单词 | 得救 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 得救 noun —salvation n得救 —be savedSee also:救 v—save v • rescue v 救—assist
作好預備,可以隨時與人分享你的 得救見證,以及神的救恩計畫。 cbcwla.org | Always be prepared to share your personal [...] testimony and God’s salvation plan. cbcwla.org |
委员会还敦促缔约国继续努 力,建立一个国内法律制度,充分实施《公约》的规定,并确保所有规定符合国 际人权标准,所有公民都能够通过国家主管法庭和其他国家机构,针对任何种族 歧视或相关的不容忍行为,有效和平等地 获 得救 济。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also urges the State party to continue its efforts to establish a domestic legal system that gives full effect to the provisions of the Convention and to ensure compliance with international human rights standards and effective and equal access for all citizens to remedies through the competent national courts and other State institutions against any act of racial discrimination or related intolerance. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国家的每个男人、女人和孩子怎样才能有机 会 得救 和 明 白真道? sallee.info | How can every man, woman and child in my nation have the [...] opportunity to be saved and come to a [...]knowledge of the truth? sallee.info |
相信你自己,作一点研究和准备,你就会 成功,猫也会得救。 animalsasia.org | Believe in yourself, with a little research and preparation, you will be successful [...] and the cats will be saved. animalsasia.org |
答:十三)约,有两个天使,一边一个:一个写下来的优点,其他的缺点,而Doḳiel,天使长,重量平衡,对每一个其他两种以及另一名,Pyroel(“火天使”),试图用火的人的作品,无论是消费或没有;则属于正义的灵 魂 得救 的 人 进行的;发现在那些不公正的,谁将会满足他们的处罚。 mb-soft.com | According to the Testament of Abraham (A. xiii.), there are two angels, one on either side: one writes down the merits, the other the demerits, while Doḳiel, the archangel, weighs the two kinds against each other in a balance; and another, Pyroel ("angel of fire"), tries the works of men by fire, whether they are consumed or not; then the just souls are carried among the saved ones; those found unjust, among those who will meet their punishment. mb-soft.com |
我們的盈餘除了是用作提供就業機會、 提供長者安居服務、提供救命鐘服務外,現時亦在進行一些研究和發展工作 ( R&D),看看如何讓一些患上老人痴呆症的病人或其他需要服務的殘疾人 士,在戶外也可以獲得救命鐘 服務,例如當他們在戶外迷失了,按救命鐘, 便可以讓我們找到他們。 legco.gov.hk | Our surplus is used for, besides creating job opportunities and providing home safety services for the elderly and the help bell service, conducting R&D studies to examine ways to enable patients suffering from senile dementia or needy people with disabilities to access our help bell service outdoor so that when they get lost outdoor, for instance, they may press the help bell to enable us to locate them. legco.gov.hk |
相信主耶穌基督,憑信領受洗禮,具有重 生 得救 之 經 歷,在本堂經常 聚會六個月以上,而願遵守本教會會章者,皆可申請為會員。 dcfc.org | The applicant must be over eighteen years old and born again, have placed [...] his/her faith in Jesus [...] Christ as his/her Savior, be baptized and received the saving grace of God, [...]regularly attends worship [...]services at this church for more than six months and accepts the Constitution of this church. dcfc.org |
11),这个词是受雇于先知在eschatological常识和一个双重性格的投资:一方面,作为司法的上帝的惩罚权力对所有挑起他的愤怒,导演表现上的时间和,另一方面,作为平反和 义 得救 的 时 间。 mb-soft.com | Gen. xix. 24; Ex. ix. 23, xi. 4, xii. 12; Josh. x. 11), the term was employed by the Prophets in an eschatological sense and invested with a double character: on the one hand, as the time of the manifestation of God's punitive powers of justice directed [...] against all that provokes His wrath, and, on the other hand, as the time of [...] the vindication and salvation of the righteous. mb-soft.com |
2007 年期间,1 737 名街头流浪者获得救治,其中 232 人住在国有机构 中。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2007, 1,737 street dwellers received treatment, 232 of them in the national facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
对所有这些依旧对上帝保持忠诚之心的 [...] 人,我们想起使徒保罗的话:“现今就是该 趁早睡醒的时候,因为我们得救,现 今比初 信的时候更近了。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | To all such whose hearts are still loyal to the Lord, we call in the [...] words of the Apostle Paul, “It is high time to awake out of [...] sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when [...]we believed. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
凡是真正得救的人都有圣经 所说“共同的信仰”,包括我们得救 所 必须相信的要项:圣经是完整的神圣启示,完全由神所默示; 只有一位独一的三一神—父、子、灵;耶稣基督是神的儿子,道成肉身成为人;基督为我们的罪死在 十字架上,流出血来救赎我们;第三天他的身体从死人中复活;他已被高举在神的右边,被立为万有 的主;将来他为着属他的人还要再来,并要在地上建立他的国度。 concernedbrothers.com | Every genuinely saved one has what the Bible calls the "common faith" (Titus 1:4), which includes what we must believe in order to be saved: we must believe [...] that the Bible is the [...]complete divine revelation wholly inspired by God; that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated to be a man; that Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption; that on the third day He was bodily raised from the dead; that He has been exalted to the right hand of God and made the Lord of all; and that He is coming again for His own and to set up His kingdom on earth. concernedbrothers.com |
