单词 | 得宜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 得宜 adjective —appropriate adjless common: proper adj • suitable adj See also:宜 adj—appropriate adj • suitable adj 宜—should • surname Yi
使用得宜的話 ,全民投票可以和平解決很多巨大的爭議,重新凝聚社會。 hkupop.hku.hk | If it is utilized appropriately, the referendum can in fact resolve huge controversies peacefully and maintain social cohesion. hkupop.hku.hk |
此外,更須確 保進出口通道的設計及建造得宜,使交通安全得以保障,以及方便車 輛和行人通過。 bd.gov.hk | Care should be taken to ensure that the design and construction are appropriate in terms of safety and convenience to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. bd.gov.hk |
为了有效执行预算,并确保其支配 得宜 , 应 该在政府的各个层次采用明确 分配责任的年度工作计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to implement budgets effectively and ensure that they are properly spent, annual work plans that clearly allocate responsibilities at all levels of government should be used. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究組認為,只要運用得宜、程序公正恰當,全民投票是可以帶來非常積極和正面的作用;反之,則只會帶來更多政治問題和困局。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Research Team believes that referendum can bring along very progressive and positive impacts if used appropriately in a just context. hkupop.hku.hk |
重要的是,印度經濟得以迅速復甦,說明政府施 政 得宜 , 能 有效應對財政危機。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Significantly, India's fast-paced recovery of the economy underscores the effectiveness of the policy response of the Government in the wake of the financial crisis. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
(e) 研發中心具備清晰的目標 - 為確保資源運用得宜,研發中 心應有清晰的目標,並為重點範疇訂下科技發展大綱。 legco.gov.hk | (e) clearly defined objectives for R&D Centres - to ensure effective use of resources, the R&D Centres should have clearly defined objectives and a roadmap for the technology development of the focus area. legco.gov.hk |
委員提出的主要關注事項包括: 樹木辦的職責與現時負責樹木管理的部門的職責重疊;發展局 須處理的政策範圍已非常廣泛,由發展局負責樹木管理的工作 是否適合;各相關政策局的工作能否協 調 得宜 , 因 為樹木管理 是由多個不同部門共同承擔的責任;以及鑒於政府當局一直集 中增加高層人員的數目,在進行樹木管理工作的較低層人員方 面,政府當局提供的人手支援為何。 legco.gov.hk | Major concerns expressed by members included overlapping of the duties of TMO with those of existing departments engaged in tree management, whether it was suitable for the Development Bureau to take over the task of tree management as the Bureau already had a large policy portfolio and the coordination amongst the policy bureaux concerned since tree management was a shared responsibility of different departments, and staffing support for tree management work at the lower level as the Administration had been concentrating in strengthening staffing at the upper level. legco.gov.hk |
此議可使住戶有機會在負擔能力以內,以緩 急 得宜 的 步 伐投資在房委會的公屋之上,而不是單單繳付租金。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Instead of simply paying rent, tenants would thus be investing with the Housing Authority at a pace which they could afford. housingauthority.gov.hk |
从今天开始,进食得宜,让自 己的明天更健康吧 cdn.c3a.com.sg | Eat right today and insure yourself for better health tomorrow. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
多样及配置得宜的建 筑体量,保证了合宜的户外公共空间尺度及对基地周围环境的尊重,三向度延伸的带状艺术工作及展示空间带来了园区内不同机能空间融合的可能,也在高密度的城市环境中建立出鲜明的现代文化艺术产业园区的形象。 chinese-architects.com | Different scale and functional spaces are juxtaposed inside the complex and linked horizontally and vertically by the continuous band of artist studios and galleries, which also creates a distinct image of the Modern Culture and Arts Center in the high-density urban environment. chinese-architects.com |
東周刊》在製作及員工成本方面皆控 制 得宜 , 於 二零一一年取得刷新高的溢利,上升 趨勢繼續凌厲。 notice.singtaonewscorp.com | Together with effective control over production and staff costs, East Week was able to achieve a record high profit in 2011, with the momentum continuing to be strong. notice.singtaonewscorp.com |
在北美洲,集團以偉易達及AT&T品牌推出價 格 得宜 的 產 品,是無線電話市場的領導者,產品於各大主要零售商銷售。 vtech.com | In North America, our well-priced products selling under the VTech and AT&T brands, make us the largest player in the cordless phone market, and these products can be bought in most major retail stores. vtech.com |
同時,集團亦會謹慎管理拓展業務的過程,以確保成本控 制 得宜。 vtech.com.hk | At the same time, the Group will ensure the expansion is well managed and that costs are kept under control. vtech.com.hk |
