单词 | 得胜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 得胜 —triumph over an opponentExamples:旗开得胜—lit. win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have immediate success • success in a single move 取得胜利—achieve victory • prevail • be victorious See also:胜 n—victory n • success n 胜—better than • surpass • superior to • surpassing • equal (a task) • get the better of • wonderful (view) • superb (of vista) • beautiful (scenery)
尽管 Stephanie 曾遭受挫折而被迫离开泳池,但 Maria 还是坚信她最终会取得胜利。 specialolympics.org | Despite a setback that put Stephanie out of the pool, Maria knew she would succeed eventually. specialolympics.org |
我们必须继续他们的斗 争,确保我们的共同价值——容忍、正义和尊重所有 人的尊严、共同人性与自由——取 得胜 利。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must carry on their struggle to ensure the triumph of our shared values: tolerance, justice and respect for the dignity, common humanity and freedom of all human beings. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们尤其感到自豪的是,我国人民也与其他国家 的人民一道,为取得胜利贡献了力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | And we are particularly proud that, among others, the people of my country made [...] their contribution to the victory. daccess-ods.un.org |
她担心,她与他的持续政治关系可能会在政 治上削弱她、降低她的合法性并使人民党明确 取 得胜 利 的 机会减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | She feared that her ongoing political relationship with [...] him could potentially weaken her politically, diminish her legitimacy and lessen [...] possibilities for a solid PPP victory. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们以团队赢得胜利-一支由性格迥异的人组成的 团队,但都以相同的姿态面对客户,所取得的团队成 绩远大于个人成绩。 cigna.com | We win as a team – a diverse group of individuals who present one face to the customer and accomplish far more together than individually. cigna.com |
的两个,他们奇迹般地赢得了额外的游戏,尽管GBF试图阻止他们,他们 取 得胜 利。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The two them miraculously win an extra game, and despite GBF’s attempts to stop them, they achieve victory. en.seekcartoon.com |
至于法律费用问题,瑞典法律体系的一项原则是,在法庭上输掉官司的一方 承付自己的法律费用和得胜方的 法律费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the question of legal costs it is a principle in the Swedish legal system that [...] the party that has failed to prove their case in court pays for their own legal costs [...] and for the costs of winning party. daccess-ods.un.org |
这张海报是第七次战争公债认购宣传活动的一部分,该公债是在 1945 年 5 月发行的,当时欧洲战场取得胜利才 刚刚几天。 wdl.org | This poster was part of the campaign for a 7th War Loan subscription, which took place in May 1945, [...] just days after victory in Europe. wdl.org |
除了这一切之外,我们 还要说,1945 年在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔,一小时 内有 45 000 [...] 名阿尔及利亚人被杀,因为这些人不幸 地认为第二次世界大战结束、纳粹主义和法西斯主义 被打败,以及与自由有关的价值观获 得胜 利 , 会给阿 尔及利亚人带来独立。 daccess-ods.un.org | To all of that we would add that 45,000 Algerians were killed in a single hour in the capital, Algiers, in 1945, because they unfortunately believed that the end of the Second World War, the [...] defeat of Nazism and [...] Fascism and the victory of the values associated with freedom could bring the [...]Algerians independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
发达国家和亚洲新兴经济体的经验已经表明,如果各界努 力在技能和方法方面建设农村社区的能力,帮助将其生产联系起来,赚取和 创造现金收入,就能在获得粮食保障方面 取 得胜 利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Experience from developed countries and the emerging economies in Asia has shown that victory in gaining food security can be achieved if all exert efforts to build the capacity of rural communities in skills and approaches that help to link their production in order to make and generate cash income. daccess-ods.un.org |
过渡联邦政府争取人民全心全意的支持极为重要,这样它才能抗击叛乱 [...] 分子通过非传统方式推翻政府的企图,而在这一行动中政府需要人民的支持来取 得胜利。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is imperative that the Transitional Federal Government win over the whole-hearted support of the people so that it can stand up to the efforts of the [...] insurgents to topple the Government through unconventional means, in which they would need the support [...] of the people to succeed. daccess-ods.un.org |
我着重指出,打击索马里沿海海盗活动的斗争要 取 得胜 利 , 惟有实施一项处 理威慑、治安和法治以及发展的综合战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have stressed that the fight against piracy off the coast of [...] Somalia can be won only through an [...]integrated strategy that tackles deterrence, [...]security and the rule of law, and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们在首回合决赛对阵克罗地亚时0-3失利之后,他们在萨格勒布又交了白卷,没能在这场主要比赛中 取 得胜 利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | After losing their first leg match of the play-off 0-3 at home to [...] Croatia, they managed a goalless draw [...]in Zagreb and failed to make it for the main tournament. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
2005年,托马斯·卢斯在瓦伦西亚的125CM3组比赛中 获 得胜 利 , 成为六名史上最年轻的世界冠军之一。 swissworld.org | In 2005 he won the 125cc World Championship in Valencia, becoming the sixth youngest winner of all time – a dream come true for the young man from Emmental. swissworld.org |
