

单词 徒自惊扰

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External sources (not reviewed)

图尔库群岛是粗犷的,没有受到外界 扰 的 大 自 然 , 其中隐藏了一些令 惊 喜 的 优美小地方,您可以放松的打一轮高尔夫球,浸泡温泉或享受美食。
The Turku Archipelago is all
[...] about rugged untouched nature, but it also hides surprising oases where you can [...]
relax with a round of
golf, a spa visit or satisfy the gourmand in you.
她敦促蒲公英在天黑前回家,以避 惊扰 她 的母亲,所以蒲公英的叶子埃利纳和Bibble。
She urges Dandelion to go home before
[...] dark to avoid panicking her mother, so [...]
Dandelion leaves Elina and Bibble.
关闭闪光灯、AF辅助灯和扬声器,以 惊扰 动 物 拍摄对象,使您在全然友善的氛围中捕捉您心爱宠物的表情。
The flash, AF auxiliary light, and beep speaker turn off to avoid frightening animal subjects, allowing you to capture the expression of your favorite pet without being unkind.
[...] 违第9条的精神的法律,但是它规定了可能需要采取合理行动的情形:出于国防、 公共秩序、公众安全、公共道德或公共健康的需要;为保护他人的权利 自 由, 包括在没有任何扰其他宗教徒的 不 当行为的情况下信奉和实践任何宗教的 权利。
The Constitution further safeguards against the promulgation of laws contrary to the spirit of article 9; however, it identifies instances in which reasonable action may be required: in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public
health; or, for the
[...] purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons, including the right [...]
to observe and practise
any religion without the unsolicited intervention of members of any other religion.
着重指出诋毁宗教是对人类尊严的严重侮辱,导致限制 徒 的 宗 教 自 由 , 并 挑起宗教仇恨和暴力, 关切地注意到诋毁宗教和普遍煽动宗教仇恨可能导致社会不和谐和侵犯人 权,惊地看 到,一些国家未采取行动将这种趋势和由此产生的对某些宗教信徒 的歧视行径消灭在萌芽状态,因此强调,必须切实打击诋毁任何宗教和普遍煽动 宗教仇恨的行为,特别是针对伊斯兰和穆斯林的此种行为
Noting with concern that defamation of religions
and incitement to
[...] religious hatred in general could lead to social disharmony and violations of human rights, and alarmed at the inaction of some States in combatting this burgeoning trend and the resulting discriminatory [...]
practices against
adherents of certain religions and, in this context, stressing the need to effectively combat defamation of all religions and incitement to religious hatred in general and against Islam and Muslims in particular
据CSW 提供的资料说,对基督徒的骚扰或 迫害 来 自 多 方面,有的是村一 级的,有的是更高一级的当局。
According to CSW,
[...] the impetus for harassing or persecuting a Christian community typically originates from any of [...]
a variety of authorities,
either within a village, or at a higher level.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图 惊 人 的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见 徒 ] 将 占 上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in
the Ḥasidean
[...] schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] [...]
and corrupters
will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得徒能够行使其宗教信自 由 并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make
it possible for the faithful
[...] to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage [...]
annually, and to combat
trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
该报告书建议制订法例,订明作出导致他 惊 恐 或 困 扰 的 连 串行为属刑事罪行及 民事过失。
The report proposed the introduction of anti-stalking legislation to render the pursuit of a course of conduct causing another person alarm or distress a criminal offence and a civil wrong.
国家 尤其应当确保法律援助提供人能够不受恐吓、阻碍、 扰 或 不 正当 扰 地 行使 其所有专业职能;能够在本国及国 自 由 和 完全保密地旅行、与其客户进行协 商和会晤,并且能自由地接触关于起诉的档案及其他相关档案;并且不会因为 根据公认的职业责任、标准和道德而采取的行动遭到或被威胁遭到起诉或行 [...]
In particular, States should ensure that legal aid providers are able to perform all of their professional
functions without
[...] intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; are able to travel, to consult and meet with their clients freely and in full confidentiality [...]
both within
their own country and abroad, and to freely access prosecution and other relevant files; and do not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
据 报道,以色列占领军对示威者发射催泪瓦斯,投掷手 榴弹,动用震荡炸弹,发射橡皮子弹,造成 徒 们恐惊慌。
According to reports, Israeli occupying forces utilize tear gas, throw grenades, deploy sound bombs and shoot rubber bullets at the worshippers, causing fear and panic among them.