然而这在实践中的影响只是, 个人可能没有办法通过下级法院获 得救 助 ,因为宪法保障高级法院和最高法院的诉讼渠道, [...] 许多信息权案件已经在这些法庭得到判决。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The effect of this in practice, however, [...] is only that one may not approach a [...] lower court for redress, since access to the High [...]and Supreme Courts is constitutionally [...]guaranteed and many right to information cases have already been decided by these courts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会促请缔约国确保关于城市开发项目的法律框架要保障为拆迁提供适当的补 偿或另行安排住所,并保障相关人员 获 得救 济。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to ensure that the legal framework regulating urban development projects guarantees the provision of appropriate [...] compensation or alternative accommodation in case of eviction, as [...] well as access to remedies for the persons concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
米洛的生活虽然得救了, 他的母亲的生命现在已经被放在股权。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Although Milo’s life is saved, the life of his mother has now been put at stake. seekcartoon.com |
另一个令人担忧的问题,是威胁缅甸钦邦的粮 食危机,目前那里有 20 %以上的人急需获得救助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another source of concern was the impending food crisis in Chin State, where more than 20 per cent of the population was in immediate need of food aid. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果只强调口传救恩信息的紧迫性,往往导致所传的是过于简化和断章取义的福音;如果只强调社会公义和社会更新的优先次序,则又被看作是偏离了耶稣赐给门徒的主要使命,也就是传讲个 人 得救 的 信 息。 conversation.lausanne.org | And those focused on the priority of justice and social [...] renewal are seen as detracting from the chief task Jesus gave his followers to present [...] the message of personal salvation. conversation.lausanne.org |
的能源效率措施由Groschopp可能幫助這裡的環境將被保存,但門開了,清潔和塗層平面基板帶來CORCLEAN和Corcoatsysteme沒 有 得救。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The energy efficiency measures by Groschopp possibly help here is that the environment will [...] be saved, but the door opens and the CORCLEAN and Corcoatsysteme for clean and coated flat [...] substrates bring no salvation. en.developmentscout.com |
以耶穌的寶血為人懇求,是提醒他/她在基督裡成 了 得救 的 罪 人的身份,同時知會敵人,因為基督的 犧牲,敵人不能再操控他。 aglow.org | To plead the blood of Jesus over someone is to remind that person of his/hers position in Christ as a forgiven sinner and to notify the enemy that he has no authority toward them because of Christ’s sacrifice. aglow.org |
我能够记起的是,醒来时发现自己在海 边 得救 了。 unicef.org | All I remember is waking up, being saved at sea. unicef.org |
现在想想,如果就那样留在疏散的地方的话,母亲、哥哥都会来会面,这样 也许大家都得救,现在还健在呢。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | In hindsight, all of us might have been [...] able to survive if I had stayed at the [...] evacuation site, because my mother and [...]brother would have been visiting us at the time of the A-bombing. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
然而,很显然,并非每一个需要帮助的人都能获 得救援, 而且在当地,我们还有许多事情要做,特别 是在搭建紧急住所、提供其它非粮食物品和改善卫生 条件方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, it is clear that not everyone in need has yet been reached and that we have much more to do on the ground, particularly in terms of emergency shelter, other non-food items and sanitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们靠着恩典得 救,也只能靠着恩典生活。 sallee.info | We have been saved by grace, and we [...] can only live by grace. sallee.info |
就如这些犹太人视耶稣为能够把他们从罗马的统治之下解脱出来,并能在他们坐着什么也不做时给他们食物的政治领袖,许多基督徒视耶稣是他 们 得救 的 救 主 , 能够给他们永生的生命和他们今生就能享受的眼前益处,但同时却不愿按他说的去做。 bcbsr.com | Just as these Jews saw Jesus as a political leader who could deliver them from the Romans and provide for them miraculously while they sit back and do [...] nothing, so also many Christians view Jesus as [...] Lord over their salvation, who provides them [...]with eternal life and the temporary [...]benefits they receive in this life, but at the same time are not really willing to do what he says. bcbsr.com |
保罗指出我们是因信得救 而不是靠遵从律法。 vdrc.org | Paul maintains that we are saved by faith and not [...] by keeping the law. vdrc.org |
尼科西亞--塞浦路斯議會已經批準了一項嚴苛的2013年緊縮預算案﹐而且這號稱是該國歷史上最至關重要的一份預算案﹐因為該國政府正在爭取 獲 得救 助 ﹐ 以便挽救該國問題銀行並發放薪水。 htisec.com | NICOSIA (AFP)--Cypriot MPs have approved a tight austerity budget for 2013 touted as the [...] "most crucial" in the island's history as Nicosia tries to [...] secure a bailout deal to rescue troubled banks [...]and pay salaries. htisec.com |
Ndimeni 先生(南非)表示,在同意协商一致 意见的同时,南非代表团希望该决议草案能够更深 入地研究酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 遇或处罚的当代形式,特别是与关闭关塔那摩拘留 中心有关的其他事实,研究施加酷刑者的责任,以 及按照有关公然违反国际人权法和严重违反国际人 道法行为的受害人获得救济和 补偿的权利的基本原 则和指令以公正和有效的方式予以补救的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | (South Africa) said that, while his delegation had joined in the consensus, it had hoped that the draft resolution would give greater consideration to contemporary forms of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and other issues, particularly in relation to the closure of the Guantanamo detention centre and the question of the liability of the perpetrators of acts of torture and how a fair and effective remedy could be found in accordance with the fundamental principles and guidelines on the right to recourse and reparations for victims of flagrant violations of international human rights law and serious breaches of international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
我不认为失去的羊代表已得救赎但 走失了的以色列人,而是 未 得救 赎 的 以色列人,他们的特点就是没有听,并容易走远,不与 已 得救 赎 羊 群认同。 bcbsr.com | I don't think that the lost sheep represents the redeemed of Israel who got lost, but the unredeemed of Israel who characteristically hadn't listened and was prone to wandering far away, not identifying with the redeemed flock. bcbsr.com |