侯總裁用貼切的比喻點出了在創業草創時 期的經營關鍵 企業不應將所有資源皆投注於 人力上 也就是說 公司草創階段獲利微薄 [...] 僱用過多員工反而會產生高昂的邊際成本 此 外 此舉亦可能動搖員工架構 以吉而好過去 的經驗為例 以高薪僱用知名經理人反而使勞 動結構失衡 其他員工亦逐漸缺乏工作動力 侯總裁由此指出 [...] 將資源有效分配於恰當之處 對中小企業來說十分重要 運用得宜可使公司 獲得更佳成果 apecscmc.org | During the start-up phase of entrepreneurship, it is critical for firms not to lay out all its pieces in human resources. [...] Hiring many employees will generate high [...] marginal costs, this is not necessary when [...]the profits are still low in the startup phase for the company. apecscmc.org |
基金於截至2012年6月30日止的六個月期內領先MSCI歐洲NTR指數(MSCI Europe NTR Index),造好主因是 選股得宜。 aia.com.hk | The fund outperformed the MSCI Europe NTR Index for the six month period ending June 30, 2012. aia.com.hk |
出售公屋予住戶」的建議,如能妥善及早推行,就像一條開啟業主之門的鑰匙,使更多居民可以因應本身的負擔能力,以緩 急 得宜 的 步 伐,置業安居,榮升業主。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Properly and promptly implemented the sale of flats to sitting tenants is a key which could open a new door for many, a door to the pride of ownership at a price and a pace which suits their individual needs. housingauthority.gov.hk |
然而,通風設施的外觀需設計得宜, 以 免 過分誇張,也不可削弱設施的通風功能。 mtr-westislandline.hk | However, the design shall also be appropriate such that the ventilation function of the facilities is not compromised. mtr-westislandline.hk |
確保飲食內容及方法得宜對您和您的牙齒來說非常重要。如果您食用的飲料和食物裡有太多酸性物質,這些酸性物質可能會消耗您牙齒的琺瑯質 (覆蓋在牙齒最外面的一層),導致琺瑯質下方的牙本質外露。 colgate.com.tw | If you consume too much acid in drinks and foods, it could wear away your dental enamel (outside layer covering your teeth) and expose the dentin that lies underneath the dental enamel. colgate.ca |
只要治療得宜,就 能減輕與呼吸系統及腸胃併發症相關的痛楚,以及預防會引致痛楚的生理殘障,改善生活質素。 hksh.com | It can also improve their quality of life by lessening the pain associated with respiratory and bowel complications as well as preventing pain-induced physical disability (disused syndrome). hksh.com |
Oris潛水系列擁有各式表款,無論搭配運動、休閒或正式衣著,都能搭 配 得宜 , 如 魚 得 水。 oris.ch | The various new watches from the Oris Divers collection were [...] paired with sporty, casual and formal outfits to show that they are just as at home [...] on dry land as they are in the water! oris.ch |
若使用得宜,這些非傳統模式可為由不同規模供應商組成的全球供應鏈提供更有效的服務,只須數天便可落實,無須拖延至數個月。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | If deployed appropriately, one of these alternatives could make possible far more efficient servicing of global supply chains containing a wide size range of supplier, with implementation taking a matter of days, rather than months. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
本集 團於 Jackson 貫徹採用的策略已轉化為利潤,而更重要的是,已隨時間轉化為現金,此實為有關策 略 得宜 的 最 具體證明。 prudential.co.uk | This is the most tangible evidence that the strategy we have been following at Jackson is working well as the progress made has translated into profits and more importantly, over time, into cash. prudential.co.uk |
學生會已制訂一套完善的會計程序,確保會費運 用 得宜。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | Assistance with applications to appropriate financial assistance schemes cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
由於公益金延後削減百分之十五撥款及本會在所屬受資助部門的支出方面控 制 得宜 , 以 致社署過渡補貼款項全數得以保存,理由是補貼屬於過渡性質,此等補貼將於二零零五/二零零六年度後停止發放;扣除社署過渡補貼款項,本會錄得三百五十一萬四千四百五十三元頗滿意的盈餘。 hksb.org.hk | As the Community Chest had deferred the 15% cut in allocation and the Society was able to control the expenditure for the subvented units, the entire TOG could be saved, bearing in mind that TOG was only an interim measure and would not be available after 2005/06. hksb.org.hk |
控制血糖得宜便能減低微血管併發症。 genre.com | Good control of glycemia reduces the risk of microvascular complications. genre.com |
根據國際間/業界的作業方式,消磁若使 用 得宜 , 不 失為刪除硬磁碟、軟磁碟及磁帶等磁性媒體上的資料的有效技術解決方案。 hkcert.org | According to international/industry practices, degaussing is considered an acceptable technical solution for secure data deletion for magnetic media such as hard disks, floppy disks and magnetic tapes if properly employed. hkcert.org |
报告称,磷化氢通常要比得到广泛登记和提供的甲基溴 便 宜得 多。 multilateralfund.org | Phosphine was generally reported to be [...] substantially cheaper than MB, widely [...]registered and available. multilateralfund.org |
就经济可行性而言,报告称,磷化氢比甲基溴 便 宜得 多 ; 还有报告说,它已经广泛 登记,并且广泛供应。 multilateralfund.org | With respect to economic feasibility, phosphine was generally reported to be [...] substantially cheaper than MB; it was [...]also reported as widely registered and available. multilateralfund.org |