如果发自然或人为扰(如 火灾、间伐或主伐)或其他原因(如土壤类型)导致项目的异质性增 加,每次监测和核查时的事后分层调整时均须考虑这些因素的影响。
If natural or anthropogenic impacts (e.g. local [...]
fires, harvesting) or other factors (e.g. soil type) add variability to
the growth pattern of the biomass in the project area, then the ex post stratification shall be revised accordingly from one verification to another.
It's no surprise that most of the settlements [...]
and tourist attractions are concentrated in this narrow coastal strip, which
has some amazing natural features such as the Great Barrier Reef and lush rainforests.
本法院不应沉溺于对发表咨询意见机会的斟酌,我感到 惊 的 是,本法 院竟在本咨询意见(第 29 至 48 段)中,如此关注这一问题,以至于挑出种种技术 问题(在 36 和 39 段中,关于安全理事会和大会自的 作用和职能),并逃避仔细 审议科索沃严重人道主义危机的事实背景(参见下文),在本咨询程序的书面和口 头阶段过程中,数个参与方提请关注此事实背景。
It is not for the Court to indulge in an appreciation of the opportunity
of an Advisory Opinion,
[...] and it is surprising to me that the Court should dispense so much attention to this issue in the present Advisory Opinion (paragraphs 29-48), to the point of singling out technicalities (in paragraphs 36 and 39, as to the respective roles [...]
and faculties of
the Security Council and the General Assembly) and of eluding a careful consideration of the factual background (cf. infra) of the grave humanitarian crisis in Kosovo, brought to its attention by several participants in the course of the written and oral phases of the present advisory proceedings.
强调指出污蔑诋毁宗教是对人格尊严的严重侮辱,导致非法限制 徒 的 宗教 自由,并挑起宗教仇恨和暴力
Stressing that vilification of religions is a serious affront to human dignity
leading to the illicit
[...] restriction of the freedom of religion of their adherents and incitement [...]
to religious hatred and violence
数以千计的儿童被剥自由, 往往不是将此作为最后手段而是首选办法采 用;他们在审前拘留等时候,可能遭受酷刑、虐待和有辱人格的待遇,并忍受以 管制、纪律处分或处罚等面目出现的暴力;一些国家的刑罚可包括杖笞、鞭打、 用石块砸或截肢以及死刑和无释放可能的无 徒 刑。
Thousands of children are subjected to
[...] deprivation of liberty, frequently used as a first option rather than a measure of last resort; they risk torture, abuse and humiliating treatment, including when placed in pretrial detention, and endure violence as a form of control, discipline or punishment; in some countries, sentencing can include caning, flogging, stoning or amputation, as well as capital punishment and life imprisonment [...]
without possibility of release.
但每个国家 都有责任确保在言自由与宗教徒 通 过 自 由 和 安 全的方式信奉其传统和信仰的权利之间的保持明智 的平衡。
However, each State was responsible for
ensuring a judicious
[...] balance between freedom of expression and the rights of religious followers to practice [...]
their traditions and
beliefs in peace and security.
除了从一个简单的的节日,我们将提供体育活动( 自 行 车 ,骑马 徒 步 旅 行)以及烹饪和历史活动(油坊访问,参观一个典型的伊斯特拉农场和当地村庄,典型的伊斯特拉葡萄酒品尝到酒窖参观)。
Apart from a simple holiday we will be offering sports activities (cycling, horseback riding, hiking ) as well as culinary and historical activities (visits to an oil mill, a tour of a typical Istrian farm and the local villages, tasting of typical Istrian wines and a visit to the wine cellars).
我们在中国的同工经常分享说,许多当地的 徒 拥 有令 人 惊 奇 的 宣教恩赐,而且勇敢地和周围的人分享福音。
Our China-based co-workers often
[...] share that many local believers have an amazing gift [...]
for evangelism and boldly share the
Gospel with all those around them.
在安全理事会关于题为“恐怖行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的项目的 通报会期间,阿塞拜疆总统作为一个在其旨在消灭纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民的战 争中猖狂利用数以千计的与国际上臭名昭著的恐怖网络密切关联的雇佣军的国 家的领导人徒劳地企图自己与 恐怖团体保持联系的责任强加给别人。
During the Security Council briefing on the item “Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts”, the President of Azerbaijan made an unsuccessful attempt to lay its own responsibility for links with terrorist groups on others, being the leader of a country that actively used thousands of mercenaries closely linked to notorious international terrorist networks in its war aimed at the annihilation of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.
皮划艇,溪降,漂流徒步旅行,山 自 行 车 ,骑马摆脱,沙滩车之旅,并在湖泊中游泳。
Kayaking,Canyoning,Rafting,Hiking,Mountain Bikes,Horse ridding,Quad bike [...]
trips and swimming in the lakes.
