单词 | 徘徊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 徘徊verb—hoverv徘徊—linger hesitate by ext. hover around pace back and forth See also:徘—irresolute 徊—hesitate pace back and forth irresolute 倥—ignorant pressed blank-minded
并且, [...] 最不发达国家在贸易服务中的份额基本保持不变,2002 年至 2007 年徘徊在0.04% 左右。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the share of least developed [...] countries in trade in services remained [...] largely static, hovering around 0.04 [...]per cent over the period from 2002 to 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
冬季夜间气温七月份在 0ºC 左右徘徊。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Winter nights hover around 0ºC [...] during July. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在选举时,我们经常看到一些现象,便是一些 老人家不断在我们的助选团的身边徘徊,提 醒我们一定要为他们争取更多 “生果金”。 legco.gov.hk | During the election, we often saw some elderly people hanging around our electioneering teams, trying to remind us to fight for a higher amount of the "fruit grant" for them. legco.gov.hk |
首先在地上铺了报纸後,我们的五指穿梭在他的发中 徘徊,接着就随意的剪,毫无根据和目的地剪,爱怎麽剪就怎麽剪。 4tern.com | We laid newspapers on the ground, and started to cut his hair without any guide, any direction. 4tern.com |
10项自由指标之中,新闻自由、出版自由和言论自由大概排名中间,在7.0至7.5分附近 徘徊;游行示威自由则通常位列榜末或末二,而且波动较大,而数字则一般介乎6.0至7.0分之间。 hkupop.hku.hk | Of the 10 freedom indicators, freedom of "press", "publication" and "speech" generally rank in the middle, fluctuating between 7.0 to 7.5 marks, while that of "procession and demonstration" usually ranks last or second last, scoring 6.0 to 7.0 marks, and with greater fluctuations. hkupop.hku.hk |
日元自 2010 年底以来徘徊在约82 日元/美元的新高,但 3 [...] 月发 生的地震引发极度波动,直到七国集团财长联合干预才缓和下来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The yen has fluctuated [...] around a highof about 82 yen/dollar [...]since late 2010, but the earthquake in March triggered extraordinary [...]volatility for the exchange rate until a joint intervention of the finance ministers of the Group of Seven mitigated the situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数新兴市场国家的中央银行持宽松态度,允许 [...] 通货膨胀在其目标范围内或目标范围之上 徘徊。倘若出现下面三种情况之一,即“通货膨胀在很大程度上超出范围”,“在强劲增长的背后出现通货膨胀的加 [...]速”,或者“在资本流动情况下出现量化宽松退出,急需中央银行采取措施”,则这种状况很快就会结束。 bbvaresearch.com | Most of EMs central banks are on an easing bias and are [...] allowing inflationto hover at or above their [...]targets, this could end soon if inflation [...]largely overshot, some acceleration was registered on the back of stronger growth or a QE exit was imminent urging the need for CB action amid capital flows. bbvaresearch.com |
我在这里把双脚泡在冰冷的河流中,发现小鱼儿开始向我游来,在我的脚旁 徘徊。 4tern.com | I put my legs into the cold water river flow. The small fishes swam towards me. 4tern.com |
有着较 低的失业率的马佐夫省(Mazowieckie)有 一个地区失业率超过35% (Szydłowiec),还 有几个地区徘徊在20%附近。 paiz.gov.pl | Mazowieckie, a region with a low overall unemployment rate, contains a district with an unemployment rate of more than 35% (Szydłowiec) and there are many with levels of unemployment significantly above or close to 20%. paiz.gov.pl |
部分平板电脑 的利润仅在较低的个位数徘徊,而 主要利润 来自配件销售9 。 deloittetmt.com | Margins for some tablets are in the low single figures, with profits being primarily generated from accessory sales9. deloittetmt.com |
诗中表达出诗人不求回报的暗恋所带来的痛苦,他暗恋的女性浑然不知是自已激发了诗人的情感;接下来是对时间和历史的冥想,诗人感到哀伤, 徘徊在生 存与死亡、现实与虚无之间,倍感疏离和孤独,继而回望过往的荣光,缅怀逝去的童年(《盛宴的夜晚》)。 wdl.org | The pain of unrequited love for a woman, unaware that she is the cause of the poet’s feelings, is expressed; this is followed by a meditation on time and history that leads the distressed poet, in his isolation and loneliness, on the border between life and death, reality and nothingness, to contemplate the glories of past ages and experience nostalgia for his childhood (Sera del giorno festivo). wdl.org |
在这些发展中国家的拾荒者——其中很多是儿童——在垃圾场和垃圾堆间 徘徊捡值钱的东西,在那种环境里,他们会接触到铅、水银及其他有害物质。 unicef.org | There, scavengers – many of them children – work in junk yards and dumpsites to extract valuable materials from the waste. unicef.org |
你去的“冬宫”和忘记有关的日常问题和使上可以花费小时只是 徘徊,并观看观看,和我没有得到厌倦,我建议大家谁想逃离的喧嚣和日常生活的喧嚣来参观冬宫,和触摸的美丽,你不要不希望去那里。 cn.badgood.info | You go to the "Hermitage" and forget about everyday problems and so on can spend hours just wandering and looking to watch to watch, and do not get bored, I advise everyone who wants to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to visit the Hermitage, and touch the beautiful, you do not want to go there. en.badgood.info |
你在徘徊最久的记忆里面,是不是与某些的成就(挑战)或是负面 情绪(生气、恐惧、悲伤)连结在一起? avatarepc.com | Was there some accomplishment (challenge) or negative emotion (anger, fear, grief) connected with the memories you lingered on longest? avatarepc.com |
