单词 | 得罪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 得罪—offend somebody(often used)less common: a faux pas violate the law make a faux pas commit an offense excuse me! (formal) 得罪verb—offendvExamples:罪有应得—guilty and deserves be punished (idiom); entirely appropriate chastisement the punishment fits the crime See also:罪n—sinn guiltn sinnern faultn guildn
传说李白原本是天上掌管诗歌的仙人,后因 得罪玉帝,被贬到人间成为一个富商的儿子。 chinesestoryonline.com | Legend has it that Li Bai was originally the God in charge of poetry in [...] Heaven, but he offendedthe Heavenly [...]Emperor and thus was exiled to Earth, where [...]he become a son of a rich merchant. chinesestoryonline.com |
回顾你的关系,看看是否有你得罪过的人或无意中被你 得罪过的人。 sallee.info | Review your relationships and see if there are people whom you have offended—or who have been offended by you. sallee.info |
布卢的声誉是一个有趣的想象中的朋友,但他的笑话有时会 得罪人。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bloo has a reputation for being a funny imaginary friend, though his jokes sometimes offend people. mt.seekcartoon.com |
若你肯向神敞开自己,圣灵会告诉你,你 在哪里得罪了神。 cbcwla.org | If you open yourself to God, the Holy Spirit will [...] show you thingsthat offendGod. cbcwla.org |
基督徒表现不与伪经,因为他们完全太高额定更好,虽然有时这些 得罪了良好的味道。 mb-soft.com | The Christians fared no better with the Apocrypha, which they rated altogether too high, although [...] these at times offended good taste. mb-soft.com |
但另一方面,李广为人骄傲,因此经常 得罪上级,他的这个个性也最终导致他的死亡。 chinesestoryonline.com | However, on the other hand, Li Guang was extremely proud, which often plunged him into troubles with his supervisors and led to his death at last. chinesestoryonline.com |
认罪的时候,你请神来查验自己的心,看 自己有没有得罪神的事。 cbcwla.org | In confession you letGod to examine your heart, and he shows you what separates you from him. cbcwla.org |
我 要牢记祢的话语,免得我得罪祢!愿神能用我这回头的人去 帮助、 带领那些跌倒的罪人来归回主! mccc.org | May God use the returned prodigal son to help and lead back to Him those who have fallen. mccc.org |
然后祈祷Iqama明显,他得罪了马格里布祈祷,然后每个人他的骆驼跪在他的地方;然后祈祷Iqama是明显的,他提供的(宵礼)祈祷,他没有提供任何祈祷在他们之间(即昏礼和宵礼“祈祷)。 mb-soft.com | Then Iqama for the prayer was [...] pronouncedand heoffended the Maghrib prayer [...]and then every person made his camel kneel at [...]his place; and then Iqama for the prayer was pronounced and he offered the ('Isha') prayer and he did not offer any prayer in between them (ie Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers). mb-soft.com |
只有那些在“得罪圈子”之内的人,才有必要参与解决冲突的过程。 sallee.info | Only those within [...] the ‘circleof offense’need to be included [...]in the resolution process. sallee.info |
中国会坚持指出有 耐心的外交政策才能解决伊核问题,但不会为了伊 朗而得罪美国。中国仍然认为中美关系比中伊关系 更为重要,而且如果其它安理会成员国一致同意制 裁,中国很可能会力求通过谈判最大程度地削弱制 裁条款而非阻止制裁本身。 crisisgroup.org | Beijing will persistently advocate more patient diplomacy, but it will not ultimately side with Iran at the expense of its relationship with the U.S. It still values its relations with Washington more than its ties to Tehran, and if it finds itself facing unanimous support for sanctions from other Security Council members, it can be expected to focus its efforts on negotiating for the weakest terms. crisisgroup.org |
但是他必须要维护联合国的价值观念和道德权威,一言一行都要从和平的角度出发,为此甚至可以不惜经常 得罪上述成员国。 un.org | The Secretary-General would fail if he did not take careful account of the concerns of Member States, but he must also uphold the values and moral authority of the United Nations, and speak and act for peace, even at the risk, from time to time, of challenging or disagreeing with those same Member States. un.org |
伊甸园要求的圣诞礼物精神的孤儿会发生什么,如果他们唯一的家关闭时,她变得更加 得罪了,当她听到她重复她原本说是对他们的凯瑟琳生存街头顽童残酷的话,并要求他们离开,一次。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Eden asks the Spirit of Christmas Present what will happen to the [...] orphans if their only home closes down, she [...] becomesmore offended when she hears [...]her repeat the cruel words she had originally [...]said to Catherine about them surviving as street urchins and demands they leave at once. seekcartoon.com |
必须信靠耶稣,得蒙拯救,罪得赦免 ,藉圣 灵重生,方能进入 神的国。 dcfc.org | The believers will be with God forever and the non-believers will face eternal condemnation. dcfc.org |
