单词 | 得天独厚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 得天独厚 —(of an area) rich in resourcesless common: (of a person) gifted or able [idiom.]
虽然缅甸开放经济的努力是在全球经济面临强劲阻 力的时代背景下发生的,但是缅甸有 着 得天独厚的 地理位置。 crisisgroup.org | Although Myanmar’s efforts to open up its economy are happening at a time of strong headwinds in the global economy, its geographical location is fortunate. crisisgroup.org |
此外,我们的150名专职语言专家组成的团队在质量和周转时间方面提供 了 得天独厚 的 优 势。 pactera.com | Additionally, our team of 150 in-house [...] linguists gives us a unique advantage in terms [...]of quality and turnaround times. pactera.com |
在澳大利亚学习英语具有得天独厚的 条件,您可以每天使用英语,不断提高英语技能。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Studying English in Australia will give you the opportunity to [...] use and improve your English every day. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
尽管这些国家特别适合发展可再生能源备选方案,而且其中许多国家都拥 有得天独厚的大 量可再生能源资源,但这些资源仍然没有得到有力开发。 daccess-ods.un.org | While those States are particularly suited to renewable energy options and in spite of the fact that many are endowed with extensive renewable energy resources, these remain underdeveloped. daccess-ods.un.org |
整个历史时期,由 于其得天独厚的地理位置,波兰都充当欧洲大 陆的一个最重要的贸易线路,联结欧洲的东西 南北。 paiz.gov.pl | Throughout history, it has served as one of the most important trade routes on the continent, connecting the north, south, east and west of Europe together thanks to its geopolitically advantageous location. paiz.gov.pl |
作为MEMS技术和精密转换器的领先供应商,ADI公司具 有 得天独厚 的 优 势来满足当今最先进的商用和军用航空器系统的传感和控制要求,包括惯性导航、引擎管理和自动飞行控制。 mil-aero.analog.com | As a leading supplier of MEMs technology and precision converters ADI is [...] well placed to meet the sensor and [...] control requirements in today’s most advanced [...]commercial and military aircraft systems [...]including Inertial Navigation, engine management and automated flight control. mil-aero.analog.com |
孟买的地理位置得天独厚,在印度的西北部坐拥了数处最优美的海滩。 shangri-la.com | While Mumbai is blessed with several beaches, [...] some of the better ones are located in the northwest area. shangri-la.com |
如果不大 力促进性别平等和增加妇女权能,就无法实现各项国 [...] 际商定目标;在领导和协调各项工作方面,联合国妇 女署的地位得天独厚,可以确保在此方面做出的各项 承诺能够在国家层面得到适当落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The internationally agreed goals could not be achieved without significant advances in [...] gender equality and the empowerment of [...] women; UN-Women was uniquely placed to lead [...]and coordinate efforts to ensure that commitments [...]assumed in that regard were duly implemented at the country level. daccess-ods.un.org |
Equinix 的数据中心网络资源丰富,所提供的互联选项及短距离接近性对金融服务公司交易繁重的要求而言,具 有 得天独厚 的 优 势。 equinix.cn | Equinix's network-rich data centers [...] offered interconnection options and [...] proximity that were naturally beneficial to [...]the transactionally-heavy requirements of financial service companies. equinix.com |
酒馆坐落于苏格兰格兰克地区的山地之间 , 得天独厚 的 位 置令人心旷神怡,也是您一天远足之后恢复体能的理想去处。 visitbritain.com | Set right among the hills of Scotland’s Glencoe, its location could scarcely be more inspiring, and it’s a great spot if you need to refuel after a day’s walking. visitbritain.com |
摩洛哥得天 独厚的地理位置既有优势,也面临许多安全挑战,特别是恐怖分子渗入、 非法移民、非法贩运毒品和武器及其他有组织犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | This special geostrategic position has advantages, but it also exposes Morocco to a number of security challenges, inter alia, terrorist infiltration, illegal immigration, illicit drugs and arms trafficking, and other organized crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
经合组织认为,联合国具有得天独厚 的 条 件,能够为发展中国家,特别是最 不发达国家摆出它们的观点,并将工作重点放在这些国家的需求和特殊性上,以 [...] 使这些国家的观点能够在国际税务辩论中得到充分考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | OECD expressed the view that the United [...] Nations was in a unique position to bring [...]to the table the views of developing countries, [...]in particular the least developed countries, and that it should focus its work on the needs and specificities of those countries so that their views may be fully taken into consideration in the international tax debate. daccess-ods.un.org |
区域委员会集正式的和真正的“本土化” 身份和可信赖的区域机构于一身,处 于 得天独厚 的 地 位,可在这一迅速演变的区域形势中发 挥关键作用。 regionalcommissions.org | The Regional Commissions, with their combination of formal and real legitimacy as “home grown” and trusted regional institutions, are well placed to play a key role in this rapidly evolving regional landscape. regionalcommissions.org |
杭州凭借得天独厚的地 理环境和温和适宜的气候,被誉为丝绸和茶叶之乡。 shangri-la.com | Taking advantage of its geographic location and mild climate, Hangzhou has come to be known as "The Home of Silk and Tea". shangri-la.com |