然而,港元偏强,并在接 近强方兑换保证的水平徘徊,原因有三:早前 沽空港元的套息活动需要平仓;各经济界别从 海外市场调回资金;以及外资银行需卖出美元 并买入港元以满足其资金需求。 legco.gov.hk | However, Hong Kong dollar had strengthened and stayed near the level of strong-side Convertibility Undertaking (CU) for three reasons, namely, the deleveraging of earlier interest rate arbitrage activities involving short selling of the Hong Kong dollar; repatriation of funds by different economic sectors from overseas markets; and foreign banks resorting to selling US dollars and purchasing Hong Kong dollars to satisfy their funding requirements. legco.gov.hk |
埃及在最近十年的中学入学率下降,而同时青年失业率在 约 25-30%徘徊。 bbvaresearch.com | Secondary school enrollment has declined in the last decade in Egypt, while at the same time youth [...] unemploymentrates hovered around 25-30%. bbvaresearch.com |
根据《民意网站》今日发放的最新调查结果显示,特首董建华的评分,於去年十一月份在低位 徘徊後, 在十二月开始持续回升,本月初的数字为54.5分,明显高於去年十一月份及十二月初的数字。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to the latest figures released today, CE's rating has steadily increased since December last year, after staying low for one month. The latest figure registered in early January is 54.5, which is significantly higher than those recorded in November and early December last year. hkupop.hku.hk |
很显然,桑德兰的高层不喜欢看到自己的球队 徘徊在降级的边缘,安慰他们的唯一办法就是解雇可怜的奥尼尔。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | The gods at Sunderland clearly did not like seeing their teamteetering onthe brink of being relegated and one way to appease them is to see the head of poor O’Neill roll. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
此外,执法机关负有确保公共 安全的职责,个人则享有电子通信和数据安全的权利,但在实践中,这两者之间 的平衡问题往往左右徘徊而近 于含糊不清。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, in practical terms the issue of balance between the duty of law enforcement authorities to ensure public security and the individual's right to security of electronic communications and data protection often lingers on the verge of ambiguity. daccess-ods.un.org |
印度及俄罗斯的增长率徘徊在平 均值以下。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Growth ratesstabilised atsub-par levels in both India and Russia. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
尽管呈现出复苏迹象,但 2010 年的经济增长可能仍然徘徊不前。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although there were signs of recovery, economic growth likely remained sluggish in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
一句话:今年中国豪华车市场增速料大幅放缓至10%左右,并在2015年以前都可能在低位 徘徊。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: Growth in China’s luxury car market is likely to slow [...] sharply to about 10percent [...]this year, and could remain weak through 2015. youngchinabiz.com |
死後的灵魂徘徊在disembodied屍体三天。 mb-soft.com | After death the [...] disembodied soul hovers aroundthe corpse [...]for three days. mb-soft.com |
被世界遗弃,一个徘徊自杀边缘的人,遇上同样被天神出卖的潘多拉,在幻觉与精神分裂中的一次对话。 pplsfringe.com | Outcast by the world, a man in the brink ofsuicide comes across Pandora, who is also betrayed by the God, a conversation amid illusion and schizoid. pplsfringe.com |
受制于内部混乱,拿了一首好牌的联通全年3G份额 徘徊在 30%,即使老大中国移动(HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL)正被不断攻城拔寨,收获的也主要是老三电信,市场份额已经由年初的24%升至28%。 youngchinabiz.com | As a result of the internal chaos, the company’s 3G market share has held steady at around 30 percent all year, even as industry leader China Mobile (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL) has lost steady share in this critical new area to China Telecom, whose share has risen from about 24 early this year to 28 now. youngchinabiz.com |
去年我们看到同一档四月至七月时,黄金主要是 徘徊在 1500元左右,蘸在1400美元的几个倍。 danpacplus.hk | We saw this same stall from April to July last year [...] when gold mainly hoveredaround$1,500 [...]and dipped in the $1,400sa few times. danpacplus.hk |
其他运气好的公司,在自己的利基市场上分得一杯羹,运气差的则 徘徊挣扎于大众化和专业化的鸿沟之间,看不到未来。 12manage.com | Other companies will be niche players, or fall in the ditch (i.e. a market position between generalist and specialist that offers no long-term viability). 12manage.com |
在当代艺术中,漆艺,作为一门传统的技艺被提出有它令人不安之处——它太古老了,似乎首先必须完成对自身的超越,把它从固有的语境中解放出来;然而一旦如此,它又太年轻,带着种种问题所驱使的激动和忧虑, 徘徊在价值的取向中。 shanghaibiennale.org | It seems that you have to first fight lacquering itself, to liberate it from its existing context; then as soon as you succeed, it is too young, full of issue-driven excitements and worries. shanghaibiennale.org |
2004 年中国电影市场开始有了复苏的迹象,票房收入达到了 15.2 亿元,比 2003 年增长了 [...] 65%,摆脱了票房收入长期在 8-9 亿元之间徘徊的被动局面,在 2004 年,212 部的电影产量 [...]也创造了中国电影史上电影产量的最高记录。 uschina.org | Signs of recovery were seen for China’s movie industry in 2004, when box office revenues amounted to RMB1.52 billion, up 65% over the [...] previous year, and breaking a long-term pattern of annual [...] box officesales hovering aroundthe RMB800-900 [...]million mark. uschina.org |