中间凸出部分(参见下图)上的马赛克描绘了由路德维希四世所创建的Ettal 基金会,代表着巴伐利亚王朝时代的宗教和慈善主张;马赛克的每一侧都有 因戈尔施塔特大学开幕景象和诗人Wolfram von [...] Eschenbach 在瓦尔特城堡 歌唱比赛上取得胜利的 场面,代表着巴伐利亚经济和艺术的繁荣。 livesrv.bayern.landtag.de | Thus, the mosaics on the centre risalit (see image below) depict the foundation of Ettal by the German Emperor Ludwig IV, as an example of the piety and charity of the Bavarian dynasty, [...] flanked by the opening of the university in [...] Ingolstadt and the victory of the poet Wolfram [...]von Eschenbach at the Sängerkrieg as [...]an example of Bavaria‘s scientific and artistic prowess. livesrv.bayern.landtag.de |
他们可以选择干干净净 [...] 的比赛,即便他们知道相比作弊的选手,自己会明显处于劣势地位,但他们仍然希望凭借天赋 和拼搏精神取得胜利。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They can choose to compete clean, knowing [...] they are at a distinct disadvantage to those who cheat, but hope that their talent and [...] dedication can see them to victory. unesdoc.unesco.org |
只有最有竞争力和受过最好教育的学生能够在这一职业 取 得胜 利。 commpred.org | the fact that only the most qualified and best educated students realistically can compete in this career. commpred.org |
十 我们相信得胜的圣 徒要在千年国度里与基督一同作王掌权;并且所有在基督里的信徒,都将 有分于新天新地新耶路撒冷里神圣的福分,直到永远。 concernedbrothers.com | We believe that the overcoming saints will reign with Christ in the millennium and that all the believers in Christ will participate in the divine blessings in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth for eternity. concernedbrothers.com |
直到 2003 年尼卡诺尔·杜阿尔特·弗鲁托斯在总统大选中 获 得胜 利 , 巴拉 圭才重新走上政治稳定时期。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2003 presidential elections, won by Nicanor Duarte Frutos, signalled a new period of political stability in Paraguay. daccess-ods.un.org |
也为祂的救赎工作继续得胜,以 及祂继续恩膏带领团队和机构的工作来祷告,好让中国境内的人和AM-CCSM事工的我们都能够宣告:"感谢神!常帅领我们在基督里夸胜。 amccsm.org | And pray for His saving work [...] to continue in triumph and for His continued [...]anointed leading on teams and the work of the [...]ministry, so that both inside of China and in the ministry of AM-CCSM we might proclaim afresh: "But thanks be to God, Who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ. amccsm.org |
保喀同盟-人 民运动联盟在两个选区均获得胜利, 现任参议员皮埃尔·弗洛热代表第二选区, [...] 与代表第一选区的盖埃尔·雅诺一道,重返法国国民议会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Rassemblement-UMP candidates won in both cases, [...] sending Pierre Frogier, the incumbent, back to the French National Assembly [...]representing the second constituency, joined by Gaël Yanno representing the first constituency. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了外汇交易者们之中安排最大的比赛InstaForex公司划出了奖金基金(就是300 000多投资),购买了两辆Hummer汽车为奖金,准备特别比赛为了寻找Masterforex-V交易学院的最好新手交易者们 ( 得胜 者 要 获得33 000美元多的奖金与在以后成功交易情况下巨额贷款)。 instaforex.com | InstaForex established the prize fund of $300 thousand for the best traders and bought two Hummers as prizes for successful trading. It is developing a special contest to seek out the best newbies of Masterforex-V Academy amounting to $33 thousand and implying huge lending for the winners upon the condition of stable trading. instaforex.com |
要在此赛道上获得胜利需 要最优秀的车手,处于最佳的状态且拥有最好的装备: [...] Thomas与他的Colnago C59 Italia,我们认为我们拥有获胜的组合。 colnago.com | Victory on this course will require [...] the best riders to be in the best shape and have the best equipment: with Thomas and [...]his Colnago C59 Italia, we think we may have the winning formula. colnago.com |
最后,Piguet 毫无悬念地获得胜利,而 Zaugg 则成功地将 Autocarrozzeria [...] 的 Amici 牵制在了第三位。 lamborghini.com | In the end, Piguet cruised to a [...] unchallenged victory and Zaugg held [...]Autocarrozzeria's Amici at bay in third place. lamborghini.com |
为什么大家看到了网站标题是“中德的知识产权争端”,我们中国 人 得胜? cn.lvd.cc | How we should ponder the title online “the intellectual property patent dispute between China [...] and Germany” China wins? en.lvd.cc |
欧洲的三次冠军,世界杯的获得者,欧洲篮球联赛的三次冠军,俄罗斯的三次冠军,俄罗斯环的四次获得者,法国的两次冠军,世界联赛的三 次 得胜 者 ,奥运会2004和2008的季军,功勋运动健将 - 就是篮球运动员的胜利不完全清单。 instaforex.com | Three-time European champion, the World Cup winner, three-time European League champion, three-time Russian [...] champion, four-time Russian [...] Cup winner, two-time France champion, three-time World League champion, bronze medalist of the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, merited master of sports [...]– this is just some Ilona’s victories. instaforex.com |
第一,试图产生一个独立的犹太翻译是,谁和在1840年发表了“招股说明书的一个关键的新票据版,与圣经的神圣的解释性 大 得胜 索 拉 伦敦。 mb-soft.com | The first to attempt to produce an independent Jewish translation was DA de Sola of London, who in 1840 issued a "Prospectus of a New Edition of the Sacred Scriptures, with Notes Critical and Explanatory. mb-soft.com |
使用规划与授权技巧,文教 副会长不仅能征募会员帮助组织一场出色的演讲比赛,还能帮助会员 获 得胜任 领 导荣衔,反过来帮助分会增强其在杰出分会计划中的优势。 toastmasters.org | Do not file using the corporation’s FEIN, because this could result in the club losing its tax-exempt status with the IRS. toastmasters.org |
例如, 对保加利亚的《防范家庭暴力法》(2005 年)的监测结果表明, 如果幸存者不需要律师提供保护令, 其 申请更有可能通过法律代理获得胜诉。 unwomen.org | For example, monitoring of Bulgaria’s Law on Protection against Domestic Violence (2005) has shown that, while a survivor does not need a lawyer to file for a protection order, her application is more likely to be successful with legal representation. unwomen.org |