大楼四周,使用 扩音器播放多种鸟类鸣叫的声音,使鸟儿远离玻璃幕
[...] 墙,室外区域内安装了特制的钠气灯,黄色系的灯光 不惊扰邻近植物园内的昆虫。
Around the building, loudspeakers relaying birdsong keep birds away from the glass facades, while special sodium discharge lamps that emit a
yellow light are used outside the factory to ensure that insects in the neighbouring
[...] Botanical Garden are not disturbed.
驯鹿牧民如何应对社会自然环境的 扰?
How do reindeer
[...] pastoralists respond to perturbations in the societal and the natural environments?
访问团收到的投诉说,对人权维护者 的威胁和骚扰,尤其是安全部队成员实施的威胁和 扰自 政 变 以来持续增加,这 明显是因为保护人权的行为有时被临时政府视同为对反对政变国家抵抗阵线的支 持。
According to allegations heard by the mission, threats
[...] and harassment against human rights defenders, particularly by members of the security forces, have progressively increased since the coup, apparently [...]
because actions
to protect human rights have sometimes been equated by the de facto authorities with support for the FNRG.
北冰洋人类生态系统遭遇社自然干 扰 的 脆 弱性如何加以有效归纳?
How can the vulnerability of Arctic human ecological systems to
[...] societal natural perturbations be effectively [...]
图表漂亮的外观下面是一个强大的3D OpenGL图表渲染器,这个渲染器生成图表的速 惊 人 , 允许你 自 己 的 图表加入3D光照和特殊场景效果。
Under the hood is a powerful 3D OpenGL chart renderer
[...] which generates charts at startling speed and allows you [...]
to apply 3D lighting and special scene effects to your charts.
会员国应颁布有关立法,依照国际法保护个人资料与隐私,保护使用 者防止个人资料被非法存储、不准确的个人资料被存储或者此种资料被滥用
[...] 或未经授权披露,防止其私有领地遭到不请自来的直销函等形式的侵入,并 协调统一该领域的法律框架,不无理 扰 信 息 的 自 由 流 通。
Member States should enact appropriate legislation to protect personal data and privacy, in line with international law, to protect users against the unlawful storage of personal data, the storage of inaccurate personal data, or the abuse or unauthorized disclosure of such data, or against the intrusion of their privacy through, for example, unsolicited communications for direct
marketing purposes, and harmonizing legal frameworks in this area without
[...] unjustifiably disrupting the free flow of information.
关于营造有利的环境,我同意安理会在4月 21
日主席声明(S/PRST/2011/8)中所作的阐述,即基于 达尔富尔的和平进程必须在一种将确保其公信力与 合法性的环境中举行,为此必须确保参与者的各项重
[...] 要基本公民自由和政治自由得到保障,其中尤其包括 言论自由、行自由和集会自由, 不受 扰 、 任 意逮 捕和恐吓,并且不受政府或武装运动的干涉。
With regard to the enabling environment, I agree with the statement made by the Council in its presidential statement of 21 April (S/PRST/2011/8) that the Darfur-based peace process must take place in an environment that will guarantee its credibility and legitimacy by ensuring that all the essential basic civil and political freedoms of participants are guaranteed, including, and especially, freedom of speech,
movement and
[...] assembly, as well as freedom from harassment, arbitrary arrest, intimidation [...]
and freedom from interference by the Government and the armed movements.
此外,鉴于暴力事件频发和隔离墙给自由行动带来 的挑战,必须制定国际担保条款,以便所有宗教和 国家的徒可以永远自由和 不受阻碍地前往各处圣 地。
In the light also of the numerous incidents of violence and the challenges to free movement imposed by the separation wall, there must be internationally
guaranteed provisions for
[...] permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the faithful of all [...]
religions and nationalities.
我不知自己是处于惊、绝 望或愤望情绪之中,但读过《Politiken》上的一篇文章后,我才明白在过去五年的网络发展中,丹麦传统媒体(或至少是《Berlingske Tidende》报纸的编辑高层)完全不了解,也没有学到任何事情,这些美国纽约媒体或广告界人士眼中的常识,对丹麦媒体业却是遥远、陌生与备感威胁的恶梦。
I don’t really know whether I am in a state of shock, despair or outright frustrated rage, but after reading an article in Politiken I just realized that the traditional Danish media or at least the editorial board of [newspaper] Berlingske Tidende seems to have understood nothing and learned nothing of the last five years development on the Internet.




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