尤其是军火商游走于合法和非法经 [...] 营之间,通过前沿公司的错综复杂的安排掩盖他们的 行踪,这些公司利用通过犯罪得到的收入从事投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | Arms dealers in particular swing between licit and [...] illicit business, covering their tracks through complex arrangements of front companies [...] that invest the proceeds fromcrime. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 倘 有 合 理 理 [...] 由 相 信 任 何 物 品 是犯罪 得来的,则 可 予 扣 留 , 以 [...]确 定 谁 是 合 法 物 主 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) anything may be retained in order to establish its lawful owner, [...] where there are reasonable grounds for believing [...] that ithas been obtainedinconsequence [...]of the commission of an offence. hkreform.gov.hk |
同所有的罪行受 [...] 害人一样,被偷运移民应有权诉诸刑事司法程序,以确保针对他们实施的犯罪 得到侦查和起诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | Like all victims of crime, smuggled migrants should [...] have access to criminal justice processes to [...] ensurethat the crimescommitted against them [...]are investigated and prosecuted. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,有组织犯罪得到全世界毒品非法销售所得 巨额利润的滋养。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, organized crimefeeds offthe astronomical [...] profits produced by the illegal sale of drugs around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
在五旬节,彼得传福音时,对众人說:『你们各人要悔改,奉耶稣基督 的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,就必領受所赐的圣靈,因为这应许是给你们和 [...] 你们的儿女,并一切在远方的人,就是主我们上帝所召來的人。 efcga.org | On the day of [...] Pentecost,whenPeter preached the Gospel [...]to people, he said, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in [...]the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. efcga.org |
(b) 该 物 品 为 罪 行 证 据 或 是 因犯罪 得来的 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) that it is evidence of an [...] offence orhas been obtainedin consequence of the commissionof an offence. hkreform.gov.hk |
我们罪得赦免,经由 圣靈日日朝成圣的路上行,但我们仍未得着完全的荣耀。 calvarygs.org | We have been [...] justified ofour sins, andare being sanctified [...]daily through the Holy Spirit, but we are not yet glorified. calvarygs.org |
此外,根据条款草案第 9 条,每一缔约国可根据其本国 [...] 法律原则,对于自然人以外的法律实体实施第 2 条所述犯罪,得以追究该法律实 体的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in draft article 9, each State party, in accordance with its domestic legal [...] principles, had a possibility of holding legal entities other than natural [...] persons liable for offencesreferred to in [...]article 2. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些国家认为,向善意持有人支付补偿是归还方面的一个障碍,并且某些民法典的条文过 度保护所有人,即使物品是通过犯罪得到的(墨西哥和波兰)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For several States, it is alleged that the payment of compensation to the possessor in good faith is an obstacle to restitution and that the provisions of [...] certain civil codes are over protective of the owners, even [...] if the object wasobtained by criminal means(Mexico [...]and Poland). unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了达到上款所述目的,通过向公众传播或提供讯息的方式直接或间接 公开美化或提倡第 108 [...] 条所述刑事犯罪或上款所述刑事犯罪,从而造成一种或更 多此种刑事犯罪得到实 施的危险的,应予以相同惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) Whosoever directly or indirectly publicly glorifies or advocates criminal offences under Article 108 or the criminal offence referred to in the preceding paragraph, with the purpose under the preceding paragraph, by propagating messages or making them available to the public and [...] therefore causes danger that one or more [...] such criminal offences willbe committed, [...]shall be punished in the same manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府的其他努力包括:致力于确保仇恨犯 罪得到起诉,执法不当行为得到调查和纠正,不分种族人人 [...] 都能享受确保公平住房、公平贷款、平等教育和就业 机会及投票权的法律和方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other government efforts included work to [...] ensurethat hatecrimes were prosecuted, [...]law enforcement misconduct was investigated [...]and remedied and that laws and programmes to ensure fair housing, fair lending, equal educational and employment opportunity and the right to vote were enjoyed by all without regard to race. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了推动实施恐怖刑事犯罪,煽动实施本《刑法》第 108 条所述刑事犯 [...] 罪,以某种其他方式向他人传播或提供讯息,并从而造成一种或更多此种刑事犯罪得到实施的危险的,应处 1 至 10 年监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | (1) Whosoever incites the commission of criminal offences under Article 108 of this Criminal Code and therefore propagates messages or makes them available to other persons in some other manner with the intention to promote terrorist criminal offences and thus causes [...] danger that one or [...] more suchcriminal offenceswill becommitted [...]shall be sentenced to imprisonment of between one and ten years. daccess-ods.un.org |