,市场份额进一步 小 , 形 成恶 循环。
The shrunk sales of legally licensed audiovisual products make it difficult to lower the amortized royalty costs of each product, and as a result make it difficult to lower prices.
制冷维修行业将于 2009 年下半年购买的设备包括汽车空调装置的 15 台回收 和循环组件、39 个小车间使用的工具和用于商用制冷的 23 台回收和再循环组件。
Equipment for refrigeration servicing sector to be procured in late
2009 includes 15 recovery
[...] and recycling (R&R) units for the MAC sector, tools for 39 small shops and 23 R&R [...]
units for commercial refrigeration.
不能任意制定目标,也不能随意在现状的基础上制定一个减少百数,而应该在循社会,环境和 经济可持续性这些总体目标的前提下,通过具体的节 水方案或需求管理措施准确确定如何实现这些目标。
Targets should not simply be arbitrary or percentage reductions from the current situation, but it should be possible to define precisely how they could be achieved through specific water savings or demand management activities – whilst still complying with the overall objectives of social, environmental and economic sustainability
图 5 示例了一个简单的模型配置文件, 通过状态数初始化、时循环控制 组件、状态 数 更 新 、陆 面过程计算、输出等几个模块, 连接为一个完整的 Noah 陆面过程模型.
Figure 5 shows an exemplified model configuration file, through
which the modules
[...] representing state variable initialization, time loop control, state variable update, [...]
land surface process
computation and output respectively are assembled into a complete Noah LSM.




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