基 于上述种种理由,解决与广播者相关的各种问题,联合国教科文组织具 有 得天独厚 的 优 势。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For all these [...] reasons, UNESCO is uniquely placed to address [...]all the related issues of broadcasters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
西亚经社会和环境署西亚区域办事处在执行这一多学科区域项目方面拥 有 得天独厚 的 优 势,因 为这两个机构可在支持阿拉伯区域环境与发展联合委员会方面发挥特殊作用,该委员会负责就 气候变化和其他区域问题向阿拉伯国家环境部长理事会提供咨询。 daccess-ods.un.org | ESCWA and the UNEP Regional Office for West [...] Asia are well positioned to execute this multidisciplinary regional project given their [...]special role supporting [...]the Joint Committee on Environment and Development in the Arab Region, which provides advice to the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment on climate change and other regional issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
同处亚洲,邻近两个巨大的新兴市场,新加坡企业界 有 得天独厚 的 条 件和机会参与其中。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The Singapore business community has the opportunity of [...] participating in this growth, being located in Asia, and moreover in such close [...] proximity to these two giant emerging markets. english.sccci.org.sg |
部队及警察派遣国具备提供可信的相关信息 的 得天独厚 的 条 件,因为许多派 遣国在实地不仅派有部队,还有外交官,并开展技术及经济合作活动,有时还派 民间社会组织或商务机构到实地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Troop- and police-contributing countries, many of whom have not just troops but diplomatic presence, technical and economic cooperation activities and sometimes a civil society or commercial presence in the field, are uniquely suited to provide credible and relevant information. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,也有混合的水和一杯葡萄酒,并具 有 得天独厚 的 , 他给他们说:你喝这一切的。 mb-soft.com | So also having mixed the cup of wine and [...] water, and having blessed it, He gave to them [...]saying: Drink you all of this. mb-soft.com |
联合国系统在指导履行根据《联 合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》、《约翰 内斯堡执行计划》以及《毛里求斯宣言》所做的现有 承诺方面享有得天独厚的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations system is uniquely placed to guide the implementation of the existing commitments in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the Mauritius Declaration. daccess-ods.un.org |
它得天独厚的地理位置加之友好巧妙的形态设计将使其成为高新区极具吸引力的去处。 chinese-architects.com | The guests will be absorbed in a tranquil environment along the river, unaware of the buzzing world outside the resort. chinese-architects.com |
由于委员会熟 悉并拥有上述联合国产出,而且其成员也具备相关技术专长和网络关系,因此它 具有得天独厚的优 势,可以在这类能力建设活动中发挥重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is uniquely positioned to play an important role in such capacity development activities owing to its knowledge and ownership of the above-mentioned United Nations outputs but also because of the expertise and networks of its members. daccess-ods.un.org |
在宣传科学 知识的益处、广泛传播相关成果方面,本组织具 有 得天独厚 的 地 位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Organization is in a unique position to advocate [...] the merits of scientific knowledge and to disseminate pertinent results widely. unesdoc.unesco.org |
坎普-林特福特已经实现了由 历史上的煤矿开采业为经济 主体到现有多种经济模式的 转变,并已经成为拥有尖端 [...] 技术,物流以及大学的城 镇,更值得称道的便是其拥 有得天独厚的地 理位置-位于 鲁尔区的集水区以及靠近荷比卢经济联盟成员国。 kamp-lintfort.de | Kamp-Lintfort has already achieved a structural change from its economical and urban history largely focussed on coal mining, and has developed into a forwardlooking technology, logistics and [...] university location benefiting from its position in the catchment area of [...] the Ruhr region as well as the Benelux states. kamp-lintfort.de |
如果苏格兰是某种运动得天独厚的发 源地,那就是 高尔夫,这种运动是苏格兰人于 15 世纪发明的。 visitbritain.com | If there's one sport the Scottish landscape was made for, it's golf, which was invented by the Scots in the 15th century. visitbritain.com |
这一成功经验昭示, [...] 区域和次区域组织在预防和解决本地区冲突方面有 着得天独厚的政治、道义和地缘优势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their success shows that regional and subregional [...] organizations have unique political, moral [...]and geographic advantages in preventing [...]and resolving local conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |
这城市的特质,除了来自它位于卡拉韦西湖 (Kallavesi) 畔的得天独厚位置,也因为它是芬兰湖区的重要港口。 visitfinland.com | The city’s essence, however, comes from its lakeside location on the shores of Kallavesi and its role as a harbour for lake traffic. visitfinland.com |
SWIFT 有着得天独厚的优 势来满足丹麦中央证券存管局和丹麦证券界的这一需求 [...] – 以及 SWIFT 社区任何其他成员的同类 需求 – 为此,我们开发了一套 T2S ISO 20022 课程,包含关于 T2S 标准的高级信息。 swift.com | SWIFT is well positioned to deliver on [...] this requirement to the Danish CSD and its community – as well as to any other members [...]of the SWIFT community more broadly – and to that end we have developed a course on ISO 20022 for T2S, which includes advanced information on T2S standards. swift.com |